Короткі теоретичні відомості. In English as well as in Russian vowels in unstressed syllables are usually reduced 

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Короткі теоретичні відомості. In English as well as in Russian vowels in unstressed syllables are usually reduced

In English as well as in Russian vowels in unstressed syllables are usually reduced. The laws of reduction, in these languages are not the same, however.

Reduction is a historical process of weakening, shortening or disappearance of vowel sounds in unstressed positions. This phonetic phenomenon, as well as assimilation, is closely connected with the general development of the language system. Reduction reflects the process of lexical and grammatical changes.

Reduce – to make smaller or less. For example, to reduce the intensity of a sound, to reduce the quantity of a sound. Reduced form – a word, which sounds weaker in the process of speech. Thus the verb to do can be reduced and pronounced as \du, dә\ or even \d\. The same can be said about the verb to have \hәv, әv \. Articles, conjunctions, prepositions and pronouns are mostly affected by reduction.

The neutral sound represents the reduced form of almost any vowel or diphthong in the unstressed position, eg:

combine ['kPmbain] - combine [kәm'bain]

The vowel sounds of the two related words are in contrast because of different stress positions.

Non-reduced unstressed sounds are often retained in:

(a) compound words, eg blackboard, oilfield,

(b) borrowings from the French and other languages, eg bourgeoisie, kolkhoz.

Reduction is realized:

(a) in unstressed syllables within words, eg demonstrative [di'mPnstrativ];

(b) in unstressed form-words, auxiliary and modal verbs, personal and possessive pronouns within intonation groups and phrases, eg What do you think you can do?

Three different types of reduction are noticed in English.

1. Quantitative reduction, i.e. shortening of a vowel sound in the unstressed position, affects mainly long vowels, eg he [hi: — hi— hi]

2. Qualitative reduction, i.e. obscuration of vowels to­wards [a, i, u], affects both long and short vowels, eg can [kæn - kæn].

3. The third type is the elision of vowels in the unstressed position. Elision is dropping off of a vowel in initial or terminal position. For example: ‘tis instead of it is.

The reduction of some consonants was established long ago:

1. the initial [w, k, g ] may be dropped e.g. write, know, gnot

2. the medial [t] or [d] are dropped in clusters of three consonants: e.g. listen, soften, Wednesday.

3. the final [b] is dropped in the cluster [mb]: lamb [læm], dumb[dΛm]

In the others cases of recent formation the elided forms are typical only for rapid colloquial speech.

- [h] may be dropped in the following monosyllables when non-initial and unstressed have, has, had; he, him, his, her, who tell him he is wanted.

Завдання до теми

Read the tongue-twisters:

1. False Frank fled Flo Friday.

2. Federal Express is now called FedEx. When I retire I’ll be a FedEx ex. But if I’m an officer when I retire, I’ll be an ex Fedex Exec. Then after a divorce, my ex-wife will be an ex FedEx exec’s ex. If I rejoin FedEx in time, I’d be an ex ex FedEx exec. When we remarry, my wife will be an ex ex FedEx exec’s ex.

3. Few free fruit flies fly from flames.

4. Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fierce fishes.

5. Five fuzzy French frogs Frolicked through the fields in France.

6. Flee from fog to fight flu fast!

7. Flies fly but a fly flies.

8. Four free-flow pipes flow freely.

9. Four furious friends fought for the phone.

10. Fran feeds fish fresh fish food.

Контрольні питання

1. What phenomenon is called ‘reduction’?

2. Name the sounds which are commonly found in the unstressed syllables.

3. In what kind of words do non-reduced vowels occur in unstressed syllables? Give examples.

4. What degrees of reduction do you know?

5. Read the following sentence: «I can read it alone». What type of reduction is observed in the word can?

6. Transcribe and read the sentence: «He is right». What type of reduction is found in the word he?

7. Give examples to illustrate the verb to do in the reduced and non-reduced forms.

8. Within what segments of speech is the reduction realized?

9. Suppose your fellow-student says: «Com'bine is a noun». What is his mistake? What will you tell him to do to correct the mistake? What kind of mistake is it, phonetic or phonological?

10. Your fellow-student may probably say satisfaction as [satis'faekfn], Is his mistake phonetic or phonological? What will you advise him to do to correct his mistake?

Література [6, c. 74-75; 122-123].

Практичне заняття № 20

Тема. Типи редукції

      Types of reduction

Мета: to find out about vowel and consonant reduction.


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