Say whether the following statements are right or wrong. Correct them if they are wrong. 

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Say whether the following statements are right or wrong. Correct them if they are wrong.

1. There are 60 parks in London.

2. In the south-east that is the Kew Gardens.

3. There are 100 000 plants in the Kew Gardens.

4. Cactuses came from deserts.

5. Some of the trees in the Kew Gardens 200 years old.

6. Kew is important only for children.

7. There are 5 museums on the territory of the Kew Gardens.

8. 10,000 people visit Kew every day.



                     Grammar exercises

Translatye the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Туристы  могут видеть много растений в парке.

2. Неужели туристы могут видеть много растений в парке?

3. Не может быть, чтобы туристы видели много растений в парке.

4.Туристам следует посетить этот парк.

5. Туристы посетят сегодня парк (по расписанию).

6. Туристам пришлось посетить парк.

7. Туристам придется посетить парк.

8. Возможно, туристы сейчас в парке.

9. Возможно, туристы были вчера в парке.

10. Возможно, туристы в парке (но едва ли).


 2.Fill in necessary modal verbs

1. I … to take a taxi, otherwise I should have missed the train.

2. You … not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done.

3. … help me now?

4. She … be the youngest child in the family.

5. … I take your umbrella?

6. Peter … return the book to the library. We all want to read it.

7. I think you … consult a doctor.

8. We ….have 5 English lessons every day.

9. She …be sleeping, but I am not sure.

10.He …be working. It’s late.



                             Section 3. Landscape Design

                               Text 10. Landscape design

Designers, agronomists, builders, psychologists carry out a landscape project. This collective work comes to the excellent result in a landscape design.

There is an exhibition plot of land in Sheremetievo (12 km from Moscow), where customers can view the landscape design created and served by the company.

The company provides interior of landscape design for private and corporative customers.

Do you want to have a beautiful landscape design on your plot of land?

Firstly, a landscape project is to carry out. Their specialist will come to your plot to get an order and to form a sketch by hand, then this specialist carries out a landscape project by hand or visualization by computer (AutoCAD, PhotoShop, 3D Max). The next is the realization of landscape design on the plot.

Landscape design is a result of human’s activity on a plot of land for creating beautiful views.

Landscape design is a method of providing inside territories with artistic value.

Landscape design has some styles.

Landscape style is a style of landscape design based on natural views without geometric figures, with flexible forms of garden constructions: paths and walks, pavilion, pergola, arch, - with flexible forms of garden water features: garden reservoirs, ponds, - with flexible forms of groups of landscape plants: trees, bushes, flowers in flower bed.

The company uses a landscape plants from their nursery that makes the process of greenery very quick and simple. These elements are well based on the hedge and lawn.

Elements of landscape design:

- stony slope with garden or reservoir;

- area for the rest with garden pavilion or other constructions between trees;

- wall of stone with flowers or other rocks in a garden;

- garden water features: spring, stream and pond or reservoir with garden rocks on the banks and bushes, flowers between them.

Landscape project is an artistic passport of a plot.

It’s important to project out beautiful views and isolate poor details, to take into account the wishes of the plot’s owner and opportunity of maintenance of the landscape project. One can have got not many landscape plants: trees, bushes, flowers – or elements of landscape design in the garden: flower-bed, pavilion, garden reservoir or pond, garden rocks – but everything is to be in harmony with each other.



 agronomist                             агроном

carry out                                     выполнять, проводить; to ~ out in (to) practice                     осуществлять, проводить в жизнь

project                                         проект, план (строительства)

plot                                               участок (земли)

customer                                      заказчик, покупатель, клиент

view                                           осматривать, рассматривать

                                             2. n вид, пейзаж

create                                  творить, создавать

serve                                     обслуживать, управлять, снабжать

sketch                                  набросок, эскиз

visualization                        отчетливый зрительный образ

realization                                осуществление, выполнение

provide                                    снабжать, обеспечивать

value                                    смысл, значение, ценность

flexible                                     гибкий, гнущийся

path                                     тропинка, дорожка, путь

walk                                     зд. аллея, тропа

pavilion                               беседка, павильон

pergola [ 'pз:gәlә]                  беседка, крытая аллея из вьющихся растений

arch                                     арка, свод

feature                                     особенность, свойство, деталь

reservoir [ 'rezәvwa:]              водоем, бассейн

pond                                         пруд

nursery                                 рассадник, питомник

hedge                                     изгородь

lawn                                       газон, лужайка

slope                                          склон, скат

rock n                                   1) горная порода; 2) камень, 3) скала

stream                                       ручей

spring                                    источник, ключ, родник

bush                                       куст, кустарник

project                                       проектировать, составлять план

account                                  мнение, оценка; to take into ~ принимать во  внимание

maintenance                          поддержка, сохранение, содержание

harmony                                   гармония, соглашение


Vocabulary Exercises


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

project, view, plot, to create, sketch, visualization, pavilion, pergola, path, arch, reservoir, pond, nursery, hedge, lawn, spring, bush


2. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations from the text:

designer, landscape project, exhibition plot of land, for private and corporative

customers, to form a sketch by hand, on the plot, human’s activity, with artistic                                                                                                                   value, garden reservoirs, stony slope, garden water features



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