Разделите существительные на две группы: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые. От исчисляемых существительных образуйте формы множественного числа. 

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Разделите существительные на две группы: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые. От исчисляемых существительных образуйте формы множественного числа.

Имя существительное

Разделите существительные на две группы: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые. От исчисляемых существительных образуйте формы множественного числа.

Country, businessman, fuel, man, money, information, service, industry, coffee, processing, problem, good, trade, plant, manufacturing, consumer, growth, economy, agriculture, water, resource, news.


Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1. The decision of the firm was very important.

2. He is a famous economist.

3. She will be a good accountant.

4. This good is in high demand.

5. That country was a part of the British Empire.

6. He is a manager of an agricultural company.

7. I am a student of the economics department.

8. My firm produces various consumer goods.

Переведите следующие словосочетания:

Bank service, trade growth, plant manager, agriculture study, consumer goods, resources processing, world economy, service sector growth, animal farming products, market analysis, labour economics, labour market study, goods and services prices, growth economics problems, actual economic situation details, consumer behaviour, future prediction, growth mechanism, agriculture and manufacturing relationship, mineral resources prices, agricultural product price growth, area development, trade growth prediction.

4. Измените словосочетания, используя притяжательный падеж существительных:

work of manager - manager's work

goods of the seller                                goods of sellers

behaviour of the buyer                               behaviour of buyers

behaviour of the woman                                behaviour of the women

work of an economist                           work of economists

services of the seller                             services of sellers

people of the town                                         people of the towns

Имя прилагательное

1. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения прилагательных, используя примеры в таблице и обращая внимание на правила правописания.

Few, high, low, fast, easy, cheap, necessary, proper, big, important, essential, serious, old, expensive, small, early.


Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. The living standards of people in Wales are lower than in England, the unemployment rate is higher.

2. The second largest city in Wales is Swansea.

3. The most important tradition connected with Christmas is the giving of presents.

4. Edinburgh is Europe’s 11th largest financial centre, with influential financial players such as Royal Bank of Scotland, the Bank of Scotland.

5. The economy of Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four countries in the United Kingdom.

6. The more wages a person was paid the higher profits would be.

7. A highly developed country and one of the wealthiest, Australia is the world's 12th-largest economy.

8. The permanent collection of the British Museum is among the largest and most comprehensive in existence and originates from all continents.

9. The rate of expansion of international trade in cotton is lower than that of cotton production.


Местоимения (The Pronouns)

Замените подчеркнутые словосочетания соответствующими личными местоимениями.

We are interested in prices for services. — We are interested in prices for them.

1. The woman is an economist.

2. The prices are high.

3. People produce goods and services.

4. Prices of resources affect prices of goods.

5. Economics is interesting.

6. He is interested in economics.

7. Prices in the markets are important for all people.

8. Prices for everyday goods are important for this woman.

9. The study of agricultural markets is not interesting for the man. The man is a doctor.

10. A model usually includes essential elements of a particular economic situation.

11. The development of markets is important for an economist.

Имя существительное

Разделите существительные на две группы: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые. От исчисляемых существительных образуйте формы множественного числа.

Country, businessman, fuel, man, money, information, service, industry, coffee, processing, problem, good, trade, plant, manufacturing, consumer, growth, economy, agriculture, water, resource, news.



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