How the situational theory of publics helps 

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How the situational theory of publics helps


I am not sharing this theory with you because I studied it, was brainwashed by my professors (just kidding) and have nothing else to write about. I am sharing it because it is a great tool when figuring out what channels to use when communicating to an audience. This STP theory divides people into three types of publics. To demonstrate how the theory works, I will use the following crisis situation as an example.

Crisis Scenario: Toy manufacturer accidently produced harmful toys.

Public #1 (Impacted by the crisis but not aware): Kids and parents who possess the toy and do not know it is harmful
Public #2 (Impacted by the crisis and aware): Kids and parents who possess the toy and know it is harmful
Public #3 (Impacted by the crisis, are aware and take action): Kids and parents who possess the toy, are aware it is harmful and take action against the manufacturer

All the three audiences are similar – yet different. Choosing how to communicate to the parents in the different publics is crucial. The STP theory explains how to do this.

Since public #1 is not aware of the problem yet, they have not formed a negative opinion toward the manufacturer. As a result, announcing the news to them directly through a press conference could be a good idea. That way the parents would hear the manufacturer’s side of the story first, eliminating misunderstandings and negative perceptions the parents may have had if they first heard the story from someone else – or the press. Since public #2 and #3 are already aware of the problem, negative perceptions toward the manufacturer probably exist. Being aware of this is beneficial -- now you know how to change the way you communicate to these audiences. These parents may not trust the manufacturer, so the company must communicate to them through a channel they do trust. Using a local figure with a trustful interpersonal relationship with these parents might be the most effective way to talk to them.

8. Think of an example where this theory can be implemented. Share it with your group so that they can suggest the best solution to the problem.

                              TEXT 4

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Использование и удовлетворение
Основное положение теории использования и удовлетворения заключается в том, что коммуникация — это интерактивный процесс. Коммуникатор стремится донести до людей информацию и, в конечном счете, побудить их действовать в соответствии с этой информацией. Получатели информации хотят ее получить, они хотят, чтобы им показывали, какие возможности удовлетворения их потребностей существуют, поэтому они стремятся выбрать такие сообщения, которые соответствуют их потребностям. Таким образом, роль PR-автора заключается в том, чтобы создавать значимые для аудитории сообщения.

Термин «структурирование» (framing) раньше относился к деятельности журналистов и редакторов по созданию определенной структуры из имеющихся фактов, тематики и лексики для того, чтобы вызвать максимальный интерес и понимание аудитории. Например, то, как люди относятся к проблемам здравоохранения и к работе связанных с этим организаций, во многом зависит от способа подачи этого средствами массовой информации. У многих людей недостаточно знаний и опыта, чтобы сформировать собственное мнение, и они принимают на веру предложенную версию. Теория структурирования применима и к PR. По данным многих исследований, PR-деятельность обеспечивает около половины всего того, о чем говорят и пишут СМИ.

Распространение и усвоение
Согласно этой теории, в процессе распространения новых идей можно отметить пять этапов:
Осведомленность — индивид узнает о существовании идеи или товара.
Интерес — индивид старается получить дополнительную информацию.
Проверка — индивид проверяет идею на других индивидах или испытывает товар.
Оценка — индивид принимает решение, насколько данная идея служит его интересам.
Усвоение — индивид включает данную идею в систему своих взглядов или начинает пользоваться товаром. Согласно этой модели, PR-автор может оказать влияние на отдельного человека, прежде всего, на стадиях осведомленности и интереса. Часто люди узнают о товаре, услуге или идее через средства массовой информации. Главная причина размещения рекламы в СМИ — это создание осведомленности, первый шаг к тому, чтобы подтолкнуть людей к приобретению товара или поддержке идеи. На стадии интереса человек начинает искать более подробную информацию в таких источниках, как брошюры, буклеты, прямая почтовая рассылка и т.д. На стадии проверки и оценки особое значение приобретает мнение семьи, друзей и коллег, а средства информации ограничиваются тем, чтобы закрепить имеющееся мнение.

Теория иерархии потребностей
Эта теория основана на работе Abraham H. Maslow, который создал шкалу основных потребностей человека, от базовых до более сложных.
Физиологические потребности подразумевают самосохранение и включают воздух, воду и пишу, одежду, жилище, отдых и здоровье.
Потребности в безопасности — защита от опасностей, угрозы жизни или имуществу, ограничения деятельности или потери свободы.
Социальные потребности — принадлежность к той или иной группе, восприятие другими людьми, любовь и дружба.
Потребности в уважении — самоуважение, уверенность в себе, достижения, положение в обществе, признание и уважение других людей.
Потребности в самовыражении — необходимость реализоваться как личность или реализовать свой талант, способности или интересы. Иногда PR или рекламное сообщение может основываться на нескольких потребностях сразу. Например, реклама новой машины часто обращается к понятиям экономичности и безопасности, а также к социальным и внутренним потребностям. Для человека среднего возраста красная спортивная машина может удовлетворять также потребности самовыражения.


Revise all the information from this unit and be prepared to speak on the theories employed in the sphere of contemporary public relations, their essence, efficiency, sphere of application, etc.

                                            UNIT 8

                   HOW TO WRITE A PRESS RELEASE


                                             TEXT 1

                                   PRESS RELEASE SAMPLE

Whether you're marketing a new business venture, promoting a new book, or simply drumming up some interest for an upcoming non-profit event, the press release is an invaluable tool that can make or break your efforts at gleaning some much-desired media attention. At its best, a press release succinctly describes the "who," "what," "where," "when," "why," and "how" of your project in a manner that makes media professionals stop the presses (so to speak) and say, "Wow! Now this is what we've been looking for." At its worst, a press release reads as little more than an unintelligible sales pitch teeming with errors of every kind. Always keep in mind that a press release should be short, to the point, and contain only the significant details that would attract the attention of media professionals. Remember, you are courting editors, journalists, or TV producers - not consumers. They're not looking for fancy formatting and they certainly aren't hoping to be impressed by a writer's expansive vocabulary. Stick to the point and be sure to include the essentials. Press releases are usually no more than one or two pages long and contain complete media contact information, a headline, dateline, the body of the press release, and three hash marks that state, in journalistic terms, 'THE END.' Sounds easy enough, right? If it were easy to write a press release, there would be no need for press release writing services, press release writing articles, books, and newsletters. Press release writing is definitely not easy.

               How to Write a Press Release: A Killer Press Release Guide

When writing a press release, it should be:

· Concise - editors receive hundreds of press releases a week (perhaps more) and appreciate releases that are brief and to the point.

· Well-written - a good way to ensure your press release ends up in the waste basket is: bad spelling, poor grammar, and illogical or unsubstantiated claims. Ask your friends and family to read your press release. Read your own press release aloud.

· Factual - stick to logical and substantiated claims, avoiding statements of belief: we're the best, the cheapest, etc.

· Honest - avoid the padded quotes by company officers; even if they are experts, they come across as biased, especially in a press release about your company. If used, stick to the facts.

· Timely - if your press release isn't topical, consider incorporating it with a recent news event -- but don't stretch it.

             Questions to Consider Before You Write a Press Release:

What do you want readers to take away from your press release?

 Who is the preferred audience of your press release

What does your press release provide: invaluable information or just another offer?

What is the support or justification for the information in your press release?

What is the tone of your press release?

Are you aware of possible pitfalls or areas to avoid in your press release?


What do you want to accomplish with your press release: increase business, disseminate information?


·                    10 Essential Tips to Press Release Success

· 1. Ensure your press release is newsworthy.

· 2. Your headline should be concise and compelling while avoiding being cute or sensational.

· 3. Review your entire press release, then summarize it as one strong paragraph. Review if this new paragraph shouldn't become or replace your initial paragraph.

· 4. Brevity is not only allowed, it is encouraged and rewarded. It shows you respect the time of busy editors & reporters. If they require more information, they will ask for it..

· 5. Purchase an AP stylebook (or use a service like eReleases that takes care of this for you) and learn how to properly abbreviate words and numbers, as well as the proper way to refer to most formal names and titles.

· 6. Avoid excessive use of adjectives and fancy language.

· 7. Stick to the facts. Don't be afraid to pull statistics from respected third-parties if applicable.

· 8. Provide as much contact information as possible: name, address, phone, fax, email, website. An after-hours number or cellphone can make the difference when you have a journalist under deadline.

· 9. Identify editors and reporters who would be most interested in what you have to say.

· 10. Choose your media list carefully. If sending via e-mail, be sure the editors and reporters accept press releases via email. Also avoid attachments and large media files unless requested. Does the Press Release's Lead (Opening) address or answer the basic tenets of journalism: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

                                      An Example of a Press Release


Replace This Line With Your Headline

Optional Subhead Goes Here


HOUSTON, TX - July 1, 2012 (PRB) - This is your opening paragraph. It should be an attention grabber. Always start with the city and state in all caps, followed by the date. The press release distribution service (PRB) should be included in parenthesis, after the date. (PRB stands for

Press Release Blaster). If you don't include a distribution service, then your press release may appear to be mailed directly by you, and it may not get the attention it deserves.

Do not center the headline or subhead. The media expects this to be left justified for press releases sent as plain text email.

Make sure you type no more than 65 characters per line.

The body of your press release should tell about your product, service, announcement or other newsworthy item. It will be very helpful if you review some actual press releases. 

The next part of your press release is optional, but has become a defacto standard. We recommend you include it. It is a company summary. Once you write one, you can include

it in all of your future press releases. In the text below, replace "Acme Widgets" with your own company name.


About Acme Widgets

Acme Widgets was founded in 1998 by two young college students who... This paragraph or paragraphs should tell about your company, including its founders, achievements, product lines, and flagship products/services. It really helps to look at some actual press releases as mentioned above.

The contact info at the end of a press release should always include a person's name and title, phone number with extension, and email address. The person listed as the contact person should be the one person who is knowledgeable about the news in this press release. This can be someone in the company, or someone in the PR firm hired by the company.

Below the contact section you should include your complete company info. Finally, the press release should always end with three #'s (pound signs).

Now it's time to end the press release. You can end it with a plug for your URL and a way to request a brochure, and then the contact info and #'s as we discussed earlier. Ok, let's end it now...


                           VOCABULARY PRACTICE


1. Give synonyms using the vocabulary of the text:

enterprise, further, grab/gather, briefly, important/relevant, wide/broad, value/respect, obstacles/disadvantages, spread, convincing, abundant, by means of/through, principle, to mean, ordinary, leading products


2. Find the English equivalents of the following and make sentences containing some tips on how to write a press release:

бесценный помощник (инструмент), полон ошибок, придерживаться темы, необоснованные требования (претензии), сотрудники компании, предвзятый (заинтересованный), своевременный, поощряться, третья сторона, приложение, скобки/вводное слово, знак/символ


3. Explain what these expressions mean:

drumming up some interest, unintelligible sales pitch, to court editors, padded quotes, fancy language an after-hours number, an attention grabber, in all caps


4. Translate the following journalistic terms. In what other spheres can these words be applied?

editor, headline, dateline, biased, newsworthy, deadline


5. Fill in the gaps with prepositions where necessary:

_____ its best/worst, _____ a manner, _____ the point (имеющий отношение к делу), to contain _____, _____ terms, to avoid _____, to incorporate _____, to ask _____ smth., to take care _____, to refer _____


6. Do the quiz on the active vocabulary of the text:

        Translate into English:

1. Предприятие столкнулось с необоснованными требованиями и препятствиями проверяющих органов.

2. Пресс релиз предстоящего события вызвал интерес журналистов, т. к. содержал важную информацию и вышел своевременно.

3. Заголовок пресс релиза должен привлекать внимание, быть напечатан заглавными буквами и передавать основное содержание сообщения в краткой форме.

4. Журналисты ценят пресс релизы, которые не содержат часто используемые цитаты и слишком высокопарны е слова.

5. PR-специалисты иногда должны «обхаживать» редакторов, быть очень убедительными, чтобы избегать предвзятости, которую журналисты часто испытывают к PR-сотрудникам.

6. Неоценимым помощником в разрешении этого конфликта может стать привлечениетретьей стороны.

7. Сотрудникисослались на основной принцип корпоративной культуры компании, который поощряет инициативность.

8. Крайний срок сдачи материала был уже завтра, а он ещё даже не придумал подходящий заголовок для статьи.

9. Чтобы установить дружеские отношения с журналистами, сотрудники PR-отдела дают им свои домашние номера.

10. Документы сейчас в основном отправляются с помощью электронной почты, обычной почтой они в лучшем случае будут долго доставляться, а то и просто потеряются.


7. Answer the questions:

1. In what way can a press release influence the efforts of a PR practitioner to grab media attention?

2. What is the best possible form of a press release?

3. How can you describe the worst press release?

4. Enumerate the basic characteristics of an exemplary press release.

5. Why, in your opinion, is it necessary for a PR practitioner to court journalists when writing a press release?

6. What press release do media professionals expect to get?

7. Speak about the structure of a good press release.

8. Is writing a press release an easy job? Give your grounds.

9. What are the main reasons why some press releases end up in waste baskets?

10.Which questions are important to be considered before writing a press release?

11.Which of the ten essential tips for writing a good press release do you consider the most/least significant? Why?

12.What should be mentioned in the opening paragraph?

13.What does the body of a press release generally include?

14.Why, do you think, the company summary has recently become a defacto standard?

15.How is it advisable to finish a press release?

8. Say whether the given statements are true or false according to the text. Correct the false ones:

1. A press release is only needed to create awareness about some business activities.

2. Press releases are the most common way of grabbing media attention.

3. The worst examples of press releases merely describe the 5Ws and 1H of the event.

4. An ideal press release should always be brief, convincing, up to a point, and filled with relevant information.

5. When writing a press released, a PR-specialist needs to remember that their task is to please people in the media, not their customers.

6. It is not really necessary to use fancy language, stylistic devices or expansive vocabulary when making a press release.

7. A typical press release is a long, 3 or 4-page piece of writing that only contains information about the event.

8. Editors receive very few press releases these days, so they always get interested in any press release a PR-practitioner submits to them.

9. A press release should always be well written and contain as few spelling, grammar, and factual mistakes as possible.

10. It is advisable to avoid any comments or quotes of the company employees as they are often perceived as biased.

11. It is better to make the headline of a press release sensational and snappy to immediately call the attention of journalists to it.

12. Brevity is the paramount characteristic of any press release.

13. Reliable third-party statistics may also be regarded as biased in a press release.

14. It is not allowed to give contact information in press releases, they only need to inform about the event.

15. It is always necessary to attach large files with additional information to a press release.

9. Take a step-by-step instruction on how to write a press release from the text and write a press release from the company you know or work for.

                           TEXT 2

The following press releases are usually given to students of public relations as the classic examples of a good press release. Read them and then choose one of them, summarize the contents and speak on all the elements that make it successful:


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