III. Translate the following sentences into Russian. 

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III. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. It was early morning

2. It is afternoon

3. It was late evening.

4. It was snowing hard

5. Is it still raining hard

6. It is easy to read this book.

IV. Put the following sentences in negative and interrogative forms:



1. It’s always cold in January.

2. It was simple to translate that letter.

3. It was warm yesterday

4. It’ll be interesting for you to read this book

5. It’ll be easy to find the railway station.

6. It’s difficult for him to read this text.



1.It rains in autumn

2. It rained all day long yesterday

3. It’s raining now

4. It was raining at five o’clock yesterday

5. It snows in October.

6. It’ll be raining very often soon.

7. It’s going to rain.

V. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations:


dilute – разбавлять

sugar of grapes – виноградный сахар

in the more advanced countries – в развитых странах

duration – длительность

malnutrition – плохое питание

starch – крахмал

contribution – содействие, вклад

improvement – улучшение

acid - кислота

VI. Write the following nouns in the plural:

 grape, fat, food, chemist, mineral, vessel, fiber, gas.

VII. Rearrange the mixed –up letters to make words.

Tritionnu –

Archst –

Athe –

Ragus –

Rocdot –

Racto –

Pesgra –

Mikl –

Eatm –


Eesech –

Ggse –


VIII. Write three words or phrases from the box with each verb below.

(in a flat, tea, to school, Japanese, law, English grammar, French, mineral water, a snack, home, in a house, Spanish, milk, a meal, to University, breakfast, economics, in a city.)

          e.g: French, Spanish, Japanese.

speak,    …..,          …..,

drink,       ….,           ……,

live,        ……,         ……,

have,      ……,        …….,

go,         ……,        ……,

study,    ……,        ……,

IX. Rearrange the letters to make opposites.

e.g: a) finish

     atstr start

  b) morning


  c) go to bed

      teg pu ….

  d) open

       solce ….

  e) go to work

      moce meho morf krow ….


X. Underline the true sentence.

1. In the morning, the sun always /never/ sometimes comes up in the east.

2. Sharks never /sometimes/ often kill people.

3. Children never /don’t often/ usually like sweets.

4. In the game of chess, black always /never/ usually starts.

5. People with brown hair don’t often /never/ often have brown eyes.

6. Monday always /often/ usually comes before Tuesday.

7. A year always /never/ usually has 364 days.

8. Spiders always /often/ sometimes have eight legs.


XI. Read the text and translate it. Do the tasks below.


Chemistry and nutrition

1. Since most men think much of what they eat it is not surprising that the early chemists spent much time on the study of food. In the eighteenth century it was already known that starch when heated with dilute sulphuric acid, gave “sugar of grapes”, or, as we term it, glucose. It was then recognized that 100 parts of glucose and, since the sulphuric acid was unchanged in the process, the reaction must consist of the addition of about 10 per cent by weight of water to starch.

2. As early as 1820 the amino acids glycine and leucine were isolated in crystalline form from solutions prepared by heating proteins with mineral acid. By the end of the nineteenth century the nature and role in nutrition of the proteins, carbohydrates, fats and the most important minerals were established. In the twentieth century the vitamins and the elements required only in small amounts were discovered.

3. In the more advanced countries the standard of nutrition of the population thanks to carbon chemistry improved markedly during the past fifty years. This improvement in nutrition plays an important part in the improvement of health and the increase in life duration. Nutrition deficiency has disappeared in most advanced countries. Now it is probable that overnutrition is a more serious trouble to health than under nutrition. Unfortunately, in many developing countries, particularly in tropics, the position is much less satisfactory. Diseases and death from malnutrition are still numerous.

4. The contribution of chemistry to the improvement in nutrition is very considerable. Our earth is now more productive. The comparison of present results with those of fifty years ago indicates quite extraordinary improvement. The more economical production of vegetables increased the amount of animal products such as milk, meat, butter, cheese and eggs. The food additives made by the chemists play also an important part in improving nutrition. They preserve our foods and decreases wastage as well as making the taste and appearance of our food more pleasant.

5. In the vitamin field the efforts of the chemists are especially large. Since about 1930 chemists have isolated one after another vitamins in their pure form, determined their chemical nature and in most cases synthesized them. The most important now in commercial production are vitamin A, made by partial synthesis from B-ionine, vitamin D2 by irradiation of ergo sterol, vitamin D3 by irradiation of 7-dehydrosterol, vitamin B by total synthesis, riboflavin by a fermentation procedure, nicotinic acid and nicotine amide by synthesis, ascorbic acid from glucose by a series of chemical and biological stages and vitamin B12 by fermentation. All these vitamins are produced more cheaply than they could be obtained from natural sources.


XII. Find in the text the sentences with the following words or word-              combinations and translate them:

amino acids glycine and leucine, crystalline form, carbohydrates, carbon chemistry, in many developing countries, more productive, extraordinary improvement, ergo sterol, nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid, biological stages  


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