Деревянко А.А., Иванова В.Н., Некрасова М.Ю. 

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Деревянко А.А., Иванова В.Н., Некрасова М.Ю.




для обучения переводу и пересказу

художественных текстов





УДК 811.111

Ббк 81.2Англ-9

Р е ц е н з е н т ы:

Т.Н. Корж - канд. пед. наук, доцент, доцент кафедры

«Теория и практика перевода» Гуманитарно-педагогического института

Севастопольского государственного университета;

Л.И. Теплова - канд. филол. наук, заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков

Филиала Московского государственного университета

имени М.В. Ломоносова в городе Севастополе;

Деревянко А.А., Иванова В.Н., Некрасова М.Ю.

    Английский язык: Сборник лексико-грамматических упражнений

для обучения переводу и пересказу художественных текстов. – Севастополь: СевГУ, 2017. – 202 с. 



Пособие является дополнением к учебникам Г.М. Фроловой "Учебник английского языка для первого курса языкового вуза" и В.Д. Аракина "Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс". Цель пособия - помочь учащимся выработать навыки грамотного перевода с использованием активных лексико-грамматических единиц и пересказа неадаптированных художественных текстов. Пособие содержит комплекс упражнений для последовательного решения всех возникающих в процессе обучения задач, связанных с переводом предложений с русского языка на английский и пересказом художественных текстов на английском языке.

Пособие предназначено для студентов первого и второго курсов, изучающих дисциплины "Практический курс первого иностранного языка" и "Практический курс основного языка".


УДК 811.111

ббк 81.2Англ-9


рассмотрено и рекомендовано к изданию в качестве учебного пособия на заседании кафедры «Теория и практика перевода» Гуманитарно-педагогического института, протокол № 9 от 28 апреля 2017 года.



© Деревянко А.А., Иванова В.Н., Некрасова М.Ю., 2017

© ФГАОУ ВО «Севастопольский
государственный университет», 2017


ОТАВТОРОВ......................................................................... PART 1. GRAMMAR REVISION............................................. § 1. Questions……………………………………………………………………………. § 2. Indirect Questions with "Wonder"……………………………………. § 3. Construction "Used To"…………………………………………………….. § 4. Mind + Gerund …………………………………………………………………. § 5. Tenses……………………………………………………………………………….. § 6. Inverted Word Order……………………………………………………….. § 7. Hundred, Thousand, Million……………………………………………. § 8. Suggest / Offer ………………………………………………………………… § 9. Verbs Expressing Orders, Commands and Suggestions…… § 10. It is Necessary / It is Natural / It is Important…………………. § 11. Conditional Sentences………………………………………………………. § 12. Special Conditional Sentences………………………………………….. § 13. Care.......................................................................................... § 14. Adverbial Clauses of Concession........................................... § 15. To Be Afraid............................................................................. § 16. Lest........................................................................................... § 17. Passive Voice........................................................................... § 18. Wish........................................................................................ § 19. As If / As Though.................................................................... § 20. It's (High) Time...................................................................... § 21. Complex Object Active........................................................... § 22. Complex Object Passive......................................................... § 23. Complex Object With "Let" and "Make".............................. § 24. Emphatic Construction "It Is / Was... Who / Which / When..."........................................................................................... § 25. Complex Subject.................................................................... § 26. Modal Verb "Can".................................................................. § 27. Can't (Couldn't) Help Doing = Can't (Couldn't) But Do..................................................................................................... § 28. May /Must.............................................................................. § 29. Might Have Done................................................................... § 30. "Be To" and "Have To"........................................................... § 31. All Modals................................................................................ PART 2.READING AND RETELLING..................................... Summary Guidance......................................................................... Examples of the Summary.............................................................. Text 1................................................................................................ Text 2................................................................................................ Text 3................................................................................................ Text 4............................................................................................... Text 5................................................................................................ Text 6............................................................................................... PART 3. MOCK EXAMS ………………......................................... Mini Mock Exam 1……………………............................................ Mock Exam 2......................................................................... Mock Exam 3......................................................................... Mock Exam 4......................................................................... Mock Exam 5......................................................................... Mock Exam 6......................................................................... СПИСОК ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМЫХ ИСТОЧНИКОВ...................   6 8 8 13 16 22 23 36 38 39 45 46 48 56 62 66 68 71 73 78 86 88 89 98 100 103 104 106 113 115 116 118 121 139 139 142 143 147 149 151 154 157 161 161 163 169 176 184 190 200



Настоящее пособие представляет собой детальное описание всех лексико-грамматических сложностей, с которыми сталкиваются студенты второго курса, изучающие дисциплины "Практический курс первого иностранного языка" и "Практический курс основного языка" по учебникам Г.М. Фроловой "Учебник английского языка для первого курса языкового вуза" и В.Д. Аракина "Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс". Также пособие предлагает неадаптированные тексты на английском языке - отрывки из художественных произведений С. Моэма, А.К. Дойля, Э. Хемингуэя, А.Кристи, Ф.С. Фицджеральда - для составления кратких пересказов с выражением мнения по прочитанному. Настоящее пособие составлено с учётом требований рабочей программы и предполагает использование в качестве постоянного приложения к вышеуказанным учебникам на практических занятиях по английскому языку.  

Цель пособия - способствовать более эффективному освоению учебного материала и улучшению навыков перевода и изложения текстового содержания в устной форме. При составлении данного пособия учитывались различные уровни подготовки студентов: все упражнения распределены таким образом, чтобы учащийся имел возможность закрепить пройденное, переходя от более простого к более сложному уровню. Для обеспечения наглядности некоторые грамматические правила представлены в виде таблиц, что должно способствовать как более эффективному пониманию, так и запоминанию материала.

Пособие состоит из трёх разделов, каждый из которых включает упражнения на проверку знаний грамматического материала первого курса, а также описание новых правил с комплексом упражнений, которые можно предлагать как для проработки в аудитории, так и в качестве самостоятельной работы.


В третьем разделе представлены наборы тестов, копирующих содержание старых экзаменационных билетов. Учащийся может выбирать необходимые задания для совершенствования полученных в течение семестра навыков. Данные наборы также предлагаются с точки зрения постепенного усложнения лексико-грамматического материала, что позволяет оценить готовность учащегося к сдаче экзамена по дисциплине.

Все упражнения данного учебного пособия направлены на активное владение английской грамматикой и лексикой.





1. General Questions. General questions require the answer "yes" or "no". Put an auxiliary verb ("can", "be", "will", "have", "had" etc.) before the subject. Use "do"/"does" to form questions in Present Simple and "did" to form questions in Past Simple, for example.

a) Jane married a Scot. - Did Jane marry a Scot?

b) They were dressed within 10 minutes. - Were they dressed within 10 minutes? 

c) It won't do to behave like this. - Won't it do to behave like this?

d) You have a double period of physics on Monday. - Do you have a double period of physics on Monday? 

2. Special Questions. Special questions begin with a question word ("who", "what", "where", "why", "when", "how", "whose", "which" etc.). After the question word put the auxiliary verb (see above), for example:

a) What do you call this in German?

b) Why did he refuse to help her?

c) When will she be aware of the gravity of the situation?

d) How many years have they been working as teachers?

If "who", "which" or "what" are the subject of the question, the word order is the same as in affirmative sentences. If they are the object of the question, the verb is in question form:

a)  Anna married a Spaniard. - Who married a Spaniard? (subject)

b) The professor marked all the tests. - Which of them marked all the tests? (subject)

c)  It happened in the suburbs several years ago. - What happened in the suburbs several years ago? (subject)


a) Who (whom) did you give the excellent mark? (object)

b)   What have you just hand over to the officer? (object)

c) Which of the external exams are you going to take on Wednesday? (object)

3. Alternative Questions. Alternative questions contain the conjunction "or". Their construction is mostly the same as that of the general questions, for example:

a) Did she marry the poet or the teacher?

b) Have you painted the garage or the floor in the kitchen?

c) Will they call on us today or tomorrow?

  Sometimes alternative questions have the construction of special questions:

a)  Where did they go last spring: to Greece or to the Netherlands?

b) Which do you like: juice or lemonade?

c)   Which is she doing: talking over the phone or having a sleep?

4. Disjunctive Questions. Disjunctive questions (or tag questions) are short questions which we add at the end of a statement. These short questions are formed with an auxiliary verb and a personal pronoun. You should remember that a positive statement is followed by a negative question tag, and a negative statement is followed by a positive question tag, for example:

a) The police were called immediately, weren't they?

b) John never married, did he?

c) Her brother wasn't anxious to do his best, was he?

d) The fifth-year students have already passed three exams, haven't they?



For the right translation of the following sentences you should remember:

1) the rules of the sequence of tenses. Be attentive because there are no such rules in Russian and it is easy to forget that if you start an English sentence in the past, you almost never use the present in its subordinate clause, for example:

Я знал, что они живут в отдалённых предместьях. - I knew that they lived in the outer suburbs.

Я знал, что они уже два года живут в отдалённых предместьях. - I knew that they had been living in the outer suburbs for two years.  

Я знал, что они собираются жить в отдалённых предместьях. - I knew that they were going to live in the outer suburbs.  

Я знал, что они никогда не уедут в отдалённые предместья. - I knew that they would never go to the outer suburbs.  

Я знал, что если они уедут в отдалённые предместья, Джейн откажется от работы в центре города. - I knew that if they moved to the outer suburbs, Jane would give up her work downtown.   

2) the rules of the use of the Past Simple Tense. Pay attention to the time markers, for example:

Они давно сбежали. - They escaped long ago.

Она заходила за посылкой два дня назад. - She called for the parcel two days ago.

Мы с ним уладили этот вопрос сегодня перед обедом. - We settled this matter with him before lunch today. (Compare: Мы с ним уладили этот вопрос сегодня. - We have settled this matter with him today).

Сначала они три года работали волонтёрами в Венгрии, потом уехали в Польшу (chain of events). - First, they worked as volunteers in Hungary for three years, then they went to Poland.

На днях она купила элегантное платье. - The other day she bought a smart dress. 

3) the rules of the use of the Present Perfect Tense and the Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Here you should pay attention to the markers too, for example:

Мы не получали от неё сообщений с тех пор, как она вышла замуж за турецкого посла. - We haven't received messages from her since she got married to the Turkish ambassador.

Они арендуют шотландскую ферму с 2015 года. - They have been leasing the Scottish farm since 2015.

Её старший брат недавно получил в наследство деньги. - Her senior brother has recently come into money.

Архитектор только что вышел из офиса. - The architect has just left the office. (But: The architect left the office just now).  

Inverted Word Order.

Hardly had somebody done something…. when + Past Simple: Не успел кто-то что-то сделать…. как (вдруг)… / Едва кто-то что-то сделал…. как (вдруг)….

Examples: Не успели мы отъехать от дачи, как услышали звук выстрела. – Hardly had we driven away from the country-house when we heard the sound of a shot.

Едва они записались на приём к этому врачу, как она отказалась от лечения. – Hardly had they made an appointment with that doctor when she refused the treatment. 

Hundred, Thousand, Million

Translate the word combinations making difference between nouns and numerals. Remember that the adjective "several" and the pronoun "a few" function as numerals here: "two hundred refugees", "several hundred refugees", "hundreds of refugees".

1. Миллионы вьетнамцев и китайцев;

2. сотни немцев и австрийцев;

3. два миллиона голландцев и шведов;

4. десять тысяч двести датчан;

5. несколько сотен испанцев;

6. восемь миллионов русских и украинцев;

7. тысячи беженцев из Азии;

8. пять тысяч посетителей из Швеции, Дании и Финляндии;

9. сотни протестантов из Бельгии и северной Франции;

10. несколько миллионов рублей;

11.  восемь тысяч домов Бразилии;

12. пять миллионов шестьсот тысяч долларов для туристов из Германии, Нидерландов, Польши и Исландии;

13.  тысяча бразильцев;

14. тысячи жителей Бирмы;

15.  несколько тысяч европейцев;

16. миллионы учащихся Германии, Австрии, Швейцарии и Италии;

17. пятнадцать миллионов фальшивых купюр из Вьетнама и Китая;

18. двадцать семь миллионов пятьсот сорок тысяч двести участников японского проекта;

19. несколько сотен письменных упражнений и контрольных работ с американского общеобразовательного сайта;

20. миллион российских рублей.

Suggest / Offer

SUGGEST + 1) noun (a plan, a method, an idea): "The professor suggested a new method of memorizing words";

2) pronoun (it, them, that): "Who suggested it?";

3) gerund (going, dancing, drinking, changing)": She suggested visiting Westminster Abbey the following day";

4) object clause with "should" + simple infinitive: "He suggested that we should go out immediately"; American English: "He suggested that we go out immediately" ("go" - bare infinitive)).


OFFER + 1) noun (an umbrella, a pen, gloves, help): "He offered me his coat because it was very cold";

 2) pronoun (it, them, that): "I didn't offer them to anybody";

 3) infinitive with "to"(to call, to buy, to take): "He offered to bring the doctor" (translated as "вызваться самому что-либо сделать"). 

Conditional Sentences

1. Conditional I: refers to the future.

Model: Future Simple + if + Present Simple


They will take a few pictures of the abbey if the guide agrees to give them some free time after the excursion.

Her father will be shocked if he hears about her marriage to that poor poet.

If her junior brother decides to hand in a request, I will help him. 

2. Conditional II: refers to the present (the action is hardly possible; Russian sentences are marked by the particle "бы")

Model: Would do + if + Past Simple


They would take a few pictures of the abbey now if their strict guide agreed to give them some free time. 

Her father would be shocked if he heard about her marriage to that poor poet.

If my lazy junior brother decided to enter London University, I would be proud of him. 


3. Conditional III:

refers to the past (the action is absolutely impossible; Russian sentences are marked by the particle "бы")

Model: Would have done + if + Past Perfect


They would have taken a few pictures of the abbey yesterday if the guide had agreed to give them some free time after the excursion. 

Her dead father wouldhave been shocked if he had known about her marriage to that poor poet.

If her junior brother had decided to go to Piccadilly Circus last week, I would have joined him. 



If her cousin were to devote his life to poetry, it would come as a shock to all the relatives.

We would hand in the tests in time if the professor were to be more exact in his requirements.

The architect would not complain if she were to stop changing her mind every time he comes here.


2. Conditionals I and II with "should": refers to the future (Conditional I) or to the present (Conditional II) (the action is possible though unlikely; Russian sentences are marked with the particle "бы" in Conditional II and such words as "вдруг", "случись", "случайно" and alike in both the types)

Model for Conditional I: Will do + if + should do

Model for Conditional II: Would do + if + should do


If her cousin should devote his life to literature, it will come as a shock to his father, a physicist.

We would hand in the tests in time if the professor should be more exact in his requirements at least once.

The architect would not complain if she should stop changing her mind every time he comes here.


3. Inverted Word Order in Conditionals.

Clauses may be joined without the conjunction "if". In this case the auxiliary verbs "were", "should", "had" or "could" are placed before the subject. These constructions are considered emphatic.


Were he a man of kind character and good education, he would not call me a liar.

Should you want to have your poems published, we will settle this matter very quickly.

Had he found himself alone with a strange woman, he would never have started the conversation as he was very shy.

Could he match words to music, he would be very popular.


4. Conditionals Without "If".

Compare the following sentences:

1) Если бы твой брат заказал форель и булочки, я бы с удовольствием с ним пообедала. – If your brother had ordered trout and buns, I would have enjoyed having lunch with him.

2) Если бы не твой брат (there is no verb!), я бы с удовольствием с тобой пообедала. – But for your brother, I would have enjoyed having lunch with you.   

So, if you see the combination "если бы не" in the Russian variant, then use "but for" in Conditionals II and III:

1) Если бы не дождь, мы бы сейчас пошли на берег бухты. – But for the rain, we would go to the shore of the creek now (Conditional II). 

2) Если бы не дождь вчера, мы бы пошли на берег бухты. – But for the rain yesterday, we would have gone to the shore of the creek (Conditional III). 

There is one more construction:

"if it were not for" in Conditional II and "if it had not been for" in Conditional III. We can translate the sentences given above following these models:

1)   Если бы не дождь, мы бы сейчас пошли на берег бухты. – If it were not for the rain, we would go to the shore of the creek now (Conditional II). 

2) Если бы не дождь вчера, мы бы пошли на берег бухты. – If it had not been for the rain yesterday, we would have gone to the shore of the creek (Conditional III). 



1. The infinitive may be used as an object of the verb “to care” (= to like, = to want, = to make the effort to do something) and after the phrase “to take care”:

He didn’t care to talk.

I took care to ask Strickland nothing about his own doings.

We take care to ensure that working conditions exceed all international standards.

The ing-form is used after “to care for” and “to care about”:

I care about doing my job well.


"Would you care for" is now considered rather old-fashioned. People tend to say" Would you like" instead.

2. The phrasal verb to care for:

means to look after somebody who is sick, very old, very young, etc.;

can also mean to feel romantically attracted toward somebody or love them.

“I know he cares about me, but does he care for me?"


Both care about and care for somebody means to think them important and worth worrying about. Although care about can involve romantic attachment, it doesn’t necessarily do so. When talking about somebody’s feelings, care for, on the other hand, is used exclusively about romantic attachment.


3. There is also a countable noun – care.

This is rather formal and used less than the uncountable version and means – a feeling of worry or anxiety; something that causes problems or anxiety – it is more often used in the negative with such expression as:

"He looked as if he didn’t have a care in the world".

"She was without a care in the world".


4. It is very often used in the negative or as a question or similar construction to mean you're not interested, bothered or worried about something.

"You're going to be late. - I don't care!"

"You won't pass your exams.- Who cares?"

"I won't get the job, as if I really cared anyway".


5. Remember that after "care" as well as after "matter" in the meaning "to be indifferent to something" we cannot use the Future Tenses.

Compare the Russian and the English choice of tenses:

1) Для меня не имеет значения, куда они поедут в июле - в Грецию или в Турцию. - I don't care / It doesn't matter to me where they go in July - to Greece or to Turkey.

2) Мне было всё равно, кто из них будет руководить внеучебной работой. - I didn't care / It didn't matter to me who of them supervised out-of-school activities.

To Be Afraid

1. be afraid that + may (might) / will (would):

a) Боюсь, что она выдаст дочь замуж за турка. – I am afraid that she will / may marry off her daughter to the Turk.

b) Он опасался, что морозы простоят ещё месяц. – He was afraid that the frost might / would last another month.

c) Его дядя боится, что он не соберёт деньги на поездку в Германию. – His uncle is afraid that he will not / may not raise money for the trip to Germany. 

2. be afraid lest + should:

а) Она боится, как бы он не подал заявление в полицию. – She is afraid lest he should hand in the application to the police.

b) Мы опасались, как бы он не застал нас врасплох. – We were afraid lest he should take us unawares.




1. Verbs denoting fear + lest + should = бояться, как бы не. For example:

1) I am afraid lest he should fail in Mathematics.

2) He was afraid lest his opponents should spy on him.

3) They fear lest cheap accommodation should become scarce in the metropolis. 

4) Did she dread lest her therapist should advise her to consult a surgeon?

2. Lest + should = чтобы не (purpose), for example:

1) Я ушёл рано с праздничного ужина, чтобы не опоздать на электричку. - I left the big dinner early lest I should miss the train.

2) Тебе лучше вынуть пирог из духовки, чтобы он не подгорел. - You'd better take the pie from the oven lest it should get burnt.

3) Он обычно прописывает эти таблетки, чтобы у меня не было осложнений. - He usually prescribes these pills lest I should have complications.

4)Его брат никогда не заходил к нам, чтобы наш папа не злился на него. - His brother never called on us lest our father should rage at him.


Passive Voice

PRESENT The parcel is handed over. The exams are given. The parcel is being handed over. The exams are being given. The parcel has been handed over. The exams have been given.
PAST The parcel was handed over. The exams were given. The parcel was being handed over. The exams were being given. The parcel had been handed over. The exams had been given.
FUTURE The parcel will be handed over. The exams will be given.     -- The parcel will have been handed over. The exams will have been given.
FUTURE IN THE PAST The parcel would be handed over. The exams would be given.     -- The parcel would have been handed over. The exams would have been given.


Wish = Жаль

1. In Russian: "жаль + прошедшее время" " Жаль, что она уехала ".

In English: "wish + Past Perfect" "I wish (that) she had not gone ".

You should remember to change the affirmative sentence in Russian to the negative sentence in English and vice versa. Another example: " Жаль, что они не зашли за свёртком" "I wish they had called for the parcel".


2. In Russian: "жаль + настоящее время" " Жаль, что ты не живёшь в Швеции".

In English: "wish + Past Simple" "I wish (that) you lived in Sweden".

You should remember to change the affirmative sentence in Russian to the negative sentence in English and vice versa. If there is the verb "быть"/"являться" in a Russian sentence, it may be translated as "were" for all the persons. Another example: " Жаль, он такой подозрительный"   "I wish he were not so suspicious".

Wish = Как бы мне хотелось

In Russian: "как бы мне хотелось, чтобы…" + wish for the present and near future   " Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы они уладили этот вопрос!"

In English: wish + "would" or "could" or "were" (without the changes of the affirmative and negative forms in the translation!) "I wish they would settle this matter!"

More examples:

1. " Как бы мне хотелось, чтоб он понял мой намёк и предложил ей помощь!" " I wish he could understand my hint and offer his help to her!"

2. " Как бы мне хотелось, чтоб она не осознала его предательство!" "I wish she were not aware of his betrayal!"

As If / As Though


After the conjunctions "as if" and "as though" the Subjunctive Mood is used. If the actions in the main and in the subordinate clauses take place at the same time, the Past Simple Tense or the Past Continuous Tense is used. Any tense can be used in the main clause, for example:

1) Она сказала это таким озабоченным тоном, будто бы привыкла заботиться о его детях. - She said that in such an anxious voice as if she were used to caring about his children.

2)  Роберт вздохнул, как если бы он был на двадцать лет старше нас всех. - Robert gave a sigh as though he were twenty years senior to all of us.

3) Лиля смотрела на нас так высокомерно, словно на ней было самое элегантное платье и самые дорогие украшения. - Lily was looking at us so arrogantly as if she were wearing the smartest dress and the most expensive jewels.  

If the action of the subordinate clause took place before the action of the main clause, the Past Perfect Tense is used in the subordinate clause, for example:

1) Он улыбнулся с таким видом, будто бы победил самого сильного спортсмена на соревнованиях. - He gave a smile with such a look as if he had defeated the strongest athlete at the competitions.

2) Почему она жалуется на шеф-повара и официантов с таким возмущением, будто бы они сбежали из тюрьмы? - Why is she complaining of the chef and the waiters with so much indignation as though they had escaped from prison?  

3) Они выглядят такими загорелыми и довольными, как если бы провели время в Греции. - They look tanned and satisfied as if they had spent time in Greece. 


It’s (High) Time

It's time / It's high time / It's about time + Past Simple:

1) Нам пора ехать на факультативные курсы по социологии. - It's time we went to the optional courses in sociology.

2) Тебе пора принимать таблетки от кашля. - It's about time you took the pills for cough.

3) Джону давно пора было переодеваться к праздничному вечеру. - It was high time John changed his clothes for the big party.


Complex Object Active

The construction Complex Object with verbs of sense perception:


hear                 her                    doing (Participle I)

see                   us

watch     +  a woman   + or

notice              the wind

feel                  somebody        do (Infinitive without to)



1) Она видела, как мы поднимались на купол. – She saw us climbing up to the dome.

2) Я заметил, как норвежка вернула сумку девочке. – I noticed the Norwegian hand back the bag to the girl.


What does the choice of the Participle or of the Infinitive depend on?

If you see the action as an unfinished or long process (in Russian we have the verbs answering the questions "что делает? что делают? что делали? что делала?"), then choose Participle I, for example:

1) Мы слышали, как грохочет (что делает?) гром. – We heard the thunder rumbling.

2) Она видела, как мы готовили (что делали?) обед. – She saw us preparing lunch.

If the action is complete (in Russian we have the verbs answering the questions "что сделал? что сделала?"), then use the infinitive:

1) Ольга почувствовала, что её сестра (что сделала?) вздрогнула. – Olga felt her sister give a start. 

2) Я заметил, как медсестра втерла немного мази ей ладонь. – I noticed the nurse rub some ointment in her palm.

Remember that the verbs "feel" in the meaning "have the impression", "hear" in the meaning "be told or informed" and "see" in the meaning "understand" do not take the Complex Object constructions. Compare:

1) Я слышала, как они обсуждали способы лечения. Я слышала, потом его госпитализировали. - I heard themdiscussing the ways of treatment. I hear (have heard) he was taken to hospital later.

2) Он почувствовал, как ему на ладонь упала капля дождя. Он почувствовал, что его сестра лжёт. - He felt a drop of rain fall on to his palm. He felt that his sister was telling a lie.

3) Она видела, как повар нарезает говядину. Она видела, что медсестра хочет скрыть от пациента возможные последствия лечения. - She saw the cook cutting the beef. She saw that the nursewas anxious to keep the possible consequences of the surgery back from the patient.   


Complex Object Passive

See            them                   Participle I Passive (being   done)

Notice       the parcel       

Watch + a cup of tea + or

Hear          something        Participle II (done)


Participle I Passive (unfinished or long action):

1) Я наблюдала, как разносят (что делают?) чай. – I watched the tea being handed round.

2) Мы видели, как красят (что делают?) купол. – We saw the dome being painted.

3) Ты слышал, как просят (что делают?) о помощи? – Did you hear help being asked for?


Participle II (= the third form of the verb; complete action):

1. Мой брат видел, как внесли (что сделали?) чемодан. – My brother saw the suitcase brought in.

2. Ты заметил, как уронили (что сделали?) сверток? – Did you notice the parcel dropped?

3. Все слышали, как прошептали (что сделали?) твое имя. – Everybody heard your name whispered.  


Complex Subject

1. To see, to hear, to notice, etc. + bare Infinitive:

Слышно было, как Джейн огрызнулась. - Jane was heard to answer back.

Было видно, как какой-то швед зашёл в универмаг. - Some Swede was seen to enter the department store.

If process is expressed Participle I Active is used:

В этот момент все услышали, как её младшая сестра зовет Джона. - Her junior sister was heard calling for John at that moment. 

2. To think, to consider, to know, to expect, to believe, to suppose:

Его всегда считали человеком благородного характера. - He has always been thought to be a man of noble character.

Было известно, что молодожёны уехали в Шотландию. - The newly-weds were known to have gone to Scotland.

Полагают, что эта легенда была написана на рубеже веков. - This legend is believed to have been written at the turn of the centuries. 

3. To make:

Её заставили надеть элегантное платье. - She was made to put on a smart dress.

Меня заставляют учить наизусть отрывки из произведений. - I am made to learn excerpts from literary works by heart.

!!! "Let" is never used as "be let". Use "be allowed" or "be permitted" instead:

They let him retake the exam. = He was allowed (was permitted) to retake the exam.


Не мочь не

Он не может не скрывать что-то от нее. – He can’t help keeping something back from her. = He can’t but keep something back from her. 

Мы не могли не заказать тушёные овощи и клюквенный соус. – We couldn’t help ordering stewed vegetables and cranberry sauce. = We couldn’t but order stewed vegetables and cranberry sauce.

May / Must

Remember that the modal verbs "may" and "must" are not used in the future. To express the future actions with the meaning of supposition we take:

"perhaps" instead of "may" (может быть, возможно);

"probably" instead of "must" (должно быть, наверняка, скорей всего, вероятно).

Besides, "must" can be substituted by the word combination "to be likely / to be unlikely to do", for example:

1. Наверняка они будут болеть за шведскую команду. - They are likely to shout for the Swedish team.

2. Маловероятно, чтобы ты приготовила малиновый пудинг на его день рождения в январе. - You are unlikely to bake raspberry pudding for his birthday in January.


Might Have Done

"Might have done" = "чуть не", for example:

1) Её непослушная дочь чуть не разбила вдребезги сахарницу. - Her naughty daughter might have broken the sugar-basin to pieces.

2) Я чуть не потерял рецепт, когда стоял в очереди. - I might have lost the prescription when I was standing in the queue.

3) Её рассеянный муж чуть не уронил вилку. - Her absent-minded husband might have dropped the fork. 


All Modals

In order to work with the modal verbs correctly, you must know the forms of the infinitive.


  Active Passive
Simple to write to be written
Continuous to be writing ---
Perfect to have written to have been written
Perfect Continuous to have been writing ---


Also, you must learn the meanings of the modal verbs and their possible translations into Russian:

1. Supposition:

MUST – вероятно, наверняка, скорей всего, должно быть (очень большая уверенность);

MAY – может быть, возможно (небольшая уверенность, есть сомнения);

MIGHT – может быть, возможно (похоже на MAY, но ещё менее уверенно);

COULD – возможно, может быть (=MIGHT).

Perfect Infinitives refer to past actions:

1. He may have cancelled the meeting. – Возможно, он отменил встречу.

2. The chief must have been on a trip. – Начальник, должно быть, был в командировке.

3. They could have been lost by the maid. – Они могли быть потеряны (они, возможно, были потеряны) служанкой.

In general, here we can find all the forms of the Infinitive here. The form of the Infinitive depends on the sense (here we follow the rules of the tense use):

1. They may be waiting for you. – Они, может быть, ждут тебя.

2. They may have been waiting for you for half an hour already. – Они, может быть, ждут тебя уже полчаса.

3. The neighbour must have been washing the clothes since morning. – Соседка наверняка с утра стирает одежду.

4. The captain must be from the south regions. – Капитан, должно быть, родом из южных областей.


2. Obligation:

MUST – должен по закону, очень жёсткий долг, обязательство, если не выполнить – тяжёлые последствия;

SHOULD – рекомендация, совет, личное наставление;

OUGHT TO – рекомендация, совет, похож на SHOULD, но чаще имеет ввиду мораль, этику;

BE TO – по плану, по договорённости;

HAVE TO – вынужден, приходится (не хочется, а надо).


In this meaning two modal verbs "must" and "have to" can be only used with the Simple Infinitive:

1.You must go there immediately. – Ты должен немедленно туда ехать.

2. He had to get up early. – Ему пришлось встать рано.


SHOULD и OUGHT TO are used with the Simple Infinitive if the action refers to the present and a person can follow the recommendation:

1. You should apologize to her for your being late. – Тебе следует извиниться перед ней за своё опоздание.

2. He ought to be kinder to his sister. – Ему следует быть добрее к сестре.


SHOULD и OUGHT TO are used with the Perfect Infinitive if the action refers to the past and a person did not follow the recommendation:

1. You should have apologized to her for your being late. – Тебе следовало извиниться перед ней за своё опоздание.

2. He ought to have been kinder to his sister. – Ему следовало быть добрее к сестре.

BE TO can be used with the Simple Infinitive if the plan refers to the future and is going to be fulfilled or to the past when this plan was fulfilled:

1. We are to meet at 4.30 p.m. – Мы должны встретиться в 4.30 (планы на будущее).  

2. We were to meet at 4.30 p.m. – Мы должны были встретиться в 4.30 (и встретились).

BE TO is used with the Perfect Infinitive if a plan refers to the past and was unfulfilled:

We were to have met at 4.30 p.m. – Мы должны были встретиться в 4.30 (но не встретились).




SHOULDN’T and OUGHTN’T mean "не следовало, не надо, зря"if a speaker expresses sympathy or empathy, his/her attitude to the situation, his/her vision of the state of things:

1. You shouldn’t have come (because you are ill). – Тебе не надо было приходить (ты же больна).

2. He oughtn’t to have written that message. It upset Julia very much. – Не следовало ему писать то сообщение. Оно очень расстроило Джулию. 


NEEDN’T means "не надо, зря" if a speaker refers to the objective circumstances and reasons without his/her own attitude to the situation or sympathy:

1. You needn’t have come (because the meeting is cancelled). – Зря ты пришла (собрание отменено).

2. He needn’t have written that message. Julia knew everything already as her sister had told her. – Не нужно было ему отсылать то сообщение. Джулия и так всё знала: её сестра рассказала ей.




NEED NOT means that a speaker takes the responsibility and is going to do everything by himself/herself:

You needn’t come here. I’ll manage everything without your help. – Тебе не надо приходить сюда. Я сама справлюсь без твоей помощи.

DO NOT HAVE TO means that there is no objective necessity to fulfill the action:

You don’t have to come to the university tomorrow. There will be no lectures. – Тебе не надо приходить завтра в университет. Лекций не будет. 

5. Reproach:

MIGHT + Simple Infinitive refers to the present

MIGHT + Perfect Infinitive refers to the past

You might help me bake the strawberry pie now. - Мог бы сейчас помочь мне приготовить клубничный пирог.

You might have helped me bake the strawberry pie yesterday. - Мог бы вчера помочь мне приготовить клубничный пирог.



Summary Guidance

What is a Summary?

· Summarizing involves analyzing the information in the story to extract only the key ideas.

· In order to summarize, the reader needs a comprehensive understanding of the story.

· The reader must be able to make out key ideas, combine ideas, and eliminate insignificant details.

· Summarizing requires the reader to organize, synthesize, and analyze ideas for degree of importance.

· A summary does not include every detail from the story; instead it provides an overview of key ideas.



1. Read the entire text two or three times. Clarify all unknown words or idioms.

2. Try to find the theme and the idea of the extract.

3. Define the main characters.

4. Divide the text into meaningful parts. Write down the main idea of each.

5. Then take a look at the ideas and talk about which ones can go together under a more general statement, and which ones may be unnecessary for an overview.

6. Use the linking words to combine the ideas together and turn them to a story.

7. Give your conclusion.


Summary Structure

Introduction = 1-2 sentences: title, idea, main characters

Main Body = 5-6 sentences: key events and ideas in the order they happened

Conclusion = 1 sentence: reader’s comments and reaction



· When looking for main ideas, ensure that they are not random passages. In fact, you should get the same text, but smaller volume.

· Follow the correctness of the indirect speech in retelling.

· Retell the text aloud. Two times is not enough. To memorize the text, retell it several times.

· You don’t need every detail in a summary, but you must give the key ideas.


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