Ex. 20. Speak on the regional hospital. 

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Ex. 20. Speak on the regional hospital.


Ex. 21. Use this structure to respond to the following questions:

Example: Prompt: Response: What was the patient’s temperature on admission to the hospital? It was 39°C. On admission to the hospital the patient’s temperature was 39°C.

1. What colour was the patient’s skin? (pallid) 2. What was the patient’s respiration rate? (25 per minute) 3.What was the patient’s pulse rate? (140 per minute) 4. What was the patient’s diagnosis? (pericarditis) 5. What was the patient's arterial pressure? (140/90)


Ex. 22. Pronounce and memorize the words to the theme studied:

Recently admitted ['rI:sntlI] щойно доставлений; muscular ['mAskjulq] м’язовий; physical findings фізикальні дані; rheumatic [ru:'mxtIk] ревматичний; impression враження; follicular tonsillitis [fq'lIkjulq] фолікулярний тонзиліт; history of case (case report) історія хвороби; limb [lIm] кінцівка.


Ex. 23. Read the following dialogue:

Medical Student: Where are the recently admitted patients, if you please?

Nurse: You probably mean the son of our nurse and a little girl, don’t you?

M.S.: Yes, you are right.

N.: Our nurse’s boy is in the third ward and the girl is in the seventh.

M.S.: What’s the matter with them?

N.: We admitted the boy to the hospital last night because of severe pains.

M.S.: What does he complain of?

N.: He complains of muscular pains in his back and limbs and he has a high temperature.

M.S.: And what else does he complain of?

N.: He complains of a bad headache.

M.S.: And what are the physical findings?

N.: Nothing significant. He has no symptoms in the lungs.

M.S.: What is the impression of the attending doctor?

N.: The doctor says that he cannot explain the whole clinical picture without laboratory and X-ray findings, but he thinks that the boy has rheumatic pains.

M.S.: Any previous rheumatic findings?

N.: No.

M.S.: I have one more question about the pains. Are they severe?

N.: Yes.

M.S.: And what troubles the girl?

N.: She is ill with follicular tonsillitis. The temperature of the girl is almost normal now. It is a mild case.

M.S.: Where are the patients’ histories of the cases?

N.: They are on the table of the attending doctor.


Ex. 24. Answer the following questions:

1. Who are the recently admitted patients? 2. What is the matter with the boy? 3. What does he complain of? 4, Are the pains severe? 5. What else does he complain of? 6. What are the physical findings? 7. What is the impression of the attending doctor? 8. What is the matter with the girl? 9. Is she dangerous ill? 10. Is follicular tonsillitis an infectious disease? 11. What is the temperature of the girl?


Ex. 25. Insert the missing prepositions (in, on, at, for, of):

1. The comfortable ward is _ four patients. 2. The case report _ patient Vilkova is _ the table _ the ward doctor. 3. The history _ the case _ patient Popova is _ the table _ the right window.


Ex. 26. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Хворий, котрий щойно поступив до лікарні, скаржиться на головний біль та сильні м’язові болі. 2. Лікар-куратор говорить, що у дівчинки ревматичні болі. 3. Чи фолікулярний тонзиліт небезпечний для життя?


Ex. 27. Compose short dialogue using the following word-combinations:

to admit a patient; what’s the matter with; to complain of; else; physical findings; history of the case.


One can see surgical, cardiological, pulmonological, gastroentorological and other departments in the regional hospital. Working at the hospital the nurses take the patients’ temperature and fulfill the doctor’s prescriptions. They give intramuscular and intravenous injections, apply mustard plasters, make compresses, and give the prescribed medicines. The doctors examine the patients, make the diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment to every patient. There are large and small wards and a large operating theatre in a surgical department. In this department there are patients with surgical diseases, such as: appendicitis, hernia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis and others. In the cardiological department one can see patients with heart diseases, such as: myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiosclerosis and others. The patients have heart troubles, breathlessness, weakness and other symptoms. In the pulmonological department there are patients with lung diseases. They suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and others. The patients complain of a bad cough, high temperature, and headache. In the gastroenterological department you can find the patients with abdominal diseases. They have gastritis, colitis, ulcer and others. The patients feel pain in the stomach, weakness and sometimes they have nausea and vomiting. The doctors use different methods of treatment of these patients and pay much attention to them.





make analyses [q'nxlqsIz] робити аналізи take electrocardiogram [I"lektrOu'kQ:dIqgrqm] робити электрокардіограму stay in bed [steI] знаходитись у ліжку, дотримуватись постільного режиму drug[drAg] ліки, лікарський препарат take medicine ['medsIn] приймати ліки gargle a throat ['ga:gl 'Trqut] полоскати горло apply [q'plaI] ставити indicate['IndIkeIt] вказувати; означати fulfil [ful'fIl] виконувати X-ray ['eks'reI] рентген



Letters Sounds Examples
kn [n] know
tch [C] catch
th [D] this
th [T] thick


Ex. 1. Read the following words:

Knee; knowledge; knife; stretch; match; itchy; catch; watch; something; through; think; health; pathological; therapeutist; that; them; further; without.


Ex. 2. Familiarize yourself with the following material:

Suffixes of Noun:

-(i)ty (denotes condition or phenomena)

abnormality – патологія

-ness (denotes condition or phenomena)

correct правильний – correctness привильність

hopeless безнадійний – hopelessness безнадійність


Ex. 3. Read and translate the following words:

A. Ability; activity; reality; humanity; possibility; integrity; majority; severity.

B. Weakness; illness; dryness; breathlessness; thickness; effectiveness; heaviness.


Ex. 4. Read the following grammar material:


Infinitive Participle II
deliver delivered
treat treated
say said
make made
take taken


Ex. 5. Form Participles II from the following infinitives:

A. locate, call, connect, examine, remember, love, need, graduate, include, obtain;

B. begin, come, give, know, see, feel, give, go, cut, do, find, send, sleep, speak, write.

Ex. 6. Read the following examples:


1. Measured blood pressure was very high.   2. Blood pressure measured was high.   3. Blood pressure measured by the doctor was very high. 1. Виміряний кров’яний тиск був дуже високий. 2. Виміряний кров’яний тиск був високим.   3. Кров’яний тиск, виміряний лікарем, був високим.


Ex. 7. Read and translate the following sentences:

1. Prescribed medicine is useful for this patient. 2. The operation performed under general anaesthesia was very complex. 3. Injured leg hurts very badly. 4. The examined patient was seriously ill. 5. All drugs taken from the chemist's shop must be returned. 6. The problems discussed at the conference are very important for cardiologists. 7. Our scientists know about great successes achieved by them. 8. One of the greatest contributions to the world science made by V. Vorobyov was "Atlas on Human Anatomy". 9. Young specialist graduated from the Medical University works as intern. 10. The patient directed to make blood analyses had grippe.

Ex. 8. Translate the sentences containing Participles II into Ukrainian:

1. O.M. Shumlyansky described the kidney texture. 2. The outstanding Ukrainian anatomist V.P. Vorobyov born in Odesa finished gymnasium. 3. He improved his education in the field of obstetrics and received his doctor's degree. 4. The Institute of Eye Diseases named after V.P. Filatov in Odesa is one of the largest clinics in Ukraine. 5. A new school built for poor children was very popular in 19th century. 6. O. Bohomolets graduated from the medical faculty was a director of the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion.


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