Лексический минимум к тексту А. to germinate, seedling, to flower, to mature, leaf (leaves), to reproduce, to lodge, tops, nutrients 

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Лексический минимум к тексту А. to germinate, seedling, to flower, to mature, leaf (leaves), to reproduce, to lodge, tops, nutrients

to germinate, seedling, to flower, to mature, leaf (leaves), to reproduce, to lodge, tops, nutrients, resistant, resistance, to control, water, rain, amount, size, storage, to store, underground, to reach, kind, number, to find (found), due, due to, to be due to, the former, the latter, to consist of.


VI. Выборочная проверка упражнений из задания на дом № 1.

VII.      Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих интернациональных слов (устно):

reproduction, normally, physiology, to combine, energy, reaction, genetics, progress, critical, organic, inorganic, to limit, material, method, individual, carbohydrates, botanist, protein.

  VIII.Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на формы с суффиксом -ing (устно).

1. Having used improved cultural practices, the farmer obtained higher yield of wheat per hectare. 2. Most farms growing potatoes use potato harvesting machines. 3..Harvesting small grains with combines is widely used throughout the world. 4. Harvesting small grains with combines', man obtains more grain per hectare. 5. Cultivating the soil used for row crops one can control weeds and provide favourable condi­tions for plant growth. 6. Being raised under favourable environmental conditions the plants grow and flower well and produce much seed. 7. The yield of sugar beet was high due to the farmers' having control­led weeds during the growing season. 8. Having been applied at the due time, fertilizers increased the fertility of the soil. 9. The planting of warm-season crops should be done into warm soil.

IX. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание
на выделенные слова (устно):



a) 1. Due conditions should be provided for good development of this crop. 2. A large amount of carbon dioxide in soil air is due to the respiration of roots and microorganisms. 3. Corn is widely used as feed for animals due to its high feeding value;

b) 1. Roots are grouped into fibrous roots and tap roots..The for­mer are typical of grasses, the latter — of legumes and root crops. 2. There are crops which grow best under cool conditions and those requiring warmer conditions. Wheat belongs to the former, while corn can be an example of the latter.

X. Назовите все части растения и основные функции, которые
они выполняют.

XI. Контроль чтения и понимание текста А.

Задание на дом № 2

XII.       Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами в
соответствующей форме (письменно):

to conduct, resistant, to lodge, root, solid, leaf, roots, water, storage, above ground, plant nutrients, root hairs.

1. The examples of plants having.. are alfalfa and carrots. 2.

The root does not only absorb... and from the soil, it also anchors

the plant. 3. The plant is divided into two parts — the root system and

the....... portion. 4. Both roots and stems may serve as a... organ.

5. Water and plant nutrients.... by the stem from... to.... 6. The

smallest roots through which water is absorbed are known as...

7. Some crops have... stems. 8. Small grains often... due to unfavou­rable weather conditions. 9. Lodging can be controlled by growing... varieties.

XIII.      Определите, какие слова из правой колонки могут сочетаться со словом из левой колонки (устно):

root — long, crop, fibrous, size, water, main, previous, general,

tap, small, hairs; stem — adverse, hollow, short, solid, similar, mineral, pith, due,


to obtain — weather, yield, seed, seedlings, flowers, nutrients, food products, rain, measure.

XIV. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык

а) 1. Семена производятся семенными растениями. 2. Обра­зовав семена, однолетние растения погибают. 3. Растение состо-


ит из корней и надземной части. 4. Корни поглощают воду и пита­тельные вещества из почвы. 5. Углеводы производятся в листьях. 6. Полегание обусловлено неблагоприятным воздействием пого­ды. 7. Некоторые растения не производят семян.

б) 1. Все растения, размножающиеся семенами, производят цветы. 2. Каждое растение состоит из двух основных частей, это корень и надземная часть. Первая обеспечивает растение водой и питательными веществами. Вторая, состоящая из листьев и стеблей, производит углеводы. 3. Все корнеплоды способны рас­ти и производить семена на второй год благодаря питательным веществам, накопленным ими в первый вегетационный период. 4. Стебель не только проводит воду и питательные вещества от кор­ня к листьям, но и поддерживает листья. 5. Стебли бывают двух видов: полые и выполненные. 6. Примером культуры, имеющей выполненный стебель, является кукуруза. 7. Некоторые сорта зер­новых полегают, т.е. они не могут  противостоять неблагоприят­ным погодным условиям.

XV.      Выполните лабораторную работу № 2.



XVI.    Проверка домашнего задания.

XVII. Образуйте сложные формы причастия от следующих
глаголов и переведите их (устно):

to absorb, to increase, to produce, to store, to mention.

XVШ. Подберите словарные определения к следующим сло­вам и сочетаниям слов (устно):

root, fibrous root, tap root, stem, fertilizer, green manure, plant nut­rients.

1.Materials absorbed by plants and used by them for growth and development. 2. Any organic or inorganic material that is added to the soil to provide plant nutrients. 3. The kind of a root consisting of many roots of the same diameter and length. 4. The above ground portion of a plant that conducts water and plant nutrients from root to leaf. 5. The part of a plant that absorbs water and nutrients from the soil. 6. A crop grown for plowing under when it is green. 7. The kind of root that consists of the main root and small branches throughout its length.

XIX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту А (устно): 1. What is vegetative phase characterized by? 2. When does a plant complete its life cycle? 3. What are the functions of the roots?


4. What kinds of roots are there? 5. Why are leaves so important? 6. What functions does a stem perform? 7. What crops have hollow stems? 8. What is a very important quality of a cereal stem?

XX. Прочтите текст В, не пользуясь словарем, и догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов.

Text В


1. The most important difference between plants and animals is that plants can produce food from inorganic materials. The process by which carbohydrates are produced is known as "photosynthesis". It is also the only process by which oxygen is supplied into the air,

2. The process of photosynthesis is very complex consisting of many individual reactions. The conditions necessary for photosynthesis arc light, carbon dioxide, water, some essential nutrients and due tem­perature.

3. Light energy is necessary to transform carbon dioxide and wa­ter into carbohydrates. Water and nutrients required for manufactu­ring carbohydrates come from the soil through the roots. That is why leaves will function well if the plant has a highly developed root system. Carbohydrates produced by plants are the most important source of food for all plants and animals.

4. The main limiting factor for the daily amount of photosynthesis is the duration and intensity of sunlight. The process may also be limi­ted by the amount of carbon dioxide, the supply of water and unfavou­rable temperature.

5. the word (слово) "photosynthesis" consists of two parts, "pho­to*' which is "light" and synthesis which is "building". So, photosynthe­sis is building with light.

XXI. Скажите, почему процесс фотосинтеза так важен для человека. Подтвердите свой ответ соответствующими предложе­ниями из текста.

XXII.Укажите номера абзацев, н которых содержится ответ на вопрос: "От чего зависит хорошее функционирование листьев с точки зрения фотосинтеза?"






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