UNIT 2.2 Customs Tariffs System 

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UNIT 2.2 Customs Tariffs System

In this Unit, you learn how to: - characterize Customs tariffs system - describe Customs valuation - share and talk on types of payments in foreign trade Grammar: Conditional sentences (Type III)

Exercise 1. Find the dictionary definitions of the following words:


tariff the preferring of one thing before another; a right of certain creditors to priority of payment;
distortion the act or state of converting; exchange for an equivalent; as, for converting, for example, euros into dollars;
assessment a proportional part or share of a fixed quantity;
value not genuine; untrue;
preference appraisal; valuation of property, profits, or income, for the purpose of taxation;
fictitious the action of distorting or the state of being distorted;
conversion the worth, merit, or importance of a thing; estimated or assigned worth; valuation;
quota a list or system of duties imposed by a government on imported or exported goods.

Exercise 2. Using the dictionary find the words synonymous to:

customer, merchandise, domestic, purpose, restriction, assistance, identical, adjustment, judicial, expansion, negotiations, obstacles, revenue, significant, importation, commercial.

Exercise 3. Fill in the table of derivatives.


Verb Noun Adjectiv e / Participle

Exercise 4. Study essential words and phrases:


  1. Customs valuation –
таможенная оценка
  1. assessments of Customs duties –
определение (начисление) таможенных пошлин
  1. licensing arrangements –
порядок выдачи лицензий
  1. preference system –
система преференций
  1. arbitrary or fictitious Customs value –
спорная или фиктивная стоимость
6. dismantling of obstacles to trade – ликвидация торговых барьеров
  1. transaction value –
стоимость сделки
  1. computed value method –
метод определения стоимости путем вычисления
  1. “fall-back” method –
резервный метод /метод «возвращения»
  1. clearance of goods –
таможенная очистка товара

Exercise 5. Read the text “Customs Tariffs System” to answer the following questions:

1. Why is Customs valuation a major feature of modern Customs tariff systems?

2. What is the Agreement intended to?

3. What does the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) note?

4. What are the methods of determining Customs value?

5. What is a protective tariff?

Text 1


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