Building and its Parts (Components) 

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Building and its Parts (Components)


Unit 1 Building and its Parts (Components)…………………………………….3

Unit 2 Building Materials and Joints ………………………………………….. 7

Unit 3 College as an educational institution …………………………...............13

Unit 4 The Profession of a Builder……………………………………………...21

Unit 5 Building Professions and Trades………………………………………..28

Unit 6 The English Language…………………………………………………...34



Building and its Parts (Components)

(Здание и его части)

1. The word “building” indicates a system of inner (internal) and outer (external) components. Here you can see some parts of building. While reading, decide for each part if it is external or internal, e.g.:

To be – быть, являться, находиться

….. is an ext er nal part of building.

……is an internal …               .

Balcony                       ….

Gate                             ворота

Door                            дверь

Pillar, Column             колонна

Roof                             крыша

Staircase                       лестница

Lift, elevator                лифт….

Loggia                          ….

Refuse chute                мусоропровод

Window                       окно

Raft                              основание (фундамента)

Partition, separation wall перегородка

Lap                               перекрытие

Basement                      подвал

Floor                             пол, этаж

Ground floor

First floor

Ceiling                          потолок


Wall                              стена

Foundation                  фундамент

Erker                            эркер

Storey, floor                 этаж

Chimney       труба, дымоход

Th ere is… (есть ….) in my house/flat.

The house has…


2. Look at the picture and say what parts this building has or has not.

From the outside this building (It) has …

Inside the building there is/are …

But this building has not …


3. Look at the pictures and name parts of building:




Read the small text about a dwelling house. Find all the words, indicating parts of building. What other types of houses do you know?

This is my dwelling house. It is neither(ни) big nor(ни) small. My house has two floor s, but it has not a balcony. Itconsists of building materials such as bricks, wooden constructions and artificial materials. My house has three room s, a nursery, a kitchen, a living room. The rooms are cosy and large with high ceiling s. It has central heating, gas and it is very comfortable. A lavatory, joints of drain have sanitary fittings. My house has central heating and the alarm system.

My house is very nice and warm.


Speak to your group-mate and ask him about his dwelling house.

What does your house look like?

Is there a …. in your house?

Has your house a …?

How many … are there in your house?

Write a composition about your dwelling house, describing its external and internal parts.

Home Reading



1. What type of building did the children explore?

2. Is it in good condition?

3. What parts of the castle remained? And what parts are gone?

4. Was there a staircase in the castle?

5. What room did the children enter? How did it look?

6. What is “dungeons”? “Upstairs”?




1. Describe the mysterious room in the castle.

2. Describe the ruined castle.

3. Describe the castle before its destruction.

4. Retell the whole story and finish it.


Cultural Note

           8. Look at the picture and read the small text:

St. Basil’s cathedral is the pride of the Russian people: it has graced Red Square for more then four centuries. It was designed by the great architects Barma and Postnik during 1555-1562.


2. Descrbe building materials with the help of the following words:

Hard-?, soft -?, light -?, heavy -?

3. Look at the picture on page 4, ex. 3 and say what these parts of building are made of, e.g.:

The staircase is made of (сделан из)

                                    ….. …… are made of (сделаны из)

4. Say what building materials are used to make different parts of building or other building materials e.g.:

Boards and sheet metal are used (используются) to make a roof.

Concrete is used (используется) to make a foundation.

5. Imagine you want to put up:

a) a hen house

b) a dog house

c) a country house

d) a castle.

What building materials do you need?

To make/create a … I need…(I use…) Для того, чтобы изготовить…мне требуется… (Я использую…)

… / are necessary for … Необходим/ы для….

Besides I want … Кроме этого мне нужно …

I can’t do without … Не могу обойтись без …

Cultural Note


The idea for this church dates from the early 19th century. When the last of Napoleon's soldiers left Moscow, Tsar Alexander I signed a manifesto dated December 25, 1812, declaring his intention to build a cathedral in honor of Christ the Savior. The cathedral would "signify Our gratitude to Divine Providence for saving Russia from the doom that overshadowed Her" and acts as a memorial to the sacrifices of the Russian people.

Plans were drawn and a site was chosen but before construction began, Alexander I was succeeded by his brother Nicholas. Profoundly Orthodox and patriotic, the new Tsar disliked the Neoclassical design that had been endorsed by his brother.

Alexander commissioned his favourite architect Konstantin Thon to create a new design, modeled after the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. The present site was chosen by the Tsar in 1837; a convent and church already standing on the site had to be relocated.

Construction began in 1839 and the cathedral didn't emerge from its scaffolding until 1860; elaborate frescos by some of the best Russian painters continued in the interior for another 20 years. The cathedral was consecrated on the day Alexander III was crowned, May 26, 1883. A year earlier, Tchaikovsky's " 1812 Overture " debuted there.

After the Revolution, the prominent site of the cathedral called out for redevelopment by the Soviets, who planned to replace the church with a monument to socialism, known as the Palace of Soviets. It would rise in modernistic buttressed tiers to support a gigantic sculpture of Lenin, arm raised in blessing, perched atop a dome. On December 5, 1931, the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was dynamited and reduced to rubble.

Funds for the largest building in the world remained unavailable, however. A foundation hole gaped on the site until under Nikita Khrushchev it was transformed into a huge public swimming pool.

With the end of the Soviet rule, the Russian Orthodox Church received permission to rebuild the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour (February 1990). A temporary cornerstone was laid by the end of the year.

A construction fund was opened in 1992 and foundations began to be poured in the fall of 1994. The lower church (Church of the Transfiguration) was consecrated in 1996, and the completed Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was consecrated August 19, 2000.


Home Reading

Wonderful Invention

We live in the world of reinforced concrete. Modern houses and skyscrapers are built of reinforced concrete as are also tunnels and dams and bridges.

Who was the genius that created this wonderful material?

Reinforced concrete was first made in 1861 by the French gardener Monier. He needed tubs, but he had no money to buy them. Monier decided to make the tub from clay like a flower pot.

There was no clay at hand but he found some cement. Monier began to shape his tub from cement.

For this purpose he took two wooden tubs, one larger than the other, put one into the other and in between poured cement.

When the cement hardened he broke up both wooden tubs and obtained a large cement tub barrel.

The tubs were heavy and bulky, but the trouble was that they were weak.

The gardener had to place iron bars along the tub to make it stronger or in other words to reinforce it and put another layer above the bars to make it look nice.

A strange thing happened. The barrel proved to be unusually strong. Hen Monier began to make the walls thinner, and still the barrels remained very strong. This was how reinforced concrete was born.




Translate, using the text: изобретать, изобретение, бетон, небоскреб, бадья, с этой целью, помеха, слабый, необычайно сильный, железные прутья, тонкий, тяжелый.


Найдите 2-ую форму следующих глаголов:

V1   V2 Translation
To invent To be To reinforce To have To create To make To need To begin To shape To find To pour To obtain To put To break To prove      



Agree or disagree?

1. Monier was a genius who created the reinforced concrete.

2. Monier was an Italian inventor.

3. Monier invented reinforced concrete in the 19th century.

4. Monier made tubs from clay.

5. The first tub was weak.

6. The iron bars helped to make the tubs stronger.


Give the answers to the following questions:

1. Who was the genius that created the reinforced concrete?

2. Why did Monier invent the reinforced concrete?

3. What building materials did Monier use to make tubs?

4. How did he make his first tub?

5. Were his first tubs strong or weak?

6. How did Monier reinforce them?

7. Was reinforces concrete a wonderful invention?

8. How is reinforced concrete used nowadays?


Translate the annotation to the text from Russian into English:

Железобетон был изобретен французским садоводом Монье в 19 веке. Монье был беден(poor) и не мог (could not)купить бадьи для сада. Он решил сделать их из глины, но глины также(also) не было. Тогда он взял цемент и залил его между двумя бочками, вставленными (put) одна в другую. Новая (the new) бадья оказалась слабой. Монье поместил железные прутья вдоль бадьи и положил еще один слой цемента. Бочка оказалась очень прочной и был получен новый строительный материал – железобетон.





2. Say if you agree, translate and repeat in English:

1) I study at the college.

2) I am a second-year student. I study in the second year.

3) I am a full-time student.

4) I get (receive) secondary specialized education.

5) College gives secondary specialized education.

6) College gives general knowledge in academic subjects.

7) College gives profound knowledge in special subjects.

8) I study academic and special subjects at the college.

9) I get general knowledge in academic subjects.

10) I get profound knowledge in special subjects.

11) I receive a profession at the college.

12) I am glad to be a college student.

13) It is interesting to study at the college.

14) The education at college lasts from 3 till 5 years.

15) The studies at our college last from 3 to 5 years.

15) I study in the veterinary (building, economy and accounting) department.


3. Transform the sentences from the exercise 1 where possible to begin with the words He/She/My friend/This student….

4. Correct the sentences:

1) She am not a second-year student.

2) I am a first-year student of the Moscow Business college.

3) He a full-time second-year student.

4) I in the veterinary department

5) He study in the building department.

6) She get a secondary education at the college.

7) We studies academic and special subjects at the college.

8) The study last from 3 to 4 years at the college.

9) Full-time students study at the Correspondence department.


5. Translate from Russian into English:

1) Наш колледж – это среднее специальное общеобразовательное учреждение.

2) Я / Мой друг/ Мой друг и я/ учусь (-ится, -имся) в колледже.

3) Я /Мой друг/мы – студент (-ы) второго курса колледжа.

4) Я учусь на втором курсе строительного отделения.

5) Он студент - очник ветеринарного отделения, второго курса колледжа.

6) Мы учимся на строительном отделении.

7) Мы изучаем общеобразовательные и специальные дисциплины.

8) Он получает среднее специальное образование в колледже.

9) Она получает профессию в колледже.

10) Я получаю глубокие знания по специальным дисциплинам.

11) Обучение студентов строительного отделения продолжается 4-5 лет.

12) Много студентов учится на заочном отделении.

13) Она – студентка–заочница, третьего курса отделения «Экономика и бухучет».

14) Мы получаем общие сведения по общеобразовательным дисциплинам.


Home Reading

TEXT (1)

I study at the Yuryevets Agriindustrial College. I study in the first (second, third) year. Our college is a specialized secondary school. It is situated not far from the center of Yuryevets in Titov Street.

Our college occupies two buildings. It runs a full-time and extra-mural education. There are four departments at our college: a veterinary department, a building department, an Economics and Accounting department and a Tractor-driver’s department

Our college trains veterinary surgeons, builders, accountants and tractor-drivers. The studies at our college last from two and a half to four years. There is a qualified staff of teachers who help the students to achieve knowledge in the line and working habits. There are many studies, laboratories, workshops, a library, a canteen, a gym where we go in for sports. Many students live in the hostel and rent a room. Students who work hard at the studies and do not miss the lessons get grants. Graduates from our college work in different fields of building, agriculture and economy all over the country.

TEXT (2)

The Yuryevets Agriindustrial College is situated in Titov Street. It occupies two buildings. One of them is a three-storey building. The other is a four-storey building. Buildings are connected by a passage. On the first floor (ground floor) there is a big hall. On the right there is a cloak-room. On the left there is an advertisement board with a time-table and a guard who keeps the keys of the classrooms, studies, and laboratories (labs). Besides on the ground floor you can find an assembly hall and a gymnasium. If you go straight and cross the passage you will find yourself in the second building. There is the teacher’s room and a first aid post. On the second floor there is a library and a computer class. In the basement there is a canteen and a workshop and a workout room.




To be situated – располагаться                                 canteen – столовая

To occupy – занимать                                               workshop - мастерская

Building – здание                                                     workout room – тренажерный

Three-, four-storey – 3х-, 4х-этажный                   assembly hall – актовый зал

To be connected by – быть связанным                 gymnasium (gym) - спортзал

Passage – переход                                                    To go straight – идти прямо

Floor – этаж                                                                To cross – пересекать

Hall – вестибюль                                                       To find yourself – оказаться

Cloak-room – гардероб                                             Teacher’s room – учительская

Advertisement board – доска объявлений          First aid post – мед. пункт

Time-table – расписание                                        Library – библиотека

Guard - охранник

Classroom – класс, аудитория

Study – кабинет

Laboratory (lab) – лаборатория


8. Continue the sentence. (Продолжи незаконченную фразу.)

1) I am a …

2) I study …

3) The college is situated …

4) The college gives …

5) At college I get (receive) …

6) The students get (receive) …

7) College occupies …

8) The Yuryevets Agriindustrial College is…

9) The first (second) building is …

10) On the first (second) floor (basement) there is …

11) At the college there are many …

12) The college trains …

13) The students live in… or … a room.


 9. Answer the questions. (Ответь на вопросы).

1) What are you?

2) Where do you study?

3) What year are you in?

4) Are you a full-time or a part-time student?

5) What education do you get at college?

6) What subjects do you study?

7) What knowledge do you get?

8) Can you receive a profession at the college?

9) What departments are there at the college?

10)  What department are you in?

11)  What kind of building is the college?

12)  Where is the college situated?

13)  What is there on the ground (first, second) floor? In the basement?

14)  Where is the cloak room, the assembly hall, the teacher’s room, the library, the gym?


Creative tasks.

1) Убедите своего колеблющегося знакомого, который оканчивает школу, поступать в ЮСХК.

2) Расскажите зарубежному гостю о колледже, в котором вы учитесь.



3) Подготовьте презентацию и проведите экскурсию по колледжу для зарубежных гостей.


Cultural Note

16. Read some information about some of the British colleges and say what you have learned: Welcome to the Newbury College website. At the College, we are committed to high quality learning opportunities to meet the needs of individuals and employers in West Berkshire and the surrounding areas.   The College has a great many facilities and resources to assist with the delivery of a variety of training programmes and we have in the region of 1000 courses on offer. We also provide tailor made programmes to suit individual business needs. If you are hoping to gain a qualification, progress to higher education, improve existing skills for employment, find the right course to meet your staff training needs, or simply learn a new leisure interest - we have a course to meet a very wide range of interests and abilities, both at the College or a range of community venues.   Working in partnership with Reading University, you can also study at Newbury College for a Certificate of Higher Education which counts towards a Degree qualification, and the University also validates our Foundation Degree programmes.   We are proud to have achieved certification in the Training Quality Standard in 2007. Along with IiP and the Matrix award, this award confirms the high standard and quality of training and development that we offer to the business community.   If you would like someone to visit your business and discuss your workforce training needs, please contact the Business Development Office on 01635 845 000.   I hope you find something of interest on our website, and look forward to seeing you at Newbury College in the near future. Dr Anne Murdoch Principal & Chief Executive  


The Profession of a Builder

(Профессия строитель)

Home Reading

5. Read the text and divide it into passages. Pay attention to the italicized words:

My Future Profession

I study at the Yuryevets Agricultural College. I am a full-time, second year student. I study in the building department. I want to be a builder. I have chosen this profession because it is very useful, important, noble and interesting in my opinion. That is why I try to do my best to gain more knowledge in the line and working habits. The main task of a construction is to solve housing problem, in another words, to supply people with comfortable apartments and modern conveniences. Nowadays new apartments are very expensive and not many people can afford moving to new flats with improved housing conditions. The raising of all kinds of construction must meet the demands of people in apartments. To solve this problem it is necessary not only to apply new methods of construction but to produce modern building materials. The most commonly used building materials are divided into natural and artificial building materials. The main artificial building materials are cement, concrete, plastics, brick. The main natural building materials are stone, sand, lime, timber and clay.



in my opinion – по моему мнению

that is why – поэтому

to do one’s best – делать все от кого-л. зависящее

in the line – по специальности

working habits – трудовые навыки

apartment (flat) – квартира

modern conveniences – современные удобства

nowadays – в наши дни

expensive – дорогой (по стоимости)

afford – позволить

improved housing conditions – улучшенные жилищные условия

raising – увеличение, рост

to solve – решать (зд.чтобы решить)

to produce – производить

the most commonly used – в большинстве случаев используется




Прочитайте следующие утверждения и расскажите, что вас ожидает в вашем профессиональном будущем (для этого поставьте глаголы в данных предложениях в простое будущее время). Переведите полученные фразы.

1) I am a builder.

2) My profession is a builder (a bricklayer, a construction site chief, a foreman).

3) I work as a builder

4) I am able to read a technical drawing

5) My aim is to provide people with flats with modern conveniences

6) My friend is a sanitary engineer. He protects the quality of water by purifying it.

7) My friend is an architect. He needs some knowledge of sculpture, design, mechanical engineering and so on and so forth.

8) I try to contribute the beauty of my native town in future.

Cultural Note


The monastery was founded as Holy Trinity Monastery by Sergius of Radonezh when he, with his brother Stephen, established a cell and a simple chapel to begin lives of ascetic seclusion in the forest wilderness at the Makovets Hill north of Moscow, Russia. They dedicated the chapel to the Holy Trinity. As people learned about him, many came to his isolated cell for guidance. Among these people were other ascetics who built cells near by. In time the number grew to twelve monks and the beginnings of a hermitage was established. In 1355, Sergius produced a charter for the monastery that formed a model for organization of Holy Trinity and was used also by his many disciples who were to found over 400 monastic communities. The charter formed the plan for growth of the monastery that included adding arefectory, kitchen, and bakery.

With the growth and increased fame of Holy Trinity, the influence of Sergius increased as he supported the princes of Moscow. A highlight of this support was Sergius' blessing of Grand Prince Dmitri Donskoy and his forces as Dmitri left to meet and defeat the Tatars in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380, a battle in which two of Sergius' monks, Peresvet and Oslyabya, accompanied Dmitri into battle.

Sergius died in 1392 just before the Tatars returned and devastated the monastery later in the year. Again in 1408 the monastery was attacked and burned during the campaign of the Tatar Khan Edigei against Moscow. The Abbot Nikon found the relics of Sergius miraculously preserved in the ruins of the monastery when he began rebuilding. Abbot Nikon built a wooden church in which the relics of Sergius were placed.

After each attack Abbot Nikon led the rebuilding of the monastery. In 1422, the same year that Sergius was declared the patron saint of the Moscovite Russian state, construction in the Suzdal-Vladimir style of a stone cathedral began. The builders were a team of Serbian monks who had taken refuge in Holy Trinity after the Battle of Kosovo in Serbia. The cathedral, which replaced the Church of St. Sergius over which it was built, was dedicated to the Holy Trinity. The relics of St. Sergius are kept in this cathedral. Andrei Rublev and Daniil Chyorny, the great iconographers of the day, took part in decorating Holy Trinity Cathedral with frescos.

In time, the tradition arose for the Moscow royalty to be baptized in the cathedral as well as holding thanksgiving services. With donations from the nobles, the monastery became very rich, even to maintaining an army of 20,000. It owned about one hundred estates that were worked by over 106,000 serfs. However, the right to own such property was taken from the monastery in 1764.

The Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (Dukhovsky) was commissioned by Ivan III in 1476. This church, built by artisans from Pskov, is one of the remaining examples in Russia of a church with a belltower on top of it. The Church of St. Nikon, commissioned by Basil III, was completed in 1548, a year after Nikon was canonized. At the western wall of the Nikon church a chapel called Serapion's Tent was built over the tomb of St. Serapion, the archbishop of Novgorod.

As the sixteenth century progressed a major cathedral, modeled after the Dormition Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin, was commissioned in 1559 by Ivan IV, commonly labeled “the Terrible." Construction of the Uspensky (Dormition) Cathedral took twenty-six years. It was built to commemorate the conquests of Kazan and Astrakhan. The interior, including the iconostasis, was the work of a number of artists: notably Simon Ushakov whose masterpiece icon of the Last Supper adorns the iconostatsis and the violet and blue frescos of the interior walls done by Yaroslav masters in 1684.

The wooden walls around the monastery were replaced during the middle of the sixteenth century by thick stone walls. The walls that stretched for 1.5 kilometers were dotted by twelve towers. The strong walls were instrumental in the defense of the monastery during the siege by Polish forces from 1608 to 1610. Again in 1618, Wladyslaw IV besieged Holy Trinity unsuccessfully. Throughout the remainder of the century construction of more structures took placed. These included a royal palace ordered by Peter I for his father, Tsar Alexei, that now houses the Theological Academy. In 1686, a refectory/church dedicated to St. Sergius was added that for a while was the largest hall in Russia. The Church of John the Baptist's Nativity was added in the last decade of the seventeenth century. This church was commissioned by the Stroganov family and was built over one of the gates to the monastery. Also the century witnessed the building of monks' cells, a hospital in 1635, and a chapel over the St. Sergius Well that was discovered in 1644 and from which the faithful draw holy water.

The monastery was favored by Elizabeth, and she commissioned the Church of the Virgin of Smolensk and an 98 meter tall belltower, built between 1741 and 1769 by the architects Ivan Michurin and Dmitri Ukhtomsky. This was then the tallest structure in Russia.

In 1742, a seminary was founded at the monastery. In 1814, the seminary was replaced by the Moscow Academy that was transferred from Moscow to the monastery. Additionally, the monastery supported a number of sketes in Sergiyev Posad.

Following the assumption of power by the Bolsheviks in late 1917, the Lavra was closed in 1920 by the new Soviet government, with its buildings being assigned to various governmental institutions. Not withstanding rescue efforts by Pavel Florensky and his followers, many of the sacramental valuables of the Lavra were lost or transferred to other places during these years. The monastery bells were destroyed in 1930, including the 65 ton Tsar-Bell.

In 1945, the Bolsheviks returned the Holy Trinity Lavra to the remnants of the Orthodox Church that existed within Russia. The return was part of the legalization of the Church in recognition of its efforts in defense of the country during the Nazi invasion of World War II (The Great Patriotic War). The first liturgy at the monastery was conducted on April 16, 1946 in the Dormition Cathedral. The monastery remained the seat for the Patriarch until the patriarchate was allowed the use of Danilov Monastery in Moscow in 1983.



There are many building trades and professions. In fact, they are various and numerous. Each of them is necessary and useful. Read the names of the following building professions and say what of them are:

I. a) dangerous; (опасный)

b) interesting;

c) difficult; (сложный)

d) laborious (трудоемкий)

II. a) you like very much

b) you don’t like very much


steel erector                арматурщик

steeple-jack                верхолаз

bulldozer driver         бульдозерист

building surveyor       геодезист

work safety engineer  инженер по технике безопасности

crane driver                 крановщик

roofer                          кровельщик

house-painter              маляр

foreman                      мастер

mechanic                    механик

assembler                   монтажник

construction site chief начальник строительства

paper hanger               обойщик

parquet floor layer      паркетчик

slater                           плиточник

carpenter                     плотник

work superintendent   прораб

plumber                      сантехник

welder                         сварщик

fitter                            слесарь

glazier                         стекольщик

joiner                          столяр

plasterer                      штукатур

electrician                   электрик

civil engineer              инженер-строитель

sanitary engineer         инженер по санитарной технике

architect                       архитектор


Read the dialogue between a foreman and a construction-site chief. What questions does the construction site chief ask the foreman and why? What information does the construction site chief learn from the foreman?


- How do you do! Let me introduce myself. My name is …

I am a new construction-site chief.

- How do you do. Glad to see you. I am a foreman.

- I’d like to know what you are busy with.

- We are constructing a building of a new school.

- How many floors are there in this building?

- It is a three-storey building. We have already finished it and now we are doing the interior finish of the building.

- All right. What workmen are employed in the construction?

- There are some joiners, carpenters, plasterers, bricklayers, roofers.

- Thank you for the information.

- You are welcome. Will you enter the building with me?

- All right let’s go together and you will show me the building.

- Let’s.


Home Reading

Cultural Note

St Paul's Cathedral

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the cathedral church of the diocese of London. For other cathedrals consecrated to Saint Paul, see Cathedral of Saint Paul (disambiguation).

St Paul's Cathedral is an Anglicancathedral on Ludgate Hill, the highest point in the City of London, England, and is the seat of the Bishop of London. The present building dates from the 17th century and was designed by Sir Christopher Wren. It is generally reckoned to be London's fifth St Paul's Cathedral, all having been built on the same site since AD 604. The cathedral is one of London's most famous and most recognisable sights. At 365 feet (111m) high, it was the tallest building in London from 1710 to 1962, and its dome is also among the highest in the world.

Important services held at St. Paul's include the funerals of Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington and Sir Winston Churchill; Jubilee celebrations for Queen Victoria; peace services marking the end of the First and Second World Wars; the launch of the Festival of Britain and the thanksgiving services for both the Golden Jubilee and 80th Birthday of Her Majesty the Queen. The Royal Family holds most of its important marriages, christenings and funerals at Westminster Abbey, but St Paul's was used for the marriage of Charles, Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer. The religious service forQueen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee was also celebrated there. St Paul's Cathedral is still a busy working church, with hourly prayer and daily services.





The English Language

(Английский язык)

I. Why study English?

Learning English is a must for a XXI century professional no matter what job to choose. One can not do well without one of the common European languages. I learn English because I want to read Kingsley Amis and James Joyce, Ernst Hemingway and Lewis Carroll in their native language. Besides, I like to travel. Speaking English I shall have no troubles looking for a room or a meal anywhere in the world. I like to talk and make friends with people from different countries.

Last autumn I became a member of the Student Pen-Pal Club and now I have much fun writing letters to my Swiss and American pen-friends. I hope, some day we shall meet each other and have a good time. There are also international friendship camps both in Russia and abroad where you can meet boys and girls from any country of the world. They rarely can speak Russian which is much more difficult to learn than English.

In a word, I understand that I have to learn English hard and in a proper way



2. Answer the following questions:

1) What subjects do you learn at the college?

2) What is your favourite subject?

3) What do you know about the English language?

4) Is it important (necessary) to learn English nowadays? Why?

5) Why do people all over the world learn foreign languages?

6) What kind of language is Russian?


Home Reading


1) Камминг Дж. Англйский язык для студентов архитектурных и строительных специальностей: Учеб./Джеймс Камминг; - М.:ООО»Издательство Астрель», 2004.

2) Томахин Г.Д. По странам изучаемого языка: Англ.яз.: Справ. Материалы. – 2-е изд., испр. – М.: Просвещение, 1998.

3) Радовель В.А. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы: грамматика, устные темы, диалоги: учебное пособие/В.А. Радовель. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2008

4) Маслыко Е.А. Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка. – Издательство «Вышэйшая школа», 1997

5) Gillie Cunningham, Sue Mohamed. Language to go. Pre-Intermediate: Student’s Book – Pearson, Longman – 128.

6) «Wikihow» Форма доступа: http: // page




Unit 1 Building and its Parts (Components)…………………………………….3

Unit 2 Building Materials and Joints ………………………………………….. 7

Unit 3 College as an educational institution …………………………...............13

Unit 4 The Profession of a Builder……………………………………………...21

Unit 5 Building Professions and Trades………………………………………..28

Unit 6 The English Language…………………………………………………...34



Building and its Parts (Components)

(Здание и его части)

1. The word “building” indicates a system of inner (internal) and outer (external) components. Here you can see some parts of building. While reading, decide for each part if it is external or internal, e.g.:

To be – быть, являться, находиться

….. is an ext er nal part of building.

……is an internal …               .

Balcony                       ….

Gate                             ворота

Door                            дверь

Pillar, Column             колонна

Roof                             крыша

Staircase                       лестница

Lift, elevator                лифт….

Loggia                          ….

Refuse chute                мусоропровод

Window                       окно

Raft                              основание (фундамента)

Partition, separation wall перегородка

Lap                               перекрытие

Basement                      подвал

Floor                             пол, этаж

Ground floor

First floor

Ceiling                          потолок


Wall                              стена

Foundation                  фундамент

Erker                            эркер

Storey, floor                 этаж

Chimney       труба, дымоход

Th ere is… (есть ….) in my house/flat.

The house has…


2. Look at the picture and say what parts this building has or has not.

From the outside this building (It) has …

Inside the building there is/are …

But this building has not …


3. Look at the pictures and name parts of building:





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