A. At a small grocery store. 

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A. At a small grocery store.

Shop-assis.: Good morning, miss. What would you like?
Anne: Good morning. I'd like half a pound of butter, a pound jar of strawberry jam, a large bottle of vinegar and a tin of sardines.
Shop-assis.: Will that be all?
Anne: No, I'd also like a small-sized packet of mushroom soup and a piece of smoked bacon.
Shop-assis.: Will that do? It's all we have at the moment, I'm afraid.
Anne: No, it's much too fat. I wanted it leaner. I think I'd better take some ham instead. How much is it?
Shop-assis.: Eighty pence a pound.
Anne: Good. Half a pound, please. That'll be all. How much does it come to?
Shop-assis.: Five pounds thirty seven pence, please.
Anne: Right. Here is six pounds.
Shop-assis.: And here is your change.
Anne: Thanks. Good-bye.
Shop-assis.: Thank you. Good-bye, miss. And come tomorrow. We'll have a new stock.

B. At the butcher's

Shop-assis.: Can I help you, madam?
Mrs. J.: I'd like a leg of lamb. Do you sell it?
Shop-assis.: Yes, we do, but I'm afraid we've sold out at the moment. If you'd care to call in tomorrow.
Mrs. J.: Thank you. I won't bother! I'll buy some pork instead.
Shop-assis.: Oh, yes. We've got excellent choice today. What part would you like to get – shoulder, leg or some other?
Mrs. J.: This bit of shoulder is fine with me.
Shop-assis.: OK. It weighs four pounds.
Mrs. J.: I'll also have a chicken.
Shop-assis.: Boiling of frying?
Mrs. J.: Boiling, please.
Shop-assis.: Will this do?
Mrs. J.: Nice. That will be all. How much is it?
Shop-assis.: Three pounds twenty pence.
Mrs. J.: Here you are.
Shop-assis.: Your change, madam. Thank you. Have a nice day.


C. At the Greengrocer's

Shop-assis.: Good morning, Mrs. Daisy. How are you this morning?
Mrs. Daisy: Fine, thanks. And how are you?
Shop-assis.: I'm having a little trouble. Some of my supplies aren't here yet. So I don't have tomatoes and peppers.
Mrs. Daisy: Oh, that's a shame. Will you have some later?
Shop-assis.: Oh, yes, they will be delivered in the afternoon. I'll save them for you.
Mrs. Daisy: Thanks. It's very kind of you. And now I'll take a bag of potatoes, a couple of beets and some carrots.
Shop-assis.: All right. Notice the fruit we've got today.
Mrs. Daisy: The peaches do look good. What do they cost?
Shop-assis.: Peaches are quite cheap this time of the year. Thirty pence a pound.
Mrs. Daisy: That's a real bargain. I'll take three pounds.
Shop-assis.: OK. Now, what else?
Mrs. Daisy: Well, that's all for today. How much do I owe you?
Shop-assis.: That's four pounds seventy five pence. Here's your change from your five-pound note – twenty-five pence.
Mrs. Daisy: Thank you. Good-bye.
Shop-assis.: Good-bye, Mrs. Daisy. Thanks a lot.


D. Making a Shopping-list.*

Mother: Darling, will you please do the shopping today? I am very busy
Daughter: Of course, I shall. What am I to buy?
Mother: We are going to have a festive dinner tomorrow. Your aunt Liza and uncle Roger promised to come and see us.
Daughter: What are you going to cook? Shall we have anything special?
Mother: For the first course I want to make clear soup. Will you buy some beef, please, but mind, it shouldn't be very fat.
Daughter: Shall I buy anything else at the butcher's?
Mother: If they have lean mutton, buy 2 kilos, please, I'll make mutton chops for the second course. I'm afraid we've run out of potatoes and tomatoes. Drop in at the greengrocer's and get 2 kilos of potatoes and one of tomatoes.
Daughter: Is that all? Beef, 2 kilos of mutton, 2 kilos of potatoes and one of tomatoes.
Mother: Oh, dear, you won't be able to carry that entire foodstuff. I'll ask Mike to help you. Mike, will you please, go with Ann and help her with the shopping?
Mike: Certainly, if she buys me an ice cream.
Mother: That reminds me. Will you look in at the confectionery and buy a chocolate cake? Aunt Liza is very fond of it. That seems to be all. Here is money.
Daughter: Mike, take the shopping bag and off we go.


13. Translate into English.*

Что бы Вы хотели?; полфунта; банка клубничного варенья в один фунт; небольшой пакет с грибами; Этот подойдет?; слишком жирный; мне хотелось бы попостнее; Сколько стоит это?; вот банкнота в пять фунтов; вот сдача; у нас будет новое поступление; мы все продали в настоящий момент; я куплю вместо этого свинину; какую часть вам бы хотелось взять?; для варки или для жарки?; Кое-какие товары еще не прибыли; они будут доставлены; я оставлю их для вас; обратите внимание на фрукты, которые мы сегодня получили; персики действительно прекрасно выглядят; … совсем дешевые в это время года; это действительно дешево; закончились картошка и помидоры; заскочи в овощной; загляните в кондитерскую; мы отправляемся.



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