II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises. Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalent to the following words and word - combinations : 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


II. Vocabulary and Grammar exercises. Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalent to the following words and word - combinations :

Ex. 1. Give Ukrainian equivalent to the following words and word - combinations:

a bill of fare, be duly handed, with due regard, available dishes, experience, take into account, local catering facilities, cheap, spice, flavors, vary, garnish, choice, appreciation, remain, charge, kitchen and restaurant facilities, be up to, supply, be in conformity with, fancy names.


Ex. 2. Give English equivalents to the following words and word – combinations:

заказувати їжу, складати меню, вибір страв, добрий смак, пропонувати, співробітництво, брати до уваги, уникати, доречний, залежно від смаку клієнта, купівля продуктів високої якості, пропонувати різноманітні страви, давати доречну інформацію.


Ex. 3. Put disjunctive questions to the following sentences:


1. Originally the bill of fare was not presented at the table.

2.  The banquet consisted of only two courses.

3. The menu may be plain or artistic in its presentation.

4. The menu gives details and prices of available dishes.

5. It is upon experience of restaurant staff to supply patrons with relevant information.

6. Variety is the spice of good meal.

7.  The purchase of good quality products remains the true foundation of good cooking.

8. Customers tend to expect a certain standard of cooking.

9. Menu can be changed daily.

10. The menu is duly handed of the guest as soon as he is seated.



III. Speech exercises

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:

What is menu?

What is its purpose?

Who is responsible for it?

What should be taken into consideration while managing

the menu?

Why are the dishes in season preferred for

establishing a menu?

What does the variety of dishes mean for a good meal?

What is the foundation of good cooking?

 Why are speed and care combined essential in meeting guests orders?

 How can the restaurant staff supply valuable information about the dishes offered on the menu?



Here is a list of dishes which are available for ordering in restaurant.

SPECIALITIES   Meat hors-d’oeuvre Hors-d’oeuvre in tartlets Slices of bread and butter Salad “Special” (Osoby) Stew meat, Ukrainian recipe Ice-cream, Ukrainian recipe SOUPS Ukrainian Borsch with pampushkas Chicken noodle soup Fish solianka soup Meat solianka soup Yushka a la Kiev Mushroom yushka with galushki
COLD HORS-D’OEUVRE                         Fresh caviar                                 Red caviar                                            Assorted fish                                    Salmon with lemon                         Herring-fillets                                 Sprats in oil with lemon              Jellied poultry Cold Stuffed chicken Jellied tongue Chicken garnished Ham garnished Tongue garnished Pork garnished Roast-beef garnished Meat salad “Stolichny” Butter HOT HORS-D’OEUVRE Meat-balls with sour cream sauce Eggs in croutons Mushrooms with sour cream     HOT FISH Fish Rolls a la Kiev Sander, Polish recipe Sander fried                                                Crucian carp baked in sour cream


MEAT AND POULTRY                         EGGS            

Fillet in sour cream                        Fried eggs with ham

with onions                                  Omelet with cheese  

Boeuf Stroganoff                           Boiled egg

with fried potatoes                      Fried eggs with brown bread     

Pork schnitzel

Roasted duck stuffed

with apples

Turkey with salad and fruits

Chicken cutlets, a la Kiev recipe

“Tabaka” fried chicken



Apples with Cottage Cheese Stuffing        Tea with lemon

Prunes with Nut Stuffing                            Tea with jam

“Ukrainsky” cake                                       Green tea

“Khreshchatik” cake                                   Coffee

Jelly “assorti”


Lemon drink

Frosted coffee with ice-cream

Cherry drink

“Kiev Troyanda” Drink


  Ex. 3. Try to compose vegetable menu, the menu for evening party.





If some people regard the whole business of eating as a tiresome necessity to be get through with as much speed and as little fuss as possible, there are also a good many cases of overeating on account of tradition and taste. And an expert has justly called lating "a terrible potential hazard to health and longevity".

As a matter of fact good health depends to a great extent as much on the kind of food eaten as on into amount.

The food required by the body in order to build it up and keep it in repair, to supply heat and energy, to regulate its processes and protect it from disease, must be part of a well-planned menu. The essential elements contributing to the needs of the body are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, mineral salts and vitamins not to mention water and roughage. All foods contain some of these elements, though no single food can provide all of them. A wide variety of foods aims at a balanced diet meeting the body requirements.

Protein is essential to growth and the maintenance of life. There are two sources of protein: animal protein obtains from lean meat, poultry game, fish, milk, cheese and eggs, is of better quality than vegetable protein from pulse food (peas, beans, lentils, nuts, cereals, potatoes etc. 

Carbohydrates are made up from starches and sugar and provide energy and weight for weight. There are twice as many calories in fats which are especially appreciated as winter foods. Mineral salts are both protective and building substances.

Their absence is likely to upset the balance of any diet. Vitamins should be also included in every menu. Too many people think of dieting as a modern form of medieval fasting, but good food and dieting can go together. Provided one is aware of the possibilities offered by modern catering and is willing to train one's stomach to accept some limitation. Caterers can also play an important part in this process.

Active Vocabulary:

hints - рекомендації
tiresome - стомлюючий, нудний
fuss - метушня
potential hazard - потенційний ризик
longevity - довговічність
roughage - клітковина
pulse food - їжа, що містить бобові
starch - крохмаль
appreciate - цінувати
upset (v) - (тут) порушувати
medieval - середньовічний
fast - піст
lean meat - пісне м’ясо
will (v) - примушувати
accept (v) - приймати
limitation - обмеження
lentil - сочевиця



I. Phonetic exercises


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