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Global Problems of Today

People have lived in our planet Earth for centuries and global problems have always existedIn ancient times the biggest global problem was wars. People have been fighting with each other since beginning of the civilization mostly to get new territories and more land.

Today, there are more global problems which can be divided into two categories: ecological problems and social, economic and political issues. The first category includes issues relating to ecological destruction, pollution and global warming as the result. The climate is changing and many people agree that climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet.

Global warming has already killed off some types of animals and plants. Rising sea levels are threatening whole nations on islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

 The second category of global problems deals with social, economic and political issues. They include global terrorism, poverty, human rights, health issues, racism and many others.

We are faced with the problem of global terrorism. And more and more countries are suffering from it. It is difficult to catch terrorists and prevent their acts. The most terrible terrorist attack took place on September 11, 2001 in the USA. The World Trade Centre, one of the symbols of New York City, was destroyed completely and thousands of people died. The world was shocked and most countries decided to fight against terrorism. However, new terrorist attacks have been committed.

 Poverty is another global problem. The worst situation is in Africa where people (mostly children) die every day of hunger. The poor also have less access to health, education and other services. (Incurable diseases and epidemics also are global challenge for humanity. Another global problem is racism, when people of different races and different skin colour are humiliated and even killed.

There are many organisations that fight social global problems, but this battle has lasted for a long time and it will take much time for the solution of all of them. We live in the 21st century and humanity has made a great progress in technology, so I think that it is strange that we still have global problems, especially the ones that deal with social, economic and political issues. I am sure that they can be solved completely without any conflicts or wars.

Natural disasters are very dangerous. They can damage the houses, destroy towns, kill animals and people. In all these disasters nature and people need help. Emergency workers are specially trained people who do their job during and after these types of disasters. Emergency workers such as doctors, nurses, firemen, water and gas workers do their job in difficult situations. Emergency workers warn people to leave their houses by broadcasting messages on the radio or by warning people in person.Emergency workers pick the people up in boats and take them to evacuation camps. Rubbish on the roads has to be cleared away. Roads that have been damaged need to have signs put up to warn drivers. Some roads may even need to be closed until they are repaired. Bridges are examined to see if they are still safe. Emergency workers repair and restore the electricity, telephone, water and gas services as quickly as possible.. Sometimes the police and army help too.

1. What global problems were there in the past?
2. What are the two categories of global problems now?
3. What does the first category include?
4. Why is global warming considered a global problem?
5. How does it affect nature?
6. What global problems does the second category include?
7. Why is terrorism a global problem?
8. Is poverty a big issue nowadays? Why?
9. What is racism and why is it a global problem?
10. What other global problems can you mention?
11. In what way can we fight global problems?
12. What global problem do you think is the biggest one? Why?

13. Who are emergency workers 

14. How do they warn people about disaster?

15.What do they do during and after disasters?


Earthquake and tornado: Don’t panic, Stay in the building,Take shelter under a bed or table

Trapped in debris: Try not to move, Use a whistle to signal your position

Fire: Cover nose and mouth with a damp cloth, Stay close to the ground

Flood: Get rid of heavy clothes, Go to the highest level of the building,Turn off electricity to prevent electrocution

Lost in snowy mountains: Light a fire, Let off flares,Keep warm, Jump up and down to improve your blood circulation



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