VII. Translate the sentences into English. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


VII. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Цемент – вяжущий материал.

2. Сырье для цемента – мел, глина, известняк и мергель.

3. Цемент обычно серый, белый или цветной.

4. В производстве цемента три стадии: 1) перемешивание, 2) обжиг клинкера, 3) измельчение клинкера.

5. Обжиг клинкера происходит в печах с высокой температурой.

6. Вяжущие свойства цемента очень важны для строительства.

7. Цемент широко используют в промышленном и сельскохозяйственном строительстве.

8. Название «портландцемент» связано с полуостровом на юге Великобритании – Портланд, где в 1824 году началось промышленное производство цемента.


VIII. Answer the following questions.


1. What is the text about?

2. What is cement?

3. What properties does cement have?

4. What are the raw materials for сеment?

5. What stages are there in producing cement?

6. Speak about special kilns for burning clinkers.

7. What takes place during the burning?

8. Where is cement used?

9. Why is cement widely used in construction?


IX. Speak about cement as one of the popular bi n ding materials in construction. Make use of the following expressions:


1. I'm going to speak about – я собираюсь рассказать о...

2. Now a few words about – теперь несколько слов о...

3. In conclusion I'd like to say that – в заключении мне бы хотелось сказать что...



Grammar: Past Simple Tense.


I. Put the verbs in brackets in the form of the Past Simple Tense.


1. A: … (you/go) on holiday last summer?

B: Yes, I … (go) to Hungary.

2. A: Where … (be) you last night?

B: I … (meet) a friend for dinner.

3. I … (call) her house but there … (be) no answer.

4. Yesterday Sue … (receive) a package in the post from Tom.

5. A: What … (you/do) when you … (finish) school?

B: I … (travel) through Europe.

6. I … (send) an e-mail to Marie yesterday and she … (write) back immediately.

7. A: … (they/go) to the football game on Saturday?


II. Read the following note and put the verbs into the correct form of the Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.


Dear Pam,

I 1) … (be) sorry I 2) … (not/come) to your party yesterday. As you 3) … (know) I 4) … (go) skiing three days ago. It was fantastic but I 5) … (catch) a terrible cold! I 6) … (still/lie) in bed with a temperature! That’s why I 7) … (miss) your party. Julie 8) … (tell) mfollowing notee it 9) … (be) great.

  Call me as soon as you can.




III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Past Simple Tense.


1. A: Where … (you/go) last weekend?

B: I … (visit) my grandparents on their farm.

A: … (you/enjoy) yourself?

B: Oh, yes!

A: What … (you/do)?

B: Well, on Saturday I … (go) swimming and on Sunday I … (help) my

     grandfather milk the cows.


2. A: Uncle Tom, how … (you/spend) your time when you … (be) young?

B: First of all, we … (not/have) a television so we … (play) a lot of games.

A: Really! What else … (you/do)?

B: Well, we … (listen) to the radio and … (read) books.

IV. Ten years ago Jerry was a student. Now he is a lawyer. Use the prompts to ask and answer questions about Jerry, as in the example.

A: Did Jerry use to work hard?

B: No, he didn’t. He used to study hard.


Then Now
Study hard Work hard
Live with his parents Have his own house
Take the bus to University Drive to work in his car
Wear jeans and pullovers Wear suits
Shop at discount stores Shop at expensive stores
Eat fastfood at McDonald’s Eat in expensive restaurants




Phonetics: [а:], [i:], [ ٨ ], [æ], [ŋ]

Grammar: Present Perfect Tense.

Topic: Brick. Кирпич.


I.  Read and translate the following words:

article, particle, fast, past, pass, task, dark, bar, tar, far, partition, hard, glass, arch, after, mark, larch, vast, branch, answer, demand, cast, example;

cheap, heat, beam, steel, reason, keep, speed, treat, chief, need, ceiling, receive, field, engineering, appearance, deal, increase, piece, brief, we, meter;

but, cut, up, number, some, come, done, colour, result, under, touch, double, must, substance, publish, much, structure, cover, wonder, company;

where, there, their, rare, spare, square, chair, share, wear, bear, care, various;

strong, along, wrong, prolong, bring, pink, link, bank, mixing, sink, setting, blank, young, facing, among, according, morning, thing.


II. Learn the following words and word combinations to the text:

brick [`brik] – кирпич

artificial [a:ti`fi∫Əl] – искусственный

reason [`ri:zn] – причина, основание

to survive [sƏ`vaiv] – выжить

to influence [`influƏns] – влиять на...

availability [aveilƏ`biliti] – наличие

to obtain [Əb`tein] – добывать

to revive [ri`vaiv] – возрождать, возобновлять

to deliver [di`livƏ] – доставлять

to change [t∫eindჳ] – менять

forming [`fo:miŋ] – формовка

kind [`kaind] – вид, тип

facing [feisiŋ] – облицовочный

common [`kOmƏn] – обычный

engineering [endჳi`niƏriŋ] – кирпич повышенной прочности

hollow [`holou] – пустотелый

porous [`po:rƏs] – пористый

lime-sand – силикатный

reinforced – армированный

refractory – огнеупорный

appearance [Ə`piƏrƏns] – внешний вид

resistance to impact [`impækt] – устойчивость удару

wear [`wεƏ] – износ

to require [ri`kwaiƏ] – требовать

maintenance [`meintinƏns] – техническое обслуживание



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