Відмінювання дієслова to be (бути) в Indefinite Tenses. 

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Відмінювання дієслова to be (бути) в Indefinite Tenses.


Сьогодні Україна заявила про свій намір стати рівноправним партнером в рамках Болонського процесу. Це вплинуло на процес підготовки майбутніх фахівців. Зрозуміло, що й зростає роль іноземної мови, як основного засобу міжнародного спілкування. Особлива увага приділяється іноземній мові професійного спрямування, бо саме вона надає змогу реалізувати всі аспекти професійної діяльності.

У Типовій програмі з англійської мови для професійного спілкування (АМПС), створеної за сприяння Британської Ради в Україні та рекомендованої Міністерством освіти і науки України (Київ, 2005), констатується, що «відповідно до Державного стандарту базової та повної середньої освіти від 2004 року, рівень володіння мовою (РВМ) випускників шкіл має відповідати рівню В1+». На жаль, з різних причин він набагато нижчий. У цьому випадку ВНЗ пропонується організовувати факультативні (підготовчі або інтенсивні) мовні курси, з тим щоб підняти РВМ своїх студентів до рівня В1+, перш ніж вони почнуть вивчати обов’язковий курс АМПС. Об’єктивні умови (обмежена кількість годин) для вирішення зазначеної проблеми не дуже сприятливі.

Запропоновані Методичні рекомендації та навчальні завдання «Ситуативні матеріали з академічного середовища» розраховані на 30 аудиторних годин (1-й семестр) і, в деякій мірі, допоможуть заповнити прогалини у вивченні/викладанні мови. Пріоритет та домінування комунікативного підходу в навчанні мовної та мовленнєвої компетенцій вимагало побудови більшості вправ таким чином, щоб вони максимально повно моделювали реальні умови та особливості іншомовної мовленнєвої комунікації. Тут коригуються, систематизуються та автоматизуються граматичні структури активного граматичного мінімуму, активізується словниковий запас (теми: родинне життя, персональна ідентифікація, щоденна діяльність, навчання студента, університет), одночасно удосконалюються фонетичні навички та навчки читання.

Методичні рекомендації та навчальні завдання складаються з трьох уроків, кожен з яких закінчується заданням-досягненням. Для підсумкового контролю розроблено завдання (контрольні питання



за темами, лексико-граматичний тест, текст з тестовими завданнями), які дозволять визначити рівень сформованості мовних і мовленнєвих компетенцій. Урок має таку структуру:

I, II-й розділи – ознайомлення з мовним матеріалом (зняття лексико-граматичних труднощів). Граматичні явища зображені структурно, що віповідає віковим психологічним особливостям студентів немовних вузів. Щоб активізувати граматичні навички та систематизувати знання, отримані в школі, студенти виконують «Навчальні завдання з розвитку граматичнх навичок з англійської мови (теорія, тренувальні вправи, міні та рейтингові тести) для студентів 1-х курсів усіх спеціальностей НУВГП» (частина 1,2,3). Лексика семантизується.

III-й розділ представлений навчальним текстом, призначеним для розвитку комунікативної компетенції з різних видів читання.

IV-й розділ спрямований на виконання мовних вправ, які, головним чином, потрібні для удосконалення орієнтовної основи дій з новим мовним матеріалом і для контролю за сформованістю цієї основи в студентів, забезпечення переходу до комунікативнх вправ.

V-й розділ – пов'язаний з розвитком комунікативної компетенції в галузі говоріння.

VI-й розділ – творче завдання. Студенти пишуть есе на запропоновану тему, використовуючи лексико-граматичний матеріал даного уроку.

Урок закінчується виконанням завдання-досягнення, яке дає можливість студентам оцінити, наскільки успішно вони рухаються вперед на даному етапі навчання.


1. 1. Family Life.
2. Indefinite Tenses[1].
3. The Verb. The Noun[2].


I. Grammar Revision

Indefinite Tenses (Active)

Час (Tense) Стверджувальна форма (Affirmative Form) Заперечна форма (Negative Form) Питальна форма (Interrogative Form)
Present I write He She writes It You We write They I don’t write He doesn’t She write It You We don’t write They DoI write? he Does she write? it you Do we write? they
Past I He She It wrote You We They I He She It didn’t write You We They I he she Diditwrite? you we they
Future I shall We He write She It will You They I shan’t We He write She It won’t You They ShallI we he she write? Will it you they

ІІІ. Reading Comprehension

1. Skim the text first to define its general subject and the subject of each paragraph. Use the following phrases:

The text is about…

The subject of the text is…

There are…paragraphs in it.

The first (second, third, etc.) paragraph deals with (considers…, describes…, informs…).

2. Read the text:

V. Talking Assignments

1. Work in pairs. Complete the following short dialogues:

1. – Hello, I’m Petro. What’s your name?

– ………………………………..

– How do your friends call you?

– ………………………………….

– Where are you from?

– …………………………………..

– Are you a student?

– …………………………………..

2. – …………….., ….?

– I am twenty.

– …………………………………..

– Thank you. You are actually the first person to tell me that. Everybody says I look older.

3. – Do you play any instruments?

– ……………………………….

– What kind of music do you like?

– ………………...What is your hobby?

– ……………………….


4. – ………………………, …?

– I have got a brother.

– …………………………...?

– He is seven years older than me.

– ………………………….?

– No, actually he is a bachelor.

– ……………………………..?

– He is an architect.

– ……………………………..?

– He is a university graduate. He studied in Rivne.

Key words: piano; violin; bandore; accordion; guitar; classical, folk, punk music; jazz; rap; collecting postcards (old coins, badges, books, records); reading; knitting; embroidery; athletics; games; single; married; divorced; widow/er.

2. Interview your friend, ask the questions in English about his/her family. Summarize his/her answers:

Як тебе звати?

– Коли ти народився?

– Коли твій день народження?

– Звідки ти?

– З якої ти сім’ї?

– Чи є в тебе брати (сестри, родичі)?

– Скільки років твоїм батькам (сестрі, брату)?

– Хто найстарший в сім’ї?

– Де живуть твої батьки?

– Чим вони займаються?

– Чи є в тебе дідусь (бабуся)?

– Скільки їм років?

– Чи у вас дружна сім’я?

– Як ви проводите вільний час?

– Чи є у вас спільне хобі?

– Чи займаєтесь ви спортом? Яким?

3. Give a detailed description of each member of your family by answering the questions about:

a) Your father:

1. What does he look like?

Use: be above medium height; very tall; with regular features; have fair hair, grey at the temples; brown eyes.

2. How old is he?

Use: be young, old, of middle age, in his forties, a man of forty.


3. What is he like?

Use: be silent, shy, quiet, not much of a talker, reser­ved, talkative, a good listener, a man of intelligence, be given to reflection, friendly, sociable, have an outstanding reputation in the field of....

4. Is he a devoted father?

Use: develop interest in...; encourage his children to...; give much thought to their education; be proud of....

5. Is he fond of books and music?

Use: be too busy to devote any time to...; devote his spare time to...; be fond of...; develop interest in....


b) Your mother:

1. What does she look like?

U s e: be tall, short, have a lovely face, ordinary (plain) face, grey eyes, fair hair carefully arranged, make up very little (a lot),

2. How old is she?

Use: be forty (years old), a woman of forty, in her forties, of middle age, rather young (old).

3. What are your mother’s views on the upbringing of her child­ren?

Use: be clear-cut, old-fashioned, in favour of hard work, bring up one's children in a strict manner, give much thought and care to education (sport, good manners, health).

4. What does she expect of her children?

Use: want them to do well at school, be obedient, read a lot, be fond of sport.

5. What does she think of her children?

Use: be pleased with...; be proud of...; be fond of.. -.; think the world of...; approve of...; expect a lot of...

6. Is she a good housekeeper?

Use: run the house well, cook perfectly, keep house well.


c) Your brother:

1. What does he look like?

Use: be tall, strong, broad at the shoulders, slim at the waist, have regular white teeth.

2. How old is he?

Use: be fifteen, a teenager, a boy of fifteen.

3. How does he do at school?

Use: do well at school; be interested in...; be bright; make good progress at school; work hard; give much care to...; be in favour of...; be fond of athletics, football, etc.; be obedient.


d) Your sister:

What does she look like?

Use: be pretty, have chestnut hair, blue eyes, lovely face, be full of life.

4. Speak about yourself:

1. Finish the following sentences:

* When I have some free time I like ….

* In school I have always been (was) good at ….

* It has always been very difficult for me to ….

* I would describe myself as a … and … person.

* I enjoy going to parties where ….

* When I go out with my friends we usually ….

* When I am short of money I sometimes ….

* I am sometimes envious of people who ….

* I like (do not like) to have pets in my house because ….

* When I feel out of sorts (in a bad mood) I ….

* When I want to enjoy myself I usually ….

* I am not very interested in ….

* I find it very easy to ….

* I learn English because ….

* I like people who ….

* I try to avoid people who ….

* I am very proud of ….

* One day I hope to ….

* I don’t like films which ….

* I think I look like ….


VІ. Written Assignment

Achievement tasks 1

1. Tenses. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense. The tenses used are Present, Past, Future Indefinite.

First of all, I’d like to tell you about myself and my family. I …1… (to be) Maksym Marchenko. Maksym …2… (to be) my first name and Marchenko …3… (to be) my surname. I …4… (to be) 17. In June I …5… (to leave) school and …6… (to become) a student of the National University of Water Management and Natural Resources Use. I …7… (to be) a full-time first-year student of the Academic and Research Institute of Economics, Management and Law. I …8… (to live) with my parents and younger brother in Rivne. It …9… (to be) a small provincial town in the west of Ukraine. Though I …10… (to live) with my parents I …11… (not to see) them very often. My Mum …12… (to work) as a journalist. She...13… (to graduate) from the university in 1994. I …14… (to think) her job is much more interesting than my Dad’s. I …15… (to get on) very well with her, but sometimes she …16… (to worry) too much. My father …17… (to be) a bit of a workaholic. He …18… (to work) for a big company as a human resources manager. He …19… (to work) late hours, even weekends. He …20… (to be) nice but when I …21… (to go out) he …22… (to want) me to be back by 10 o’clock. I …23… (to have got) a younger brother. Mykola …24… (to be) a teenager. He …25… (to spend) most of his time on his skateboard. He …25… (to have got) a lot of friends who …26… (to be) all crazy about it. As for me I …27… (to dream) to have my own firm. In five years I …28… (to graduate) from the University. I …29… (to be) sure one day my dreams …30… (to come) true.

2. Question formation. What comes before these answers?

1. – ……………....? – Yes, I’ve got a brother.

2. – ……………….? – His name is Maksym.

3. – ……………….? – He is older.

4. – ……………….? – He works.

5. – ……………….? – He works for a big company.

6. – ……………….? – He is a programmer.

7. – ……………….? – He graduated from NUWMNRU.

8. – ………………..? – Some years ago.

9. – ………………..? – He lives in Kyiv.

10. – ………………..? – Yes, I often visit him. I like Kyiv.

3. Correct the sentences. There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find it and write the correct sentence.

1. What are your name?

2. When are you born?

3. Where does you come from?

4. What is your fathers’ hobby?

5. I has got a brother.

6. What kind of music do he like?

7. He was an accountant in 5 years.

8. How old are she?

9. What does they look like?

10. My father graduates from the University 20 years ago.


4. Vocabulary. Complete the sentences.

1. Are you a …? Yes, this is my first year at the University.

2. I’m 17. My brother is six years my …. He is 23.

3. Maksym is a …. He hasn’t got any children.

4. Nazar and Kateryna are …. They were born at the same birth.

5. Tetiana is married. Her …’s name is Oleh.

6. My brother’s son is my ….

7. My sister’s daughter is my ….

8. My father is an employee. He … … private firm.

9. My sister is really a … …. She always has time for her children.

10. My friend is … … …. One day he will be a champion.


5. Word formation. Write the Nouns.

1. Relate – …; 2. Marry – …; 3. Build – …; 4. Work – …; 5. Count – …; 6. Introduce – …; 7. Design – …; 8. Play – …; 9. Drive – …; 10. Specialize – ….

6. Noun. Write the plural of the following nouns.

1. Family – 6. Money – 11. Wife –
2. Man – 7. Advice – 12. Person –
3. Child – 8. Foot – 13. Knowledge –
4. Niece – 9. Mouse – 14. Daughter-in-law –
5. News – 10. Room – 15. Fish


2. 1. Everyday Life.
2. Continuous Tenses[4].
3. The Article. The Numeral[5].


I. Grammar Revision

Continuous Tenses (Active)

Час (Tense) Стверджувальна форма (Affirmative Form) Заперечна форма (Negative Form) Питальна форма (Interrogative Form)
Present I am You We are They writing He She is It I am not You We aren’t They writing He She isn’t It Am I you Are we they writing? he Is she it
Past I He was She It writing You We were They I He wasn’t She It writing You We weren’t They I Was he she it writing? you Were we they
Future I shall We You be writing They He will She It I shan’t We You Theybe writing He She won’t It Shall I we you be theywriting? Will he she it

ІІІ. Reading Comprehension

1. Skim the text first to define its general subject and the subject of each paragraph. Use the following phrases:

The text is about…

The subject of the text is…

There are…paragraphs in it.

The first (second, third, etc.) paragraph deals with (considers…, describes…, informs…).


2. Read the text:

Petro's Working Day

Petro is a first-year student. His working day is rather tight. He doesn’t like getting up late. Petro always says, “early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. He believes there is not enough of each day as it is, without wasting the beginning of it.

This day starts like any other day. Petro wakes up at seven o'clock. He is used to staying in bed for a minute or two, then gets up, opens the window, makes his bed and does his morning exercises. He likes to take a cold shower every morning, so he puts on his slippers and goes to the bathroom. After he has brushed his teeth, shaved and dressed he goes to the kitchen. At 7.20 a.m. he is ready for breakfast. As a rule he does not prepare breakfast, his mother does it for him, but if she leaves home early he prepares it himself. Petro is sure that proper breakfast won’t do him any harm. For breakfast he usu­ally has eggs, sausage or cheese sandwiches and a cup of coffee or tea. During break­fast he listens to the news or music on the radio.

At 7.40 a.m. Petro leaves for the Uni­versity. His University is far from his home, so it takes him twenty five minutes to get there by a route taxi. On his way to the University he often meets his friends, who are hurrying to the University too. His classes begin at 8.15 a.m. As a rule, Petro has three or four classes a day. At 11.45 a.m. he has a bite at the University canteen. As a matter of fact he stays at the University till five or six o’clock to study in the lab or in the library.

When he gets home he has his dinner. He usually has a little rest and then at seven he sits down to do his homework. It takes him a couple of hours to get it done. In the evening after supper Petro likes to sit down in the chair with a good book or watch TV. He often chats on line, sends emails, listens to music. Sometimes he goes to the cinema or visits his friends or they come to visit him. He has a lot of friends and they often spend time together, especially on Sundays. As soon as he feels sleepy he brushes his teeth, goes to his room, sets his alarm clock for seven and goes to bed. Although Petro is a hard-working student he never has time to do all he wants to do.

3. Are these statements true or false? If they are false, say why. Use the following phrases:

I can’t agree to this statement because…

Just the contrary…

I think…

To my mind…


1. Petro is a second-year student.

2. He is a sleepy-head.

3. Petro starts his day by doing morning exercises.

4. Petro always prepares his breakfast himself.

5. He prefers having light breakfast.

6. He gets to the University on foot.

7. His classes begin at 8.15 a. m.

8. Petro stays at the University till 2.00 p.m.

9. He never has a rest after classes.

10. It takes him much time to do his homework.

11. Petro’s friends sometimes come to him.

12. Petro often wastes his time.

4. Study the text and answer the following questions:

1. Is Petro a student?

2. What is his favourite saying?

3. Does Petro get up at 7.00 a.m. sharp?

4. Does he take a bath in the morning?

5. Who prepares his breakfast?

6. What kind of breakfast does he prefer?

7. When does he leave for the University?

8. Why does he get there by route taxi?

9. How long does he stay at the University?

10. What does he do at the University?

11. When does Petro come home?

12. What does he do at home?

13. What does he usually do when he has free time in the evening?

14. When does he go to bed?

V. Talking Assignments

1. Work out short dialogues according to the model:

How long does it take you (him, her...) to do it?

– Generally it takes me (him, her...) about 5 minutes (half an hour, an hour and a half, 2 hours).

Use the words: to wash and get dressed, to clean one's teeth and comb one's hair, to have dinner, to do one's morning exercises, to prepare for one's classes, to do one's English home-work, to make one's bed, to get to the University, to look through a newspaper, to make notes, to get ready for a credit-test, to prepare for one's exam (seminar).

2. Make up wh -questions. Let your fellow-student answer them:

where – to have supper, to go right after classes, to do one's home-work, to wash and clean one's teeth, to look through newspapers and magazines;

when – to wake up, to get up, to go to bed, to work at the library, to have one's exams, to leave for the University, to have dinner;

what – to have for supper as a rule, to keep in one's bookcase, to look through in the morning, to call a room where you sleep;

who – to wake you up, to examine the students of that group, to help you with your English, to make breakfast for you.

3. Translate the following into English. Begin your sentences with:

a) It's necessary to … (вставати рано; щодня виконувати домашнє завдання; робити ранкову зарядку; конспектувати всі лекції);

b) I hardly ever … (обідаю в нашій їдальні; лягаю спати рано, прогулююсь, дивлюся телевізор);

c) As a matter of fact I … (залишаюсь в університеті майже цілий день; приймаю душ (ванну) вранці (ввечері); обідаю в університетській їдальні);

d) Generally I … (йду додому пішки; прокидаюсь рано; у мене багато справ; виходжу з дому біля восьмої);

e) As a rule I... (снідаю; вечеряю; готуюсь до занять в читальному залі; переглядаю газети.).

4. Interview your friend, ask the questions about his/her working day:

B.: I generally get up at seven o'clock.
В.: Because I have a lot of things to do before 1 leave for the University.
В.: Yes, that's what I begin with as a rule. Then comes the usual procedure of making my bed, washing and so on.
В.: No, I don't. As a matter of fact I hardly ever take a bath in the morning. I prefer taking a shower. Then I clean my teeth, comb my hair and get dressed.
В.: If my mother is not up yet, I make my breakfast myself. If my mother is up, she does. After breakfast I usually help mother to clean up.
В.: Generally at half past eight, as it takes me about twenty minutes to get to the University.
В.: I always take a trolley-bus in the morning. But after classes I sometimes walk home.
В.: Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't. If I can prepare for the next day's classes at home, I go straight home. If I haven't got the necessary books and journals at home, I go to the library.

5. Summerize his/her answers. Describe how your friend usually begins his/her day:

Use: early (late) riser; get up early (late); wake up at...; take a shower; brush teeth, shave, dress; have breakfast; have a busy day (much work) ahead; have no spare time; work hard; waste time; devote much time to...; sit up late; a busy man; work on....

6. Do you agree with the English saying which says: “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”? Give your reasons:

– To start with;

– Frankly speaking;

– To tell the truth;

– The thing is;

– I must confess;

– On the one hand … and on the other hand ….

7. Ivan Petrenko works for the University newspaper “Trybuna studenta”. He is asking students about their free time. Translate his questions into English:

Коли ви зазвичай повертаєтеся додому?

– Коли ви обідаєте?

– Хто готує вам обід?

– Скільки часу ви витрачаєте на приготування обіду?

– Ви можете собі дозволити відпочинок після занять?

– Ви ходите на прогулянки (в театр, в кіно, на виставки)? Як часто?

– Ви дивитеся телевізор? Які ваші улюблені передачі?

– Ваші друзі приходять до вас?

– Ви ходите в гості? Як ви проводите час?

– Коли ви готуєтеся до занять?

– Скільки часу ви витрачаєте на домашні завдання?

– Коли ви лягаєте спати? Чому так пізно (рано)?

VІ. Written Assignment

Achievement tasks 2

1. Tenses. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense. The tenses used are Present, Past, Future Continuous.

It is Monday. It is 7.10 in the morning. The Kucherenkos are at home. Petro is in the bathroom. He …1… (to take a shower). Volodymyr …2… (to do exercises). Olena …3… (to cook) breakfast. Vira …4… (to wake up). It is 7.25 a.m. The family …5… (to sit) at the table. They …6… (to have breakfast). Mr. Kucherenko and Petro …7… (to have) bacon and eggs, toast, butter, jam and tea. Mrs. Kucherenko and Vira …8… (to have) orange juice, toast, jam and white coffee. Mr. Kucherenko …9… (to ask) Vira and Petro about their studies. They …10… (to answer) his questions. After breakfast they …11… (to say) – “have a nice day” to each other and …12… (to leave) home.

It was 6 o’clock in the evening. When Mr. Kucherenko came back his children and wife were at home. Olena …13… (to watch) TV. Petro …14… (to do) his homework. Vira …15… (to listen) to music. Next day, at 7.25a.m. the family …16… (to sit) at the table and …17… (to have breakfast). Life …18… (to go) its usual way.

2. Question formation. What comes before these answers?

1. – ……….? – Petro is having breakfast at the moment.

2. – ……….? – He is having a sandwich for breakfast.

3. – ……….? – I was hurrying to the University when I met you.

4. – ……….? – Yes, I am listening to music.

5. – ……….? – I think, I shall be playing football at 10 in the morning tomorrow.

6. – ……….? – No, it was not raining when I came out.

7. – ……….?– We are doing our English at the moment.

8. – ……….? – They are going to the canteen.

9. – ……….? – Yes, Petro was waiting for me when I was late.

10. – ……….? – No, I shall not be reading at this time tomorrow. You can take the book.

3. Correct the sentences. There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find it and write the correct sentence.

1. It’s 6 a.m. Petro are sleeping.

2. What is you doing here, I wonder.

3. It was 7 a.m. My mother was preparing breakfast while I am having a shower.

4. Don’t disturb me! I is doing exercises.

5. I shall be practice English at 3 p.m. You can join me.

6. Don’t shout! The students am taking exams.

7. Were the sun shining when you came out?

8. It’s 11.45a.m. The students were having a bite.

9. Are he writing a test now?

10. No, Dmytro is not here. He is in the gym. He are playing volleyball.


4. Vocabulary. Complete the sentences.

1. My working day is rather …. I am always busy.

2. I don’t like to … time.

3. Petro … up at 7 a.m. But he never … up at once. He likes to stay in bed.

4. Most of us prefer to … in the morning and to … in the evening.

5. Children sometimes … breakfast themselves. Their mothers usually do.

6. Petro is sure that proper breakfast will not do him any ….

7. At 7.40 a.m. I … for the University. Classes begin at 8.a.m.

8. It … 15 minutes to … to the University on foot.

9. We usually have three or four … a day.

10. Students have a 20 minutes break. They can … at the canteen.

11. These friends often … time together. They prefer playing football.

12. We are … to walking to the University.

13. I always … a trolley-bus in the morning.


5. Articles. In the following sentences supply the articles (a, an or the) if they are necessary or 0 (zero) article if they are not.

1. I saw my … friend at … University.

2. Let’s meet in … hour.

3. … earth is round.

4. … sugar is sweet.

5. There is … University near here.

6. This student is looking for … job.

7. Olena is … economist.

8. This morning I bought … newspaper and … magazine. … newspaper is in my bag but I don’t know where I put … magazine.

9. I often listen to … radio.

10. I often watch … television.

11. We like to play… basketball.

12. I like to play … guitar.

13. What did you have for … breakfast?

14. I am … first-year student.

15. … first term begins in September.

16. David attended … Princeton University.

17. … Great Britain (official name – …United Kingdom of Great Britain and … Northern Ireland) is situated on … two islands. In … north – west and west … country is washed by … Atlantic Ocean and … Irish Sea, in …east – by … North Sea. … island of … Great Britain is separated from … France by … English Channel. …most important rivers are … Thames (… deepest) and … Severn (… longest).


6. Numerals. Write the numerals using the following suffixes: ~ teen; ~ ty; ~ th.

1. (40) four…; 2. (14) four…; 3. (16-ий) six…; 4. (27-ий) twenty seven…; 5. (80) eight…; 6. (119) one hundred nine…; 7. (19) nine…; 8. (60-ий) six…; 9. (70) seven…; 10. (2070) two thousand seven….


3. 1. Student Life Today.
2. Perfect Tenses[6].
3. The Adjective. The Adverb. The Pronoun[7].


I. Grammar Revision

Perfect tenses (Active)

Час (Tense) Стверджувальна форма Affirmative Form Заперечна форма Negative Form Питальна форма Interrogative Form
Present I You have We They written He She has It I You haven’t We They written He She hasn’t It I Have you we they hewritten? Has she it
Past I You We They had written He She It I You We hadn’t They written He She It I you we Had they written? he she it
Future I shall We You have They written He Shewill It I shan’t We You have They written He Shewon’t It ShallI we you they have Will he written? she it

And Natural Resources Use.

The history of the University began in the year 1915, with the foundation of its forerunner Hydromeliorative technical school. Five years later it became a school of higher learning known as Kyiv Hydromeliorative Institute. In 1959 it was moved to the city of Rivne and granted the status of All-Republican Institute. In December 1995 the Institute was reorganized into the State Academy. In 1998 the Academy acquired the status of a University, with the title Rivne State Technical University. In 2004 the University was granted the highest status and now its title is the National University of Water Management and Natural Resources Use.

The University has become one of the leading research and educational centres of Ukraine. It trains specialists for different branches of national economy and educates students to be lifelong, independent learners in an international community increasingly characterized by interdependence, uncertainty, and changing values. The University enjoys national and international reputation.

Day-time and correspondence students study at seven academic and research institutes, and at local centres of distance learning:

Institute of Automation, Cybernetics, Computer Science and Technology;

Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture;

Institute of Agricultural Ecology and Land Management;

Institute of Economics, Management and Law;

Institute of Water Management and Nature Use;

Institute of Mechanical Engineering;

Institute of Postgraduate Education.


The programmes offered at the University lead to the degree of Bachelor and Master. It takes four years to complete a course leading to the degree of Bachelor, five years to gain the degree of Master. Students may specialize in 33 directions (42 specialities). Most of the institutes have day-time as well as correspondence departments. The term of study for students lasts 4, 5 or 6 years. The academic year runs from September till June and it is divided into two terms: Autumn and Spring, and it has two vacations. During the term students have to attend lectures, classes and seminars. The study of theory is usually accompanied by practical training. At the end of each term our students take exams, tests and hand in yearly projects. At the end of training they defend their diploma projects. Advanced students may defend them in a foreign language.

Today, about 9000 students are taught by 720 members of academic staff. Among them there are 72 Doctors of sciences, 375 Candidates of sciences, 37 Academicians, and Corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

The University provides the requisite teaching, research and recreation facilities for its day-time students, postgraduates, lecturers and other staff. There are numerous spacious lecture theatres, laboratories, study rooms with up-to-date equipment, computer centres, design studios, etc.

The University campus is conveniently situated on two picturesque hills in the outskirts of Rivne. The location has the advantages of easy access to the railway and bus stations as well as to the main shopping centres, banks and cafes. The campus includes seven academic buildings; eight halls of residence, where suitable living accomodation is arranged; library and computing centres, which help students at every stage of their training; sport facilities, where students can enjoy the benefits of regular exercise. Full medical service is available in health centre.


The University offers an enormous range of art activities. Anyone who enjoys singing and dancing can join the University choir, music, song and dance groups.

The National University of Water Management and Natural Resources Use, one of the prestige higher educational institutions in Ukraine, is highly rated by young people.

3. Are these statements true or false? If they are false, say why. Use the following phrases:

I can’t agree to this statement because…

Just the contrary…

I think…

To my mind…


1. The National University of Water Management and Natural Resources Use is 70.

2. It was founded in Rivne.

3. It acquired the status of a university in 1998.

4. The University trains engineers.

5. The University currently enrolls more than 25.000 students.

6. There are eight institutes at the University.

7. The University graduates can gain the degree of Bachelor, Specialist and Master.

8. They can specialize in 33 directions.

9. At the end of every academic year students defend their diploma projects.

10. The University provides the requisite teaching, research and recreation facilities.

11. The campus is situated in the centre of the city.

4. Study the text and answer the following questions:

1. When was the University founded?

2. When was it moved to the city ofRivne?

3. What status did the University acquire in 2004?

4. What specialists does the University train?

5. Why does the University enjoy national reputation?

6. How many students study here?

7. How many institutes are there at the University?

8. What degrees does the University offer?

9. When does the academic year begin and finish?

10. What do the students usually do during the term?

11. What is the academic staff of the University?

12. Where is the campus situated?

13. What does the campus include?

14. What activities does the university offer?


V. Talking Assignments

1. Divide the text into logical parts. Express the main idea of each part in the shortest possible way:

– The first (second, third…) part of the text is about …

– It describes (considers, deals with, informs) …

– The author stresses (points out) that …

2. Discuss with your friend each part of the text. You may introduce your questions with the following phrases:

– Could you tell me …? Do you know …?

– Is it true that …?

– I’ve heard that …. Is it really true?

– I’d like to know if …?

– Could explain why/where/how/what …?

– What do you think of …?

– Do you agree with/to?

– I wonder if you take part in …?

3. Translate the following words and word-combinations:

as for me/her/him; to study at; I’m/he is/she is a first year student; director; director’s office; assistant director; full-time department; refectory; tutor; academic building; to occupy; to be located; to be founded; to train; graduates; the students specialize in; laboratories; tuition fee; campus; It takes me/ him/her … to do ….

4. Interview your friend in English. Find out what he/she knows about the institute he/she studies at:

– В якому інституті ти навчаєшся?

– Коли він був заснований?

– Яких спеціалістів готує інститут?

– Які ступені отримують випускники?

– В якому корпусі знаходиться деканат інституту?

– Хто ваш директор?

– Чи є заступники директора? Хто вони?

– Хто ваш куратор?

– Чи допомагає він вам адаптуватися до нових умов?

– Яка плата за навчання?

– Де живуть студенти?

– Чи далеко гуртожиток від навчальних корпусів?

– Скільки часу ви витрачаєте на дорогу?

– Скільки часу ви витрачаєте на підготовку до занять?

– Чи є в гуртожитку їдальня/читальний зал/кімната відпочинку?

– Чи подобається вам вчитися?


VІ. Written Assignment

Achievement tasks 3

1. Tenses. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense. The tenses used are Present, Past, Future Perfect.

Petro Klymenko …1… (to become) a student. He …2… (to be admitted) to the University on the basis of his results of independent external evaluation. Petro and the rest of freshmen …3… (just/to spend) their first month at the University. They …4… (already/to find) their way around the University and …5… (to become) accustomed to the curricula set for them for the academic year. Petro is enjoying his studies. He …6… (to be interested) in information technologies since childhood. Besides he …7… (already/to meet) many interesting people. Some of them are older, they …8… (to enter) the University one or two years before. But they have a lot in common. Petro is missing his family a lot, it is the first time …9… he (not/to see) his parents for such a long time. He is sure he …10… (to pass) his exams successfully by the end of December and go home.

2. Question formation. What comes before these answers?

1. – ……….? – The history of the University began in1922.

2. – ……….? – Petro has become a student of the NUWMNRU.

3. – ……….? – The University has become one of the best educational centres of Ukraine.

4. – ……….? – The University currently enrolls about 15,000 students.

5. – ……….? – There are nine institutes at the University.

6. – ……….? – Petro will become an engineer.

7. – ……….? – He will have graduated from the University by 20 (…).

8. – ……….? – Petro had left school in Lutsk before he entered the University.

9. – ……….? – The campus includes seven academic buildings.

10. – ……….? – The University offers an enormous range of art activities.


3. Correct the sentences. There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Find it and write the correct sentence.

1. This speciality already became very popular.

2. He got high points at IEA before he entered the University.

3. Students has been provided with hostel accommodation.

4. In 2004 the University has become National.

5. He will have graduated from the University in 2013.

6. Students have passed their exams by the end of the next week.

7. This Institute have a day-time department.

8. A modular system of academic programmes have been introduced.

9. I studies at the Institute of Economics, Management and Law.

10. This girl already tried to enter the University twice, but failed.

4. Vocabulary. Complete the sentences.

1. The University was … in 1922.

2. In 2004 the University … the highest status.

3. It … engineers and research workers.

4. The University currently … about 9000 students.

5. I am a … student.

6. I study at … Institute of ….

7. I study at … department.

8. Students … classes five days a week.

9. The campus includes seven … buildings.

10. Suitable living accommodation is arranged at eight ….


5. Adjectives, Adverbs. Write the comparative and the superlative.

1. Late 6. Spacious 11. Suitable
2. High 7. Fast 12. Hard
3. Many/much 8. Convenient 13. Good
4. Advanced 9. Picturesque 14. Little
5. Profound 10. Easy 15. Old

Put in the proper pronoun.

1. I study at the NUWMNRU. … was founded in 1922.

2. The students like … University.

3. I want those books. Please give … to ….

4. It is not your book. It is ….

5. Thank you for … letter.

6. Tell me about ….

7. Is this … book?

8. … passed his exams.

9. She wants to see us but … don’t want to see ….


About My Family and Myself

Hello! I am Dmytro. I am 19. I study at the University in Rivne. I am in the second year. My family lives in Lutsk in one of the residential areas. My parents have two more kids besides me. Thus I have got an elder brother Olexandr and a younger sister Olha. She is 14. My brother is seven years my senior. So he is 26 already. He is a designer by profession. He is married. His wife is a doctor. They are four in the family. They have two children – a son and a daughter. They are twins. My father is an architect and my mother is a teacher. They are of the same age, they are 48. As I have already told I am a student. My life has completely changed. Every day I have to make an early start, so I am up most mornings by 6 and do morning exercises or go out for a morning run. After this I like to take a cold shower, then I have my breakfast and leave for the University. It takes me ten minutes to walk to the University. I usually stay there long and come home in the afternoon. I would say I am not a person who likes wasting time. In four years I shall graduate from the University. To be a good specialist it is necessary to study hard. I like to do my homework, read books on history and science fiction. I go in for sports. Twice a week I play football. Certainly I enjoy the weekends and holidays most of all. I really like to make the most of my spare time.


31. Who is writing?

a) Olha; b) Dmytro; c) Olexandr; d) Olexandr’s wife.

32. How old is Dmytro?

a) 14; b) 19; c) 26; d) 48.

33. Which of the members of the family is a student?

a) Dmytro; b) Olha; c) Olexandr; d) Olexandr’s son.

34. Which of the members of the family is an architect?

a) Olha; b) Dmytro’s father; c) Dmytro’s mother; d) Olexandr.

35. Who are twins?

a) Dmytro and Olha; b) Olha and Olexandr;

c) Olexandr’s children; d) Dmytro and Olexandr.

36. Whose life has completely changed?

a) Olha’s; b) Olexandr’s; c) Dmytro’s; d) twins’.

37. Who goes out for a morning run?

a) Dmytro; b) Olexandr’s wife; c) Olha; d)twins.

38. When will Dmytro graduate from the University?

a) in two years; b) in a year;

c) in three years; d) in four years.

39. How many times a week does Dmytro play football?

a) once; b) twice; c) every day; d) four times.

40. Is it necessary to study hard to become a good specialist?

a) yes, it is; b) no, it is not;

c) may be; d) I do not understand.

[1] Навчальні завдання з розвитку граматичних навичок з англійської мови (теорія, тренувальні вправи, міні та рейтингові тести) для студентів 1х курсів усіх спеціальностей РДТУ (Частина ІІ). Рівне: РДТУ, 1999. – С. 17-27.

[2] Навчальні завдання з розвитку граматичних навичок з англійської мови (теорія, тренувальні вправи, міні та рейтингові тести) для студентів 1х курсів усіх спеціальностей РДТУ (Частина І). Рівне: РДТУ, 1999. – С. 21, С.5-6.

[3] Навчальні завдання з розвитку граматичних навичок з англійської мови (теорія, тренувальні вправи, міні та рейтингові тести) для студентів 1х курсів усіх спеціальностей РДТУ (Частина ІІ). Рівне: РДТУ, 1999. – С. 4-8, С.12-14.

[4] Навчальні завдання з розвитку граматичних навичок з англійської мови (теорія, тренувальні вправи, міні та рейтингові тести) для студентів 1х курсів усіх спеціальностей РДТУ (Частина ІІ). Рівне: РДТУ, 1999. – С. 28-35.

[5] Навчальні завдання з розвитку граматичних навичок з англійської мови (теорія, тренувальні вправи, міні та рейтингові тести) для студентів 1х курсів усіх спеціальностей РДТУ (Частина І). Рівне: РДТУ, 1999. – С. 7-8, 15-17.

[6] Навчальні завдання з розвитку граматичних навичок з англійської мови (теорія, тренувальні вправи, міні та рейтингові тести) для студентів 1х курсів усіх спеціальностей РДТУ (Частина ІІ). Рівне: РДТУ, 1999. – С. 4-10.

[7] Навчальні завдання з розвитку граматичних навичок з англійської мови (теорія, тренувальні вправи, міні та рейтингові тести) для студентів 1х курсів усіх спеціальностей РДТУ (Частина І). Рівне: РДТУ, 1999. – С. 9-14, 18-20.



Сьогодні Україна заявила про свій намір стати рівноправним партнером в рамках Болонського процесу. Це вплинуло на процес підготовки майбутніх фахівців. Зрозуміло, що й зростає роль іноземної мови, як основного засобу міжнародного спілкування. Особлива увага приділяється іноземній мові професійного спрямування, бо саме вона надає змогу реалізувати всі аспекти професійної діяльності.

У Типовій програмі з англійської мови для професійного спілкування (АМПС), створеної за сприяння Британської Ради в Україні та рекомендованої Міністерством освіти і науки України (Київ, 2005), констатується, що «відповідно до Державного стандарту базової та повної середньої освіти від 2004 року, рівень володіння мовою (РВМ) випускників шкіл має відповідати рівню В1+». На жаль, з різних причин він набагато нижчий. У цьому випадку ВНЗ пропонується організовувати факультативні (підготовчі або інтенсивні) мовні курси, з тим щоб підняти РВМ своїх студентів до рівня В1+, перш ніж вони почнуть вивчати обов’язковий курс АМПС. Об’єктивні умови (обмежена кількість годин) для вирішення зазначеної проблеми не дуже сприятливі.


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