Margaret Priestley's birthday morning 

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Margaret Priestley's birthday morning

The Priestley's house. Breakfast time.

Mr. and Mrs. Priestley, John Priestley, Andrew and Lilian Macaulay (Mr. Priestley's nephew and niece).

They are staying with the Priestleys for a short holiday.

M r s. P r i e s t 1e y: Margaret is coming downstairs - I can hear her.

L i 1 i a n: Don't forget to say "Many Happy Returns", And­ rew.

A n d r ew: Of course I won't; I will say it as soon as I see her.

L i 1 i a n: And have you put your present by the side of her plate?

A n d r ew: Yes, can't you see it there, next to yours? L i 1 i a n: Here she comes.

Margaret enters.

A 1 1: Good morning, Margaret, Many Happy Returns, Many Happy Returns of your birthday.

M a r g a r e t: Thank you everybody. Oh! What a lot of par­ cels. Shall I open them now, Mummy? 1

M r s. P r i e s t l e y: Yes, dear, you had better. I am sure no one will be able to get on with breakfast until you have done so.

M a r g a r e t: Thank you, Mummy.

A n d r ew: Here, Margaret, I will lend you my penknife to cut the string.

M a r g a r e t: Thank you, Andrew. I wonder what's in this big parcel. Oh, what a lovely doll. "With love from Mummy". Oh, thank you, Mummy.

J o h n: I thought you were too old for dolls, Margaret; you will be twelve next year and still playing with dolls.

L i l i a n: Nonsense, John! I shall be fif­ teen next year but I love dolls. Can I play with this one, Margaret?

M a r g a r e t: Oh, yes, you certainly can. Look, her clothes come off and she can open and shut her eyes. We will undress her after

breakfast. A doll


1 Mummy 1-1 daddy -)'MeHhIIIHTeJihHO-JiaCKaTeJihHhie OT mother 1-1 father.

M r. P r i e s t 1 e y: What's in the other parcels? Won't you open, them now?

M a r g a r e t: Here's an interesting-looking one, square and flat. I think I recognise the writing. Yes, here it is: "With love and good wishes from John". Gramophone records! Oh, just the ones I wanted, "Cockles and Mussels" and "Christmas Carols". Oh, thank you, John. I shall put them on the gramo­ phone after breakfast.

M r s. P r i e s t 1e y: I can see we are going to have a busy time after breakfast.

J o h n (pretending to be bad-tempered): If we ever get any breakfast! Come on, Margaret, hurry up and open the other parcels - I'm hungry. If I don't get breakfast soon, I shan't be alive to see your party tonight.

M a r g a r e t: Look at these, aren't they lovely? Two little armchairs, "From Lilian with best wishes for a happy birthday".

L i 1 i a n: They are for your dolls' house. I noticed that one of the rooms wasn't completely furnished. I hope you will be able to find a place for them.

M a r g a r e t: Oh, yes, Lilian, I shall. I shall put them in the dolls' sitting-room after breakfast.

J o h n: Why are you looking so anxious, Andrew?

A n d r ew (not taking any notice): Open that little parcel next, Margaret.

M a r g a r e t: All right. I wonder what will be in it? Oh! It's a lovely silver pencil.

A n d r ew: That's from me, Margaret, with lots and lots of good wishes. It writes in four colours, black, blue, green and red. Do you like it?

M a r g a r e t: It's just what I wanted, Andrew. It was very, very kind of you to give it to me. And here's an enormous box of chocolates "From Lucille, Freda, Jan, Olaf, Pedro and Hob wishing you Many Happy Returns of the day". Isn't that nice of them? I will thank them all when I see them tomorrow.

What a wonderful birthday I am having! And now for the last parcel. I think this must be from Daddy. Books! Alice in Wonderland, and A Child Garden of Verse by R. L. Stevenson.

L i 1 i a n: Oh, Margaret, those are my favourite books.

M a r g a r e t: We'll read them together this very afternoon. M r s. P r i e s t 1 e y: Aunt Norach has sent you a cake with eleven candles on it, one for each year. We will have that for tea.

M a r g a r e t: Oh, yes, and I shall blow out the candles and cut a piece of cake for all of you.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: And there are these birthday cards that the postman brought this morning. But have your breakfast before you open them.

(Knock at the door)

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: Wasn't that a knock at the back door?

Go and see who it is, Margaret.

M a r g a r e t (returning): It was old Adam 1 with a beautiful bunch of roses that he had cut specially for my birthday.

M r s. P r i e st l ey: How very nice of him! I will put them in water and we will have them on the table at tea-time.

A n d r ew: It's my birthday in May, on fifteenth. You won't forget it, will you? I shall be ten then.

M r s. P r i e s t 1e y (smiling): We won't forget it, Andrew. I hope you will get a lot of presents, too. You will tell us what you want, won't you?

A n d r ew: Oh, yes, I'll let you know before May 15th.

M a r g a r e t: What a lovely birthday morning I have had! J o h n: And now, what about some breakfast!

e3. Y nP A >K HE H HSI

I.IlpH,ll,YMaiiTe CJIOBOCO'leTaHlm co cJie)Q'IOMu CJIOBaMu:


1. downstairs 8. doll 15. anxious
2. present 9. square 16. silver
3. parcel 4. lend 10. flat 11. recognise 17. enormous 18. favourite
5. pen-knife 12. pretend 19. candle
6. string 13. bad-tempered 20. smile
7. wonder 14. furnished 21. forget

II.3anoJIHHTe nponycKH:

1. Margaret is coming -.

2. Of course I - forget; I - say it as soon as I see her.

3. Have you put your - by the - of her plate?

4. You - better open the parcels now.

5. No one will be - to get on with breakfast until you have opened your parcels.

6. I will - you my penknife to cut the -.

7. I - what is in this big parcel.


IA):J;aM pa6oTaeT B ca,izy M-paIlpF!CTJIF!.

8. You - be twelve next year; I - be fifteen.

9. I think I - the writing.

10. I - put the records on the - after breakfast.

11. John - to be bad-tempered.

12. Come on, Margaret, - - and open the other parcels.

13. I noticed that one of the rooms of your dolls' house was not -.

14. I hope you will be able to find a - for them.

15. Why are you looking so -, Andrew?

16. Here's an - box of chocolates.

17. Those are my two - books.

18. Aunt Norach has sent you a cake with eleven -on it

19. I shall - - all the candles.

20. Wasn't that a - at the back door?

III. KaKoii rro,l:l;apoK IIO.JIY'lllJla Mapraper OT a) MaTepu; 6) on a; B),IbKo­ Ha; r) JlllJIHaH;,lJ;) 3H)J;pm; e) yqeHHKOB;:HC) A.ii;aMa?


Birthdays are great fun for children. They come down to breakfast and find lots of presents on the table. They cut the string as fast as they can. They want to know what is inside the parcel. It is so exciting that sometimes they almost forget to say "Thank you". But no one minds, because birthdays come only once a year. On her birthday Margaret got a lovely doll, two gramophone records, a silver pencil, some armchairs for her dolls' house and an enormous box of chocolates. She forgot all about breakfast as she opened each parcel.

Her brother, John, didn't. He wanted his breakfast. "If I don't get breakfast soon, I shan't be alive to see your party tonight", he said. But I don't think John was really as bad-tempered as he pretended to be.


Hamn1une He6oJibIIIoe coq1-rnemre Ha TeMy «,ll;eHb pmK,n;e­ HIDI MaprapeT».

Jl:JJ K oHT P Oflb HA SI P A & O T A No. l

I. BMeCTO "This book belongs to me", MhIMO:HCeM CKaJaTb "This book is mine" (Possessive Pronoun) llJIH "This ismy book" (Possessive Adjective). B cne,n;yIDru;Hx rrpe,n;JIO)KeHHHX orrycTHTe CJIOBO belong

H HCIIOJib3yMTe rnaroJI to be H rrpHT51)KaTeJihHOe MeCTOHMeHHe­ cyru;eCTBHTeJihHOe:

1. This dog belongs to me.

2. Those books belong to her.

3. This pencil belongs to me.

4. Do these chocolates belong to us?

5. That house belongs to them.

6. Does this pen belong to you?

7. The soap does not belong to him.

8. These dresses belong to her.

9. That green book doesn't belong to me.

10. Do these cigarettes belong to you?

A Terrepb rrepernmnue rrpe,IJ,JIO)Kemrn, MCIIOJib3YH rnaron

to be M rrpMT5I)KaTeJibHbie MeCTOMMeHM51.

II. 3anomnne nponycKH B npeAJI01KeHIHIX CJie)JJ'IOUJ,HMH CJIOBaMu: shaves; get; about; breakfast; to; bath; blankets; does; cold; usually:

When the morning is - Hob - not like to - out of bed.

He likes - lie there, and pull the - round him.

Mr. Priestley - has a cold -, and then he - and goes down to - at - eight o'clock.

III. OTBeThTe ua CJie)JJ'IOUJ,He uonpoch1:

1. How do you greet someone at Christmas?

2. What reply do you get to that greeting?

3. What do you say when you are introduced to someone?

4. What do they reply?

5. What do you say on someone's birthday?

6. What do you say if you haven't heard a remark and you want someone to repeat it?

7. April is the fourth month. What is May?

8. How much does it cost to send a letter in England?

9. What animal does pork come from?

10. What meat do we get from a calf?

IV. 0TBeThTe, K KaKon 11acTu pe11u npuuaAJie1KaT Bh1,11;eJienuh1e CJIOBa H o6ocuyii:Te CBOH OTBeT.

1. The boy springs into the water.

2. I like spring weather.

3. Hob does not work very hard.

4. Frieda is a hard worker.

5. He pulled the blankets round him.

6. All pennies are round.

7. The boy did not copy my work.

8. I should like a copy of this poem.

9. Pass me a paint brush.

10. I am going to paint.


1. comfortable 2. welcome 3. for a change

4. pyjamas

7. run into

10. fried

13. bad-tempered

5. blow

8. apologise

11. disobedient

14. lend

6. for instance

9. decide

12. believe

15. forget

VI. 06pa3yiTe a6crpaKTHLie cy:t11eCTBHTe.JILHb e OT npu.JiaraTe.JILHLIX:

1. true. 2. high. 3. weak. 4. noisy. 5. good.

IIo,l1;6epuTe co6upaTe.JibHb e cy111ecTBHTe.JibHb 1e K co11eTaH1UIM:

6. a number of sheep. 7. nations under one ruler. 8. eleven footballers. 9. men who work on a ship. 10. a number of flowers.


1. Hob told the story -.

2. The cat washed -.

3. He shaved - every morning.

4. Frieda enjoyed - in Scotland.

5. I don't smoke -.

6. He built his house all by -.

7. They helped - to the chocolates.

8. We fed - in the kitchen.

9. We always please -.

10. Frieda and Jan washed the dishes -.

VIII. IIocTaBbTe rnaro.JibIB cKo6irax B Past Continuous Tense:

1. The ceiling fell down, while aunt Aggie (eat) dinner.

2. As I (walk) down the street, sir Winston Churchill went by.

3. The dog opened its mouth, just as if it (talk).

4. While the soldiers (march), the rain began to fall.

5. We (work) hard yesterday morning.

IIocTaBLTe rnaro.JILIB CK06Kax B Past Perfect Tense:

6. When we (finish) dinner, Susan took the dishes away.

7. I (bring) a box of chocolates for you.

8. Pedro told us he (buy) two new suits.

9. John (ask) a friend to come for a chat.

10. I did not know Shakespeare (write) more than thirty plays.

IX. BcTaBbTe when, if, because:

1. They sat near the fire, - it was cold.

2. We will have dinner, - he comes.

3. - you don't like the coffee, throw it away.

4. I like this pen, - it writes well.

5. Olaf played football - he was at school.

6. - it rains, I will not come.

7. Have a bath before breakfast - you feel like it.

8. - will you come for a chat?

9. - you have worked hard, you may have a holiday.

10. - you have done this, there will be no more questions.

A new use for model aeroplanes 1

IlocMOTJHITe Ha 3TM KapTMHKM. CJie,n;yro:w;Me CJIOBa rroMo­ ryr OTBeTMTh BaM Ha Borrpocb1: model aeroplane, piece of string, wet, dry, shirt, a pair of trousers.

0TBeThTe Ha Borrpoch1:

1. What has the boy tied to the aeroplane?

2. Is it a long piece of string or a short piece?

3. Will the model aeroplane go straight forward or round and round?

4. What else can you see in the sky besides the aeroplane?

5. In Picture 2 the boy doesn't look happy. Why?

6. What is happening?

7. What is happening to his clothes?

8. In Picture 3 what can you see in the sky?

9. Where are the boy's trousers and shirt?

10. Why has he taken them off?

11. What is happening to them?

12. In which picture are there most clouds? In which are there fewest?

13. In which picture is it raining? In which is the sun shining?

14. To dry clothes that we have washed, we put them on a clothes-line. What is the boy using as a clothes-line?

15. Now tell (or write) the story of A New Use for Model Aeroplanes.




1 Mo,ll;eJib caMOJieTa - 3TO MaJieHbKa5! KOIIllil HaCTOJIII(ero caMOJieTa.



Do you remember the book of poems that Margaret got for her birthday, A Child 's Garden of Verse by Robert Louis Stevenion? Here are two of the poems from that book:


The Wind

I saw you toss the kites on high, And blow the birds about the sky; And all around I heard you pass,

Like ladies' skirts across the grass - 0 wind, a blowing all day long,

0 wind, that sings so loud a song!


I saw the different things you did, But always you yourself you hid.

I felt you push, I heard you call, I could not see yourself at all - 0 wind, a blowing all day long,

0 wind, that sings so loud a song!


0 you that are so strong and cold, 0 blower, are you young or old? Are you a beast of field and tree, Or just a stronger child than me? 0 wind, a blowing all day long,

0 wind, that sings so loud a song! KITES

Pictures in the Fire

It is getting dark and the little boy is looking into the coal fire, and, as the flames and the red or black coals change their shape, he imagines he sees all these things happening. That is one reason, perhaps, why English people, especially English children, love their "open fires".


The lamps now glitter down the street; Faintly sound the falling feet;

And the blue evening slowly falls About the garden trees and walls


Now in the falling of the gloom

The red fire paints the empty room: And warmly on the roof it looks, And flickers on the backs of books.


Armies march by tower and spire Of cities blazing, in the fire; - Till as I gaze with staring eyes, The armies fade, the lustre dies.


Then once again the glow returns; Again the phantom city burns; And down the red-hot valley, lo!

The phantom armies marching go!

Blinking embers, tell me true

Where are those armies marching to, And what the burning city is

That crumbles in your furnaces!








ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON is one of the best-loved of British writers. He was born in Edinburgh in 1830. He wrote poems, books of travel, and essays, but his best-known works are his novels, especially Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Owing to his bad health he was unable to live in England and in 1890 he went to live to Samoa in the South Sea Islands, and it was there that he died (in 1894) and there he is buried.

* * *

You will remember, too, that another of Margaret's presents was a gramophone record of Cockles and Mussels 1• This is an

old English song. I am giving you here the words and the music so that you can sing it yourselves.

Notes: Dublin's fair city = the beautiful city of Dublin, capital of the Republic of Ireland (Eire).

I first set my eyes = I first saw.

1 cockles M mussels - MOJIJIIOCKM, o6MTaIOII(Me B rrpM6pe)KHhIX BO,!l;ax


Cockles and mussels

:"i'ff ·1::: [1: '

!::!: 1:J: ·:I: fl:,Ii'·: I

e:::r:lt1·:1:1· 1;::!I::1

1. In Dublin's fair city Where the girls are so pretty,

I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone

As she wheeled her wheelbarrow Through streets broad and narrow,

Crying,"Cockles and mussels alive, alive-o!

Chorus (xop)

Alive, alive-o! Alive, alive-o!"

Crying, "Cockles and mussels alive, alive-o!

3. She died of a fever,

2. She was a fishmonger, But sure 'twas no wonder,

For so were her father and mother before, And they each wheeled their barrow Through streets broad and narrow,

Crying, "Cockles and mussels alive, alive-o!"


And no one could save her,

And that was the end of sweet Molly Malone But her ghost wheels her barrow,

Through streets broad and narrow

Crying, "Cockles and mussels alive, alive-o!"


t:5 Y nP A >K HE HIHI

I. IIpH,11,yMaii:Te nperoioxeHHH co CJIOBaMn:

1. toss 7. glitter

2. kite 8. roof

3. skirt 9. army

4. push 10. march

5. beast 11. spire

6. flame 12. blaze

II.OTBeThTe Ha Bonpoch1 o CTHXOTBopeHHHx:


1. What did the wind "toss on high"?

2. What did it do to the birds?

13. stare

14. return

15. blink

16. crumb

17. furnace

18. novel

3. What was the sound of the wind like as it went across the grass?

4. What did the boy feel the wind do and hear it do?

5. What questions does he ask the wind?


1. What were the lamps doing? Where?

2. Who else was in the room besides the little boy? How do you know?

3. Were there any books in the room? Give a line from the poem to prove your answer.

4. What had the city in the fire?

5. What kind of a city does the poet call it? Why?

6. Where did the armies "go marching"?

7. What are "embers"? What two things did the boy ask the embers to tell him?

8. What was it that "crumbled" in the fire?


Certainly one of the pleasures of an open fire is to sit and watch the red and yellow flames change shape as they bum the coal. Many children have imagined marching armies and shin­ ing cities as they stared into the blazing fire.

In the country people bum wood also, which does not cost so much as coal, and has a pleasant smell.

Sometimes it is hard to get the fire to start. The flame bums unsteadily and dies out, and you must re-lay the fire and start again. But when the wind and rain are heard outside and dark­ ness slowly comes, an Englishman loves his blazing fire.


1.HanumuTe KOPOTKHii paccKa3 no KapTHHKe "Picturesin the fire".

2. A Bhl KOr1J,a-uu6y BHiJ.e.JIH no1J,06uL1e «KapTHHKH» B orue HJIH B

«o6JiaKax»? EcJiu IJ,a, TO onumuTe ux.

"Two minute Crossword"

Clues (J(;uo11u) 2 3

Across (no zopU3onmll.llu): 1. The colour

of the sky on a fine day. 2. Not difficult.

3. Stevenson saw the wind - the kites on 2


Down (no 6epmuKll.llu): 1. Good, bet­

ter, -. 2. Hob - a knife and fork when he 3

eats.3. We see with them.



B ypoKe 10 HaM BCTpeTIDIMCh rrpMMephI6yJJYIIIero BpeMe­ HM.)l,aBaUTe pa36epeM HeKOTOpb e M3 HMX.

B ypoKe 18 Kimm I MhIroBopIDIM, qTo /l,JUI o6pa3oBamrn 6y,z:i;YIIIefO BpeMeHM Mhl yrrOTpe6JUieM will c MHQ:>MHMTMBOM ocHOBHoro rnarona, o,z:i;HaKo c IJIMllOM yrroTpe6JUieTcH KaK will, TaK M shall.

«Xoporno,- CKmi<:eTe Bh,- HO Kor,z:i;a yrroTpe6JUITh will,

a Kor,z:i;a shatr!»

Borrpoc 3TOT Tpy,ri;Hh H. TaM, r,z:i;e aHrJIMqaHMH cKmi<:eT I shall IDIM we shall, IIIOTJiaH,ll;ell, MpJiaH,ll;ell IDIM aMepMKaHe11 CKmi<:eT I will IDIM we will. Y MHOrmc aHrnaH Ha6mo,z:i;aeTCH TeH,ll;eH-

llMH BO Bcex cnyqaHx yrroTpe6JUITh will. IIocTapaeMCH KaK MO)KHO rrpo111e o6'b51CHMTh pa3HMIIY B yrroTpe6JieHMM 3TMX rna­ roJIOB.

ECJIM MhlXOTMM rrpOCTO CKa3aTh 0 TOM, qTo co6MpaeMC51 c,z:i;eJiaTb IDIM qTO-TO IIPOM30:U,n,eT B 6yJJYIIIeM M Hero,z:i;pyro­ ro, KpOMe M,ll;eM 6yJJYIIIHOCTM (futurity) Mhl He XOTMM Bh pa-

3MTh, Tor,z:i;a MhlCKmi<:eM:

Simple Futurity

Ishall we shall

He, she, t will you1will they will

Bo3hMeM He6onhrno:U,z:i;eTcKM:U CTMIIIOK:

The north winds do blow

--.::&- And we shall have snow

- £/ <:::1 And what will the robin do

; ·.. ·· then, poor thing?

--cC>o.,,.· nUe: 'l/ s " it m "

a bam

To keep himself warm

THE NORTH And he'll hide his head under his WINDS DO BLOW wing, poor thing.

lirrM rrpe,ll;JIO)KeHMH:

"I shall be ten in May".

"I shall be fifteen next year".

B HMX TaK)Ke, KaK M B cTpoKe "we shell have show", rrpo­ cTo fOBOpMTC51 0 TOM, qTo qTO-TO rrpOM30:U,n,eT B 6yJJYIIIeM.


1 <l>opMbI2 JI. e,ll;. 'I. thou wilt, thou shalt B o6b 'IHOil pa3roBopHoil pe'IM HH:KOr,ll;a He yrIOT)Je6ID!IOTCJI, II03TOMY Mb!llX orrycKaeM.

Bhlrra,n,eT cHer, 3H,IJ;pIO 6y,I1,eT,I1,eCHTh neT, 11 HWiero TYT He IIO,Il,eJiaeIIIh. He B HaIIIHX CHJiax HM OCTaHOBHTh CHer, HM C,Il,e­ JiaTh 3H,D;pIO BeqHo MOJIO,Il,h M.

Ho HHOr,Il,a, KPOMe 11)],eH 6y,D,yIIIHOCTH, MhlXOTHM Bh pa-

3HTh qTo-To ern:e. QqeHh qacTo Mhlo6ern:aeM (promise), KaK 3TO C,Il,eJiaJia MHCCHCIlpHCTJIH, CKa3aB:

"We won 't forget your birthday, Andrew".

Hrm KOr,Il,a 3H,D;pIO roBop11T:

"I won't forget to say "Many Happy returns". "I will say t as soon as Isee her",

OH o6ern:aeT cecTpe He 3a61>1T1>.

B,I1,pyr11x cnyqaHX Bbl XOTHTe Bh pa3HTh CBOe)KeJiaHHe (willingness), rOTOBHOCTh C,Il,eJiaTh qTQ-JIH60. 3H,IJ;pIO, HarrpH- Mep, roBOpHT:

"I will end you my penknife".

IlpH BettqaHHH CBHrn;eHHHK o6parn;aeTC51 K)KeHHXY co CJIO­ BaMH:

"Will you take this woman to be your wife?" 11 TOT orneqa­ eT: "I will".3aTeM CBHIIl;eHHHK o6parn;aeTC51 K HeBeCTe: "Will you take this man to be your husband?" 11oHa orneqaeT: "I will". OHM o6a xoTHT 3Toro.

l1Hor,I1,a MhlXOTHM Bh pa3HTh CBOIO peIIIHMOCTh (determi­ nation) c,I1,eJiaT1> qrn-n1160.

Ilpe,Il,IIOJIO)KllM, Balli pa,n,11orrp11eMHHK He pa6orneT, Bblpa306pan11 ero, rrpoBo- 3HJIHCh c HMM Bech Beqep, a OH TaK IIHe 3apa60TaJI. Ho BblpeIIIHJIH, qTo He ycrro­ KOHTec1>,Il,O Tex rrop, IIOKa OH He 3apa6o­ TaeT' CKOJihKO 61>1 BpeMeHH y Bae Ha 3TO He YIIIJIO, IIBblroBOpHTe:

Iwill make this rad o work, evenif

Ihave to stay up all nigth to do t.Iwon't let t beat me.


,[(JIH Bh pa)KeHHH o6ern;aHH51,)KeJiaHHH HJIH peIIIHMOCTH

HapH,Il,y c 6y,I1,YIIIHM MhlyrroTpe6JIHeM I (we) will, a He I (we) shall.

IloMHHTe: B BOIIpOCHTeJihHh X rrpe,Il,JIO)KeHHHX MhlBO Bcex cnyqaHX yrroTpe6JIHeM Shall I? Shall we? a He Will n Will we? 1

Shall I? HJIH Shall we? 3aqaczyIO HMeeT 3HaqeHHe Do you want me to...? HJIH Would you like me to..? Harrp11Mep:

"Shall I open the window?"


1 06 3TOM roBopHJIOCb B ypoKe 18 Kirn:rn: I.

"Shall I get you a cup of tea?"

"Shall we all go to the theatre tonight?"

"Shall we begin to work now? Let's begin now, shall we?" EcTh H ern:e O,ll;HH, XOTh H He CTOJih cyrn:ecTBeHHhIH MO- MeHT. Mh1pa306panH yrroTPe6neHHe;::i:Byx <jJopM c MeCTOHMe­

HIDIMH 1-ro JIHI.I,a e;::i:. H MH. qHCJia:



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