Some Rules for Medical Staff 

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Some Rules for Medical Staff

    Infections diseases are diseases which can pass from one person to another by different ways: through the nose and mouth, simply by touch, through the blood, etc.
    A person who has any infectious diseases must be isolated immediately. The main task of medical professionals is to prevent the spread of infection.
    All infectious diseases are caused by specific microorganisms which may be revealed by bacteriological tests.
    Today such diseases as the plague, cholera, malaria and others have been stamped out altogether in our country.
    It is important to say that such infectious diseases as scarlet fever may have a sudden onset. A sore throat, a running nose, cough, high temperature may occur among the most characteristic local symptoms. Many diseases are accompanied by rash.
    If nurses look after patients who have any infectious disease, they must:
-prevent the spread of infection
-wear a mask and special gown
-wash hands carefully after visiting infectious patients.
-disinfect bedclothes after use
-remember that a good bedside manner and attitude is an effective medicine.


In pairs, discuss the questions

1. What is immunity?

2. What kinds of immunity do you know?

3. What is the antitoxin?

4. When does recovery occur?

5. Do the cellular elements of the tissues also take an active part in the protection of the organism against the infection?

6. May infection result from direct contact with patients or from indirect one?

7. A previous attack of an infectious disease produces a more or less permanent protection against its subsequent infection, doesn’t it?

8. What is an infectious disease?

9.  What must nurses remember if they care for patients who have an infectious disease?

Solve the medical problem:

    A 30-year-old man presents to accident and emergency with a 5-day history of fevers, sweats and lethargy. On further questioning, he mentions that he has just

returned from a 6 week trip to Tanzania. On examination his temperature is 40°C.

What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Influenza

B. Malaria

C. Typhoid

D. Infectious mononucelosis

E. Cholera

Influenza (A) is a possible differential diagnosis. However, the travel history should identify malaria as the most likely differential. Malaria (B) should be considered as the most likely diagnosis of a patient presenting with fevers, having travelled to a malaria endemic area. Patients usually present with fever, malaise, headache, vomiting or diarrhoea. This patient should have thick and thin blood films sent off, in addition to a full set of blood tests to confirm the diagnosis of malaria.Typhoid (C) usually presents with gastrointestinal symptoms. Infectious mononucleosis (D) would present with fevers, sweats and malaise. However, in addition, there is

likely to be a sore throat. Examination would reveal inflamed tonsils and widespread lymphadenopathy in addition to splenomegaly and hepatomegaly. Cholera (E) presents with profuse watery diarrhoea.

Тема 6.6. Viral and Non-Viral Hepatitis/ Вирусныйиневирусныйгепатит

Level A

We learn the new words / Мыучимновыеслова

jaundice - желтуха

to cut down - исключить

sewage - сточныеводы

resistant - стойкий

disease - болезнь

boiling - кипячение

vomiting – рвота

Weread / Мы читаем

This is quite a common disease and every now and then one hears of someone who has jaundice. The disease is acquired by drinking, or eating anything contaminated by the hepatitis virus, which is passed in the infected person's stool.

The presence of hepatitis is a pointer to the inadequate arrangements of safe water supply and sewage disposal in a locality. The virus is very resistant and even boiling does not destroy it.

There is fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and pain in the upper abdomen. Loss of appetite and a feeling of being ill is out of proportion of the fever. Even the smell or sight of food may make the person sick. In 4-5 days the urine becomes dark in colour, and later the eyes and skin become yellow. Gradually, the appetite returns and the fever comes down.

The child should remain in bed as long as he has fever and feels ill. Once his appetite returns, he can play about in the house, but should not go to nursery school till jaundice has disappeared and he feels quite well.

In the acute stage, the child should be encouraged to drink sweet drinks such as orange juice. Sugarcane juice is excellent. Sugar is good for recovery of the liver.

As the appetite returns, ordinary household food can be given, but you should cut down on butter, oil and fried food.

SayitinEnglish / Скажите это по-английски:

достаточно распространенное заболевание; вирус очень устойчив; потеря аппетита; рвота и боль в верхней части живота; моча становится темного цвета.

Say it in Russian / Скажитеэтопо - русски:

The presence of hepatitis; even boiling does not destroy it; the eyes and skin become yellow; the child should remain in bed; ordinary household food can be given.

In pairs, discuss the questions / Обсудитевопросывпарах      

1. What kind of disease is hepatitis?

2. Name the common sources of hepatitis?

3. Does boiling destroy it?

4. When does the urine become dark in colour?

5. What are the typical symptoms of hepatitis?

Level B


non-viral hepatitis - невирусныйгепатит

inflammation - воспаление

side effect - побочныйэффект

fat buildup - накоплениежира

аutoimmune - аутоиммунный

contagious - заразный

scarring - рубцевание

cancer - рак

failure - недостаточность

exposure - воздействие

nausea - тошнота

vomiting - рвота

itching - зуд

rash – сыпь, высыпание

fatigue - усталость

physicalexam - физический осмотр

order -заказ, предписание

MRI - Магнитно-резонансная томография (МРТ)

СТ - компьютерная томография (КТ)

sample - образец

contract - заразиться

determine - определять, устанавливать

strain - штамм

implications - последствия

transmit - передаваться

infected - инфицированный, зараженный

abundance - множество, обилие

advanced - продвинутый, прогрессивный

cirrhosis - цирроз

precursor - предшественник

likelihood - вероятность

bodilyfluids - физиологические жидкости

razors - бритвы

discolored - бесцветный


Non-Viral Hepatitis

    Non-viral hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver. This inflammation may be a side effect of another condition such as mononucleosis, chickenpox, alcohol and drug abuse, trauma and fat buildup in the liver. Autoimmune conditions can also cause non-viral hepatitis. Non-viral hepatitis shares many of the same symptoms of viral hepatitis; however non-viral hepatitis is not contagious.

    Non-viral hepatitis can cause scarring on the liver (cirrhosis), liver cancer, liver failure and death. There are 3 types of non-viral hepatitis:

1. Toxic hepatitis is caused by chemicals, drugs (prescription and over-the-counter) and nutritional supplements.

2. Alcoholic hepatitis is caused by drinking too much alcohol, which harms the liver.

3. Autoimmune hepatitis is caused by the immune system attacking the liver. The immune system can attack the liver for unknown reasons, causing inflammation, liver scarring, liver cancer and liver failure. Some diseases and certain toxic substances and drugs can cause this to happen.

    Symptoms of toxic hepatitis can appear within hours, days or months of exposure and may include:

  • Jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes)
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomitting
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Itching and rash
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite

    To diagnose non-viral hepatitis, your doctor will ask you about any risk factors and symptoms you have. He or she will then perform a physical exam and may order tests, such as:

  • Imaging tests: ultrasound, MRI or CT scans
  • A liver tissue sample (biopsy)

    Autoimmune hepatitis is diagnosed by blood tests. Sometimes a liver tissue sample (biopsy) is required. Treatment includes medication to stop the immune system from attacking the liver. If the liver is severely damaged, a transplant may be necessary.

Viral Hepatitis

    There are five different viral strains of hepatitis, caused by different viruses, A, B, C, D and E. While all forms of viral hepatitis are serious diseases, types B and C can have serious implications on the liver and are most commonly treated. Neither B nor C hepatitis viruses can be transmitted through causal contact with an infected person, but are instead transmitted via the blood, sexual contact or the sharing of personal items with an infected person.

    Both hepatitis B and hepatitis C attack the liver, often causing an abundance of scar tissue where the liver attempts to repair itself. An advanced stage of scarring is called cirrhosis and can be a precursor to liver cancer, though liver cancer can occur without cirrhosis. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C dramatically increase a person’s likelihood to develop liver cancer.

Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B is a virus transmitted through the blood or bodily fluids and the sharing of any items that may come in contact with these fluids, such as toothbrushes, razors or needles.

    Patients infected with hepatitis B may not always exhibit symptoms, and symptoms may vary based on the progression of the illness. Symptoms may include:

  • Body aches, and a general sense of poor health
  • Discolored and dark urine
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Jaundice
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Rash or itchy skin

Hepatitis C

    Hepatitis C is transmitted by direct contact with the blood of an infected person. Hepatitis C can be spread by intimate contact or the sharing of personal items such as razors and toothbrushes when contaminated with blood, but cannot be transmitted via casual contact like hugging or kissing.

    Risk factors that increase a person’s chances for contracting Hepatitis C include:

  • Children of infected mothers
  • Exposure to needle sticks in healthcare facilities
  • Having received blood transfusions before 1992
  • Having received blood-clotting treatment before 1987
  • Tattooing or piercing in unsterilized conditions
  • Using or having used injected drugs

Symptoms of Hepatitis C

  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Unexplained weight loss

    Hepatitis is a condition affecting the liver, but a diagnosis of hepatitis does not always mean a patient has contracted a Hepatitis virus. The presence of the virus determines if a patient has viral or non-viral hepatitis.


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