Назначение лечения по протоколу 

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Назначение лечения по протоколу

* гастроэнтерог дәрігерге диагнозын анықтау және ем тағайындау үшін жіберу

* терапевт дәрігерге диагнозын анықтау және ем тағайындау үшін жіберу

*+ «Соматоформды вегетативті дисфункция» диагнозын анықтап, диагностика мен емдеу Протоколына сәйкес ем жазу

* психиатр дәрігерге диагнозын анықтау және ем тағайындау үшін жіберу

* психологқа жіберу



*! Patient T. She fell ill at the age of 48 years. Increasing memory loss was observed, the patient was losing or not finding various things. She had difficulty counting money. Gradually grew helpless, unable to wash and dress herself. Lost the ability to eat independently: did not know where to put her spoon. Made chaotic scribbles when trying to write something. What disease is characteristic of

Болезнь Альцгеймера с ранним началом

*Пик ауруы

*+Альцгеймер ауруы

*бас миы қан тамыр атеросклерозы





*! A 48-year-old man with a history of traumatic brain injury. He noted memory impairment, significant decrease in the stock of previous knowledge, difficulty in learning new ones. Irritable, irascible, with loss of self-control, rude, sometimes aggressive. Constantly conflicts with others, selfishly strives to achieve any of his desires. Which of the following preliminary diagnoses can be assumed?

Астенический вариант психоорганического синдрома (отдалённый период ЧМТ)

*Корсаков психозы

* Гайе Вернике психозы

*+психоорганикалық синдром, эксплозиті варианты


*астениялық синдром



*! 74 year old woman. Became forgetful, fidgety, anxious. She did not recognize people around her, could not remember the names of her children. Left to herself, she gathered things in a knot, hid her robe, said she was being robbed. Anamnestic information could not be collected due to severe memory loss. What medication should be prescribed?алзепил








*! A woman 70 years old. Pensioner, formerly a university teacher. Does not remember current dates, nearest events, informs local psychiatrist that yesterday she went to the mountains with her students. Favorable mood is replaced by outbursts of anger and crying. At the same time, she follows her old moral and ethical rules. Past medical history: traumatic brain injury and a number of somatic diseases. What treatment should be prescribed?ноотропы,сосудистые,антихолинэстеразы

* дезинтоксикациялық, нейролептиктер, нормотимиктер

* дезинтоксикациялықе, симптоматикалық, нейролептиктер

* ноотроптар, қан тамыр, нейролептиктер

*+ноотротар,қан тамыр, антихолинэстеразды терапия




*! An 82-year-old patient stopped recognizing her children and grandchildren and spontaneously showed aggression toward her son. She "recognized" her own mother in one of her daughters. Gathering things to "get married. Remembers events from her early childhood, but does not remember current events. Cannot orientate herself in her own apartment. In the evening and at night, her sleep is disturbed, she goes through the closets, puts things away, tries to leave the house. His mood is then placid and then angry. Self-care skills were significantly reduced. Appetite is elevated. What treatment should be prescribed


* дезинтоксикациялық, нейролептиктер, нормотимиктер

* дезинтоксикациялық, симптоматикалық, нейролептитер

* ноотроптар, қан тамыр, нейролептитер

*+ноотроптар, қан тамыр, антихолинэстеразды терапию

* ноотроптар, қан тамыр, антидепрессанттар



*! A 44-year-old man, an engineer, married. At the moment of the examination he was calm and did not have any complaints. Reports that since the age of 25 years periodically with intervals of 1-2 years there were attacks of either unreasonable melancholy or uncontrollable joy and gladness. Has been treated several times in the hospital. Make prescriptions: не требует лечения




*+++лития карбонат

*ем тағайындау қажет емес



*! A 20-year-old biology student (no heredity) had a sleep disorder about a week ago. He became agitated and verbose. Claimed that he had invented an alloy of gold and diamonds and could use it to read doctors' minds. The most likely diagnosis: Биполярка(маниякал форма)


*алкогольді делирий

*++++Биполярлы аффективті бұзылыс (маниакальді фазасы)

*эпилептикалық сананың қарауытуы

*реактивті параноид



*! An enlisted soldier, 19 years old, for no apparent reason became withdrawn, stopped coping with the commander's instructions, constantly sits in a monotonous posture with his head down. Refuses to eat. Blames himself for carelessness, selfishness. Most likely syndrome: КАТАТОНИЯ




* парафренды




*! A 16-year-old boy stopped leaving home, does not attend school, does not do anything, has no complaints, does not consider himself sick. Until the eighth grade, he was an excellent student, diligent and attached to his parents. Since the 8th grade, he became rude, unruly, lost interest in study and wandered around. Most likely diagnosis:


*Биполярлы аффективті бұзылыс — монополярлы тип

*Биполярлы аффективті бұзылыс — биполярлы тип

* Биполярлы аффективті бұзылыс — continua тип


* +Биполярлы аффективті бұзылыс деген белгі жоқ




*! Male, 48 years old, teacher of physics. Since childhood and adolescence, he had been distrustful, suspicious. He claimed to have deduced a new formula by doing research. He sent his calculations and article to various scientific journals, but did not achieve recognition. He started to apply to many organizations with demands "to restore justice", he carried on an extensive correspondence. He searched out the slightest inaccuracy in expressions of scientists dissenting with him and interpreted them hostilely.

Which of the following is the most likely psychiatric disorder and which treatment is indicated for this patient?  ИНДУЦИРОВАННЫЙ БРЕД


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