Read the dialogue between a nurse and Mrs. Right. Then act it out. 

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Read the dialogue between a nurse and Mrs. Right. Then act it out.

At the hospital

Nurse: Mrs. Right, I’m afraid we have bad news for you.

Медсестра: Миссис Райт, боюсь, у нас плохие новости для Вас.

Mum: What’s wrong with my daughter?

Мама: Что с моей дочерью?

Nurse: She has an appendicitis attack. We need to keep her at the hospital for a while.

Медсестра: У нее приступ аппендицита. Придется ей оставаться некоторое время в больнице.

Mum: How long will it take?

Мама: Как долго это продлится?

Nurse: The doctors should carry out the surgery. After that, we have to keep watch over her for a week or so.

Медсестра: Докторам нужно провести операцию. После этого, мы должны наблюдать за ней примерно в течение недели.

Mum: Surgery! How horrible! Is it dangerous?

Мам: Операция! Какой кошмар! Это опасно?

Nurse: Don’t worry, Mrs. Right. It’s not dangerous at all. It involves minor surgical intervention. Mary won’t feel any pain or discomfort.

Медсестра: Не беспокойтесь, миссис Райт. Это вовсе не опасно. Это незначительное хирургическое вмешательство. Мэри не почувствует ни боли, ни дискомфорта.

Mum: Why does she have to stay for the whole week here?

Мама: А почему ей нужно оставаться здесь целую неделю?

Nurse: That’s because after each even minor surgery, we keep an eye on general condition of the patient. We need to make sure that she doesn’t have fever or any other complaints. We are here to provide first aid in case there are any problems.

Медсестра: Это потому что после каждой, даже незначительной операции, мы наблюдаем за общим состоянием пациентов. Нам нужно убедиться, что у нее нет температуры или других жалоб. Мы здесь для того, чтобы оказать первую помощь при возникновении каких-либо проблем.

Mum: I see. Thanks a lot. I’m sure you’ll take a good care of my daughter.

Мама: Понятно. Спасибо большое. Я уверена, что вы позаботитесь о моей дочери.

Nurse: By the way, Mrs. Right, do you have health insurance?

Медсестра: Кстати, миссис Райт, у вас есть медицинская страховка?

Mum: Yes, of course. It covers all types of health problems for a year.

Мама: Да, конечно. Она покрывает любые проблемы со здоровьем в течение года.

Nurse: You need to show it to the secretary. She will do all the necessary inquiries. Your health insurance company is obliged to pay all the expenses at the hospital.

Медсестра: Вам следует предъявить ей секретарю. Она сделает все необходимые запросы. Ваша страховая компания обязана покрыть все расходы в больнице.

Mum: Thanksforremindingme. I’ll do it.

Мама: Спасибо, что напомнили. Я так и сделаю.

Тема 6.17. OncologicalDiseases / Онкологическиезаболевания


Welearnthenewwords / Мыучимновыеслова

cancer; cancercells – рак;раковыеклетки overwhelming - ошеломляющий option - вариант suggest - предлагать therapy - терапия liquid - жидкость split, divide – делиться grow – расти boost - усиливать ameans - средство convey – перевозить ray - луч IV (injection) – внутривенное вливание inoutpatientsetting - амбулаторно tumor – опухоль potential - потенциальный impair - ухудшать DNA - ДНК target - нацеливаться introduce - вводить poison - яд supply – снабжать, снабжение before, after (surgery) - до, после (операции)

We read / Мычитаем

Read and translate the text / Прочитайтеипереведитетекст

Cancer Treatment Options

A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, but there are now options. Your oncologist may suggest one or more of these therapies.


Chemotherapy (or chemo) is a drug, or combination of drugs, that kills cancer cells. It can be taken orally as a pill or liquid, or as an injection. The most common delivery method is an IV. Chemo can be received in a hospital or outpatient setting. Your doctor may prescribe chemo before or after surgery. Talk to your doctor about potential side effects.

Radiation therapy

Radiation, also called radiation oncology, destroys cancer with high-energy x-rays. It works best on cancer cells that are splitting very quickly. It impairs the cancer cell’s DNA, so that it cannot grow or divide.


Immunotherapy boosts the patient’s immune system. Antibodies are made in a lab and then introduced to the patient’s system. They target the cancer cells and kill them. Immunotherapy is also a means of conveying poisons straight to cancer cells.

Photodynamic therapy

Photodynamic therapy uses drugs and light to kill cancer cells.

Anti-angiogenesis therapy

Tumors need a blood supply to survive. Anti- angiogenesis stops a tumor from making new blood vessels (сосуды), so that it cannot grow.

Fill in the gaps with the words / Заполнитепропускисловами:

tumor cancer photodynamic therapy anti-angiogenesis therapy

a type of therapy that prevents tumor from growing new blood vessels

 disease in which cells grow in an uncontrolled and abnormal way

a form of treatment that kills cancer cells with light and drugs

a mass of cells in the body that grow in an atypical manner

Level B


suggest - предлагать available - доступный IVinjection – внутривенное вливание in outpatient setting - амбулаторно damage - повреждение grow – расти supply- снабжать, снабжение destroy - разрушать split, divide – делиться DNA - ДНК strengthen - укреплять target - нацеливаться beam - луч survive - выживать



It can be very frightening to be diagnosed with cancer. Fortunately, today there are many treatment options available. Your oncologist may suggest one or more of these therapies.

Chemotherary - Chemotherary (or chemo) is a drug, or combination of drugs, that kills cancer cells. It can be taken orally, though the most common delivery method is through an IV injection. Chemo can be received in a hospital or outpatient setting. Your doctor may prescribe chemotherapy before or after surgery. Potential side effects include hair loss, fatigue, and damage to specific organs.

Radiation therapy - Radiation therapy, also called radiation oncology, destroys cancer cells with high-energy x-rays. It works best on cancer cells that are splitting very rapidly. It impairs a cancer cell`s DNA, so that it cannot grow or divide.

Immunotherapy - immunotherapy strengthens the patient`s immune system. New antibodies are introduced to the patient`s system. They target cancer cells and destroy them.

Photodynamic therapy - In photodynamic therapy, patients are given a light-sensitive drug containing cancer-destroying substances. Light beams then activate the drug, which has been absorbed by cancer cells.

Anti-angiogenesis therapy- Like normal cells, tumors need a blood supply to survive. Anti-angiogenesis therapy prevents a tumor from making new blood vessels, so that it cannot grow larger.

True or false?

1. __ Patients undergoing chemotherapy may lose their hair.

2. __ Radiation therapy is effective against slowly splitting cancer cells.

3. __Anti- angiogenesis deprives cancer of blood.


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