English for extramural students 

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English for extramural students


(Part 2)

Учебное пособие по английскому языку

для студентов заочной формы обучения

Казань 2016


УДК 811.111 (075.8)

ББК 81.432. Англ я 73

А 64




Валеева Р.З., Демина С.А., Кириллова А.И., Новгородова Е.Е., Першагина И.А., Устинина Г.Ф.



Рекомендовано к печати на заседании Ученого Совета КазГИК




Вагнер К.Р., кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и перевода КИУ им. В.Г. Тимирясова (ИЭУП);

Габдрахманова А.С., кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и перевода КИУ им. В.Г. Тимирясова (ИЭУП)



English for extramural students (part 2): [учеб. пособие]/ КазГИК; авт.-сост.: Р.З.Валеева, С.А.Демина, А.И.Кириллова и др. – Казань: ООО ПК «Астор и Я». –  2016. – 103 c.

Пособие предназначено для студентов заочного обучения. Пособие состоит из шести разделов, каждый раздел — из четырех подразделов: теоретические аспекты изучаемого грамматического явления; практические упражнения на закрепление изученного материала; тестовые задания; тексты и задания к ним, нацеленные на проверку глубокого и полного понимания текста на основе усвоенной грамматики и лексики.


УДК 811.111 (075.8)

ББК 81.432. Англ. я. 73

Контрольная работа №1.

Grammar: Simple Tenses

Vocabulary: Family

Grammar Revision Section.

The Pronoun (Местоимение).

Личные местоим Именительный падеж (Кто? Что?): I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they Объектный падеж (Кому? Чему?): me, you, him, her, it, us, them
Притяжательные местоим Чей? Чья? Чьи?: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their (употребляются с существительным – This is my book.) Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs. (употребляются без существительного.-  That's not my book. Mine is new. Это не моя книга. Моя - новая.)
Указательные местоим It, this, these, that, those, same, such.
Возврат ные местоим Ед. число: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself Мн. число: ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
Неопределённые местоим Some, somebody, everybody – в утвердительных предложениях; any, anybody, anything, anywhere - в вопросительных и отрицательных предл-ях; nobody,nowhere, nothing – в отрицательных предложениях; much, many; little (мало), a little(несколько)-(ед. ч.), few (мало), a few (несколько)- (мн. ч.), no, all, both, each, every, other, another, one, either, neither, the same.


1. It's ___doors, not____.

a) theirs, our b) their, ours c) their, our d) that, these

2. They're new actors and I don't know____ names.

a) their b) theirs c) our d) his

3. My flat is bigger than___, but____ is nicer.

a) her, hers b) hers, hers c) hers, her d) yours, your

4. That's not____ book. ___is new.

a) yours, My  b) my, Mine c) mine, My d) his, my

5. They took ____books and we took_____.

a) our, theirs b) ours, their c) ours, theirs d)ourselves, themselves

6. Are these brushes ___?

a) your b) our     c) yours d) their

7. Have you got__ English books at home? - Yes, I have some.

a) few b) any c) some d) this

8. I could see ____: it was quite dark.

a) everything     b) anything   c) nothing d) somebody

9. _______ of their conversation was about the institute.

a) a lot  b) much c) many d) a few

10. ____can answer this question. It is very easy.

a) somebody    b) nobody  c) everybody d) anybody

11. She wrote us ____letters from the country.

a) much b) many c) little   d) either

12. I have ____money, so we can go to the cinema.

a) a little   b) a few c) little    d) many

13. I have ____ time, so I can't go with you

 a) little   b) few   c) a few  d) a little

14. I can't buy this expensive hat today: I have too __ money.

a) little  b) a little c) few  d) much

15. There are __beautiful pictures in the magazine. Look at them.

a) some b) little        c) any    d) both

16. Has ____in this group got a dictionary?

a) somebody b) anybody c)  everybody d) nobody

17. They are in the _____ class.

a) such    b) each c) no   d) same

The Verb “To be”


+ I              am he she          is it we you         are they I he           was she it we you         were they I he she   will    be it we you they
? Am    I            he Is       she      ?            it            we Are   you     ?           they                I Was      he         ?               she                it               we Were   you        ?                 they            I            he            she Will   it     be?    we            you            they
I            am not he she          is not it             isn’t) we you       are not they   (aren’t) I he         was not she       (wasn’t) it we you      were not they        (weren’t) I he she   will not it        be we  (won’t you    be) they


Simple Tenses

  PRESENT (настоящее) PAST (прошедшее) FUTURE (будущее)


Утвердительное предложение


I we      V you        they




she    V (ed)2





  I         shall   V we          
  he       she        V s, es it             he she it             will V you          they


Вопро ситель ное предложение


        I        we   Do        you             they





Did    it  

      we    V?




          I   shall   we     
                      V?           he Does    she           it              he V?       she will  it           you         they


Отрицательное предложение


I       we   do not V     you        they




she did not V     





  I   you shall not V     
  he she does not V     it              we  he she      will not V they it


1.  I ___angry because Tom and Ann___ late.

 a) am, is         b) was, were       c) am, was d) were, is

2. I think _____an artist when I grow up.

a) was   b) will be c) am d) are

3. When my granny was young, she ____an actress.

a) weren’t b) was c) were d) is

4. I __ a first year student and ___you my group mate?

a) am, was     b) was, are       c) am, are d) will be, is

5. There ___ only two new plays at the theatre.

a) is       b) are    c) was d) isn’t

6. What time ___ the banks close in Britain?

a) does    b) do  c) are d) is

7. Some of the students ___ absent.

a)was  b) were c) wasn’t d) isn’t

8.    _____ your mother at the theatre a month ago?

a) do          b) is     c) was   d) are

9. A: I need some money.

 B: Don’t worry. ___ you some.

a) I lend b) I’ll lend c) I’ll lending d) I lends

10. A: Why did you ____ your car?

B: I ____some money.

a) sell, needed b) sold, needed c) sold, need d) selling, need

11. If you to translate this article into Russian, I____ it in my report.

a) use b) used c) will use d) using

12. She ____ a boring job and she ____ earn much money.

a) have, doesn’t b) has, doesn’t c) have, don’t d) doesn’t have, don’t

13. When was that ____? – It in that period of my life, when I____ Russian in Berlin.

a) happen, taught b) happened, taught c) happening, used to teach d) happens, teach

14. When ___ you know your examination results?

a) does    b) will c) do d) does

15. I don’t understand this sentence. What ____ this word mean?

a) is  b) was c) does d) do

16. The swimming bath ____at 9.00 and _____at 18.30 every day.

a) opened, close      b) opens, closes c) opened, is closed d)is opening, closed

17. How many cigarettes ____you smoke a day?

a) does        b) doesn’t     c) do d) is

18. If you ____ money, why ___ you get a job?

a) needed, won’t   b) need, won’t    c) need, don’t  

d) need, doesn’t

19. I ___ the piano, but I ____ play very well.

a) play, don’t b) was playing, didn’t c) play, doesn’t  

 d) playing, don’t

20. I promise I ___ you as soon as I arrive.

a) phone       b) will phone    c) phoned d) am phoning

21. I’m too tired to walk home. I think ___ a taxi.

a) I’m getting   b) I’ll getting c) I’ll get d) I take

2 2. The police ____me on my way home last night.

a) doesn’t stop   b) stops   c) stopped  d) is stopping

23. She ____ her examination because she studied very hard.

a) passed     b) was passing   c) did pass d) have passed

24. This house ____£35,000 in 1980.

a) costed        b) costs      c) cost d) will cost

25. I ____enough money to buy anything to eat.

a) doesn’t have b) didn’t have c) didn’t had d) haven’t had             

26. He ____the hotel,____ a taxi and ____ to the theater.

a) left, took, drove b) is leaving, is taking, is driving c) was leaving, was taking, was driving d) leaves, takes, drive

27. I ____a car but I ___ it very often.

a) have, don’t use b) will have, didn’t use c) had, don’t use d) have, doesn’t use

28. His wife _____ a motorbike.

a) doesn’t rides b) doesn’t ride c) don’t ride d) are riding

29. ____your parents_____ the concert last night?

a) do, enjoy  b) did, enjoy c) did, enjoyed d) won’t, enjoy

30. ____she ___ listening to music?

a) does, likes b) is, liking c) does, like d) did, liked

31. The rich man___ the artist to paint his portrait.

a) asked  b) is asking    c) ask d) was asked

32. How many brothers____ you got?

a) have   d) do c) are    d) will               

33. How long ___ it take to rehearse this scene?

a) is   b) will  c) do   d) was

Reading Section.


Part 1.

Choose the right variant.

A 1  Family…

1) is the group of people who live under one roof

2) consists of parents and children

3) is the group of people who aren't closely related

4) consists of grandparents and grandchildren

A 2 Most of the families…

1) start with divorce

2) are very large

3) are one-parent families

4) start with marriages


A 3 Every masterpiece is…

1) a product of its time

2) born in happiness

3) to be appreciated

4) born in pain

A4 The main unit of social organization is associated with the …

1) nuclear family

2) single-parent family

3) family consisting of many relatives

4) agrarian family


A 5 The most important function of the family is…

1) to provide its members with affection and emotional support.

2) to provide its members with education, work, recreation and socialization.

3) to perform economic production, education, religion, and recreation.

4) to be the basic unit of social organization.


A 6 Choose the statement which best reflects the content of the text.

1) As to the structure of the family, there are three different family units in the society.

2) The modern family has the same functions as earlier traditional forms.

3) The nuclear family consists of two adults, their children, and other relatives.

4) One of the main functions of the modern family is to provide children with education.

A 7 Select the main idea of the text:

1) The functions of the family, its composition, structure, life cycle and the roles of husbands and wives have been thoroughly studied in all societies.

2) Earlier traditional families usually performed many of the functions which are now performed by specialized institutions, such as education, religion, recreation, etc.

3) All societies have regarded the family as a basic unit of social organization to provide its members with protection, companionship, security, and socialization.

4) In all societies the family as a basic social group must pay particular attention to the emotional support of infants and young children and their socialization.

Part 2.

Read the text.

The Unhappy Man

A London newspaper recently published a case of suicide, in which the reasons that moved the unhappy man to lay violent hands upon himself were found in the shape of a letter in his left boot. In this letter he wrote:

“I married a widow who had a grown-up daughter. My father visited us frequently, fell in love with my step-daughter and married her. Thus my own father became my son-in-law, and my step-daughter, being the wife of my father, became my mother. After some time my wife presented me with a son, - of course, he was my father’s brother-in-law and my uncle, for he was the brother of my step-mother. My father’s wife, that is my step-daughter, had also a son, - of course, he was my brother, but at the same time he was also my grandson, for he was the son of my daughter. My wife was also my grandmother, being the mother of my mother.

I was the husband of my wife, but at the same time also her grandson, and since the husband of my grandmother is naturally also my grandfather, I am my own grandfather.... I should like to see the man who could bear all this.”

2. Are these statements true (1 - True), false (2 - False) or is the information not given (3 – Not Stated)? Circle the correct answer for questions A1 –A 8.

A1   The man was single.

 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


A 2 His wife had a daughter and a son.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


A 3 The man fell in love with his step-daughter.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


A 4 The man’s father had two sons.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


A 5 His stepdaughter was a widow.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


A 6 He was a man of fifty, and his wife was a year or two younger.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


A 7 His stepdaughter had no family of her own.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated


A 8 The man’s aunt was unmarried.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. Fill in the blanks with the words given below:

Widow, wife, stepchildren, fiancé, distance, brother, got engaged, grandparents, widower, name, younger, spinster, get married, cousins, bachelor, close, stepmother, uncle, cousins (х 2).

My... is Tom Smiles. I’m the eldest of all the children. My second... is Jack. The youngest is Michael. My... sister is two years younger than me. Some time ago she …. Her... is Mr. Brown. They are going to... next month.

I have many relatives. My … are dead. But I have a number of... and …relatives: two uncles, four aunts and about a dozen…. One of my... has lost her husband. She is a.... An … of mine has been a... for many years, but he married recently. His … is very kind to his... and treats them as a real mother would do. They love and respect their.... My second aunt has remained unmarried and therefore she is what the English call a... or a single lady. An uncle of mine has also remained single. He is an old....

Part 3.

Контрольная работа №2

Grammar Revision

The Past Continuous Tense

(Прошедшее продолженн ое время)

Утвердительная форма  was, were Ving Вопросительная форма was, were … Ving? Отрицательная форма  was not, were not Ving
 I was working She (he, it) was working We (you, they) were working Was I working? Was she (he, it) working? Were we (you, they) working? I  was not (wasn’t) working She (he, it) was not (wasn’t) working We (you, they) were not (weren’t) working

The Future Continuous Tense

(Будущее длительное время)

Утвердительная форма shall be, will be Ving Вопросительная форма shall, will … be Ving? Отрицательная форма will (shall) not be Ving
I (we) shall be working You (she, he, it, we, they)’ll be working Shall I (we) be working? Will you (she, he, it, we, they) be working? I (we) shan’t be working You (she, he, it, we, they) won’t be working



1. Jane met her friend Sam while she... to work.

a) walks

b)  was walking

c)  Walked


2. When I... in the garden, it began to rain.

a) sat

b) was sitting

c) was sat


3. What … when I... last night?

a) were you doing, phoned

b) were you doing, was phoning 

c) did you do, phoned


4. Mary … home when she... her wallet.

a) was running, was losing

b) was running, lost 

c) run, lost


5. What … when you came home yesterday? - They … in their room. 

a) did children do, played

b) did children, were playing

c) were children doing, were playing


6. Simon … his arm while we …. football.

a) was breaking, were playing

b) was breaking, played

c) broke, were playing


7. He didn't see me when I … into the room. He … at that moment. 

a) came, read

b) was coming, was reading

c) came, was reading


8. We (not/watch)... the television at 9 o'clock last night, we (have) … dinner.

a) were not watching, were having

b) didn't watch, were having

c) were not watching, had


9. A: Good morning, Catherine. A special guest  to our hotel today.

a) comes

b) is coming

c) will come


10. We … very busy now. We … a very important question.

a) are, are discussing

b) are, discuss

c) are being, are discussing



11. Where … Susan? - She … in the library at the moment.

a) is, works

b) is, is working

c) is, has been working


12. Look! Somebody … across the river.

a) swims

b) is swimming

c) swam


13. My friend … now. He … television.

a) doesn't sleep, is watching

b) isn't sleeping, is watching

c) doesn't sleep, doesn't watch


14. …. a very important problem at the moment? 

a) Are they discussing

b) Do they discuss

c) Are they discuss


15. A: Can you come over to me on Friday?

B: Sorry, I'd love to, but I... for Paris tomorrow.

a)  leave

b) am leaving

с) will leave


16. Where’s Robert?...... a shower?

a) Is he having

b) Does he have

c) Has he got




17. Where is Peter? … … his English lesson now?

a) Is he having

b) Does he have

c) Has he 


18. A: As your leader I'll tell you about our future excursions. We... by tram at nine in the morning and coming back at about seven.

a) shall be leaving

b)  shall leave

с) shall have been leaving


19. What... you... at 4.30 tomorrow afternoon?

a)  would... do

b)  were... do

с) will... be doing


20. Probably, I … my friends at this time.

a) shall have visited

b) shall be visiting   

 c) have visited


21. Now I... industry cooperates with the natural environment.

a) shall be illustrating

b) would be illustrating

c) will have illustrated


22. We … for you!

a) will be waiting

b) are waiting

c) have been waiting


23. We … for them at five o’clock tomorrow. We are sure they … in time.

a) wait, will be coming

b) 'll be waiting, 'll come

c) are waiting, come


24.  At three p.m. tomorrow we … our French lesson.

a) will take

b) will be taking

c) take


25. Who is that man? Why … at us?

a) he is looking

b) is he looking

с) does he look


26. Hello, Kate! I hear you … English now. Why?

a) shall be learning

b) learn  

c) are learning  


27. Jack... very nice to me at the moment. I wonder why.

a) is being

b) is

c) is to be  


28. Why isn't Sarah at work today? … ill?

a) Does she to be

b) Is she

c) Is she being 


29. He … the report at that moment.

a) was writing

b) would be writing

c) wrote


30. When you come to see me tomorrow I … in the garden.

a) would be working

b) shall be working

c) will have been working

Особые случаи

Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная                 степень
good - хороший better - лучше the best - лучший
bad - плохой worse - хуже the worst - худший
much / many - много more - больше the most – больше всего
little - мало less - меньше the least – меньше всего
far - дальний farther / further – дальше the farthest / the furthest – самый дальний

Особые случаи.

well – хорошо better – лучше best – лучше всего
badly – плохо worse – хуже worst – хуже всего
much / many /     a   a lot of - много more - больше most – больше всего
little - мало less - меньше least - меньше всего
far - далеко further / farther - дольше, дальше furthest (или farthest) - дольше всего, дальше всего


1.. Honesty is... policy.

a) the best  

b) better

c) more better


2. Of two evils choose the...

a)  less

b)  little

c)  Least


3. What's the... news of today?

a) later

b)  latest

c)  Last


4. If you require... information or assistance, ask at your local station.

a) further;

b) farther

c) furthest


5. Actions speak... than words.

a) more louder

b) the loudest

c) louder


6. Hotels are becoming... nowadays.

a) more expensive

b) the most expensive

с) expensiver


7. The damage to the car could be..., than we expected.

a) bad

b) worse

c) the worse


8. That was... case in his practice.

а) the least difficult

b) the less difficult

c) the less difficulter


9. The sea is... unknown part of our world.

a) the most large

b) the largest

c) the most largest


10. Why does he always come to see me at … possible moment?

a) bad

b) worse

c) the wors t


11. … you have, … you want.

a) The more, the more

b) The most, the most

c) Much, much


12. I don't know … many people … you do.

a) as, as  

b) as, so

c) so, so


13. She... have time to go out.       

a) often doesn’t

b) not often does

c) doesn’t often


14. This dictionary is … that one.     

a) as good as

b) as well as

c) good than


15. We danced … to the music and had a … time.     

a) happy, wonderfully

b) happily, wonderful

c) happily, wonderfully


16. The guests all gave Edith … presents and Edith thanked them ….        

a) nice, sincerely

b) nicely, sincerely

c) nice, sincere


17. He likes … to sing Italian songs to the guitar.

a) much many

b) very many

c) very much


18. A: Mr Jones shouted … today. B: I know. He was in a very … mood.     

a) angry, badly

b) angrily, bad

c) angrily, badly


19. A: Have you finished that puzzle already? B: Yes, it was really ….  

a) easy

b) easily

c) the easiest


20. He looked at me … and told me never to lie to him again.   

a) serious

b) seriously

c) more serious


Reading Section.

Контрольная работа №3.

Grammar: Perfect Tenses

Vocabulary: London


The Present Perfect Tense

(Настоящее совершенное время)

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма  Отрицательная форма  
I we        have + you          V (ed)3 they   he         has + she        V (ed)3 it                    I          we   Have you               they                         V(ed)3?           he Has       she           it       I       we        have not   you       V (ed)3 they   he       has not     she       V (ed)3 it             


The Past Perfect Tense

(Прошедшее совершенное время)

Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма  Отрицательная форма  
  I he she     had + it         V (ed)3 we you they           I           he          she  Had it      V(ed)3?          we              you          they I he she     had not       it         V(ed)3 we you  they

The Future Perfect Tense

(Будущее совершенное время)

Утвердительная форма   Вопросительная форма   Отрицательная форма  
I         shall have     we       V(ed)3   he she it        will have you     V(ed)3   they             I   shall   we                            have         he    V(ed)3?        she         will   it           you        they   I   you   shall not            have V(ed)3 we  he she   will not  it           have V(ed)3  they


Test 1.


1. Anna... a good job.

a) finds

b) has found

c) founded

d) have found


2. I... a new flat a few months ago.

a) bought

b) have been buying

c) have bought

d) buy


3.... Paul Simon’s latest record?

a) Have you heard

b) Have you been hearing

c) Did you hear

d) Are you heard

4. Sorry. I... one of your glasses.

a) have broken

b) broke

c) break

d) have been breaking


5.... you ever... to London?

a) has / been

b) have / been

c) have / were

d) have / be


6. I... not... him since June.

a) did / see

b) did / seen

c) have / saw

d) have / seen


7. They... John yesterday.

a) met

b) have met

c) meted

d) has met


8. Mary... Paris for London in 2013.

a) has left

b) have left

c) left

d) leaved


9. I haven’t done it....

a) yet

b) already

c) just

d) since


10. She’s... the letter. She... it yesterday.

a) wrote / wrote

b) written / writte

c) wrote / written

d) written / wrote


11. I _____ her for everything she _____.

a) thanking / did

b) thanked / had done

c) have thanked / has done

d) had thanked / had done


12. When I got to the office, I _____ that I _____ to lock the front door.

a) had realized / forget

b) realized / had forgotten

c) realized / forget

d) had realized / had forgotten


13. Lisa _____ me a lift because I _____ the bus.

a) gave / missed

b) have given / have missed

c) gave / had missed

d) had gave / missed


14. I _____ you at 8.00, but you _____ just _____ out.

a) call / have / gone

b) called / have / gone

c) called / had / gone

d) have called / have / gone


15. Why … you … my breakfast before I came back? Were you so hungry?

a) have/eaten

b) has/eaten

c) had/eaten

d) did/ate


16. When John made his mind to sign up for English course, Tom …already … it.

a) had/done

b) have/done

c) did/do

d) has/done


17. We … not … to any foreign country yet but in the foreseeable future we intend to go abroad and take a trip.

a) have/been

b) have/seen

c) had/been

d) were/been


18. She …a member of our organization for more than 10 years.

a) has/be

b) have/been

c) was

d) has/been


19. You are the most beautiful woman I … even …. Why are you single then?

a) have/seen

b) had/seen

c) has/seen

d) was/seen

20. She … only for half a year for an employer before she was fired.

a) has/worked

b) had/worked

c) worked

d) was working


21. When I went to school I was very scared because I … not … my previous homework.

a) had/done

b) have/dove

c) did/do

d) was/doing


22. He’s the 10th person who …me what is the weather today this morning!

a) has/ask

b) has/asked

c) had/asked

d) was/asked


23. I’m looking for Kate. Can you tell me where she is at the moment? – I don’t know, she … just ….

a) have/leved

b) have/left

c) has/leave

d) has/left


24. … your mother … the table by the time you were back from Canada?

a) has/laid

b) had/lad

c) had/laid

d) had/lying

25. By the time you come home, I … dinner.

a) will have cooken

b) will had cooken

c) will have cooked

d) will had cooked


26. I … the article by noon.

a) will have finished

b) will has finished

c) will have finish

d) will had finished


27. By the time you arrive in Paris, we … for Rome.

a) will have already leave

b) will had already leave

c) will have already leaved

d) will have already left


28. We … for 10 years by next month.

a) will been had married

b) will have been married

c) will has been married

d) will had been married


29. … the washing-up before she goes out?

a) Will she have done

b) Will she had done

c) She will had done

d) She will have done


30. By the time you get home I … the house.

a) will have not cleaned

b) will has not cleaned

c) won’t has cleaned

d) won't have cleaned


31. I … the book until next month.

a) will have read

b) will has read

c) won’t have read

d) won’t has read


32. You … about his attitude to homeless animals.

a) will has heard

b) will have heard

c) will must heard

d) will had heard


33. She … home before the traffic jam.

a) will have got

b) will has got

c) will had got

d) will has get


34. You … till she comes back.

a) will have not gone

b) will not gone

c) will has not gone

d) won’t have gone


The Future Perfect Tense

(Будущее совершенное время)

Утвердительная форма   Вопросительная форма   Отрицательная форма  
I      shall have     we   been V ing   he she it        will have you     been V ing   they             I   shall we                            have         he    been        she   V ing? will it           you        they   I            shall not you   have been              V ing we  he     will not  she   have been it       V ing  they

Test 2.


1. I … for you all day. Where have you been?

a) was looking

b) have looked

c) looked

d) have been looking


2. She says she … this man for ages.

a) Has known

b) Has been knowing

c) Was knowing

d) Knows


3. Mrs. Stone... as a teacher for twenty years

a) Work

b) Worked

c) Has been working

d) Is working

4. You look upset. What … to you?

a) Has been happening

b) Has happened

c) Happens

d) Had happened


5. No, thank you, I don’t smoke. I … up.

a) Gave

b) Have been giving

c) Have given

d) Have been given


6. Do you know where …?

a) Has she gone

b) Has she been going

c) She has been going

d) She has gone


7. … to this news from Scott? I’ve just repeated it.

a) Have you been listening

b) Have you listened

c) You have been listened

d) You have listened


8. Do you really think her English … since she started school?

a) Improves

b) Has been improving

c) Has improved

d) Improved


9. Their family has been living in this house since the eighteenth century, …?

a) Haven’t they

b) Hasn’t it

c) Don’t they

d) Isn’t it


10. Come in and have a seat. We … our plans for the next year.

a) Have just been discussing

b) Just discussed

c) Have just discussed

d) Just discuss


11. In the evenings, I often play chess with my next door neighbor. I ---- chess with him ever since I ---- to live here ten years ago.

a) have been playing / came

b) have been playing / have come

c) am playing / have come

d) have played / have come


12. Ann ---- her driving test three times because she's so bad at reversing. But she ---- reversing since last week and I think she has got a bit better at it.

a) has failed / has been practicing

b) failed / practiced

c) failed / was practicing

d) has failed / is practicing


13. I have been waiting for the prices of the houses to come down before buying one, but I think I ---- too long and the prices ---- to go up again

a) am waiting / are beginning

b) am waiting / began

c) have waited / are beginning

d) waited / were beginning

14. Last year, I experienced how tedious long plane trips could be. I ---- in an airplane for fairly long distances before that, but never as long as when I went to Australia last June.

a) have never flown

b) didn't fly

c) had flown

d) hadn't flown


15. This bicycle ---- In our family for fourteen years. My father used it for the first five years, my brother rode it for the next five and I ----it for the last four.

a) had been / had

b) has been / have had

c) was / had had

d) has been / had


16. It's a great pity you didn't come to London with us last summer, As you --- it before, it ---- a wonderful holiday for you.

a) hadn't seen / would have been

b) have never seen / will surely be

c) didn't see / has been

d) haven't see n / was


17. Yesterday at a restaurant, I saw Sally, an old friend of mine. I had not seen her for years. At first, I ---- her because she ---- at least 20 kilos.

a) didn't recognize / lost

b) didn't recognize / had lost

c) hadn't recognized / lost

d) haven't recognized / had lost


18. Our committee is trying to raise money to buy a new lifeboat. By the end of the year, we ---- out 5.000 letters asking for contributions.

a) will send

b) will be sending

c) will have been sending

d) will have sent


19. Look at her hands! They are dirty! She … fruits for 2 hours.

a) has been picking

b) have been picking

c) was picking

d) picked

20. Is it true that you … to find me all day long?

a) has been tried

b) have been

c) have called

d) have been trying

21. Sorry. I... one of your glasses.

a) have broken

b) have been breaking

c) have been broken

d) have breaking


22. My daughter … since early morning.

a) have been studies

b) has studied

c) have studied

d) has been studying

23. I … for you since seven o’clock. Why are you so late?

a) have been waiting

b) has been wait

c) have been waited

d) waited

24. Look what Pat... me for my birthday! A bike!

a) gave

b) has been giving

c) have been giving

d) has given

25. She’s tired because she... all day.

a) have been shopping

b) has been shopping

c) had been shopping

d) did been shopping

26. Nobody wants to hire me. I … for a job since 2011.

a) had been looked

b) had been looking

c) was looking

d) have been looking

27. How long … she … … my cell phone? My account is blocked!

a) has / been using

b) have / been using

c) did / use

d) was / using

28. Anna... a good job.

a) finds

b) has found

c) founded

d) has been finding

Reading Section.



The number of world famous sights that can be found in the city of London is impressive and covers both historical buildings such as St Paul's Cathedral and the Houses of Parliament such well as more modern creations such as the gigantic wheel of the London Eye and the Millennium Bridge. Special tour buses, some with open tops, run past most of these sights offering visitors the chance to view them in comfort and style and among the other sights that should not be missed are Nelson's Column, Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden and Wellington Arch.


Buckingham Palace

Few things to do in London are more popular than exploring Buckingham Palace. This is the official residence of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and the elaborately decorated State Rooms are open to the public each summer. This is the perfect opportunity to gain an insight into how the British monarchy really lives and admire their collection of portraits, furnishing, antiques and other items. The State Rooms are still used by the Royal Family to this day to receive and entertain the many notable figures that travel to London on state and ceremonial occasions and contain some of the more unusual gifts that have been received by Queen Elizabeth II over the years, such as drawings by Salvador Dali, a grove of maple trees and an embroidered silk scarf from Nelson Mandela. Special exhibitions are also open to the public each year in the Palace's 29-acre gardens.


Tower of London

The iconic Tower of London has long been one of the most popular things to do in London and no trip to the city would be complete without paying this impressive building a visit. The Tower of London contains more than a thousand years of royal history within its walls, much of it violent and all of it extremely dramatic. The tone is set for this iconic attraction as visitors enter through the Traitor's Gate and make their way to join Sir Walter Raleigh, who awaits his fate in the Bloody Tower after being accused of plotting against James I. The Medieval Tower is the home of Edward I, while the White Tower contains an impressive collection of armour, torture instruments and weapons that once belonged to Henry VIII. Visitors are then invited to make their way to the Jewel and Martin Towers to admire the world famous royal jewels.


Houses of Parliament

Although most people are familiar with the Houses of Parliament, few realise that it was originally known as the Palace of Westminster and served as a royal residence when it was built in 1042 during the reign of Edward the Confessor. Visitors will have the chance to admire Westminster Hall, which is one of the largest and most impressive medieval halls in the whole of Europe, while Big Ben, which is the largest clock face in the whole of England, can also be found here. Numerous visitors to the city as well as residents gather at the foot of Big Ben each hour to hear the famous chimes of this magnificent clock. Watching Prime Minister's Question Time in the Houses of Parliament is one of the most popular things to do in London on Wednesdays at noon, which means that visitors should purchase their tickets in advance.


Westminster Abbey

Exploring Westminster Abbey has been one of the most popular things to do in London for many centuries and people travel here from all over the world for the chance to visit the graves of famous figures that are buried in the cemetery here. The graves of many of the most notorious royal figures from British history can be found here, including Edward the Confessor, Henry V, Elizabeth I, Mary I and Richard II, who share the space with other celebrated figures such as Sir Isaac Newton, Laurence Olivier, Charles Dickens and Chaucer. Westminster Abbey itself is also renowned for its stunning Gothic architecture complete with murals and statues, while London's literary history is represented by Poets' Corner, which is an important pilgrimage site for many lovers of literature.


Downing Street

Paying a visit to 10 Downing Street has been on the checklist of top things to do in London for many generations and the experience is still enjoyed by both national and international visitors to the city to this day. While this terraced house may look rather humble from the outside, it is home to the Prime Minister and is one of the city's most important residences. Visitors who are lucky enough to be invited to step foot through the plain black door will discover that the interior is significantly grander than its exterior suggests and features impressive staircases as well as a network of corridors that wind their way through to a large selection of offices, conference rooms and family rooms.10 Downing Street is inhabited by the Prime Minster as well as the Chancellor of the Exchequer and their families and a number of notable events and meetings have been held within its walls over the years, while a black and white cat called Sybil hold the post of Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office.


City Hall

Visitors to Tower Bridge who are looking for ideas for what to do in London while they are in the area will want to add City Hall to their list of landmarks that should not be missed. This innovative building was designed by Norman Foster and can be found situated conveniently close to the River Thames, making City Hall a great place to pause while exploring this area of London. Although City Hall is used by the Lord Mayor of London and his extensive staff to conduct business, certain parts of this unusual building are open to the public during the week and on select weekends throughout the year. People who choose to take a guided tour of City Hall will be able to explore rooms such as the Living Room, which is located at the top of the building and offers commanding views of the Tower of London and surrounding area.


Wellington Arch

If you are planning a trip to Hyde Park, make sure that you don't forget to add Wellington Arch to your list of what to do in London. This magnificent landmark is situated opposite Apsley House and was built back in 1830 in order to commemorate the many victories that were won by Britain during the Napoleonic wars. One of the highlights here is the mighty bronze sculpture that tops the arch and is the largest of its kind in the whole of Europe. Wellington Arch once stood at the entrance of Buckingham Palace until it was discovered that the arch was too narrow for the royal carriages to pass through it, and visitors who are interested in learning more about the vibrant history of Wellington Arch are invited to venture inside where they will discover a well put together and informative exhibition complete with articles and photographs.


Trafalgar Square

Most lists of what to do in London put a trip to Trafalgar Square at the very top, and it is easy to see why. The heart of Trafalgar Square is occupied by a statue of Lord Nelson surrounded by majestic lions, which is one of the city's most famous landmarks. Trafalgar Square also boasts a large number of other attractions that should not be missed by visitors who are planning what to do in London, including the National Gallery, which is housed in an impressive Victorian building. In addition to Lord Nelson, a number of other military heroes are commemorated at Trafalgar Square, while people who are interested in modern art should make their way over to The Fourth Plinth, where several noteworthy exhibitions have been presented over the years including Mark Wallinger's Ecce Homo, which was displayed here back in 1999.


Piccadilly Circus

Situated in the heart of the vibrant West End district, taking the time to explore Piccadilly regularly tops lists of what to do in London for visitors from all over the world. This enormous junction is the very point where Shaftesbury Avenue, Haymarket and Regent Street intersect and visitors will find a wide range of entertainment options here including shops, theatres and restaurants. Some of the largest and most popular of these include the Criterion Theatre, the impressive Apollo Piccadilly Lillywhite's and the Queen's Theatre. All of which are overlooked by a Statue of Eros that stands atop the world famous Shaftesbury memorial fountain. Piccadilly Circus is also a great place to simply wander aimlessly for a while and soak up the atmosphere and visitors can be sure that there will be plenty to see and do in this vibrant section of the city.


Madame Tussauds


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