Diet and diet therapy. Main food 

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Diet and diet therapy. Main food

Nowadays we use the word “diet” mainly when we mean that someone is trying to lose weight. In fact, a diet is just a way of nutrition, or a sum of all food products that are consumed by a particular person. A diet can be vegetarian, milk-free or no-carb.

Besides, diets can be used in clinical nutrition. Clinical nutrition (diet therapy) is the system of catering services and using of foodstuff with the medical purpose.

Dietary treatment is appointed by а dietitian. Depending on the nature of a disease and features of its current the doctor defines meal time, distribution of separate dishes, and sequence of meals.

The system of clinical nutrition provides 15 main dietary menus and unloading diets. Each diet provides a certain set of products. Clinical nutrition shouldn't be monotonous, has to satisfy tastes of the patient and not reduce appetite. At the correct culinary processing food has to keep high tastes and valuable properties of products. Food has to be regular.

For example, at acute infectious diseases the diet No. 13 is shown. Appointment purpose: maintenance of the general forces of an organism and increase in its resilience to infections, reduction of intoxication. Sources of rough cellulose, fat, salty, indigestible food are excluded.

The diet which suits one person can be absolutely unacceptable for another.



1.похудеть 2.вегетарианская диета 3.лечебное питание 4.организация питания 5.диетолог 6.особенности течения заболевания 7.распределение отдельных блюд 8.быть однообразным 9.не снижать аппетит 10.кулинарная обработка 11.ценные свойства 12.цель назначения 13.клетчатка

In pairs, discuss the following questions:

1. What isa diet?

2. What kinds of diets do you know?

3. What isclinical nutrition?

4. Can diets be used in clinical nutrition?

5. Who is dietary treatment appointed by?

6. How many dietary menus does the system of clinical nutrition provide?

7. Should clinical nutrition be monotonous?

8. What diet is shown at acute infectious diseases?

9. What is its appointment purpose?

10. What food is excluded at acute infectious diseases?



Fill in the missing modal verbs can, may, must or theirequivalents if it necessary:

1. A diet … be vegetarian, milk-free or no-carb.

2. Diets … be used in clinical nutrition.

3. You … visit the dietitian.

4. The dietitian … appoint the correct diet to you.

5. Clinical nutrition … be monotonous, … satisfy tastes of the patient

6. Food … keep high tastes and valuable properties of products.

7. Unwholesome food… be excluded.

8. One and the same diet …suit everyone.


Speak on the following functions of food:

1. Обеспечение физиологических потребностей больного человека в пищевых веществах и энергии.

2. Учет биохимических и физиологических законов, определяющих усвоение пищи у здорового и больного человека.

3. Учет местного и общего воздействия пищи на организм.

4. Использование в питании методов тренировки, разгрузки и контрастных дней.

5. Учет химического состава и кулинарной обработки пищи.

Тема 8.5. Sportinourlife / Роль спорта в нашей жизни.

Level A

Practice saying the words. / Прочитайтеслова

all over the world [ol ‘ouvә ðә wo:ld]– вовсеммире

fit [fit]– в форме

swimming [‘swimiŋ]– плавание

sailing [‘seiliŋ]–яхтенный спорт (плавание под парусом)

rowing [‘rouiŋ]-гребля

skiing [‘skiiŋ]– лыжный спорт

skating [‘skeitiŋ]– катание на коньках

tobogganing [tә‘bogәniŋ]– катание на санках

gymnastics [d im’næstiks] - гимнастика

theUnitedStates [ðә ju’naitidsteits] – Соединенные Штаты

do a sport – заниматьсяспортом

Read and translate the text. / Прочитайтеипереведитетекст.

Text A. Kinds of Sport

Sport is very popular among people all over the world. Sport keeps people fit, organized and disciplined. Different sports are popular in summer such as swimming, sailing, rowing. There are many kinds of sport in winter time: skiing, skating, hockey, tobogganing, etc. Gymnastics and tennis are popular in our country. The most popular sports in theUnitedStates are baseball, basketball and American football. In England popular kinds of sport are golf and rugby. Englishmen like football, too. It is their national kind of sport.

Answer the question / Ответьтенавопросы

1. Why is sport very popular all over the world?

2. What are summer sports?

3. What are winter sports?

4. What kinds of sport are popular in our country?

5. What are the most popular kinds of sport in America and England?

6. Do you do any sport?

7. Do you enjoy watching sports?

Complete the sentences using the words in the box. / Закончитепредложения, используяданныеврамкеслова

tobogganing,football, fit, sailing,gymnastics

1. Sport keeps people -------, organized and disciplined.

2. One of the winter kinds of sport is -------.

3. ---------- and tennis are popular in our country.

4. One of the water sports is ------.

5. National kind of sport in England is -----.


Level B

Practice saying the words:

Cricket [‘kriket] - крикет

Behavior [bi’heiviә] - поведение

Consider [ kәn’sidә] – считать (подразумевать)

Unfair [Λn’fεә] - нечестный

Attracts attention [әt’rækt ә‘ten∫n] - привлекатьвнимание

Fans [fænz] - болельщики

Team [ti:m] - команда

Wembley [‘wembli] – стадионУэмбливЛондоне

Racing [‘reisiŋ] - бега

boat-racing [bout ‘reisiŋ] – гребныегонки

tournament [‘tuәnәmәnt] - турнир

Wimbledon [‘wimbldәn] - Уимблдон

all over the world [ol ‘ouvә ðә wo:ld]– вовсеммире

enough [i’nΛf] - достаточно

toboggan [tә‘bogәn] – кататься на санях


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