Open the brackets using the given verb in Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple Passive. 

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Open the brackets using the given verb in Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple Passive.

1. Every year some regulatory organizations _________________ (to introduce) all over the country.

2. Educators _____________ (to provide) with all necessary information about working conditions for inclusion at the last workshop.

3. A new concept by I. Ivanov ______________ (to socialize) in the nearest future.

4. Public school programs ________________ (to adopt) at the last meeting of professional.

5. The idea of inclusive teacher training _________________ (to regulate) by the Government of the country.

Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the given sentences.

1. Many theories or philosophies, such as those of Socrates, St. Augustine, Rousseau, and Dewey, have influenced education.

Кто оказал влияние на образование?


2. Piaget’s theory is a psychological theory.

Чья теория является психологической теорией?


3. Empiricists (such as Locke, Berkeley, and Hume) in essence argued that knowledge has its source outside the individual.

Что доказали эмпирики?


4. When a teacher plans to use a game in class she must realize its cognitive value well.

Какую ценность игры должен осознавать учитель, когда планирует занятие?


5. Adult power must be reduced because the child can construct moral rules and knowledge only when he is free to come to his own decision autonomously.

Власть взрослого должна быть сокращена, не так ли?



12. Ситуация “I am an early child educator”:

· Вы представляете педагогический университет на ярмарке профессионального образования. Подготовке презентацию о профессии преподавателя и расскажите о том, что необходимо для того, чтобы стать профессионалом в этой области, и какими чертами обладают специалисты-педагоги.

· Вы – студент педагогического университета и принимаете участие в международной конференции, посвященной вопросам дошкольного и школьного образования и воспитания. Расспросите зарубежного коллегу о том, что требуется для того, чтобы стать специалистом в области раннего обучения детей.


Test 1

Active and Passive Voice

Early childhood educators

I. Join the words to be certain word combinations:

1. professional                                A. leadership

2. to be socialized into                    B. organization

3. public                                          C. profession

4. to have strong                             D. attributes

5. a regulatory                                E. program


1    2    3    4    5        


II. Name with the word.

1. The study / subject of things that happened in the past.


2. All the words you know in a language.


3. Time when you are a child.


4. A person who gives lessons at school.


5. A specialist in education.


6. The rules of behavior.


7. Doing something well.


 III. Open the brackets using the verb in Present or Past Simple Active or Passive.

1. Each babysitter _______________________(to socialize) into profession.

2. This new regulatory program _____________________ (to provide) with comments by professionals last month.

3. Every educator _________________ (to belong) to a group of professionals.

4. Mr. Petrov _____________________ (to educate) future teachers at the workshop at Moscow State University yesterday.

IV. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Different child care programs are offered in the field of early childhood education. ____________________________________________________________

2. A training program for future teachers is focused on professional skills and a code of ethics.


3. A real language specialist must have a large vocabulary. _____________________________________________________________

4. Professional attributes of any educator are: skills, a code of ethics and leadership. _____________________________________________________________


Правильное выполнение заданий I иIIсоответствует пороговому уровню освоения материала аудиторного занятия, оценка «3»

Правильное выполнение заданий I, II иIII соответствует диффузному уровню освоения материала аудиторного занятия, оценка «4»

Правильное выполнение заданий I, II,III и IV соответствует продвинутому уровню освоения материала аудиторного занятия, оценка «5»



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