Acute intestinal obstruction 

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Acute intestinal obstruction



*! A 57-year-old man was admitted with complaints of bleeding and severe pain in the anus after defecation. On examination, pronounced spasm of the sphincter.

Which of the following is the MOST probable preliminary diagnosis?

* + sharp anal fissure



*! A woman of 60 years old, was admitted with complaints of severe throbbing pain in the anus, an increase in body temperature to 38 ° C for 2 days. When examining the anal area, hyperemia, swelling and swelling of the skin to the left of the anus, palpation is sharply painful.

Which of the following is the MOST probable preliminary diagnosis?

+ Acute paraproctitis



*! Lower limb ischemia IIA with heat and according to A.V. Pokrovsky's classification: limping after about 250-300 meters walk


# 17

*! A 38-year-old patient who came to the surgeon in a polyclinic complaining of sharp swelling of the entire right upper limb after a sharp increase in weight, pain of a bursting nature. Movement and sensitivity saved. The right upper limb is increased in volume throughout, the edema spreads to the subclavian region and the anterolateral surface of the chest.

Which of the following diagnoses is MOST probable?

Acute subclavian vein thrombosis


*! THE MOST probable cause leading to the formation of a habitual dislocation of the shoulder after a traumatic one is the reduction of dislocation?

* + sharp movement, without anesthesia


# 19 *! In case of fractures of the surgical neck of the shoulder in senile patients, is the MOST rational treatment method considered?

+ A kerchief dressing with a discharge (recliner) roller

# 20 *! MOST characteristic symptom for complicated rib fracture?

+ Hemoptysis and emphysema


# 10 *! What symptom the MOST reliably indicates the viability of the tissue when performing plastic surgery:

+ Bleeding from the dermis


# 21 *! MOST thoracic-dorsal flap has the type of blood circulation: axial.


# 22 *! MOST probable degree of thermal burn, if cloudy hemorrhagic blisters, scraps of opened blisters, scabs are detected on the burned area against the background of skin hyperemia, the victim complains of pain.



# 23

*! MOST often used dressings used at the pre-medical stage for burns of the 2nd degree:

Dry aseptic


# 24

*! The event of emergency first aid for a chemical burn of 3-4 degrees MOST true:

Anesthesia, dry aseptic sites on cased sites, transportation to a medical institution


# 25

*! P about what signs the MOST often is an express assessment of the severity of the condition of the burned:

ITP-index of severity of lesion-depth of lesion from 1-4 points


# 26

*! Traumatic shoulder dislocations MOST often accompanied by damage?

Large tubercle

# 27

*! After reposition of the Koles fracture, MOST should be fixed the brush in position?

Flexion, abduction in the elbow side (ulnar deviation)

# 28

*! After reposition of Smith's fracture, MOST should be fixed the brush in position?

Extension, abduction in the elbow


# 29

*! MOST probable source of bleeding in the pleural cavity with a closed fracture of the ribs is this?

Intercostal vessels


# 33

*! Is the MOST expected complication of rib fractures considered?

Subcutaneous emphysema


# 31

*! MOST frequent form of displacement of a peripheral fragment in case of sternal fractures?




# 32

*! The symptom of the "key" is most appropriate for?

Acromioclavicular joint rupture


# 33

*! With a collarbone fracture, the MOST expected displacement of the central fragment?

Moves up and back


# 34

*! With a collarbone fracture, the MOST expected displacement of a peripheral fragment?

Moves down, forward and inward



# 35

*! MOST expected displacement of the distal fragment in case of a fracture of the neck of the scapula?

Front and bottom


# 36

*! What dislocation of the acromial end of the clavicle MOST probably can be cured conservatively?

Dislocation of 1 degree


# 37

*! MOST expected displacement of a peripheral fragment during a fracture of the upper third of the shoulder?




# 38

*! MOST expected displacement of the central fragment during fracture of the upper third of the shoulder?

Central fragment: retracted and rotated outwards


# 39

*! MOST expected displacement of the central fragment during a fracture of the shoulder at the border of the middle and upper third?

Is given


# 40

*! Is the MOST optimal calculation of the load on body weight for skeletal hip extension considered?

Within 8-12 kg, 15 % of the patient’s body weight or 1/7 part



# 41

*! The MOST optimal way to treat fresh tears of the lateral ligaments of the knee joint is considered?

+ joint immobilization for 6 weeks


# 42

*! THE MOST optimal method for treating chronic ruptures of the lateral ligaments of the knee joint is considered?

+ ligament plastic


# 43

*! Is the MOST optimal method for treating chronic rupture of the cruciate ligaments of the knee considered?

+ plastic ligament repair


# 44

*! A 22-year-old girl complains of fever up to 38.5 ˚С., Weakness, malaise, sore throat. She got sick two days ago, after hypothermia. With pharyngoscopy: the mucous membrane of the pharynx is pink, the tonsils are hyperemic, swollen. In the KLA - L -9.6 x 10 9 , ESR - 28 mm / h.

Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST probable?

* + catarrhal sore throat


# 45

*! A 34-year-old man complains of poor health, fever up to 38.5 ° C., Weakness, muscle pain, sore throat, aggravated by swallowing. On examination, submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged. Pharyngoscopy: palatine tonsils hyperemic, swollen, visible translucent whitish-yellowish formation with a pinhead. In the KLA - L -10.6 x 10 9 , ESR - 34 mm / h.

Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST probable?

Follicular tonsillitis


# 46

*! Girl 24 years complains of a sore throat on the left, worse on swallowing, inability to swallow, marked weakness, BMR 's temperature rise to 38,8˚S. She fell ill acutely, 5 days ago. The deterioration came 2 days ago, after a warming compress. Objectively: submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged, painful, movements of the lower jaw are limited. Asymmetry of the pharynx due to bulging of the left palatine tonsil, hyperemia and swelling of the left palatine arch. In the KLA - L- 12.6 x 10 9 , ESR - 34 mm / h.

Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST probable?

* +++ paratonsillar abscess


# 47

*! A 37-year-old woman complains of pain in the nose, head, fever up to 38 ° C., chills. Rhinoscopically: skin infiltration of the vestibule of the nose, hyperemia of it, swelling of the upper lip.

Which preliminary diagnosis of the following is MOST probable?

Furuncle nose


# 48

*! A 37-year-old man complains of a runny nose, headache, and more in the occipital region. Often spit purulent sputum. Sick for several years. Rhinoscopy: moderate enlargement of the nasal concha. There is no discharge in the upper nasal passage.

Which of the following preliminary diagnoses is MOST probable?


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