XIV. Translate the text using a dictionary. 

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XIV. Translate the text using a dictionary.

Text B. Periodontal Diseases

    The word “periodontal” is of Greek origin. It means “around the tooth”. Periodontal disease is caused by bacterial infections that attack gums, ligaments and the bone structure. The mouth contains a large number and variety of bacteria. They form a sticky film called plaque. Plaque is not easy to be removed, even if you brush your teeth every day. That is why it is very important not only to brush the teeth but also to clean between them and to have regular dental check-ups including periodontal examinations. Unremoved plaque forms a porous deposit called tartar. It can be removed only when your teeth are cleaned in the dental office.

    There are several kinds of periodontal diseases. Some of them develop slowly and without any pain while others progress rapidly. These diseases occur at any age but for adults they are the main cause of tooth loss.

    What are the types of periodontal disease?

    The normal space between teeth and healthy gums is three millimeters or less. With periodontal diseases this small space develops into a pocket. The more serious is the disease, the greater is the depth of the pockets.

    Gingivitis – a mild periodontal disease which develops when toxins in a plaque irritate the gums making them red, tender, swollen and easy to bleed. Three out of four adults have some degree of gingivitis.

    Periodontitis – a serious periodontal disease which occurs when toxins destroy the tissues that anchor teeth into the bone. The gums detach from teeth and pockets are formed. Exposed teeth roots become susceptible to decay and sensitive to cold and touch. Tartar that forms below the gums inhibits reattachment of the gum tissue to the teeth. Thus, conditions for constant inflammation are created. If not treated, the affected teeth become loose in their sockets. They may fall out or require extraction by a dentist.

XV. Case Analyses.

Fill in the table.

  Diagnosis Prognosis Treatment options Further preventive measures
Periodontal disease        


a. As far as you know periodontal disease affects 90% of all adults and causes 70% of all adult tooth loss. Do children have periodontal disease? If they do, what should be done to prevent it?

b. Today there is a growing debate regarding surgical versus non-surgical treatment of periodontal disease. Give your opinion.


  Advantages Disadvantages
Non-surgical periodontal therapy    
Surgical periodontal treatment    


c. Is dental education important for patients? Why?

Lesson 14

Грамматика: 4 формы глагола и их функции, модальные глаголы (повторение)


Dental Cracks

I. Read the words of the Latin and Greek origin and give their Russian equivalents:

enamel and dentin [I’nqemql]

thermal stresses [‘TWmql]

cycling of temperatures [‘sQikliN]

expansion coefficient [iks’pqenSqn,kouq’fiSqnt]

restorative work [ris’tLrqtiv]

frozen carbon dioxide [‘frouzqn ‘kRbqn dQi’OksQid]

in extreme cases [iks’trJm]

pain on mastication [,mqesti’keiSqn]

sensitivity [,sensi’tiviti]

fluorescent oil [fluq’resnt oil]

pressure [‘prqeSq]

ultraviolet light [,Altrq’vQiqlit lQit]


II. Learn the following words:

crack - трещина

expansion [iks’pqenSqn] - расширение

couple [kApl] - пара

to clench the teeth - стискивать зубы

to grind the teeth - скрежетать зубами

to split (split) - трескаться, ломаться

complete [kqm’plJt] - полный, законченный

fracture [‘frqekCq] - перелом

mastication [,mqesti’keiSqn] - жевание

sweet food - сладкая пища

sour food [sQuq] - кислая пища

beverage [‘bevqriG] - напиток

to chew [CH] - жевать

to propose [prq’pouz] - предлагать

to apply [q’plQi] - применять, прикладывать

oil [oil] - масло, мазь

to polish [‘pOliS] - полировать

excess [ik’ses] - излишек

water jet [Get] - струя воды

visible [‘vizibl] - видимый

onlay [‘Onlei] - накладка

to prefer [pri’fW] - предпочитать

preferable [‘prefqrqbl] - предпочтительный


III. Find the synonymous words:

mastication         apply

in addition to      changes

beverage             occur

frequently           therapy

cycling                carry out

use                       often

treatment              besides

develop                drink

perform               chewing


IV. Give the antonyms to the following words:

new, cold, complete, effective, visible

V. Give three forms of the verbs:

to have, to prefer, to eat, to develop, to be, to find, to do, to perform, to make, to study, to complain, to split


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