The structure of a guided tour 

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The structure of a guided tour

Each guided tours has its own structure depending on the type of the tour but all of them are characterized by the structure which features:

· Theme (Тема )

· Objective ( Цель )

· Structure ( Композиция экскурсии)

· Introduction

- a warm-up talk (5-7 minutes – introduction of the guide, the driver)

- rules of conduct and safety on the road

- brief information (about the itinerary, stops, etc.)

· The main part (Основная часть )

- sup-topic

- questions

· Conclusion

- summary

- further information

Occupational Health & Safety (Canarini Tour Guides Lesson 7)

Health: As a tour guide you will travel to places via different types of transportation where the working condition is varying from indoor to outdoor with the constant changing of climate and weather. Therefore, a tour guide must take good care of his health in the first priority doing so through these simple steps:

· Eat well

· Keep your body always hydrated. Always carry a bottle of water in your bag.

· Appropriate footware, comfortable and suitable for the working environment.

· Protect yourself under the heat. Carry sunblock hats or umbrella as well as water to avoid heatstroke and dehydration.

· Prepare for a sudden change of weather or other emergencies.

· Carry a raincoat or sweater in case of rain.

· Always have first aid kit nearby in case of emergency.

Safety: Whether working on a tour or bus or walking tour, a tour guide needs to be well prepared. Safety precautions include:

· Brief your passengers on any potential dangers during the tour or in the area.

· Keep your passengers safe from traffic obstacles. Give them warning on any potential pickpockets or scams in the area.

· Direct visitors away from the traffic as they might be distracted from sightseeing and other surrounding sceneries.

· Ensure all passengers are seated during the trip.

· Minimize moving and standing up while the vehicle is in motion to avoid falling and injuries in case of sudden stops for passengers with disabilities. PWD hydraulic lifts for the vehicle will be required. Make sure the designated area is always available for them.

Logistics management: Common logistics that need to be practiced:

· Check all movements and details the day before departure as well as the vehicle and driver

· Check if the vehicle is registered

· Check if the suitable clean equipment with emergency evacuation is qualified for the trip

· Check if the driver is qualified and had reliable road records with background (check if applicable)

· Check that the driver is en route to pick up and is on time for scheduled departure

· Check and confirm the driver that the vehicle is in position and has made contact with the group

· Memorize the vehicle plate number

· Also advise the group to take down notes on the vehicle and driver‘s information before departing.

· Remember to conduct a headcount of the group at the beginning of the tour and during the tour.

· Advise passengers to take their possessions with them when leaving the bus or after a stop on the tour.

· Assist the driver with any emergency traffic problems or passengers‘ requests for amendments.

Emergency Handling: Emergencies or tricky situations may arise during any tour. They might include:

· Passengers fallen ill and required more than basic first aid.

· Luggage lost during the tour.

· The bus is involved in a traffic accident or breakdown.

· One or more members of the group involve in a breach of local laws.

· Passengers lose their passports, visa, money or other important documentation during the trip.

· Overbooking of accommodation at the tour destination

· A typhoon or any other sudden natural disaster causing the cancellation of tour activities.

Handling emergency

· Stay calm is the first golden rule to deal with any emergency issue There is no good in panicking in order to overcome any arising emergency. A tour guide must identify the issue in additional information or resources needed to resolve it rationally.

· Enlist step by step on how to overcome the issue.

· Allow help supports and assistance from other passengers if they have experience and knowledge on how to deal with that particular issue for passengers who can‘t be in assistance.

· Ensure they are moved into a safe place while you and other capable passengers.

· Handling the situation with any medical emergency you must first ask if there is a doctor on board who could help and that person will look after the sick person while you call for the ambulance or other medical services.

· Be clear and concise in your communication to passengers and others what happened, how it happened, in the result of it.

· Work with medical staff or the authorities to help directing people on where you, they should be as well as instructing them what they can do to help.

· Keep your colleagues involved and if given instructions by them follow and keep them informed through the process.

YouTube video

1. Canarini Tout Guides. Lesson 7 - Occupational Health & Safety.

2. Canarini Tout Guides. Lesson 9 - Airport Pick-up & Transfer to Hotel.

3. Canarini Tout Guides. Lesson 10 - Check-in Hotel.


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