Interesting Native American Indian Art Facts 

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Interesting Native American Indian Art Facts

  • The oldest known art found in North America dates back to approximately 11,000 BC. A bone with the image of a mammoth carved in it was discovered in Florida.
  • The type of art created by the various tribes was often influenced by the region they lived in and their lifestyles. For example nomadic tribes would not be able to carry with them large heavy items so there artwork would have to be light and easily transported.
  • American Indian art often incorporates symbols and subjects involving nature; these include the sun, moon, and various animals such as bears and birds.
  • There are many museums throughout the United States and the world where you can see Native American Indian Art artifacts; they include the Museum of the American Indian in New York City and the Museum of the American Indian in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


1. Guess the meaning of the words then check them in the Dictionary:

Mammoth; region; to transport; symbols; nature; museum; artifacts; type;


2. Translate into Russian:

Image; date back to; approximately; various; nomadic tribes; heavy; item; light;


3. Fill the gaps and translate the following verbs:

Di_c_ver; cr_at_; in_lue_ce; tra_spor_; in_orpo_ate; i_clu_e;

4. Write six sentences with the verbs from Ex. 3 in Past Indefinite Passive.

A) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
D) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
E) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
F) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


5. Answer the questions:


A) Where was the oldest known art work discovered? What was it? - _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B) What was so special with the art work of nomadic tribes? - _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C) What symbols and subjects does American Indian art often incorporate? - _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

D) Where can you see Native American Indian art artifacts? - _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Match the words:

Nomadic culture
various art
basket forms
unique tribes
art weaving
traditional animals


7. Match the words:

pottery серьги
weaving бусы
beadwork браслеты
jewelry ткачество
turquoise гончарное дело
necklaces Вышивка бисером
earrings бирюза
bracelets ювелирное украшение

8. Complete the table:

Infinitive Past simple Participle II Перевод
      носить, одевать


9. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке:

A) Was made, copper and turquoise, silver, brown stone, most jewelry ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B) Are, by Native American Indians, totem poles, striking artworks, one of the more ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C) Ceremonies, used masks, generally, tribal ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

D) Of food, was used, and other things, pottery, for the storage ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


10. Write interrogative and negative sentences:


A) Pottery was used for the storage of food. - ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B) Shields can be seen on cave walls, pottery and more. - ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C) Teepes were commonly painted by the men of the tribe. - ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

D) Jewelry was made and worn by the different tribes. - ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

E) A bone with the image of a mammoth carved in it was discovered in Florida. - _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

F) Beads were made from shells, bone and wood. - _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Native American Indian Dolls



Read and translate Text 1

The Native American art form of making dolls was a symbolic and culturally significant tradition held by many tribes throughout the US. Since different tribes would often dress them in similar fashion to members of their own tribes, the dolls became an important means of recording Native American life. Two popular doll types were kachina and cornhusk. What materials did Native Americans use in making these dolls? How did they vary from tribe to tribe? The answers to these questions as well as other interesting kid-friendly facts and information about American Indian dolls can be found below. Those who are looking to purchase or collect Native American Indian dolls can find them for sale online as well as in some Native American gift shops. Use caution when purchasing Indian crafts and verify that the place where you are purchasing from sells authentic dolls and not replicas.



significant     значительный, значимый

tribe, tribes     племена

similar            схожий

fashion            мода

important means важные средства

cachina           традиционная качина-кукла из дерева

cornhusk         традиционная кукла племени ирокезов, главным занятием

которых было земледелие, а основной культурой кукуруза

vary                отличаться, различаться

to purchase     покупать

gift shops        сувенирные лавки

use caution     будьте осторожны

craft                ремесло

authentic dolls Подлинные куклы

replica       Точная копия     



1. Guess the meaning of the words:

Form, symbolic, tradition, popular, material, interesting, facts, information, collect, sale, online.


2. Translate from English  into Russian:

Native American art, making dolls, culturally significant tradition, throughout the US, similar fashion, important means of recording Native American life, vary from tribe to tribe, can be found, can find, use caution when purchasing.


3. Translate  from Russian into English:

Изготовление кукол; сувенирная лавка; убедитесь; совершаете покупку; подлинные куклы,  копии.





4. Translate the text from Russian into English:

 Куклы индейцев Северной Америки.

Традиционные куклы имеют очень важное значение для культуры коренных народов Америки. Они  могут многое сказать об их жизни. У разных индейских племен совершенно непохожие куклы, очень различны и техники их изготовления. Американские индейцы жили в разной окружающей природной среде, поэтому материалы для изготовления кукол применялись разные. К таким материалам относятся: дерево, полотно, растения, кожа, мех и т.д. Например, в лесистой местности жили индейцы хопи, поэтому своих традиционных качина кукол они делали из дерева, а затем раскрашивали их и украшали мехом, кожей и перьями. Индейцы семинолы, наоборот, обитали в низинных болотистых местах. В изготовлении своих семинол кукол они применяли волокно болотного растения palmetto. Меховая одежда традиционных кукол иннуитов говорила об очень холодном климате, где жили эскимосы. Основным занятием индейцев навахо была охота, и их традиционные куклы богато отделаны мехом и кожей. У племен, проживающих на равнине, в частности, ирокезов главным занятием было земледелие, а основной культурой – кукуруза. Она использовалась не только в пищу, но и для других целей: изготовление веревок, корзин, ковриков, а также традиционных кукол. Кроме обрядового предназначения, куклы использовались для игр индейских детей. С середины XX века интерес к культуре коренных народов США резко возрос, и вместе с ним – к традиционным куклам. И до сих пор народные индейские куклы пользуются огромным спросом и у любителей кукол, и у коллекционеров.

1. Answer the questions:

What materials did natives Americans use in making their dolls?


How did these dolls vary from tribe to tribe?


What are the two popular doll types?


Read and translate the text

 Interesting Facts about American Indian Dolls

  • Native American children would often make dolls for the sole purpose of playing with them. Girls would donate their own hair for the dolls while boys would skin animals and use the hide for clothing.
  • Since available materials varied from tribe to tribe, the dolls would vary as well. Almost every Indian tribe has included doll making as part of their art.
  • Dolls with hide dresses and moccasins adorned with beads were typical of 19th century Plains Indian dolls. Some Northern Plains Indian tribes would use metal to construct the dolls while Crow Indian dolls were sometimes made of wood or cloth. Inuit dolls were often dressed in fur while palmetto leaves were used to make dolls in the Seminole tribe.


the sole purpose       единственная цель

to donate                  пожертвовать

to skin animals         снимать шкуру с животных

hide                          шкура

available                   доступный

adorned with beads  украшенный бисером



1 .Guess the meaning of the words:

Moccasins, to construct, metal, Seminole tribe; typical.


2. Translate from English  into Russian:

Donate their own hair; skin animals and use the hide for clothing; hide dresses and moccasins adorned with beads; use metal; made of wood or cloth; fur.


3. Translate from Russian  into English:

С единственный целью, доступные материалы, изготовление кукол, типичный, ткань.


4. Find the sentences from the text  with verbs in Past Indefinite Passive.




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