Тема: Words in Families: Parts of the Body. Words for Parts of the Body as Verbs. 

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Тема: Words in Families: Parts of the Body. Words for Parts of the Body as Verbs.

Мета: ─ повторити лексичні одиниці по темі «Зовнішність»;

─ навчити учнів вживати нові лексико-граматичні структури у словосполученнях, реченнях і власних репліках;

─ розвивати пам'ять та навички логічного мислення при виконанні лексичних підстановчих та трансформаційних вправ;

─ розвивати в учнів почуття відповідальності та негативного ставлення до мовних помилок.

Хід уроку

Організація класу.

Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення.

Фонетична і мовленнєва зарядка.

Основна частина уроку.

a) Перевірка домашнього завдання.

b) Повторення: what parts of the human body do you know?

Head and face:

eye tooth hair mouth neck cheek

nose teeth ear lip chin forehead

Arm and leg:

shoulder hand finger leg knee ankle

arm thumb nail feet toes thigh

Rest of body:

chest side stomach waist groin

bust skin back hips navel

Inside the body:

heart – blood – brain – liver – kidney – gall

c) Hand-outs: Active Body Parts! English words for many parts of the body can be used as verbs. Use the correct form of the verb in Column A to complete the sentences in Column B:


• to head I don’t have enough money to pay; could you ……….. the bill this time and I shall pay the next time?

• to neck The chief is going to ……….. this operation and the rest of us will just have to follow his instructions.

• to back From the five suspects I want you to ………. the two men you think committed the crime.

• to shoulder I just cannot ……….. the way she pretends to know so much more than we do; it makes me very sick.

• to elbow The soldier was going to ………… the enemy in the groin but the man fell to the ground before he could.

• to finger When you finish your work you must …………. it to the teacher at the front of the


• to hand They had quite a burden to ………. since nobody had volunteered to help them complete the task.

• to stomach Everyday commuters aggressively ………… their way onto the overcrowded subway cars.

• to knee We intend to ………. all the political candidates who promise to solve our financial and social problems.

• to foot She told him she wouldn’t ……….. with him since she hadn’t known him long and certainly didn’t love him.

Answer: foot, head, finger, stomach, knee, hand, shoulder, elbow, back, neck

Заключна частина уроку.

Домашнє завдання: підготуватися до контролю аудіювання за семестр.

Підсумки уроку. Вчитель підбиває підсумки і оцінює роботу учнів.

Урок 90


Тема: Контроль навичок читання за семестр: текст «The Most Famous Stamp»

Мета: ─ проконтролювати рівень знань, умінь та навичок учнів з читання з вивчених протягом семестру тем;

─ навчити учнів самостійному виконанню тестів, правильному вибору комунікативних завдань, реально оцінювати рівень власних знань;

─ прищеплювати повагу до вивчення іноземних мов, розвивати елементи логічного і аналітичного мислення при виконанні контрольних тематичних завдань.


Хід уроку

Організація класу.

Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення.

Фонетична мовленнєва зарядка.

Основна частина уроку.

a) Reading of the text «The Most Famous Stamp» (hand-outs):

It was in 1856. The Postmaster of British Guiana was in a difficulty. He had used all the stamps and new stamps which they usually got from London did not arrive yet. He didn’t know what to do. But suddenly he found a way out: he asked a local printer do make some stamps which he used until the new ones arrived.

Seventeen years later a schoolboy noticed on an old envelope a strange stamp. It was dirty but the boy liked it and added it to his collection.

Some time later he showed his stamp to a well-known collector. This man gave him six shillings for the stamp. The boy took the money for he hoped to find another stamp among those old letters. But he didn’t find it. That one which the boy had sold became the most famous of all the world’s stamps. The stamp collector who bought it for six shillings didn’t know how valuable it was.

Some year later he sold the stamp. The man who had bought it later sold it in Paris to Philip von Terrary who had the greatest collection in the world. The stamp was in a poor state. But Philip von Terrary was very proud to have it because he knew it was unique. Philip died in 1917 and this stamp was offered for sale. It was bought for 7.343 pounds by a collector from the USA.

b) T.: you have to translate the following word-combinations (hand-outs):

• but then he found a way out • he asked a local printer

• the boy noticed a strange stamp • the stamp was offered for sale

• he hoped to find another stamp • how valuable it was

• until the new ones arrived he was very proud to have it

c) Match the beginnings of the sentences with their endings (hand-outs):

1) Finally this stamp a) the stamp was offered for sail.

2) This stamp was b) for he hoped to find another stamp.

3) The boy took the money c) to make some new stamps.

4) After Philip’s death d) how valuable that stamp was.

5) This stamp collector didn’t know e) because he knew it was unique.

6) The stamp was dirty but f) was bought by a collector from the USA.

7) The Postmaster asked a printer g) the boy added it to his collection.

8) Philip was very proud of it h) in a poor state.

Keys: 1f 2h 3b 4a 5d 6g 7c 8e

d) Underline the words which you have come across while reading the story:

• collector • funny • state

• decided • unique • want

• forgot • sale • dirty

• sold • popular • greatest

• printer • valuable • busy

Заключна частина уроку.

Домашнє завдання: підготуватись до контролю аудіювання з теми “English as they


Підсумки уроку. Вчитель підбиває підсумки і оцінює роботу учнів.

Урок 91

Тема: Контроль навичок аудіювання за семестр: текст «Week-End in Britain»

Мета: ─ проконтролювати рівень сформованості навичок аудіювання;

─ навчити учнів самостійному виконанню вправ тестового характеру, правильному вибору комунікативних завдань;

─ розвивати учнівську спостережливість, елементи креативного мислення, аналізу та самоаналізу;

─ виховувати увагу, спостережливість, уміння чітко виконувати інструкції вчителя.

Хід уроку

Організація класу.

Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення.

Фонетична і мовленнєва зарядка.

Основна частина уроку.

a) Ear-training of the text «Week-end in Britain»:

Most people in Britain work a five-day week, from Monday to Friday. Schools, colleges and universities are also closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Therefore from Friday evening till Monday people are usually free.

Everyone looks forward to the week-end and when Friday comes along people say to each other, «Have a nice week-end». Then on Monday morning they ask, “Did you have a nice week-end?” or “What did you do at the week-end?”Students, young people working away from home like to go away for the week-end. They may go home, go to stay with relatives or friends in different part of the country, stay in a hotel in the country or at the sea.

Those who stay at home try both to have a rest and to catch up with all the jobs they were too busy to do during the week: shopping, housework, gardening and the like.

Saturday morning is a very busy time for shopping. In the afternoon the most important sporting events of the week take place-football, rugby, tennis, horse-racing and other sports. Saturday evening is the favourite time for dances, parties, going to the pictures or to the theater.Sunday dinner is traditionally the most important family meal of the week. Some people spend Sunday evening quietly at home, other go to see friends, go to a concert or to see a film.

b) Виконання групами учнів письмових різнорівневих завдань:

A: Write down the Ukrainian translation of the text.

B: Write down the Ukrainian translation of the text and the following word- combinations (hand-outs):

• are usually free ……… • every one looks forward to ……..

• in different part of the country ……..• the most important sporting events ……

• quietly at home …………….

C: Insert the proper words from the text instead of the gaps:

• Most …… in …… work …… week from ………. to Friday.

• They may go ………, go to …………. part of the ……….

• Those who stay at home try ………… up with all the ……… to do.

• ………. morning is ………….. for ……...

• The ……. important ……… are …………………. other sports.

• Saturday evening is a ……… time for ……………… theater.

• …………. dinner …….. traditionally …………….. meal of the week.

Заключна частина уроку.

Домашнє завдання: контроль розвитку навичок писемного мовлення (тести).

Підсумки уроку. Вчитель підбиває підсумки і оцінює роботу учнів.

Урок 92



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