Part 1. About Myself And My Family 

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Part 1. About Myself And My Family




Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса медицинских специальностей «Лечебное дело» и «Педиатрия». Целью данного пособия является развитие навыков устной и письменной речи, накопление и расширение словарного запаса, повторение и закрепление грамматического материала в объеме, необходимом для успешного освоения программы дисциплины «Иностранный (английский) язык» и прохождения промежуточной аттестации.

Пособие состоит из трех модулей – «Student Life» («Жизнь студента»), «Higher Education» («Высшее образование»), «My Future Profession» («Моя будущая профессия») и грамматического справочника с упражнениями («Grammar Reference and Exercises»). Название и содержание модулей соответствует разделам рабочей программы по иностранному языку для студентов указанных специальностей.

Каждый модуль имеет несколько частей, объединенных тематикой (About Myself And My Family, My working day; Higher Education in Russia, My University Studies; The Human Body, Health Care, At the Doctor), содержит активный вокабуляр, тексты и образцы речевых высказываний, различные задания коммуникативной направленности, упражнения на закрепление лексического минимума. Кроме того, в пособии представлены образцы текстов и заданий («Be Ready for Your Exam») для подготовки студентов к прохождению промежуточной аттестации, осуществляемой в форме экзамена.


Part 1. About Myself And My Family

1. Study the vocabulary:

Let me introduce myself. – Позвольте представиться.

I am 18 (years old). – Мне 18 лет.

I am from (Moscow). – Я из (Москвы).

to be married/single – быть женатым/холостым

to be divorced – быть в разводе

to be fond of – увлекаться чем-либо

to be good at – преуспевать в чем-то

to be interested in – интересоваться чем-либо

to be a good (bad) mixer – быть общительным (необщительным)

to be in the know of – быть в курсе

to be born in winter (spring, summer, autumn) – родиться зимой (весной, летом, осенью) Note: to be born on the 9th of June – родиться 9 июня

to be a first-year student – быть первокурсником

to keep the house – вести хозяйство

dormitory/ hostel – студенческое общежитие

to take after – быть похожим на

to get on well with – быть в хороших отношениях (с кем-либо)

sociable – общительный

shy – стеснительный

hard-working – трудолюбивый

easy-going – добродушный, неконфликтный

responsible – ответственный

straight-forward – прямолинейный

stubborn – упрямый

honest – честный

reserved – сдержанный

self-confident – уверенный в себе


2. Read about Arkady:

First name      My name is Arkady.

Last name       My last name is Ivanov.

Age                     I am 30 years old.

Birthday         My birthday is in winter, in February. I was born in 1988.

Place of birth   My homeland is Russia, I’m from Siberia. But now I live in Finland.

Marital status    I am married, I am the head of my family.

(family state)

Profession       I’m a doctor by profession.

Position (post)     I am a chief physician in a private clinic.

Hobby            My hobbies are fishing, travelling and poetry.

Likes/dislikes I’m fond of arts, I respect creative people and dislike boring                                     


Interests         I’m interested in politics in Russia.

I – about myself In my opinion, I am a good mixer!


Part 2. My Working Day

1. Study the vocabulary:

alarm-clock – будильник

to wake up – просыпаться

to get up – вставать

to get dressed – одеваться

to put on make-up – краситься (наносить макияж)

early-riser – ранняя пташка

as a rule – как правило

to do / make the bed – заправлять кровать

to do morning exercises – делать зарядку

to take (have) a shower – принимать душ

to have breakfast (lunch, dinner) – завтракать (обедать, ужинать)

to leave house / home – уходить из дома

to come home – приходить домой

groupmate – одногруппник

to last – длиться

to have five classes a day – иметь пять пар в день

to do the washing-up – мыть посуду

to go to bed – ложиться спать

it takes me – у меня уходит (e.g. It takes me one hour to do my homework. – У меня уходит час на то, чтобы сделать домашнее задание)

to talk shop – говорить о делах


2. Read the text and put the verbs in the brackets in the Present Simple Tense:

    On weekdays the alarm-clock (to wake) me up at 6 a.m. and my working day (to begin). I (not/to be) an early-riser, that's why it's very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. As a rule I (to stay) in bed for a few minutes. But all the same, it is time to get up and start getting ready for my study.

    I (to do) my bed and (to go) to the bathroom where I (to take) a warm shower, (to clean) my teeth, (to comb) my hair.

    My mother often (to cook) breakfast for me. It usually (to consist) of coffee and some sandwiches. I (not/to like) to eat a lot in the morning.

    I (to leave) the house at 7.30 a.m. and (to go) on foot. It (to take) me 15 minutes to get to the Institute. On the way to the Institute I often (to meet) my groupmate. He (to live) not far from me. So we go together talking shop.

    My working day (to last) for 7 hours. I (to be) at studies from 8 o'clock in the morning to 3 o'clock in the afternoon. We (to have) classes five times a week.

    At 12 o'clock we (to have) lunch. We usually have lunch in the canteen which (to be) on the first floor. It (not /to take) me long to have a meal. During our working day we also (to have) several short coffee breaks. But sometimes my groupmates and I (not/to have) time for them.

    I (to come) home at 6 o'clock in the evening. My parents (to be) usually at home waiting for me. We (to have) dinner together. My mother always (to do) the washing-up. My father often (to help) her. After dinner I (to do) my homework. Then all members of our family (to gather) in the living room, (to drink) tea, (to watch) TV or just (to talk).

    By the end of the day I get very tired. I (to go) to bed at 10.30 p.m.


3. Speak about your working day. Follow the questions as a plan:

1. What time do you get up?

2. Are you an early riser? Do you like to get up early?

3. What do you do before breakfast?

4. What do you have for breakfast?

5. What time do you leave home?

6. How do you get to University?

7. How long does it take you to get to University?

8. How many classes a day do you have?

9. What time do your classes begin?

10. Where and when do you usually have lunch?

11. What do you do in the evening?

12. What time do you go to bed?

4. Match the words from the text with the corresponding definitions:

1. A term referring to two traditionally non-working days in a seven-day week is...

2. A clock that is designed to make a loud sound at a specific time is...

3. The last of three to five daily meals is...

4. An Institute cafeteria for snacks and more substantial hot meals is...

5. A student of your group is …             


5. Translate the text about Mr. Black’s working day from Russian into English:

Мистер Блэк работает врачом в Лондоне. Он живет один. Мистер Блэк встает рано, примерно в 6 утра, так как его больница находится далеко от дома. Он заправляет кровать, делает зарядку, принимает душ каждое утро. Затем Мистер Блэк завтракает. Он не любит много кушать по утрам. Его завтрак состоит из чашки чая и бутербродов. Он уходит из дома в 7.00 и добирается на работу на машине. У него уходит на это около 25 минут.

    Мистер Блэк – хороший хирург (surgeon). У него много пациентов (patients) каждый день. Он часто задерживается (to stay on) на работе. Он обедает в больнице. Но иногда у него нет времени на обед.

Примерно в 19.00 он приезжает домой, ужинает, читает, смотрит телевизор. Мистер Блэк ложится спать в 23.00. К концу дня он очень устает. Но он очень любит свою работу.


Be Ready for Your Exam

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к тексту:

Widowed – овдовевший


Определите, является ли утверждение:

Some people consider certain friends as a part of their family because they feel affection for them.

а) истинным   b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации



Определите, является ли утверждение:

An empty-nest family is a married couple without children.

а) истинным   b) ложным   c) в тексте нет информации



Определите, является ли утверждение:

A blended family is formed when a divorced or widowed parent marries again.

а) истинным   b) ложным   c) в тексте нет информации



Ответьте на вопрос:

What is a nuclear family?

a) It is a family with one child.

b) It is a family group consisting of a father, mother and their children.

c) It is a family with one parent.

d) It is a family group that consists not only of parents and children but also of grandparents, aunts etc.



Ответьте на вопрос:

How do people call families in which couples live together but remain unmarried?

a) Nuclear families

b) Blended families

c) Extended families

d) Consensual unions


Higher Education in Russia

Higher education plays an important role in the development of any country. It provides the country with highly-qualified specialists: teachers, engineers, doctors and other professional workers.

After finishing secondary school and taking Unified State Exams, school-leavers or applicants can enter higher education establishments. Today there are about 700 universities, academies and other educational institutions in Russia. They give training on a full-time and part-time basis. Admission for students is competitive. Students can apply simultaneously for several institutions all over the country. Tuition is free only for Russian citizens who pass State Unified Exams or entrance exams successfully.

The academic year usually lasts 9 months and has 2 terms or semesters. Students take credit tests and exams at the end of each semester. If the results of the examinations are good, students get scholarships. Students have holidays twice a year – in winter and in summer.

The curriculum provides students with an excellent background in different areas of study.

The first- and second-year students get knowledge in general subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and the humanities, for example, foreign languages, history, philosophy and others.

From the third year students get more advanced knowledge. They study special subjects and have professional practice.

Final year students defend a thesis and (or) pass the finals. After graduating from university they may go on with their study and research and get a higher degree.


1. Is higher education compulsory in Russia? What about secondary education?

2. Where can school-leavers get higher education?

3. Is it possible to apply simultaneously for several higher education institutions all over the country?

4. What exams must schoolchildren pass to enter higher educational establishments?

5. How many terms are there in the academic year? When does the first term begin?

6. Do all students get scholarships in Russia?

7. What subjects do first and second year students study?

8. What subjects do students study from the third year?

9. Are you a part-time or a full-time student?

10. What year are you in?

11. Do students have to pay for their education in Russia?


Levels of Higher Education

Russia’s present-day education system is based upon the Bologna principles and includes such levels of education as Bachelor’s degree, Specialist degree, Master’s degree, Postgraduate, etc.

Level 1

Bachelor's Degree

This is a complete higher education course. Individuals who have general secondary or vocational secondary education can enroll in a Bachelor's Degree course. The course lasts 4 years and gives general fundamental training.

At the end of their Degree, students take the finals and defend their thesis. If successful, the student is awarded a Bachelor's Degree certificate (BA, BSc). The certificate grants the student the right to work or to further their studies on a Master's Degree course.


Specialist Degree

Unlike Bachelor's Degrees, Specialist Degrees are more focused on practical work according to the selected discipline. These programmes are offered to individuals who have general secondary or vocational secondary education. The course lasts for 5 or 6 years. Students pass the examinations and defend their thesis to get a Specialist Degree certificate (e.g., "Doctor", "Teacher," etc.). Graduates of a Specialist Degree may work or further their studies on a Master's or postgraduate course.

Level 2

Master's Degree

This allows in-depth specialization in the student’s chosen field. Bachelor’s and Specialist Degree holders can enroll in Master's Degree courses. The course lasts at least two years and involves training students for research work. Students defend a thesis which, if successful, leads to a Master's Degree certificate and the qualification of Master. Graduates of Master’s Degrees may work or further their studies on a postgraduate course.


Medical residency is the final stage in training in a number of medical (or pharmaceutical) fields. Individuals who hold a higher medical (or pharmaceutical) qualification can enroll in a medical residency. The course lasts from 2 to 5 years and is a combination of in-depth study of the medical sciences with hands-on experience in medical institutions where students develop the necessary professional skills and abilities. Graduates are awarded a medical residency certificate and the qualification of specialist, enabling them to work in medical institutions.


Level 3

Postgraduate course is a form of training for academics. Graduates of a Master's or Specialist Degree can enroll in a postgraduate course. The course includes studying, teaching, hands-on experience, and research. Postgraduate students choose a research field and a subject of research for their dissertation. Depending on the result of the dissertation defence, a Candidate of Sciences Degree (Ph.D.) is awarded, which is the first Degree to confirm the status of a scientist. Candidates of Sciences may proceed to their Doctoral Degree (Ph.D., 2nd level).



1. What levels of higher education do you know? What is your level?

2. Who can enroll in a Bachelor’s Degree course? How long does it last?

3.  Do undergraduate students defend a thesis or take exams at the end of their Degree? What kind of certificate do they get after graduation?

4. What is the difference between Bachelor’s Degree and Specialist Degree courses?

5. What is a postgraduate course? What does it include?

6. What degree can postgraduate students get to confirm the status of a scientist?

7. What is a medical residency?

8. Who can enroll in a medical residency? How long is the course?

My University Studies

Antony: What do you do, Kate?

Kate: I am a first-year student. I go to university.

Antony: What is the name of your university? And where is it situated?

Kate: It is called Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev and it is located in Saransk, the capital of the Republic of Mordovia.

Antony: What was N.P. Ogarev?

Kate: He was an outstanding Russian poet.

Antony: Oh, I see. How many departments are there at your Institute?

Kate: There is one department: full-time. Our institute hasn’t got a correspondence department because studying is rather difficult.

Antony: What specialties does the Medical Institute have?

Kate: It has four specialties: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry and Pharmacy. Mine is General Medicine.

Antony: And what subjects do students study at your institute?

Kate: It depends on the year they are in.

Antony: Well, let’s say the first year.

 Kate: First year students study Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy, Physics and many others.

Antony: And what about Latin and foreign languages?

Kate: As for Latin, we study it in the first year. And we also study a foreign language – English, French or German.

Antony: What are the basic forms of university learning process?

Kate: The basic forms of learning process are lectures, practical classes, self -study and professional practice.

Antony: The academic year consists of three terms in my country. What can you say about yours?

Kate: There are two terms in the academic year in Russia. We have exams twice a year, in winter and then in summer.

Antony: By the way, do graduates of Russian medical schools take a degree?

Kate: We call it a diploma of higher education which certifies us as health care professionals.


6. Match two columns:

to finish                                       2 terms 
to learn                                    year
an Anatomy                                      different subjects
to last                                        course
the academic         school
to specialize                                  of study
to have     from university                                     
the course                                practical training
to graduate                                  in Surgery

7. Find synonyms in the list of the words:

Obligatory, to carry out, lessons, to go into, to finish, learning, to gain, higher education establishments, to perform, practice, studying, classes, to enter, compulsory, to get, practical training, to graduate from, institutions of higher learning.

8. Study the medical specialties:

physician (therapeutist) – терапевт

pediatrician – педиатр

dentist – стоматолог

neurologist– невролог

otolaryngologist (ear-nose-and-throat specialist) – отоларинголог

oculist (eye specialist) – офтальмолог

surgeon– хирург

urologist – уролог

psychiatrist – психотерапевт

anesthesiologist – анестезиолог

anatomical pathologist – патологоанатом

radiologist – рентгенолог

rheumatologist – ревматолог

gynecologist – гинеколог

cardiologist – кардиолог

trauma surgeon – травматолог

allergologist – аллерголог

endocrinologist (thyroid specialist) – эндокринолог

dermatologist – дерматолог

ultrasonography specialist – врач УЗИ


9. Fill in the gaps with the words from exercise 8, use a dictionary:

1. … are doctors who specialize in diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases that mainly affect the heart and blood vessels.

2. … are doctors who perform operations.

3. …are doctors who specialize in the treatment of the ear, nose and throat.

4. … are doctors who specialize in diagnosis, prevention, study, and treatment of mental disorders.

5. … are medical professionals whose training is related specifically to the skin.

6.... are doctors who focus on the treatment and care of injuries, often life-threatening, that are caused by impact forces.

7.... are professionals who specialize in diseases that affect the joints, muscles, bones and immune system.


10. Read and translate the text:

My Future Profession

My future profession is a doctor. I like it, because it is the most noble and humane profession. It is also one of the oldest professions on earth. I‘ve dreamed of becoming a doctor since my childhood. So after leaving school I entered Ogarev Mordovia State University and in some years my cherished dream (заветная мечта) will come true.

It is no easy matter to study at the Medical Institute. We have to study a lot of medical subjects before mastering a complicated art of treating sick people and protecting their health. At our University a great number of specialists share their skills and experience with us and help us to become highly-skilled therapeutists, surgeons, neurologists, oculists, ear-nose-and-throat specialists and so on. It is very important to have a thorough knowledge of medical subjects to become good doctors. That is why students must study hard, must do their best to master medicine and acquire (приобретать) profound knowledge in different medical specialties. Our University trains highly-qualified specialists and I am proud of it.

But professional knowledge is not enough to become a good doctor. A good doctor should be honest, unselfish, industrious, attentive to other people when it is necessary. Love for people and optimism are the most important features of this profession.

In my opinion, a doctor cannot only diagnose but read what is in the patient's heart. I think a doctor is a person who always has an affectionate word for everybody. No matter what specialist I will become, a surgeon or a therapeutist, a neurologist or an oculist I will do my best to become a good doctor. I will try to be pleasant and helpful to people. I have a strong mind to protect their health, prevent diseases, treat them, relieve the sufferings of the sick and save their lives.

All future doctors should remember the words of the Hippocratic Oath: "I shall enter any house for the good of the patient. I shall not do my patient any harm".


11. Answer the questions:

1. When did you decide to become a doctor?

2. Why have you chosen the profession of a doctor?

3. Have you chosen your specialization yet?

4.  How do you see your future work?

5. What features do you need to be a good doctor?

6. What is most important for a doctor?


Определите, является ли утверждение:

Higher medical education is free of charge in the USA.

а) истинным   b) ложным   c) в тексте нет информации


Определите, является ли утверждение:

Obtaining higher medical education, medical students study general subjects during the first two years.

а) истинным   b) ложным   c) в тексте нет информации


Определите, является ли утверждение:

Medical students study six days a week in the USA.

а) истинным   b) ложным   c) в тексте нет информации


Ответьте на вопрос:

Why is it necessary for medical students to study Biological Chemistry?

a) They take exams in Biological Chemistry.

b) It is necessary for clinical laboratory diagnosis and therapy.

c) It helps to learn a lot about the main medical procedures and different diseases.

d) It gives deep knowledge of the human body functions.


Ответьте на вопрос:

Which of the subjects are special for medical students?

a) History, Microbiology, Anatomy

b) Maths, Physics, Physiology

c) English, Latin, Biological Chemistry

d) Anatomy, Histology, Pathology

Part 1. The Human Body

1. Study the vocabulary:

skeleton – скелет

skull – череп

trunk – туловище

body – тело

extremity (limb) – конечность

brain – мозг

head – голова

face – лицо

forehead – лоб

hair – волосы

chin – подбородок

cheek – щека

neck – шея

throat – горло

jaw – челюсть

ear [ıə] – ухо

eye [aı] – глаз

eyelash – ресница 

eyelid – веко

eyebrow – бровь

nose – нос

nostril – ноздря

mouth – рот

tongue – язык

palate – небо

tooth (pl. teeth) – зуб (зубы)

gums – десны

lip – губа

temple – висок

nape (back of the head) – затылок

chest (thorax) – грудная клетка

breast – грудь

rib – ребро

vertebra (pl. vertebrae) – позвонок

backbone (vertebral column) – позвоночник

waist – талия

abdomen – живот

lung – легкое

heart – сердце

pharynx – глотка

esophagus – пищевод

stomach – желудок

liver – печень

spleen – селезенка

pancreas – поджелудочная железа

intestines – кишечник

kidney – почка

gall-bladder – желчный пузырь

bladder – мочевой пузырь

arm – рука

shoulder (upper arm) – плечо

forearm – предплечье

elbow – локоть

wrist – запястье

hand – кисть (руки)

palm – ладонь

finger – палец (руки)

thumb – большой палец

pelvis – таз

leg – нога

thigh (hip) – бедро

knee – колено

calf – икра (ноги)

shin – голень

ankle – лодыжка, щиколотка

foot (pl. feet) – стопа

heel – пятка

toe – палец (ноги)

bone – кость

muscle – мышца

skin – кожа

blood – кровь

vessel – сосуд

vein – вена

artery – артерия

aorta – аорта

atrium – предсердие

ventricle – желудочек

cavity – полость

joint – сустав

cartilage – хрящ

upper – верхний

lower – нижний


2. Read and translate the text:

We Study Anatomy

In the practical anatomy class we study the human body.

The principle parts of the human body are the head, the trunk, and the extremities.

The head is formed by two parts: the skull which contains the brain, and the face which consists of the forehead, the eyes, the nose, the mouth with the lips, the cheeks, the ears, and the chin.

The ear includes three principle parts: the external ear, the middle ear, and the internal ear.

The mouth has two lips: an upper lip and a lower lip. In the mouth there are gums with teeth, a tongue and a palate.

The head is connected with the trunk by the neck. The upper part of the trunk is the chest and the lower part is the abdomen. The main organs in the chest are the lungs, the heart and the esophagus. We breathe with the lungs. The heart contracts and makes about 60-80 beats per minute.   

The main organs in the abdominal cavity are the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the pancreas, the intestines, the kidneys, the gall-bladder аnd the bladder.

The upper extremity is connected with the chest by the shoulder. Each arm is composed of the upper arm, the forearm, the elbow, the wrist, and the hand. We have four fingers and a thumb on each hand.

The lower extremity consists of the thigh (hip), the knee, the calf, the ankle, and the foot.

The bones are covered with the muscles. The body is covered with the skin.


3. a) Find the English equivalents in the text:

Основные части, состоять из, включать в себя, верхняя часть, нижняя часть, соединять, дышать, сокращаться, удары, покрывать.


b) Give the Russian equivalents for these words from the text:

Contain, the external ear, the main organs, per minute, the abdominal cavity, on each hand, a thumb, the skin.


4. Fill in the gaps in the sentences:

1. We breathe with the …. 2. The ear has … parts: the…ear, the …ear and the…ear. 3. The tongue is in the…. 4. The legs are … extremities, and the arms are … extremities. 5. The skull contains the …. 6. The forehead is one of the parts of the …. 7. The …connects the head with the …. 8. The spleen is in the … …. 9. The shoulder connects the … with the …. 10. The skin covers the ….


5. Answer the questions:

1. What are the main parts of the human body?

2. What does the head consist of?

3. What parts does the ear include?

4. What does the mouth consist of?

5. What connects the head with the trunk?

6. What are the main organs located in the chest?

7. What are the main organs in the abdominal cavity?

8. What does the arm consist of?

9. What basic parts is the lower extremity formed by?

10. What covers the bones of the skeleton?


Part 2. Health Care

1. Read the text and do the given tasks:

Health Care in Russia


Our country has established a wide network of medical institutions to protect the health of people. One of such medical institutions is the polyclinic.

If a person falls ill he will ring up his local polyclinic and call in a doctor. When his condition isn't very poor and he has no high temperature he will go to the local polyclinic and a physician will examine him there.

A lot of specialists including therapeutists, neurologists, surgeons and others work at the polyclinic. During the medical examination a physician usually asks the patient what he complains of and according to the complaints carries on the medical examination. The physician listens to the patient's heart and lungs and measures his blood pressure and if necessary asks the patient to take the temperature. The laboratory findings which include blood analysis, the analysis of urine (urinalysis) and other tests help the physician to make a correct diagnosis and administer a proper treatment.

In addition to their consulting hours at the polyclinic local physicians go out to the calls to examine those patients who are seriously ill and whose condition is bad. Such sick people receive a sick-leave. They usually follow a bed regimen.

Any physician of the polyclinic knows his patients very well because he treats only a definite number of patients. At the local polyclinic every patient has a personal patient's card which is filled in by the doctors. Everything about the patient – the diagnosis of the disease, the administrations made by the doctor, the course of the disease, the changes in the patient's condition after the treatment are written down in the card.

If it is necessary a nurse will come to the patient's house to give him the administered injections or carry out any of the doctor's administrations.


a) Find the English equivalents in the text:

Медицинские учреждения, заболеть, состояние, врач-терапевт, обследовать, невролог, хирург, жаловаться, слушать сердце и легкие больного, измерить температуру, анализ крови, поставить правильный диагноз, часы приема, серьезно болен, соблюдать постельный режим, диагноз заболевания, лечение, выполнять назначения врача.


b) Give the Russian equivalents:

to protect the health of people, call in a doctor, high temperature, therapeutists, the medical examination, complaints, measure blood pressure, the analysis of urine (urinalysis), administer a proper treatment, go out to the calls, receive a sick-leave, patient's card, the changes in the patient's condition, to give the administered injections.


2. Read the text and do the given tasks:


Answer the questions:

1. What kinds of medical institutions do you know?

2. What does a person who falls ill do?

3. What specialists work at the polyclinic?

4. What does a physician do during the medical examination?

5. What helps the physician to make a correct diagnosis and administer a proper treatment?

6. Who receives a sick-leave?

7. What do you know about the work of the in-patient department?

8. What do nurses on duty do?

9. Are patients allowed to take medicines themselves? Why?

10. What procedures can a doctor administer to the patient?


Be Ready for Your Exam

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к тексту:

Medical Service in the USA

In the USA there are three levels of organization of medical service: the private doctor, the medical institution or hospital and the United States Public Health Service.

The average American has a doctor of his own, whom he calls his "family doctor". This doctor either has his own private office (the doctor's office) or works with several other doctors (the so-called "group practice"). This doctor gives the patient regular examinations, vaccinations and medical advice. The doctor generally receives pay directly from the patient.

But many Americans whose income is low have no family doctor. So they come directly to the hospital for all their medical needs. Here they are cared for in clinics by interns, residents and the doctors who work there.

Each hospital has an "Emergency Room" which serves cases that need immediate attention. The broader questions of medicine such as vaccination of school children and studies of epidemics come under the control of the Public Health Service.

The great cost of medical care insurance in the country and a great number of people who cannot pay for it have led to the development of two new programmes by the Federal Government – Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare provides free medical service for all the Americans over 65. Medicaid provides free medical care for all those whose income is below a certain level and who are not able to pay for medical aid.



average – средний

receive – получать

income – доход

insurance – страхование

able – способный

medical aid – медицинская помощь



Определите, является ли утверждение:

All three levels of medical service in the USA are free of charge.

а) истинным   b) ложным   c) в тексте нет информации



Определите, является ли утверждение:

Not all Americans have family doctors.

а) истинным   b) ложным   c) в тексте нет информации


Определите, является ли утверждение:

Health insurance covers all the medical expenses.

а) истинным   b) ложным   c) в тексте нет информации


Ответьте на вопрос:

Who is responsible for the broad questions of medicine in the USA?

a) Family doctors

b) The United States Public Health Service

c) Different medical institutions

d) The government


Ответьте на вопрос:

What programme provides free medical care for people over 65?

a) Medicaid

b) Medicare

c) Both

d) They pay for medical service themselves



Part 3. At the Doctor

1. Study the vocabulary in the table:

Study the vocabulary:

fever – лихорадка, жар

pain – боль

ailment – болезненное состояние

faint – обморок, слабость

fatigue – утомление, усталость

to feel pulse – измерить пульс

to listen to the (one's) heart (lungs) – прослушать (ваше) сердце, легкие

pills / tablets– таблетки

capsule – капсула

drops – капли

ointment – мазь

iodine – йод

brilliant green – зеленка

syringe – шприц

thermometer – градусник

dropper – капельница

hot-water bottle – грелка

crutches – костыли

wheelchair – инвалидное кресло

stretcher – носилки

to hurt – 1) причинить боль, ушибить; 2) болеть (о частях тела)

Does it hurt? –  Болит?

to suffer from – страдать от

to sneeze – чихать

to cough – кашлять

to treat (smb.) for (smth.) with (smth.) – лечить

appointment –  встреча

to be on a diet / to keep a diet – соблюдать диету

I need a doctor (quickly). –  Мне нужен врач (срочно).

Call me a doctor / an ambulance, please. – Вызовите врача / скорую помощь, пожалуйста.

What's the matter with...? What's happened to..? – что случилось, что произошло с…?
What’s wrong? / What’s the trouble? – На что жалуетесь? (Что не так? В чём проблема?)
How did that happen? – Как это случилось?

When did it start? – Когда это началось?
How are you feeling? – Как Вы себя чувствуете?
I feel bad (so-so, all right, better, worse). –  Я себя чувствую плохо (так себе, хорошо, лучше).

I feel sick. – Меня тошнит.
Is it contagious? – Это заразно?

Can you give me something to stop the pain? – Можете дать мне что-нибудь болеутоляющее?
How long will it take to recover? – Долго я буду выздоравливать?
What medicine should I take? – Какое лекарство мне нужно принимать?
I would like to have a tooth filled. – Я хотел бы запломбировать зуб.
Open your mouth. –  Откройте рот.
Take a (deep) breath. –  Сделайте (глубокий) вдох.

Breathe out. – Выдохните.

Don't breathe. – Не дышите.

Lay down over here. – Ложитесь сюда.
I'll give you an injection. – Я сделаю вам укол.
I was ill. – Я болел.
I am tired. – Я устал.
I have a high temperature. – У меня высокая температура.
I have chills. – Меня знобит.
I feel dizzy. – У меня кружится голова.

I’m allergic to aspirin. – У меня аллергия на аспирин.
I have a pain here. – У меня болит здесь.
It hurts here. – Здесь болит.

It doesn't hurt here. – Здесь не болит.
I’ve broken my leg. – Я сломал ногу.
I’ve dislocated my arm. – Я вывихнул руку.

My ankle is sprained. – Я растянул связки на ноге.
I’ve hurt my wrist. – Я повредил запястье.
I have cold in the head. (My nose is running.) – У меня насморк.
I have a severe (bad) toothache / headache. – У меня сильно болит зуб / голова.
I have something in my eye. – Что-то попало в глаз.



Doctor: Good afternoon. How can I help you today?

Patient: My son doesn’t feel very well.

Doctor: That’s too bad. What symptoms does he have?

Patient: He has an earache and a fever.

Doctor: Sit on the table please, young man, so I can look in your ear. (pause) He has an ear infection.

Patient: What do I need to do?

Doctor: You need to put drops in his ear twice a day. Here is a prescription.

Patient: Can I give him Nurofen for pain?

Doctor: Yes, sure. And don’t forget to treat his runny nose too. You can use any nasal drops for children.

Patient: Now maybe we can get some sleep again! Thank you, doctor.

Doctor: You’re welcome.

9. Work in pairs: in the list of the words given below find four words for people, four words for medicines, ten words for health conditions, ten words for symptoms and five words for injures:

accident ambulance aspirin bandage bleed blood pressure bone broken bruise burn cancer cavity check-up clinic cold contagious cough dentist diabetes diet disease doctor drug emergency exercise fever first aid flu headache heart attack home remedy illness infection insomnia insurance nurse operation operate overweight pain patient phobia pill prescription relax runny nose sneeze sore sickness sprain stitches stomachache stress sunburn temperature thermometer toothache underweight virus vitamin weight x-ray



10. Discuss the questions with a partner:

1. When was the last time you had a medical check-up?

2. Do you ever go to a polyclinic to see a doctor when you have a cold? Why? / Why not?

3. How many days were you ill last year?

4. When did you last see your doctor?

5. Do you prefer male (men) or female (women) doctors?

6. Do you like to watch TV shows about doctors and hospitals? Why? / Why not?

7. Have you ever been inside an ambulance? If ‘yes’, when?

8. How were hospitals different 100 years ago?

Be Ready for Your Exam

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к тексту:


Определите, является ли утверждение:

Health Care in Great Britain is free for all NHS patients.

а) истинным   b) ложным   c) в тексте нет информации



Определите, является ли утверждение:

While staying in Great Britain you can have medical service free of charge.

а) истинным   b) ложным   c) в тексте нет информации


Определите, является ли утверждение:

All British people have family doctors.

а) истинным   b) ложным   c) в тексте нет информации



Ответьте на вопрос:

What medical care does the National Health Service provide?

a) Medical care only in out-patient clinics

b) Medical care in hospitals

    c) Medical service both in out-patient clinics and in hospitals

    d) Free medical service in emergencies



Ответьте на вопрос:

What / who covers the most part of expenses for free medical service?

a) Taxes

b) Both general taxes and charges for some services

c) Foreigners

d) Charges for prescriptions, dental treatment and spectacles


Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к тексту:

Pneumonia In Infants

Headache, malaise and chilliness are rarely complained of except by the older child. Convulsion is the main symptom in infants. Fever and respiratory distress usually appear abruptly.

The respiratory rate is increased; rates from 30 to 50 per minute are common in older children and from 40 to 80 in infants. A pulse rate can be 149 to 189 per minute and is not an unfavorable sign. A weak, rapid pulse and a slow pulse are both bad prognostic signs.

Cough is generally present. In the early stage it is usually dry and associated with pleuritic pain. Later the cough becomes productive, but the characteristic rusty sputum is not often seen in older children. Thoracic pain is often present, being associated with coughing and respiratory movements.

Vomiting at the onset is a common symptom, but is seldom continued after the first day. Initially there may also be a loose stool, but persistence of diarrhea is uncommon. The appetite is greatly diminished.

Cyanosis of a mild degree is simply an indication for oxygen therapy; when it persists in spite of oxygen administration it is a bad sign. Herpes of the lips, face and other regions is not uncommon.

In the very early stage it is often difficult to make diagnosis of pneumonia by examination of the child. In the early stage there may be fine or medium-sized rales over the involved areas for a short time. When the pneumonia areas become consolidated there are neither percussion nor auscultory changes because of the small areas involved. During the stage of resolution, rales may again be present over the involved areas.


i nfant – маленький ребенок

convulsion – судороги

rusty sputum – мокрота ржавого цвета

vomiting ‒ рвота

rales ‒ хрипы



Определите, является ли утверждение:

Headache, fever and cough are the main symptoms of pneumonia in infants.

а) истинным   b) ложным        c) в тексте нет информации


Определите, является ли утверждение:

In the early stage cough is usually dry and later it becomes productive.

a) истинным   b) ложным   c) в тексте нет информации



Определите, является ли утверждение:

Vomiting and diarrhea are uncommon at the beginning of infants' pneumonia.

a) истинным   b) ложным   c) в тексте нет информации


Ответьте на вопрос:

Why is it often difficult to make diagnosis of pneumonia in small children especially in the early stage?

a) Small children rarely complain of headache, malaise, fever and respiratory distress.

b) It is difficult to listen to the child's lungs carefully because of increased respiratory and pulse rates.

c) It is difficult because fine or medium-sized rales over the involved areas can be heard during auscultation for a short time.

d) Because the main symptom in infants is convulsion.


Ответьте на вопрос:

What is the main idea of the text?

a) In infants pneumonia symptoms are often similar to the symptoms of some other diseases.

b) Pneumonia in infants has a variety of symptoms (different to those found in older children and adults) and is often difficult to diagnose. 

c) The increased respiratory and pulse rate, cough, vomiting and cyanosis in infants having pneumonia is not a bad prognostic sign.

d) Convulsion, cough, thoracic pain and rales are the main symptoms of pneumonia in infants.


I. Places in a City

Cinema – кинотеатр

Theatre – театр 

Library – библиотека

Church – церковь

Museum – музей

Hospital – больница

Blood donor center – станция переливания крови

Emergency station – станция скорой медицинской помощи

Chemist’s (drugstore, pharmacy) – аптека

Hair salon (barber’s) – парикмахерская 

Restaurant – ресторан

Café – кафе

Bus station – автовокзал

Railway station – железнодорожный вокзал

Police station – отделении полиции

Fire station – пожарная часть

Metro (tube, subway, underground) – метро

Airport – аэропорт

Bank – банк

Post office – почта

Tailor – ателье 

Market – рынок

Hotel – отель

Stadium –стадион

Shopping mall – торговый центр

Parking lot – автостоянка

Crossing – переход

Street – улица

Avenue – проспект

Square – площадь


II. Prepositions of Place

near – около (near here – поблизости)

next to – рядом c

opposite – напротив

in front of – впереди, перед

behind – позади

on (in) Lenin Street – на улице Ленина

between – между

at – близко, около (at the traffic lights – около светофора)

at 17 Madison Avenue – обозначение улицы с указанием номера дома

at/on the corner of the street – на углу улицы

around the corner – за углом

just past – сразу за

inside / outside – внутри/снаружи


Вопросительные предложения

Общие вопросы

Общий вопрос – это вопрос ко всему предложению, который требует обратного порядка слов. При обратном порядке слов вспомогательный глагол (или модальный) выносится перед подлежащим (на нулевое место). Общий вопрос требует ответа да или нет и обычно переводится с частицей ли. Общий вопрос произносится с повышением голоса в конце предложения:

Does she speak / English? – Говорит ли она по-английски?

— Yes, she does. – Да.

Специальные вопросы

Специальный вопрос – это вопрос к одному из членов предложения. Специальный вопрос начинается с вопросительного слова и произносится с понижением голоса на последнем ударном слоге:

What does a doctor do? Что делает врач?

1)Специальные вопросы к подлежащему и его определению

1. Вопросы, которые относятся к подлежащему, начинаются с вопросительных слов who? кто? или what? что? и требуют прямого порядка слов:

Who speaks English? She speaks English.

What works well? This device works well.

2. Вопросы, которые ставятся к определению подлежащего, начинаются с вопросительных слов whose чей?, which? который?, what? what kind of? какой? и тоже требуют прямого порядка слов:

Whose sister studies at the Institute? Чья сестра учится в институте?

What patients are in this clinic? Какие больные находятся в этой клинике?

2) Специальные вопросы к второстепенным членам предложения

Специальные вопросы, которые ставятся к второстепенным членам предложения, начинаются с вопросительных слов what? что?, whom? кого?, кому?, when? когда?, where? где?, куда?, why? почему?, how? как?, how many (much)? сколько? и требуют, как и в общем вопросе, обратного порядка слов. Но в отличие от общих в специальных вопросах перед вспомогательным (или модальным) глаголом стоит вопросительное слово или группа слов.

What does he read at home? When does he read newspapers?



1. Arrange the words into correct sentences:

1. go / they / home / after / dinner

2. give / the present / tomorrow / I / them / will

3. her / met / last night / at / she / the airport

4. was / last month / she / in hospital

5. in Spain / spend / I / will / my holiday

6. must / at seven o'clock / leave / we / the office

7. the shop / buy / I / the book / will / in

8. my mother / breakfast / this morning / made

9. today / want / to the cinema / to go / we

10. wrote / yesterday / they / at school / a test

2. Write questions and short answers:

1. live / in / you / Do / Samara /? No, _______. 2. in / students / Do / the canteen / eat /? Yes, _______. 3. to school / your brother / on Saturday / Does / go/? No, _______. 4. live / near / Do / your friends / you /? Yes, _______. 5. at / school/ finish / Does / three o´clock /? No, _______.


3. Write subject questions for the sentences below:

1. Tanya speaks Spanish. 2. Sveta is playing the guitar. 3. Anton is from Russia. 4. Our office is on the third floor. 5. We will meet you next week. 6. My car is red. 7. The meeting started late. 8. The Internet connection doesn't work. 9. My brother went to France last year. 10. Their friends don't like pasta.


Образование множественн


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