Task 1. Grammar time: use the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 

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Task 1. Grammar time: use the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Health and happiness are (important) than money.

2. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much (expensive).

3. My salary is not so (high) as yours.

4. It is too noisy here. Can we go somewhere (quiet)?

5. The report confirms that smoking is (common) cause of lung cancer.

6. He is one of (stupid) people I have ever met! He parked his car in (narrow) street in the village, and when another driver complained, he just got angry. In the end, a policeman came and fined him. Perhaps, he will be (careful) in future.

7. I think my English is getting (good), not (bad).

8. I am getting old. This job is for (young) men.

9. When children get a bit (old), they will need a (big) house.

10. It is as (warm) today as it was yesterday.


Task 2 a) match words 1-12 with their synonyms in italics, translate and memorize them. Think of sentences using the words in the box.

1) to form (relationship) 2) underground 3) fast 4) luggage 5) space 6) to make money 7) disadvantage 8) independent 9) pedestrian 10) to welcome 11) to convert 12) contemporary minus ▪ subway ▪ to develop ▪ bags ▪ modern ▪ to build ▪ quick ▪ free ▪ drawback ▪ earn ▪ metro ▪ baggage ▪ walker ▪ room ▪ up-to-date ▪ to turn ▪ autonomous ▪ to start ▪ passer-by ▪ to greet

b) Fill in the gaps with one of the following words: “ trip”, “voyage”, “journey”, “travels”, “flight”, “outing” and consider the difference between them. Compose sentences using these words.

……………….. is a short journey that you take for enjoyment.

………………. is an occasion when you go somewhere and come back again.

……………….. is a long journey, especially by boat or into space.

………………. an occasion when you travel from one place to another, especially when there is a long distance between the places.

……………… is a journey through air or space in a vehicle such as a plane.

……………… is a series of journeys that someone makes to different places.


Task 3 a) match a word from the box with one of the definitions below:

to design unattended     to take off  to cancel   to attend to

1) to deal with smb/smth; to take care of smb/smth –

2) to decide how smth will look, work etc, especially by drawing plans and making models –

3) to decide that smth that has been arranged will not now take place –

4) without the owner present; not being watched or cared for –

5) to leave the ground and begin to fly –

b) insert the words in the box in a) into the gaps and translate these sentences into Russian.


1. All flights have been …ed because of bad weather.

2. A good boss must always ……………….. the needs of his/her employees.

3. The programme is ……………ed to help people who have been out of work for a long time.

4. Is it too late to ……….. my order?

5. Never leave young children ……………...

6. The manager …………….. the meeting at the last minute.

7. The plane ……………..an hour late.

8. Are you being ………..ed …., Sir? (e.g., in a shop)

9. They asked me …………….. a poster for the campaign.

Task 4. Complete the text using the appropriate word or word-combinations from the box and talk about the process of boarding a plane.


flight ▪ push ▪ lounge ▪ excess luggage ▪ to take off ▪ to check in ▪ a conveyor belt ▪ a trolley ▪ check-in ▪ weigh ▪ travelling by air ▪ a security guard ▪ to taxi ▪ duty-free goods ▪ hand luggage ▪ board ▪ the departure gate ▪ an immigration officer ▪ the departure board ▪ the control tower ▪ moves


When …………………… you have to get to the airport early in order …………………… about an hour before your …………….. If you have a lot of ……………., you can put it on ……….. and ………….. it to the …………… desk where someone will check your ticket and …………. your luggage. If you have ……………………, it can be very expensive because you have to pay extra money for it. Your heavy luggage is put on ……………………… and carried away. A light bag is classed as………………… and you can take it with you on the plane. …………………………… looks at your passport and checks your hand luggage before you go into the ……………….. to wait until your flight is called. If you want to, you can buy some cheap ……………….. here. Then you see on ………………………………… or you hear an announcement that you must ………………… your plane. You go through ……………………… When all the passengers are on board, the plane begins ………….. to the end of the runway. Finally, permission is received from ……………… and the plane ……………… faster and faster in order ………………….. 


Task 5. Translate the dialogues into Russian. Pay attention to the phrases and phrasal verbs in bold. С onduct a role-play using these dialogues.



VICKI: Wow, that looks like a long email you’re reading there…
MATT: Yes, it’s from my friend Peter who has just started a round-the-world trip.
VICKI: Wow – he’s going round the world – how exciting! So did you go with him to the airport to say goodbye to him?
MATT: Yes I went to see him off at the airport last week. He sounds like he’s having a great time.
VICKI: So tell us more about your friend’s trip.
MATT: Well, after I saw him off at the airport, he took a plane to Australia!
VICKI: What a great start! Where in Australia? Sydney? Perth?
MATT: Actually his plane touched down in Melbourne. He’s going to travel all around Australia.
VICKI: So, his plane touched down – it landed, in Melbourne. I’d love to go there. But I think he’s really brave travelling around on his own.
MATT: Well I’m sure he’ll meet lots of people while he’s travelling.
VICKI: That’s true.




VICKI: So after your friend got off the plane Matt, what did he do?
MATT: Well, he had reserved a few nights in a hotel, so he went to check in.
VICKI: We use that phrase – to check in, when you arrive at a hotel and give your name and get the keys to your room.
MATT: Ah but Peter didn’t like the hotel very much so he checked out again straight away!
VICKI: So he changed his mind, gave his keys back and left!
MATT: Yes, well he says in his email that the hotel was dirty and noisy, so he just decided to check out!
VICKI: Wow it must have been bad if he left immediately. I hope he found somewhere else to stay.
MATT: Yes, he found another hotel, checked in there and is much happier now.




VICKI: So how is Peter spending his days in Australia?
MATT: Well he’s spent the last few days looking around Melbourne and seeing some of the sights before he goes on to his next stop, Perth.
VICKI: I bet Melbourne is an interesting place to visit, with lots of things to see. I’m so jealous, I’d love to go to Australia. I bet he’ll never want to come back!
MATT: That’s true, he said in his email that he’s having a brilliant time, he loves the weather, and he doesn’t ever want to return to rainy old London! I’m not surprised he doesn’t want to come back.



DOLORES: Hello! Dolores speaking…
TIM: Ah yes, hello. I’d like to enquire about flights to Hong Kong from Kennedy Airport in New York, please. I’m off to a conference at the end of the month – Thursday 22nd until Tuesday 27th. Could you tell me about the flight availability and prices? 
DOLORES: Certainly. Do you want to go economy, business or first class?
TIM: Well, I’d like to go first class, but unfortunately I’ll have to go economy – company rules, you see.
DOLORES: Yes, sure, I understand. How many of you will be travelling?
Tim: Ah, it’s just me.
DOLORES: Okay, so that’s one seat … economy … New York – Kennedy to Hong Kong Airport.
TIM: And how much will that be?
DOLORES: Let me see … to qualify for the discount rate, you need to stay over a Saturday, which you are doing … Yes, that’ll be $830.
TIM: Right, and does that include airport tax?
DOLORES:   No, tax is another $70 on top of that.
TIM: Okay. Can I book that, then?
DOLORES: Certainly…Can I help you with anything else?
TIM: Yes, I'd like to book a hotel room too, for the full five nights. Could you check if the Regency Hotel has any rooms free?
DOLORES: Yes, they do.
TIM: And is there a discount rate for conference delegates?
DOLORES:   Yes, there is. I think it's 10% but I can check that for you.
TIM: Okay, do you mind if I book it provisionally for now and I'll call you back later to confirm? I just need to check one or two details.
DOLORES:   That's fine, sir. Can I help you with anything else?
TIM: No, that's all for now. As I said, I'll call you back.



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