The sixth step of discipline: betrayal; twinning, internal walls, structures, geometry 

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The sixth step of discipline: betrayal; twinning, internal walls, structures, geometry



This chapter will address the sixth step of discipline in the Illuminati: Betrayal programming.



Betrayal programming


Betrayal programming will begin in infancy, but will be formalized at around ages six to seven, and continue on into adulthood. The sixth step can be summarized as: "betrayal is the greatest good." The Illuminists teach this to their children as a very important spiritual principle. They idealize betrayal as being the true state of man. The quick witted, the adept, learns this quickly and learns to manipulate it.


The child will learn this principle through set up after set up. The child will be placed in situations where an adult who is kindly, and in set up after set up "rescues" the child, gains its trust. The child looks up to the adult as a "savior" after the adult intervenes and protects the child several times. After months or even a year of bonding, one day in a set up the child will turn to the adult for help. The adult will back away, mocking the child, and begin abusing it. This sets in place the programming: adults will always betray a child and other adults.





Another set up will involve twinning, which deserves special mention here. The Illuminati will often create twin bonds in their children. The ideal is to have a set of real twins, but of course this is not always possible. So, the child is allowed to play with, and become close to, another child in the cult from earliest childhood. At some point early on, the child will be told that the other child is actually their "twin", and that they were separated at birth. They are told that this is a great secret and not to tell anyone, on pain of punishment. The child, who is often lonely and isolated, is overjoyed. It has a twin, someone who has a special bond to them by birth.


The children do everything together. They are taught together, do military training together. They tell each other secrets. They are also frequently friends in the daytime as well. They are taught to cross access each other just as real siblings would be.


But at some point, they will be forced to hurt each other. If one "twin" is considered expendable, the ultimate set up will be one in which one twin is forced to die while the other watches. One twin may gather secrets from the other twin, be forced to disclose them to a trainer or cult leader, then may be forced to kill the other. One twin may be forced to hit, or hurt the other. If they refuse, the other twin will be brutalized by the trainer, and the refusing twin told that the child was hurt because of their refusal to comply. Many setups will involve one twin being forced to betray the other, turning on the other child after intense programming. This betrayal set up will devastate both children, and they will learn the true lesson: trust no one. Betray, or be betrayed.


The children will also have adult role models on every hand, since the cult is a very political, hierarchical, back stabbing society. Adults are constantly betraying each other, stepping over each other to move up. The children will watch one adult being praised, advanced, because they betrayed others below them, or set them up to fail. The children will learn quickly to mimic the adults around them, and both adults and children can become quite cynical as to human nature. They will have seen it at its worst, whether in training sessions, the brutality of a C.O. in military, or the gossip and back stabbing that occurs before and after rituals.


They also incorporate the message internally: play the game, or be run over. Even the youngest children learn to manipulate others adeptly, at a very young age, while the adults laugh at how quickly they are learning adult ways. People manipulation is considered a fine art in the cult, and those who do it best, as in any group, often win out.





Betrayal programming may have totally shattered the survivor's trust in outside people. It will take a therapist a long, long time to gain the survivor's trust. These are people who were taught over and over again that talking, sharing one's secrets, would be punished harshly. Inside littles will be very cautious at first, not trusting that the therapist is not just another trainer who will one day shout "aha!" and betray them if they begin to trust. This trust building takes time and patience, and must be earned through session after session where the therapist shows trustworthiness and non abusiveness. Survivors will test therapists over and over again, to see if they really are what they say they are. This is a normal part of the therapy process. Survivors may even try to back away from therapy, or outside support, as true caring support will "wig them out", i.e. conflict incredibly with their world view and experiences prior to leaving the cult.


Both survivor and therapist need to realize that some amount of distrust is healthy, based on what the survivor has experienced, and may be life saving, helping to protect them from outside accessing. Honor this need and be patient while the survivor tests over and over. The survivor can try to reason with inside alters who may have been betrayed to the point of legitimate paranoia. They may ask them to watch, and see what the therapist, and/or support person is like. To take their time, check them out. To be aware that what they went through may magnify normal feelings of caution. Helping orient these parts to outside reality, and especially positive experiences of trusting a little, and not being harmed, will help make great strides in undoing this. The survivor may feel confusion and internal conflict, as they experience a world where trust is possible. They may pull away, or the reverse, become highly dependent on the therapist and share too quickly due to a longing for safe intimacy that has never been met. Setting healthy boundaries while acknowledging needs will help the survivor through this stage.


Another type of programming involves the deliberate creation of internal structures within the cult member.



Internal structures:


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