Настоящее время длительного вида 

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Настоящее время длительного вида

The Present Continuous Tense образуется при помощи глагола to be b Present Simple Tense и причастия I (действительного причастия) основного глагола.

Exercise 1.. Add -ing to the verbs in these sentences

1. I'm... tea. (drink)

2. He is... breakfast, (have)

3. I'm... a letter, (write)

4. He is... down. (he)

5. They are... Spanish, (study)

6. He is... on his coat. (put)

7. They are... ping pong. (play)

8. She is... abroad, (travel)

9. He is... (die)

10. We are... (come)

11. She is... (sing) a new song.

12. We are... (listen) to her.

The Present Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения:

1. Длительного действия, совершающегося в момент речи:

Where are the children? They are watching TV.

2. Длительного действия, совершающегося в настоящий период времени (в широком смысле):

Now we are studying the Present Continuous Tense.

3. Будущего действия, главным образом, с глаголами движения come, go, leave, start, arrive и т.д.:

They are leaving in a few days.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct form.

1. The river Nile flows / is flowing into the Mediterranean.

2. My parents are living / live in Moscow.

3. He usually stays / is staying at the Baltimor Hotel when lie is in London.

4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It rains / is raining outside.

5. I am leaving / leave. Good night.

6. My dad is a teacher, but he doesn't work / is not working at the moment.

7. The boy does / is doing his homework now.

8. They seldom quarrel / are quarrelling.

9. The Earth moves / is moving round the Sun.

10. Now they are crossing / cross the street.

11. Birds fly / are flying to warm countries in autumn.

12. The children often laugh / are laughing at their funny little friend.

13. She always talks / is talking to him on the telephone.


Exercise 3. Put the verb in brackets either in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous Tense.

1. What's the matter? Why... the child (cry)?

2. She seldom... home so early (come).

3. Hurry up! The train... in five minutes (start).

4. They... very well (not get on). They... always (quarrel).

5. We... many books in the original, now we....

The Fairy Tales by Oscar Wilde (read).

6. Don't disturb her, she... at tier essay (work).

7.... you see well what... on the stage (see, go)?

8. Where... the children (he)? They... computer games (play).

9. What... you now (do)? I... an apple pie (make).

10. John... tomorrow to spend his holidays with us (come).


Exercise 4. Put the verb into the most suitable form, Present Continuous or Present Simple, with a future meaning.

1. We (have) a party next Sunday.

2. What time (leave) the next train for Cambridge?

3. What you (do) on Monday evening?

4. The next show (start) at 7:30.

5. You know, Sarah (come) tomorrow and she (plan) to stay here for two weeks.

6. The art exhibition (open) in three days and (close) in two weeks.

7. Alee and Mary (get married) next week.

8. The liner (leave) Dover at 11 a.m. don’t miss it.

9. John (meet) his boss tomorrow.


The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense

Прошедшее время общего вида

The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense образуется путем прибавления окончания - ed или - d (если глагол оканчивается на гласный е) к основе правильных глаголов или путем различных изменений глагольной основы (для неправильных глаголов). Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to do b Past Indefinite (did) и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to.


The Past Simple Tense употребляется для выражения:

1. Действий, которые происходили или произошли в прошлом:

They went to the seaside last summer.

Время действия может быть обозначено такими обстоятельствами, как yesterday, a week ago, last month etc.

2. Последовательности действий в прошлом:

He took a bath, shaved carefully, put on a fresh shirt and left for the City.

3. Повторяющихся действий в прошлом, характеризующих привычки или чувства, свойственные кому-то в прошлом.

Every afternoon he smoked a thick black cigar after dinner.


Exercise 1. Read the sentences and write them in the Past Indefinite. Make necessary changes in the sentences.

1. I often see Julia at the University. Yesterday....

2. We always meet on Sundays. Last month....

3. Dan usually walks to his office. Yesterday....

4. He usually has a sandwich for lunch. Yesterday....

5. They usually watch TV in the evening. Yesterday evening....

6. I usually sleep very well. Last night....

7. He does morning exercises every day. Yesterday....

8. She often loses things. Two days ago....

9. She often brings flowers from the country. Last Sunday.......

10. This woman sells vegetables every day. On Saturday…


  Exercise 2. Turn the following into proper questions. You have to ask your friend about ins / her holiday, he / she has just come from.

Example: Where / go

                 Where did you go in summer?

1. How long / stay there

2. Stay in a hotel / rent a room

3. Go alone / with friends

4. Food / be good

5. The weather / be fine

6. What / do in the evening

7. Meet / any interesting people

8. How / travel there

9. What places of interest / see

[0. How / spend time

11. What/like best of all

12. When / come back

13. How / travel back


The Past Continuous Tense


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