Ex. 33 Language Focus. Showing (dis)agreement. 

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Ex. 33 Language Focus. Showing (dis)agreement.

a) Formulas of Agreement.

1. You are right. – Вы правы.

2. Quite so. – Совершенно верно.

3. Quite agree with you. – Совершенно согласен с вами.

4. I’m of the same opinion. – И я того же мнения.

Formulas of disagreement

1. You are wrong. – Вы не правы.

2. You are mistaken. – Вы ошибаетесь.

3. Far from it. – Отнюдь нет. Ничуть.

4. Nothing of the kind. – Далеко не так.


Introductory phrases

1. I suppose… - Я полагаю, …

2. I think… - Я думаю (считаю, полагаю), …

3. As far as I know… - Насколько я знаю, …

4. As far as I remember… - Насколько я помню, …


b) Agree or disagree with the following statements about Pavlov using formulas of agreement and disagreement, and introductory phrases.

Model: Pavlov started school at the age of 6.

That is not so. As far as I remember, he started school at the age of seven.

1. Pavlov continued his parents’ career.

2. He is very busy during the week.

3. He is an early riser.

4. Pavlov adores sports.

5. Sport makes people more organized.

6. He loves jazz.

Ex. 34 Answer the following questions about yourself:

1. What’s your name?

2. How old are you?

3. When and where were you born?

4. What are your parents by profession?

5. Is your family large or small?

6. How many are you in the family?

7. Where do your parents work?

8. Have you got any brothers or sisters? How old are they? What do they do?

9. What were your favorite subjects at school?

10. Why did you decide to enter the Law Academy?


Text 3



Most of the people have hobbies. Some of them collect stamps, dolls, postcards, cars and what not. Others have a passion for music, painting, dancing and so on. A hobby can help you become a harmoniously developed person, be always in high spirits, and enrich you inner world.

An interesting activity, which gives you pleasure and joy, may become your second occupation. A successfully chosen hobby helps you to distract your thoughts from work, everyday cares and duties. Moreover, a hobby gives you the sense of fullness of life.

The forms of a hobby may vary. It's quite natural, especially for citizens of towns and cities, to enjoy contacts with nature. The most fascinating hobby may be walking, gardening, fishing, and hunting. Collecting things is also a widespread hobby. The objects of collecting may be rare books, postcards, stamps and so on. It should be noted that collecting is not an idle and useless pastime, as many persons think, but it is a very useful and fascinating activity.

Some people prefer active entertainment and enjoyment and not passive one. They like different kinds of sports such as skiing, swimming, playing volleyball. Reading is the activity that gives people knowledge and teaches them to live.

People in other countries may have hobbies which may seem exotic to us, for example scuba diving, bungee jumping, snorkeling and bird watching.

Hobby is of great importance to the life of people. It brings you happiness and intense satisfaction.


Ex. 35 Language Focus. Link words, likes/dislikes + -ing

Read the text and try to connect two or three short sentences to make one longer sentence. Use link words: but, so, though, because.

James Bond

James Bond is an officer in the Secret Intelligence Service. He is very famous. He is a super-spy. He is rather eccentric. He likes to attract people's attention. He dislikes it when people ask him many questions. He prefers to drink coffee. Bond enjoys using firearms. The tasks given to him are very difficult. He likes his job.


Ex. 36 Circle T (true) or F (false).

1. James Bond likes drinking tea. T F

2. He hates using firearms. T F

3. He likes his job. T F

4. He is not an eccentric person. T F

5. He enjoys talking to people. T F


Ex. 37 Read the dialogues. Learn by heart two of them and practice with your partner. Think of your own dialogues.

1. - Let's stay at home for the weekend.

- Why?

- If we go to the country, we'll get up early. I hate getting up early.

- So do I. But I don't mind spending weekend in the country.


2. - I love wearing trendy clothes.

- So do 1. But they're too expensive.

- I agree with you. But I don't mind wearing my cousins' clothes.


3. - I don't like having breakfast alone.

- Don't you? I do. I like reading magazines at breakfast.


4. - What are your pet hates?

- I hate it when somebody takes my things without asking. What I can't stand is watching soap operas and listening to loud music.

- Neither can I. I like soft music.


5. - My brother enjoys watching football matches.

- Does he? My brother doesn’t.


6. - Famous people are often a little eccentric. They like wearing bright clothes.

- I think they want to attract attention.

- So do I.


7. - Why is his behavior so eccentric?

- I think he wants to make us talk about him.

- Do you? 1 don't think so. I think he is a strange person.


8. - I don't mind following safety tips.

- Neither do I.


Ex. 38 Look at the list of the activities. Say what you like or dislike doing.

Model: reading books

I like reading books

a) going to museums

b) sailing

c) surfing the internet

d) having a picnic

e) playing video games

f) shopping

g) eating out

h) visiting other countries


Text 4

My Family

Pre-reading task: Read the text and get ready to say how your family traditions are different from those in the text.



Family is central to the life of all people, I believe. It is the most precious thing for me, because this is where I find love and understanding, and support.

Our family is quite large by modern standards. It consists of four people - my parents, my younger sister and me. My parents are quite young, about 40, and my sister is two years younger than me. My father is a computer programmer. He spends most of his time at work, so the time when he is home in the evening is something special for my sister and me. He always has something interesting to tell us, we share our problems and secrets with him, and he often gives very good advice. My mother is a children's doctor, and she has more time to spare than my father. There's often a lot to do about the house, but we are always willing to help with the chores, and everything is done quickly and efficiently. The only thing that mother likes to do herself is cooking, though even here we help by peeling potatoes, cutting vegetables, and so on.

Most of all I like our late dinners or early suppers, when we all gather round the table, and the light of the kitchen lamp creates a relaxed and cozy atmosphere. We talk, and joke, and have fun, because we are all friends. Of course, sometimes we have our problems, but they are easily solved by joint efforts.

Sundays are also very nice, if the weather is fine, we go skiing in the park in winter, or to our 'dacha' in summer. In fact, it's just a small cottage on a small plot of land, but v/e like it a lot, and like to work in the garden, planting, digging, gathering strawberries and tomatoes.

That’s about all. I am happy to have such a loving and supportive family, and when I have a family of my own, I will try to make it work on the same lines.



Ex. 39 Grammar Focus 5. A verb + -ing

Complete the sentences with a verb + ing. Mind the spelling.

Model: to take – taking

to stop – stopping

to travel – travelling

to lie – lying


Chat, wash up (2), put, leave, help, go shopping (2), read, sing


My Family's Likes and Dislikes

My busy Dad likes (1)_____his books and papers everywhere. Mum hates (2)_____them away in the right places. But what Mum really hates is (3)_____after meals. My sister Kate likes (4)_____Mum about the house. She doesn't mind (5)_____. Kate likes (6)_____ when she helps about the house. Kate hates (7)_____ in bad weather. She enjoys (8)_____ fairy tales. I like (9)_____whether the weather is bad or whether the weather is fine. We all like (10)_____about daily events before going to bed.


Section III



Ex. 40 Look at the word snake. How many different jobs can you find?



Ex. 41 Complete the following quotes with one of the verbs in the box. Match each quote with a job in Ex. 40.

have make run spend take


a) “I _____ a living by telling people how to invest their money.”

b) “I didn’t have to _____ any exams to get this job. It’s noisy, smelly and very badly paid.”

c) “Sometimes I have to _____ very difficult decisions about whether or not to operate.”

d) “I _____ all my time on the telephone. Sometimes I can _____ over three hundred phone calls a day.”

e) “I can’t _____ a day off during the weekend: Saturdays and Sundays are our busiest days.”

f) “The most important objective when you _____ a business is to _____ a profit. Nothing else matters.”

g) “You can _____ a lot of money if you have a hit single. Unfortunately, straight after our first hit we split up.”


Ex. 42 Work together as a class. Write up the names of all the jobs that you, your parents and your grandparents have done.

Ex. 43 Discuss the following questions.

a) In which job can you earn the most money?

b) In which job do you get the most days of paid holidays?

c) Which job do you have to study longest for?

d) In which job do you get the most training?

e) Which job is the most stressful?

f) Which job is the most useful to society?


Ex. 44 Answer the questions of the questionnaire:



1. In ten years do you hope to

a) be married with a family?

b) have an interesting but not very well-paid job?

c) have a well-paid job that isn’t very interesting?


2. In twenty years’ time do you hope to

a) have enough money to pay your bills?

b) have quite a lot of money?

c) have a lot of money?


3. Here is a list of ten jobs. Which would you like to do? Put 1 next to your favourite, 2 next to your next favorite, etc

Nurse builder accountant journalist teacher artist politician engineer policeman/woman actor/actress/pop star


4. Is improving your standard of living important to you? Yes/No


5. Do you think people who have money should help people who don’t have money? Yes/No


6. How old do you want to be when you have children?

a) 18 – 22

b) 23 – 26

c) 27 – 30

d) over 30


7. When you are playing a game, do you always want to win? Yes/No

8. Can you tell a white lie? Yes/No

9. Do you think that rich people are happier and more interesting than other people? Yes/No

10. Do you work hard because you want to be successful? Yes/No

11. If you have a job to do, do you do it immediately, or do you wait until the last moment? Yes/No

12. Would you like to have more money than your parents? Yes/No

13. Do you agree with the philosophy “Every man for himself”? Yes/No

14. Do you like hard work? Yes/No

15. Which of the following is most important to you?

Love happiness money health



1. a 0 b5 c10

2. a 0 b5 c10

3. 0 nurse/artist first

2 builder/policeman or policewoman/teacher/journalist first

5 engineer/actor or actress/pop star first

10 politician/accountant first

4. Yes 10 No 0

5. Yes 0 No 10

6. a 0 b2 c5 d10

7. Yes 10 No 0

8. Yes 10 No 0

9. Yes 10 No 0

10. Yes 10 No 0

11. Immediately 10 Last moment 0

12. Yes 10 No 0

13. Yes 10 No 0

14. Yes 10 No 0

15. Love 0 Happiness 5 Money 10 Health 0


0 – 50 You aren’t very ambitious! You are happy with a quiet life.

50 -100 You’re quite ambitious, but you don’t want to work hard!

Over 100 You’re very ambitious! Good luck, and try to be nice to people…


Ex. 45 Speaking. Give your opinion and reasons on one of the questions using phrases for giving opinions:

In my opinion,...

To my mind,...

As far as I am concerned,...

From my point of view,...

I would say that...

It seems to me that...

I have the feeling that

It goes without saying that...

1. What is a happy family in your opinion? Why?

2. Is it good or bad to be the only child in the family? Why?

3. Do you think that children should follow their parents’ advice in any situation? Why?

4. Has the standard of living changed in Russia? Give some examples.

5. Household duties (cleaning, washing up…) are relaxing and give us pleasure. Do you agree?

6. There are only advantages of being famous. Do you agree?


Ex. 46 Writing. Write a short biography of a famous person according to the model.


A.F. Kony, the famous Russian lawyer, an outstanding judicial orator, a great admirer of Russian literature, was born on the 10th of February, 1844 in St. Petersburg. His father was an outstanding dramatic critic, and his mother was an actress and a writer.

In 1865 he graduated from Law faculty of the Moscow University. From the first years of his work he saw the injustice of the judicial system. Occupying different posts he studied the history of the criminal proceeding in Russia and in Europe and published some works on these problems. Under his chairmanship, the Petersburg court was the first to pronounce a non-guilty verdict in the case of Vera Zasulich. After the 1917 takeover Kony took an active part in the cultural and educational work. He died in September 1927.


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