За дание 18 . Социально-деловая сфера 

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За дание 18 . Социально-деловая сфера


Задание 1. Учебная лексика

1. I can’t go to the history lecture next Tuesday, could you pick up an extra copy of the …? Ответ: handouts

2. Could you ______ samples of the skins? Ответ: supply

3. The right to _________ has been described as a basic human right. Ответ: education

4. Although each school in England decides its own _______, they must include certain compulsory subjects. Ответ: curriculum

5. You should do something more useful than philosophy – something more _______ like hotel management. Ответ: vocational

6. The ________ is one of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from all the other English universities. Ответ: tutorial system



Задание 2. Деловая лексика


1. I'd like to ________ you to Lisa, our sales manager. Ответ: introduce

2. The_______ of reading writing spelling and numeracy are essential for young people and adults in every aspect of their daily life. Ответ: basic skills

3. There is a steady ________ for goods of this type. Ответ: demand

4. The wide ________ displayed on your stand at the Fair impressed us very much. Ответ: assortment


Задание 3. Профессиональная лексика

1. The TOEFL is the most common ________ for those students whose first language is not English. Ответ: test

2. Obtaining _________ is a systematic academic process involving the acquisition of clearly defined knowledge and skills. Ответ: qualification

3. An effective way to generate lots of ideas on a specific issue and then determine which idea is the best solution can be … Ответ: brainstorming

4. One-on-one teaching allows the ________ to improve the student’s knowledge or skills far more rapidly than in a classroom setting. Ответ: tutor

5. It’s necessary to get practical ________of work and to get deep knowledge in different fields of science. Ответ: experience

6. Being a teacher is a noble and complicated job that demands a lot of inner and outer _________ from a person. Ответ: efforts


Задание 4. Термины (Дефиниции)

1. Higher mental processes, such as perception, memory, language and thinking are … Ответ: cognitive processes

2. A standardized requirement for an individual to properly perform a specific job is … Ответ: competence.

3. The type of psychologists who study how people influence one another, especially in groups is called … Ответ: social psychologists.

4. An involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus is a … Ответ: reflex

5. A process in which individuals take the initiative to diagnose their learning needs, formulate learning goals, select learning trajectory and evaluate learning outcomes is … Ответ: self-directed education

6. A branch of psychology concerned with the psychological problems associated with teaching and learning is … Ответ: educational psychology

7. A prearranged practical learning professional experience under the guidance of a university coordinator is… Ответ: -an internship

8. A person's constant striving to realize his or her potential and to develop inherent talents and capabilities is … Ответ: - self-actualization


Задание 5. Словообразование

1. Many parents complain of their children’s _______, but probably they were the same. Ответ: disobedience

2. Donald is so ________ in the kitchen. I think he should be a professional chef. Ответ: сreative

3. If you are interested in applying for the job, your ________ must be received by Friday. Ответ: application

4. I can’t _______ that terrible noise any longer. Ответ: tolerate

5. I wish I didn’t have to work tomorrow, but ________ I do. Ответ: unfortunately

6. All our _______ receive four weeks paid holiday per year Ответ: employees

Задание 6. Местоимения

1. Our English teacher _______ accent is clearly Scottish comes from Glasgow. Ответ: whose

2. When Anna got paid she bought __________ some new clothes. Ответ: herself

3. Mr and Mrs Cooper and a friend of __________ are coming to see us. Ответ: theirs

4. «Are they good friends?». «No, they don't like …». Ответ: each other.

Задание 7. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

1. I am afraid the problem is __________than it seems. Ответ: much more complicated

2. Nike _______ plays volleyball. He plays basketball instead. Ответ: no longer

3. This is ___________coffee I’ve ever tasted. Ответ: the best

4. The younger you are, __________ it is to learn. Ответ: the easier

5. Nike _______ plays volleyball. He plays basketball instead. Ответ: no longer

6. I really liked James’s last book but this one is not … Ответ: as good


Задание 8. Артикли

1. George gave _______ to his father. Ответ: the Sunday Times

2. The geographical centre of London is … Ответ: Trafalgar Square

3. I liked________essay you had brought the other day very much. Ответ: the

4. To tell________truth, I didn't expect to see him. Ответ: the

5. The rent is 50 dollars________week. Ответ: a


Задание 9. Предлоги

1. If you run ________ two hares, you will catch neither. Ответ: after

2. The conference will be held _______ November 22nd, 2010. Ответ: on

3. I’m afraid, Mr Rodgers is away on business _______ Friday afternoon. Ответ: till

4. Where is Jane? I'm tired ________ waiting. Ответ: of

5. Our daughter is good _______ foreign languages. Ответ: at

6. Please buy some fruit _______ the way home. Ответ: on

Задание 10. Союзы

1. At 11.40 pm, ______ most of the passengers were asleep, an iceberg hit the Titanic and made holes in her. Ответ: while

2. I gave him the book __________ he might study the subject at home. Ответ: so that

3. I shall be 22 ______ the time I finish my training and I’ll be able to work as a doctor. Ответ: by

4. Always keep your goals in mind ______ you start a new activity. Ответ: as

Задание 11. Глагол и его формы

1. When I saw the girl I was sure I _______ her before. Ответ: had met

2. If he _______ for London by train, he will get there on Wednesday. Ответ: leaves

3. Jane _______ three letters so far. Ответ: has written

4. The Prime Minister’s Election _______ soon. Ответ: will be held

5. I can’t find my umbrella. I think somebody _______ it by mistake. Ответ:  has taken


Задание 12. Неличные формы глагола

1. He is never going to let me _______ my mistake. Ответ: forget

2. David is at our London office today, ______ some visitors from abroad. Ответ:  meeting

3. He is known __________ much attention to his work. Ответ: to pay

4. While _______this article he came across many difficulties. Ответ:  translating


Задание 13. Фразовые глаголы

1. The instructions for this new computer game are so complicated I can’t work _______ how to play it. Ответ: out

2. My English isn’t very good but it’s enough to … Ответ: get by.

3. The fire will go ________ unless you put some more wood on it. Ответ: out

4. A mechanic will carry ________ a full inspection of the car to see what caused the problem. О твет: out

5. At last he decided to _________ smoking. Ответ: give up

Задание 14. Модальные глаголы

1. If you want to get a good job, you ________ learn foreign languages. Ответ: should

2. Everybody will ________ work hard if they want to pass exams. Ответ: have to

3. Little children like books with large print. They ________ read them more easily. Ответ: can

4. John _________ take a taxi because he was late. Ответ: had to

5. You ________ do it today. You can do it tomorrow morning. Ответ: needn't

Речевой этикет

Задание 15.  Бытовая сфера

1. Mary: «I’m afraid I’ve been keeping that book of yours too long».
Susan: «_____________» Ответ: It’s quite all right.

2. Friend: «__________________».
You: «OK, see you». Ответ: Well. I must be off now. Bye.

3. Susan: «Hi, Mary. How’s life?»
Mary: «_______________». Ответ: Fine, thanks. And you?

4. Sister: «I’m going to the party».
Brother: «_____________!» Ответ: Have fun!

5. Mother: «Could you do some shopping for me?»
Mary: «_______________» Ответ: Right away.

6. Friend: «__________________». You: «OK, see you». Ответ: Well. I must be off now. Bye.



Задание 16. Профессионально-деловая сфера

1. Boss: «You are late, Mr. Jones».
Mr. Jones: «________________» Ответ: I’m terribly sorry, I’ve got in a traffic jam.

2. Receptionist: «________________».

3. Guest: «I’d like a single room for one night ». Ответ: Good morning, sir. I’m at your service.

4. Mr Hill: «Good morning, I have an appointment with Mr James».
Receptionist: «________________». Ответ: Please take a sit for a moment, sir. I’ll tell Mr James you are here.

5. A: «Hello. Could I speak to Ann Jones, please?»
B: «________________». Ответ: I’m afraid she’s away from her desk right now.

6. Boss: «Ann, could you make coffee for us, please?»
Secretary: «__________________» Ответ: Certainly, sir. How would you like your coffee, Mr. Cartwright, black or white?

Задание 17. Учебно-социальная сфера

1. Student: «I hear you have defended your graduation project. Congratulations!»
Student: «_____________» Ответ: Thanks ever so much!

2. Professor: «I invite you to take part in our scientific conference to be held next week».
Student: «_________________» Ответ: Not sure I’ll be able to. I am defending my graduation project next week

3. Teacher: «I would advise you to use these Internet sources».
Student: «_______________» Ответ: Certainly. I’ll study them as soon as possible.

4. Teacher: «Give me that book. Will you?»
Student: «_______________». Ответ: Most certainly.

5. Student: «Could you help me?»
Librarian: «_____________?» Ответ: I'd be glad to. What is it?

Задание 19. Великобритания

1. The national holiday which takes place each year on the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth II marked by a military parade and march-past is called … Ответ: Trooping of the Colour.

2. The top of Christmas pudding in Great Britain is traditionally decorated with … Ответ: a sprig of holly

3. The term of the ________ has a maximum duration of five years. Ответ: British Parliament

4. The wheel of the London Eye carries 32 sealed and air-conditioned ovoid passenger capsules, attached to its external circumference, each capsule representing one of the … Ответ: London Boroughs

5. At present the head of the Commonwealth is Queen Elizabeth II. However, when the monarch dies, the successor to the crown ________ Head of the Commonwealth. Ответ: does not automatically become

Задание 20. США

1. Wall Street, the symbol of the US financial power, is located in... Ответ: New York.

2. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the USA in … Ответ: November.

3. A large shopping centre in the US is called a … Ответ: shopping mall

4. A traditional sweet dessert on Thanksgiving Day in the USA is a … Ответ: pumpkin pie

5. Statue of Liberty is situated in … Ответ: New Jersey

Задание 21. Канада

1. The floral symbol of Canada is the … Ответ: maple leaf.

2. The Canadian national currency is the … Ответ: Canadian dollar.

3. Gilles Vigneault’s words «My country isn’t a country, it’s winter» are about … Ответ: Canada.

4. «From sea to sea» is Canada’s … Ответ: motto

5. The only country bordering Canada is Ответ: USA

6. Canada occupies a major portion of … Ответ: North America


Задание 22. Выдающиеся личности англоговорящих стран

1. A British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II is … Ответ: Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill.

2. An English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, who formulated the theory of universal gravitation is … Ответ: Isaac Newton.

3. An English astronomer, mathematician, and physicist best known for computing the orbit of the eponymous comet is … Ответ: Edmond Halley

4. An American writer known as the author of the first detective story «The Murders in the Rue Morgue» is … Ответ: Edgar Allan Poe

5. An English writer, poet, philologist, and university professor, best known as the author of the classic fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion is … Ответ: John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

Раздел Письмо

Задание 23. Оформление конверта

1. Расположить части письма в правильном порядке


1) 67, Upper Thames Street,
London, EC 4 V 3 AH

May 2009

Mr R. Morrison

P. Marlow & CO. LTD

Bird Street

London E1 6 TM

Dear MR Morrison,

5) Unfortunately, we have not yet received the computers "OPTIMA 133" which were a part of this order. We would be grateful if you could deliver these as soon as possible or refund our money.

Yours sincerely,

D. Barker






Задание 24. Оформление конверта



The sender

The addressee

Задание 25. Оформление резюме, письма-заявления, письма-уведомления, письма-запроса, контракта, служебной записки


Ответ: Order Letter







Задание 26. Оформление электронного сообщения, факса, меморандума (служебной записки)



Marketing Executive


Fall Clothes Line Promotion

Jonathon Fitzgerald





Задание 27.

1. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания

Training in Britain

1. Not all British students study full time at university or college. Many people combine their studies with work. Some companies release their staff for training one or two days a week or two month a year. Large companies often have their own in-house training schemes.

2. The British government is very enthusiastic about such training schemes, in particular because so few people go to university. Only 25 per cent of the student population goes on to higher education.

3. If you unemployed, there are two forms of training schemes: employment training for people who have been out of work for a long time and Youth Training Schemes for school-leavers who cannot find a job.

Задание 28

1. Завершите утверждение согласно содержанию текста.

To provide British people with training …

Задание 29

1. Ответьте на вопрос.
Why is training promoted by the British government today?

Задание 30

1. Определите основную идею текста.


Задание 1. Учебная лексика

1. I can’t go to the history lecture next Tuesday, could you pick up an extra copy of the …? Ответ: handouts

2. Could you ______ samples of the skins? Ответ: supply

3. The right to _________ has been described as a basic human right. Ответ: education

4. Although each school in England decides its own _______, they must include certain compulsory subjects. Ответ: curriculum

5. You should do something more useful than philosophy – something more _______ like hotel management. Ответ: vocational

6. The ________ is one of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from all the other English universities. Ответ: tutorial system



Задание 2. Деловая лексика


1. I'd like to ________ you to Lisa, our sales manager. Ответ: introduce

2. The_______ of reading writing spelling and numeracy are essential for young people and adults in every aspect of their daily life. Ответ: basic skills

3. There is a steady ________ for goods of this type. Ответ: demand

4. The wide ________ displayed on your stand at the Fair impressed us very much. Ответ: assortment


Задание 3. Профессиональная лексика

1. The TOEFL is the most common ________ for those students whose first language is not English. Ответ: test

2. Obtaining _________ is a systematic academic process involving the acquisition of clearly defined knowledge and skills. Ответ: qualification

3. An effective way to generate lots of ideas on a specific issue and then determine which idea is the best solution can be … Ответ: brainstorming

4. One-on-one teaching allows the ________ to improve the student’s knowledge or skills far more rapidly than in a classroom setting. Ответ: tutor

5. It’s necessary to get practical ________of work and to get deep knowledge in different fields of science. Ответ: experience

6. Being a teacher is a noble and complicated job that demands a lot of inner and outer _________ from a person. Ответ: efforts


Задание 4. Термины (Дефиниции)

1. Higher mental processes, such as perception, memory, language and thinking are … Ответ: cognitive processes

2. A standardized requirement for an individual to properly perform a specific job is … Ответ: competence.

3. The type of psychologists who study how people influence one another, especially in groups is called … Ответ: social psychologists.

4. An involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus is a … Ответ: reflex

5. A process in which individuals take the initiative to diagnose their learning needs, formulate learning goals, select learning trajectory and evaluate learning outcomes is … Ответ: self-directed education

6. A branch of psychology concerned with the psychological problems associated with teaching and learning is … Ответ: educational psychology

7. A prearranged practical learning professional experience under the guidance of a university coordinator is… Ответ: -an internship

8. A person's constant striving to realize his or her potential and to develop inherent talents and capabilities is … Ответ: - self-actualization


Задание 5. Словообразование

1. Many parents complain of their children’s _______, but probably they were the same. Ответ: disobedience

2. Donald is so ________ in the kitchen. I think he should be a professional chef. Ответ: сreative

3. If you are interested in applying for the job, your ________ must be received by Friday. Ответ: application

4. I can’t _______ that terrible noise any longer. Ответ: tolerate

5. I wish I didn’t have to work tomorrow, but ________ I do. Ответ: unfortunately

6. All our _______ receive four weeks paid holiday per year Ответ: employees

Задание 6. Местоимения

1. Our English teacher _______ accent is clearly Scottish comes from Glasgow. Ответ: whose

2. When Anna got paid she bought __________ some new clothes. Ответ: herself

3. Mr and Mrs Cooper and a friend of __________ are coming to see us. Ответ: theirs

4. «Are they good friends?». «No, they don't like …». Ответ: each other.

Задание 7. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий

1. I am afraid the problem is __________than it seems. Ответ: much more complicated

2. Nike _______ plays volleyball. He plays basketball instead. Ответ: no longer

3. This is ___________coffee I’ve ever tasted. Ответ: the best

4. The younger you are, __________ it is to learn. Ответ: the easier

5. Nike _______ plays volleyball. He plays basketball instead. Ответ: no longer

6. I really liked James’s last book but this one is not … Ответ: as good


Задание 8. Артикли

1. George gave _______ to his father. Ответ: the Sunday Times

2. The geographical centre of London is … Ответ: Trafalgar Square

3. I liked________essay you had brought the other day very much. Ответ: the

4. To tell________truth, I didn't expect to see him. Ответ: the

5. The rent is 50 dollars________week. Ответ: a


Задание 9. Предлоги

1. If you run ________ two hares, you will catch neither. Ответ: after

2. The conference will be held _______ November 22nd, 2010. Ответ: on

3. I’m afraid, Mr Rodgers is away on business _______ Friday afternoon. Ответ: till

4. Where is Jane? I'm tired ________ waiting. Ответ: of

5. Our daughter is good _______ foreign languages. Ответ: at

6. Please buy some fruit _______ the way home. Ответ: on

Задание 10. Союзы

1. At 11.40 pm, ______ most of the passengers were asleep, an iceberg hit the Titanic and made holes in her. Ответ: while

2. I gave him the book __________ he might study the subject at home. Ответ: so that

3. I shall be 22 ______ the time I finish my training and I’ll be able to work as a doctor. Ответ: by

4. Always keep your goals in mind ______ you start a new activity. Ответ: as

Задание 11. Глагол и его формы

1. When I saw the girl I was sure I _______ her before. Ответ: had met

2. If he _______ for London by train, he will get there on Wednesday. Ответ: leaves

3. Jane _______ three letters so far. Ответ: has written

4. The Prime Minister’s Election _______ soon. Ответ: will be held

5. I can’t find my umbrella. I think somebody _______ it by mistake. Ответ:  has taken


Задание 12. Неличные формы глагола

1. He is never going to let me _______ my mistake. Ответ: forget

2. David is at our London office today, ______ some visitors from abroad. Ответ:  meeting

3. He is known __________ much attention to his work. Ответ: to pay

4. While _______this article he came across many difficulties. Ответ:  translating


Задание 13. Фразовые глаголы

1. The instructions for this new computer game are so complicated I can’t work _______ how to play it. Ответ: out

2. My English isn’t very good but it’s enough to … Ответ: get by.

3. The fire will go ________ unless you put some more wood on it. Ответ: out

4. A mechanic will carry ________ a full inspection of the car to see what caused the problem. О твет: out

5. At last he decided to _________ smoking. Ответ: give up

Задание 14. Модальные глаголы

1. If you want to get a good job, you ________ learn foreign languages. Ответ: should

2. Everybody will ________ work hard if they want to pass exams. Ответ: have to

3. Little children like books with large print. They ________ read them more easily. Ответ: can

4. John _________ take a taxi because he was late. Ответ: had to

5. You ________ do it today. You can do it tomorrow morning. Ответ: needn't

Речевой этикет

Задание 15.  Бытовая сфера

1. Mary: «I’m afraid I’ve been keeping that book of yours too long».
Susan: «_____________» Ответ: It’s quite all right.

2. Friend: «__________________».
You: «OK, see you». Ответ: Well. I must be off now. Bye.

3. Susan: «Hi, Mary. How’s life?»
Mary: «_______________». Ответ: Fine, thanks. And you?

4. Sister: «I’m going to the party».
Brother: «_____________!» Ответ: Have fun!

5. Mother: «Could you do some shopping for me?»
Mary: «_______________» Ответ: Right away.

6. Friend: «__________________». You: «OK, see you». Ответ: Well. I must be off now. Bye.



Задание 16. Профессионально-деловая сфера

1. Boss: «You are late, Mr. Jones».
Mr. Jones: «________________» Ответ: I’m terribly sorry, I’ve got in a traffic jam.

2. Receptionist: «________________».

3. Guest: «I’d like a single room for one night ». Ответ: Good morning, sir. I’m at your service.

4. Mr Hill: «Good morning, I have an appointment with Mr James».
Receptionist: «________________». Ответ: Please take a sit for a moment, sir. I’ll tell Mr James you are here.

5. A: «Hello. Could I speak to Ann Jones, please?»
B: «________________». Ответ: I’m afraid she’s away from her desk right now.

6. Boss: «Ann, could you make coffee for us, please?»
Secretary: «__________________» Ответ: Certainly, sir. How would you like your coffee, Mr. Cartwright, black or white?

Задание 17. Учебно-социальная сфера

1. Student: «I hear you have defended your graduation project. Congratulations!»
Student: «_____________» Ответ: Thanks ever so much!

2. Professor: «I invite you to take part in our scientific conference to be held next week».
Student: «_________________» Ответ: Not sure I’ll be able to. I am defending my graduation project next week

3. Teacher: «I would advise you to use these Internet sources».
Student: «_______________» Ответ: Certainly. I’ll study them as soon as possible.

4. Teacher: «Give me that book. Will you?»
Student: «_______________». Ответ: Most certainly.

5. Student: «Could you help me?»
Librarian: «_____________?» Ответ: I'd be glad to. What is it?

За дание 18. Социально-деловая сфера

1. Clerk: «_________________».
Customer: «I’d like to book two roundtrip tickets to Boston». Ответ: May I help you?

2. A: «_________________».
B: «Turn right at the corner». Ответ: Pardon me, sir. Could you tell me how to get to the bus stop?

3. Usher: «_________________»
Customer: «Here it is». Ответ: May I see your ticket?

4. I ________ play basketball, I’m too short. Ответ: can`t



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