Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F) : 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F) :

1_________ data                  4________ complaint

2_________ onset                5 ________ procedure

3_________ allergy              6 ________ family medical history

A the first instance of something

B a record of a patient`s family`s conditions

C a collection of information

D a condition that causes a reaction or illness

E a medical treatment

F a pain or illness reported by a patient

Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank:

WORD BANK: urethra, casts, urine, flow, pass;


1. The___________ indicated that the patient might have a kidney disease.

2. Urine passes through the _________ before leaving the body.

3. The doctor was concerned about the patient`s poor__________ of urine.

4. The lab needs a clean sample of ___________ for accurate results.

5. Diana used painkillers to __________ the stones with minimal discomfort.



Research one of these issues and report back to the rest of the class, giving statistics.

· deaths from medical errors

· emergency admissions compared with planned admissions for adults and children

· most common reasons for admitting children to hospital

· most common reasons for hospital admissions in your country

· compulsory admission to hospital

· admissions because of physical violence


Тема 4.6.Taking a History. Making up dialogues (continuation) / Сборанамнеза. Составлениедиалогапотеме (продолжение)



Welearnthenewwords / Мыучимновыеслова

present (general) state of the patient - настоящее (общее) состояниебольного 2. satisfactory (grave) condition of the patient - удовлетворительное (тяжелое) состояние больного

severity / moderate grave condition - состояниесреднейтяжести

active (passive) patient’sposition - активное (пассивное) положение больного

forcedpatient’sattitude / position - вынужденное положение больного

asthenic (normostenic, hyperstenic) constitution - астеническая (нормостеническая, гиперстеническая) конституция

scoliosis – сколиоз                           

reduced (moderate, good) degreeofnourishment - пониженная (умеренная, хорошая) степень упитанности

togainweight - прибавлятьввесе

to reduce / lose one’s weight - потерятьввесе

heavy (slight) weightloss - большая (малая) потеря в весе

normally (poorly, excessively) developedsubcutaneousfat / fattytissue - нормально (слабо, чрезмерно) выраженная подкожная жировая клетчатка obesity - ожирение

skin irritation - раздражениекожи 

skin desquamation / scaling / peeling of the skin - шелушениекожи


We speak / Мыговорим

Polite phrases

Replace each underlined phrase in the dialogue with an alternative polite phrase from the list / Заменитеподчеркнутуюфразувдиалогефразойизпредложенногосписка:

Would you mind if l asked you to____

It’s important to know about____

Can you tell me how you are___

Could you tell me if you take__

I’m sorry, l can’t remember____

I need to know if you have__

Can you let me have__

I’d like to check__

May l ask why__?

I have to ask__


Nurse I’ve forgotten your name.

Mrs. Stein It’s Mrs. Stein.

Nurse Of course, Mrs. Stein. Give me your letter

of referral.

Mrs. Stein Here it is.

Nurse Thanks. So, Mrs. Stein, you've come in for

removal of varicose veins?

Mrs. Stein Yes. The operation is this afternoon.

Nurse Confirm' one or two things. First, are you
on any medications?

Mrs. Stein Yes, I take Venlafaxine.

Nurse What for?

Mrs. Stein    I take it for depression.

Nurse OK. Now, tell me about your lifestyle.

Report any alcohol or drug problems you have.

Mrs. Stein None, I don't drink and I don't take drugs.
Nurse Also, tell me if you have had any contact
with HIV in the past six months.

Mrs. Stein I haven't had any contact with HIV, no.

Nurse Fine, and who’s paying for treatment?
Mrs.Stein I'm covered by medical insurance.

Nurse Great, and lastly, you must take off your make-up and your rings.


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