VIII. Complete the sentences. 2. The likelihood of bird strike is affected by 

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VIII. Complete the sentences. 2. The likelihood of bird strike is affected by

1. Bird strike is………………………………………………….……..

2. The likelihood of bird strike is affected by…………………………

3. The seriousness of bird strike depends on……………….………….

4. Impacts with the birds mainly occur………………………………..

5. The most vulnerable parts of the aircraft are……………………….

6. Birds that inhabit our region are……………………………………

7. If a bird hits the windscreen………………………………………..

8. In case of bird ingestion to the engine……………………………..

9. If a bird hits the landing gear…………………………………………

10. The precautionary measures are…………………………………..


IX. Judging by the scheme comment on bird strike situations in aviation. How can it be explained?

X. Comment upon the statements.

1. Bird strikes are rear cases in aviation.

2. Bird strikes can not cause serious damage for big aircraft.

3. It’s illegal to kill birds just to protect the aircraft.

4. If birds pose risk for the airport, killing all of them will eliminate the problem.

5. Other representatives of wild life can not jeopardize aviation safety.

XI. What can be expected in the following situations?

1. Bird ingestion to three out of four engines of a departing jet transport occurs at 200 feet after take off.

2. A flock of medium-sized birds is struck by a jet transport just after V1.

3. A twin-engine light aircraft impacts with a single eagle flying at 15000feet which breaks the windscreen.

4. Wing root damage to a single-engine light aircraft is caused by a vulture-strike during climb. It causes structural damage to such an extent that control is lost.



1. What is the difference between RW incursion and RW excursion?

2. What can they be caused by?

3. What do we mean by hot spots? What airports are they peculiar to?

4. What evacuation procedures should be carried out in these cases?

5. How can misunderstanding cause RW incursion?


XVI. Describe the picture and speak about possible consequences.

Use active vocabulary:

· To pose threat/hazard to the plane

· To cause significant damage

· Majority of strikes

· To deteriorate

· To mitigate the risk

· To scare/chase the birds away

· Vulnerable parts of the aircraft

XVII. Grammar.

I. Put the verbs in appropriate form.(Past Simple)

1. Following the explosion tail of the aircraft ………..(to catch fire).

2. Pilots……….(not to expect) that they …….(to have) to circumnavigate such a large area.

3. The aircraft …………….(to undergo) C check last year.

4. First officer…………(to feel) unwell and in some seconds………….(to lose) consciousness.

5. The crew (to manage) to stop the plane at the end of the RW but 8 tires …………….(to burst).

6. The captain………..(to forget) that the aircraft ………..(to have) metric system.

7. Pilots …………(to lose control) of the aircraft and it …………..(to fall) down.

8. Controller …………..(to foresee) a conflicting situation and ……….(to do) his best to prevent it.

9. ACC …………(to be unaware) of fuel shortage on the board and ………..(to give)the traffic a lower flight level.

10. They…………..(to leave) prohibited area as soon as controller………(to instruct) them.

11. We…………..(not to fly) to Sophia yesterday.

12. The crew ……………..(to understand) there was engine malfunction and …………….(to shut) it down.

13. Passengers ……………..(to see) a flame coming out from port engine.

14. Nobody………………(not to know) that the weather was deteriorating.

15. Who …………….(to speak) to the general director yesterday?

16. What alternative …………..they (to chose) when all engines ………..(to cut) off?

17. The radio transmitter ……………(to go) dead.

18. What ………..he(to say)?- He ………….(to say) to change the frequency.

19. I………….(to write) an explanatory note when I was asked.

20. They …………(to come) back to base airport late.

II. Translate into English.

1. Мы знали о литерном рейсе за два дня.

2. Экипаж узнал об изменении маршрута уже в полете.

3. Когда он подписал этот документ?

4. Мы думали, что он последует на запасной вчера. А он ушел на второй круг.

5. Рейс в Калининград вылетел в 4.30, не так ли?

6. Авиакомпания Донбассаеро купила 2 новых Аэробуса в прошлом месяце.

7. Аэросвит взял в лизинг новый Боинг.

8. Экипаж не справился с управлением, так как полоса была скользкой, и самолет съехал с полосы.

9. Пилоты не были знакомы с данным аэропортом, поэтому посадка была трудной.

10. Никто не предполагал, что аэропорт был закрыт из-за шквала.

11. В условиях плохой видимости они перелетели полосу.

12. Самолет взлетел с 20минутной задержкой.

13. Самолет упал, взорвался и сгорел дотла.

14. Они не смогли выявить и устранить неполадку.

15. Второй пилот принял на себя ответственность за управление самолетом, когда капитан потерял сознание.

16. Один из бортов нарушил интервал и спровоцировал опасное сближение.

17. Пилоты понимали, что самолет не долетит.

18. Что привело к разгерметизации?

19. Пилот или диспетчер принял это решение?

20. Я поставил подпись под этими инструкциями.



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