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Заполните таблицу в РТ о санкт-петербурге и Лондоне информацией из текстов.

7. Побеседуйте о Санкт-Петербурге и Лондоне:

1 группа – внимательно просмотрите текст о СПб и    приготовьтесь отвечать на вопросы о СПб.

2 группа - внимательно просмотрите текст о Лондоне и   приготовьтесь отвечать на вопросы о Лондоне.        

1 группа - составьте вопросы по тексту о Лондоне и задайте    их собеседникам из 2 группы.

 2 группа - составьте вопросы по тексту о СПб и задайте их собеседникам из 1 группы.  


8. Подберите из правой колонки информацию к определениям в     левой колонке:


In St.Petersburg:


1. the oldest                 TV tower (310 m high)

2. the tallest                 Peter and Paul fortress(founded in 1703)

3. the widest                the Blue bridge (97.3 m wide)

4. the shortest                       night of June, 21

5. the deepest                       part of the Neva river near Liteyny                                          (Foundry)bridge- 24 m

6. the worst                  flood in the history of St. Petersburg was on                                          November, 7, 1824 (421 m above the normal                                         level)


7. the most famous      poet who lived in St Petersburg- Alexander                                            Pushkin

8. the narrowest              street in St. Petersburg is Repina Street (5.6 m                                       wide)

9. the shortest                       street in St. Petersburg is Malaya Sadovaya street                                 (179 m long)

10. the most symmetrical street of Architect Rossi (its height and                                                  width are identical – 22 meters and its length is 10                                 times its width – 220 meters)


In London:


1. the oldest                                the Tower of London

2. the most well known     address in London is “10, Downing street” –                                                    the official address of the Prime Minister

3. the tallest                                          the Shard (309.6 m, 72 storey skyscraper)

4. the highest                              point in the City of London is St. Paul’s                                                          Cathedral

5. the most popular                    paid– for attraction in London is “London                                                       Eye” observation wheel (3.5 mln people visit                                                   it a year)

6. the most expensive                 shop in London is Harrods

7. the worst                                          smog that London has ever seen was the                                                 Great Smog of 1952 (nearly 400 people                                                 died)

8. the longest                              rivers in Great Britain are the Severn (354                                                       km) and the Thames (346 km)

9. the richest                               writer in Great Britain - Joanne Rowling –                                                       the author of “Harry Potter” (£560 mln)

10. the most famous                   English football player is David Beckham

9. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на то, как по-разному передаётся информация в русском и английском языках:

We could not jump over the paddle – it was very wide – 2 meters wide (прилагательное “wide” – “широкий”)!

Мы не могли перепрыгнуть через лужу – она была очень широкой – 2 метра шириной (существительное «ширина»)!


long- длинный; length - длина,

wide- широкий; width - ширина,

deep- глубокий; depth – глубина,

high- высокий; height - высота.


1. The building of the Ohta center is planned to be very high – do you know the planned height of the building?

2. What is the highest building in St. Petersburg and what is its height?

3. What was the height of a sky scraper in Primorskiy district – I mean the high building which was made shorter.

4. What is the depth of the Neva river – is it very deep?

5. The Neva river is deep enough to take even sea ships – what is its depth in the deepest part?

6. Do you know how long the Nevskiy prospect is – what is its length?

7. If you have no ruler how can you show one meter – how long is our arm? What is the length of one arm and a half?

8. In Medieval cities streets were very narrow – sometimes they were not wide enough for two pedestrians to walk at a time. What was the width of the narrowest street?

9. We have a street which is not very wide – its width is about 2 or 3 meters – do you know, where it is situated?

10. What is the height of an average 9-story building – is it very high?


1. The average глубина of the Neva river is 8–11 m, which means that it is 8-11 m глубиной (= глубокая).

2.  The maximum глубина of the Neva river is 24 m (near the Liteyny Bridge), which means that near the Liteyny bridge it is 24 m глубиной (глубокая).

3. The total длина of the Neva river is 74 km, which means that it is 74 km в длину (= длинная).

4. The длина of the Neva river within the city is 28 km, which means that within the city it is 28 km в длину (= длинная).

5. In some places (such as the mouth of the Kama River) the Volga reaches the ширина of 50 km (Kuybyshev Reservoir), which means that it is такая широкая как 50 km.

6. The Ivan the Great Bell Tower is the tallest bell tower of the Kremlin in Moscow, with a total высота of 81 meters (266 feet), which means it is 81 meters в высоту (= высокая).

7. The длина of the Great Chinese Wall is 8 851 km and 800 meters, which means it is 8 851 and 800 meters в длину (= длинная).

8. The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures discovered in 1974 by local farmers in Xian province of China. The figures vary in высоте – from 1.83 to 1.95 metres (6.0–6.4 ft), according to their roles, with the самые высокие being the generals. 

9. The глубина of the abyss was so great that it seemed to have no bottom.

10. The narrowest street in St. Petersburg is Repin street – its average ширина is 5,6 meters.

11. The tallest construction of our city is the TV tower – its высота is 310 meters.

12. The tallest architectural construction of our city is Peter and Paul Cathedral – its высота is 122,5 meters.

13. The street of architect Rossi is a unique architectural ensemble due to its proportions – its ширина equals the высоте of the buildings and is 22 meters and its длина is 10 times bigger - 220 meters.

14. Sometimes young girls wear very short skirts – their длина is only enough to screen their bumps!

15. Ширина of the door way should not be less than 1,5 meters.

16. At what глубина can water be found in our city?

17. A group of miners in Chili spent 69 days in a mine which was 700 meters глубиной (= глубокая).

18. The длина of films nowadays is rarely less than 2 hours.

10. Расскажите об одной из достопримечательностей Санкт-Петербурга или Лондона. Найдите информацию о достопримечательностях одного из 2 городов или воспользуйтесь дополнительным материалом в конце учебника.


1. Повторите за диктором словосочетания с предлогами времени:

1.1. On Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, on Friday, on Saturday, on Sunday.


1. 2. Let’s meet on Monday, let’s meet on Tuesday, let’s meet on Wednesday, let’s meet on Thursday, let’s meet on Friday, let’s meet on Saturday, let’s meet on Sunday.


1. 3. At 8 o’clock, at 9 o’clock, at 10 o’clock, at 11 o’clock, at 12 o’clock, at 1 o’clock p.m., at 2 o’clock p.m., at half past 3 p.m., at half past 4 p.m., at half past 5 p.m., at half past 6 p.m., at quarter to 7 p.m., at quarter to 8 p.m., at quarter to 9 p.m.


1. 4. Let’s meet on Monday, at half past 7. Let’s meet on Tuesday, at half past 8. Let’s meet on Wednesday, at half past 9. Let’s meet on Thursday, at half past 10. Let’s meet on Friday, at A


quarter to 11. Let’s meet on Saturday, at  A quarter to 12.


2. В РТ просмотрите грамматический комментарий по теме «модальные глаголы».

Ответьте на вопросы. Обратите внимание на предлоги времени и формы модальных глаголов «can» и «must» в будущем времени:


1. When will you be able to come to the University tomorrow? (At… - В …/ Not earlier than… Не раньше…)

2. When will you be able to get up on Sunday? (At… - В …/ Not earlier than… - Не раньше…)

3. When will you be able to buy a car? (In… - через …)

4. When will you be able to travel all over the world? (In… - через …)

5. When will you be able to become a good specialist in your sphere? (In… - через …)

6. When will you have to get up tomorrow? (At … - В…)

7. When will you have to pass exams? (In …(месяц) - В…)

8. When will you have to start working? (In … (год) - В…)

9. When will you have to pay your mobile phone bill? (In …-через)

10. When will you have to go on practice? (In … - В …)


3. Ответьте на вопросы (Вы можете дать свой вариант ответа или выбрать один из предложенных вариантов и дать ответ как в положительной, так и в отрицательной форме):

· What could you do at the age of 5?(Read, write, cook, smoke, play the piano, drive a car, dance, sing, play with toys, swim, jump, ride a bicycle, speak English.)                     


· What could you do at school? (have privileges when buying monthly tickets for public transport; buy tickets to cinemas (theatres, concerts and museums) with a discount; have holidays 4 times a year; drive a motorbike; miss lessons, spend much time with my friends; ask my parents to give me some pocket money; work part time; work full time)


· What can you do now? (Drive a car , solve problems, earn 500 $ a month, pass 5 exams in a month, learn 3 pages by heart, dance, sing, sleep for only 5 hours a night, cook, go to night clubs, travel)

· What can you do at the University and could not do at school? (solve my problems myself; work part time; travel abroad without parents; go to night clubs; keep late hours)

· What will you be able to do at the age of 70? (Dance, jump, ride a bike, cook, baby sit with your grandchildren, work, drive a car, grow vegetables, read lectures in a higher school, watch TV all day long.)

· What did you have to do at the age of 5? (Earn money, eat semolina, attend classes, go to bed early, pass exams, read much, cook, do the shopping, help your parents, play the piano.)

· What do you have to do now? (Earn money, eat semolina, attend classes, go to bed early, pass exams, read much, cook, do the shopping, help your parents, play the piano, look for information in the Internet)


· What will you have to do after the graduation? (Earn money, eat semolina, attend classes, go to bed early, pass exams, read much, cook, do the shopping, help your parents, play the piano, send a lot of e-mails)

· What were you allowed to do at the age of 5?(Read, go to bed late at night, write, cook, smoke, play the piano, drive a car, dance, sing, play with toys, swim, jump, ride a bicycle, speak English.)


    4. Вернитесь к заполненной Вамистранице из ежедневника в РТ уроке и скажите, сможете ли Вы (I will be able to …) или не сможете (I won't be able to …) сделать то, о чём Вас     просит Ваш друг.

    Задайте вопросы для того, чтобы уточнить информацию (где Вам нужно     встретиться, когда, сколько Вам понадобиться потратить времени и т. д.):

    Where can we meet? When should we meet? How much time will it take to …?

Monday – watch an interesting TV program/a football match together in the evening.

Tuesday – go to the swimming pool at 12.00.

Wednesday – babysit your friend’s little daughter for 300 roubles per hour.

Thursday – do the shopping.

Friday – help me with my home work – may be find some information for me in the Internet.

Saturday – go to the moves together.

Sunday – visit your group mate and congratulate him on his birthday together.



5. Задайте друг другу следующие вопросы и скажите, что сможете себе это позволить сделать в будущем по образцу:


Can you afford …?

Yes, I can./ No, I cannot. But I hope (I am sure, I believe) that in a year (in 5 years, very soon, when I am a pensioner, when I start earning more) I will be able to …(do something)


Can you afford buying a flat?

Can you afford staying in bed till 12.00?

Can you afford travelling a lot? Can you afford not working?                                 

Can you afford buying a car?         

Can you afford having holidays only in summer?

Can you afford having holidays twice a year?

Can you afford doing only what you like?

Can you afford breaking the dress code of the company?

Can you afford having lunch in restaurants?


    В подгруппах подведите итог: что вы сможете себе позволить через     5 лет, 10 лет, т.д.

6.  Составьте предложения по образцу:

I должна go now. It наверняка be very late. I не смогу to get home!

I have to go now. It must be very late. I won’t be able to get home!

1. We должны call him. Something наверняка have happened. Who сможет to call him?

2. I должна get up at 7 o’clock every week day. There наверняка be much more people in public transport at 9 o’clock than at 8 o’clock, so I должна leave home not later than at 7.45. I hope that on holidays I смогу to get up much later.

3. Many people должны work hard to earn their living. They наверняка be trying to save money to buy some real estate or cars. All of them hope that one day they смогут to save enough money and buy what they want to.

4. You должен give him a lift. He наверняка be very tired. Next time I смогу to pick him up myself.

5. We должны hurry up. Everybody наверняка have come already. If we are late we не сможем to talk to everybody.

6. You должен send me a fax ASAP. There наверняка be many documents to send. Сможешь to send all of them?

7. I должна find some solution to the problem. It наверняка be very important! And I am sure I смогу to find a solution!

8. All people должны help their friends. My friends наверняка help me in a difficult situation, I am sure! And I смогу to help them if they need my help.

9. I должна pack my things to day. Tomorrow I наверняка have no time to do it. And the day after tomorrow I смогу to relax on the beach!

10. You должна switch your TV set on. They наверняка be broadcasting the latest news. And we сможем to get some information about the accident.


7. “ Boasting exercise ” (Похвастайтесь). Выберите то, что вы можете/умеете делать и похвастайтесь (boast) – что вы можете/умеете делать. Задайте вопросы своему собеседнику о том, что умеет делать он(а):

I can speak English – and you? Can you speak English? I can work part time – and you? Can you work part time?

I can drive a car – and you? Can you drive a car?

I can cook – and you? Can you cook?

I can get up early – and you? Can you get up early?

I can swim – and you? Can you swim?

I can slalom ski – and you? Can you slalom ski?

I can learn a poem by heart – and you? Can you learn a poem by heart?

I can show you the way to the nearest supermarket – and you? Can you show me the way to the nearest supermarket?

I can work as a teacher – and you? Can you work as a teacher?

I can ride a bike – and you? Can you ride a bike?


8. Разделитесь на подгруппы, просмотрите информацию об основных событиях в СПб или Лондоне (см. Дополнительный материал в конце учебника) в течение года и посоветуйте приехать на одно из них, используя модальные глаголы по образцу:


You should come to St. Petersburg in June. You will be able to walk along the Neva river at night. It may be not very warm in June, so you should take a warm jacket and a raincoat with you.


9. Выберите из списка или вспомните самостоятельно то,что Вы любите/не любите делать (I like / I don ’ t like / I love + глагол с окончанием ing), запишите в РТ 5 своих самых любимых/нелюбимых занятия:


Watching sports competitions, watching fireworks, watching parades, walking around the city center, shopping, celebrating Christmas, eating pancakes, listening to music, playing musical instruments, making pancakes, sightseeing, taking boat sightseeing cruises, dancing, visiting museums, visiting theatres, visiting night clubs, making new friends, going to the country, walking in parks and gardens,



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