Is it necessary the child to go to the kindergarten 

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Is it necessary the child to go to the kindergarten


The kindergartens and the gardens for the toddlers came to the life of the society altogether with the female moving for equal of the rights with any men is its reach. These establishments make the women free from taking of the children and their upbringing in the certain moments leaving the opportunity to gain getting the education, the professional activities and undertaking. The children almost all went to the kindergarten until the real time in our country. But the alternative of the establishments both stative and preschool caused at the last years. This is the family education, the revived institute of the governorship, the establishments both private and developed.

If ten years ago in the child having come to the first grade, was looked as on the white crawl, and now the situation changed. Many mothers educate and develop their children at home.

Thus, does the baby need the kindergarten? What will it bring to the kid? What age it is better to give the children there from? I advise to see this problem from point of view of the childlike psychology.

In this book I will try to answer the questions which the parents ask more often on the reception and in the letters that was sent for my name.


The letter
The mother: My husband earns good enough and proposes me not to work and to sit with our daughter till the school at home. Our daughter is almost three years; my vacation is coming to end for two months. Frankly speaking, I am already bored to sit at home. The questions – constant or every day, the house holding chores, the monotony and there are no the development and the communication. The older son as the most of the children went to the kindergarten. And either he or we like it very much. There either it is better to prepare to the school or the child got used to the childlike group, getting communicative. At last I came to you to advise how to be that is whether I agree with my husband or refuse from the kindergarten or no?

The letter
The parents: We decided to bring our kid to the school of the early development by the gymnasium. But we were asked immediately if the child goes to the kindergarten. And when they knew that the girl had not visited it, the head of the establishment set the fee for a third more. Why? Hardly our kid develops not proper way at home?


It is impossible to answer these questions uniquely. Yes, I think the kid to visit the preschool establishment usefully. But you should approach to this question individually. After all you can take not all the children from their home, their mother and the regime both corresponding and home away in the forces of any causes both physical and psychological. It can be the contraindications of the doctors who it is obligatory necessary to show the child until to bring him to the kindergarten.

At this case I will tell about the most children who CAN and NEED to visit the kindergarten.

What advantages of being the kindergarten by the kid and the objective reasons which the baby has to visit it?

1) Firstly, being of the kindergarten by the child makes the conditions for the development his independence. The babies learn the skills of the self-service significantly easier and quicker in the kindergarten that is study to eat independently, dress and undress, to send the natural needs, observe the personal hygiene and clean after yourself up. They learn all these wisdoms for three or four months in the atmosphere of the kindergarten.

2)  Secondly, there are a lot of time for the playing activities and the studies which promote the physical development of the kid, the development of the logical thinking, the speech and the abilities both artistic and musical.

3) Thirdly, being of the kindergarten group forms the abilities to communicate in the group, teaches to interact with other children based on the agreement and accounting for shared interested. This circumstance is especially important for the only children in the family. In process of the communication the preschoolers study to wait for their turn, share the fact that they can and moderate their personal desires. The children get just used to each other, and set the tight relationships enough. At the same time, imitating, they study at the peers the fact that they cannot do themselves.

In the conditions of the kindergarten the set disappears “I am mine”, and the actual set gets “Our am common”. The kid shares his toys, helps his peers, if they cannot do it, dress and undress explain the rules of the game those who do not know.


The great role in upbringing and the education of the children of the preschool age plays the caregiver. He imparts the skills of the self-service, teaches to communicate with the peers and the adults. The children acquire the knowledge and the skills necessary for their comprehensive development in process of the activities both playing and cognitive, the observation of nature and the surrounding world under the guidance of the caregiver. The caregiver plans the content, the goals and the objectives of the work with the children taking into account their age.

4) Fourthly, the advantage of being the child in the childlike group is getting rid of the egocentric attitudes. The egocentrism of the kid is manifested as the desire to judge everything that is happening exclusively from your own position and deny everything that does not meet your own interests. The preschoolers, whose the development occurs in the conditions of the kindergarten, are able to take into account the position and the opinion of another already in four or four and a half years, and the egocentric attitudes disappear only by five or six years, and sometimes persist until seven or eight years in the education at home.


Here is the example from the young mother:

“My son does not go to the kindergarten. My husband and I has decided that it is better I will sit with him at home. Thus, the kid is getting rid of the illness and he will always be neat. But at last time I have noted the problems educating Sergei, he is four years old. He has being naughty and he has made the different demands like “Buy that, buy this”, “I do not want to do this”, “Give me…” He cannot play with other children properly in the street, imposes his conditions, and if the children do not agree, the insults and the threats are used, and such that I feel ashamed for my son. He will never share with anyone, even with us, his parents. I thought that I had educated him properly and I doubt in this now. He is growing up as an egoist. Help me, please, find the way out of the situation. May be, this is connected with the education at home when at first he has been allowed by us, and then we tried not to pay the attention his whims, as we thought that it would be end”.


I could not pay my attention this letter as the typical situation was described in it connected with the cost of the education at home. If the one do not take the corresponding moments, such the children will grow up the egoists and they are able to step over any person for the sake of the reach of their goal. At this case it is very good that the mother sees the reason of the egoistical behavior of her son herself. It is really not hard for the little person to impose his will and to subdue his mother and his father to himself. Therefore, it is important to know the measure in showing their love to the kid to the parents. If the child does not obey the multiple explanations what he must not do and why, it is not already manage without the punishments. At the moment it is better to deprive the kid something good, for example, with watching his favourite TV programs, walking or others. To the fact that it is important to explain to the baby with the quiet tone what exactly are his actions and why they has brought him to the punishment.

The case discussed above shows about some the shortcomings of the education at home. I think it might not be such the problems in the mother if her son went to the kindergarten, since he would have to subdue to the general rules in the group, the norms of the behavior and study to respect the opinion of other children.

So, some psychological advantages of the education in the kindergarten were noticed by me. But the one should not forget about the medical-pedagogical advantages that are the regime of the diet, the rest, walking and the special activities, contributing to the development of the children both full and diverse. Keep this in mind when deciding whether to enroll the kid in the kindergarten.


At the moment take into account that the best age both successful and earliest for the adaptation of the child to the regime of the kindergarten is two or three years old. During this period, there is a crisis of early childhood which the psychologists usually call the crisis of three years. The children seeking to assert their “I” reach for the independence the relative autonomy of the existence. They are easier to bear the separation from their mother, get used to the caregiver and learn to respect the adults. It is exactly in this time the regime in the kindergarten has a positive effect on the formation of the personality of the preschoolers and their adaptation to the environment both new and social is less painful.


The caregivers and the parents should be sensitive and attentive to the kid during the first time. The objective of the parents is to prepare the child morally to the new regime, to explain for what the kindergarten is needed to the kid, highlighting that he will be good there, and for the fact that the process of being used and the adaptation would be better and quicker, the one could advise to make the regime at home closer to the kindergarten.

More less favorable age of the child for enrolling to the kindergarten is four years old and a space from five to six years. In this time of the development about normal and the immediate changes of the lifestyle connected with the loss of the constant communication with the close people can lead to the unpleasant consequences.

It is necessary to keep in mind that in any age incoming to the atmosphere of the general in the kindergarten can take by some children as the violence over the personality, as the loss of the individuality. The hard sufferings can lead to the negative forms of the behavior that is the hysterics, the whims, the constant weeping at weekends, and sometimes to the somatic devices that is increasing the temperature, the illness into the stomach and the diarrhea, strong of the chronical aches.

From the unwillingness to visit the kindergarten the kid comes to the manipulation by his parents that is cries being naughty, demanding the life – previous and home – to back. As if he involves the adults into the stretch “war”, where the question “who is of whom?” decides that to the benefit of the parents, that to the benefit of the baby. The child’s actions build about to such the link that is at first the request and the tales are used about the fact how it is bad in the kindergarten, if this does not help, the hysterics and the tears appear, and they will not act, another mean remains which the organism subconsciously chooses is the illness.

How to make the process of being used to the kindergarten, how to do so that the baby went to there with pleasure, I will tell later a little. And now try to find out the possible reason of the negative attitudes towards the kid to the kindergarten.



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