Phylum Rhodophyta (Red Algae) 

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Phylum Rhodophyta (Red Algae)

Red algae grow as single-celled plants or plants that grow as filaments, branched plants, broad flat plates, and ruffled plants. They come in a variety of sizes, but most red algae are small. All species attach to substrate such as rock or coral and sometimes to an animal shell or even another algae species.


Giant Kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera - Channel IslandsClass Phaeophycea (Brown Algae)

Brown algae contain the largest and most complex algae plants. Pacific kelp are a brown algae species. There are no unicellular or colonial forms of brown algae. Brown algae stores food reserves as a substance called laminarin, similar to a lesser known species of gold algae in the Class Chrysophyceae. Brown and gold algae also have in common the presence of flagellated cells of both sperm and motile spores. Brown algae are commonly found attached to the substrate in cool, shallow waters near the shore in temperate and subpolar regions. Some forms of brown algae have developed adaptations to survive life on the coast where they may be pounded by surf or submerged then exposed with the tide. Large brown algae are used as shelter for some bottom-dwelling animals. They also provide serve as substrate for other algae that grow as epiphytes, or plants that grow on other plants.


Exercise 85. Read and translate the following word s and word combinations from Russian into English.

Фитопланктон, диатомовые водоросли, динофлагелляты, водоросли, хлорофилл, цианобактерии, свободно плавающие, субстрат, морские водоросли, ядовитый, нанопланктон, пикопланктон, кремнезем, биолюминесценция, донные животные,растительный эктопаразит.


Exercise 86. Give the definition to the following terms: аlgae, dinoflagellates, phytoplankton, diatoms.


Exercise 87.Look through the text to find out more information about:

- the plant kingdom is made up of multicellular, photosynthetic eukaryotes;

- none of the algae species are known to be poisonous;

- phytoplankton are microalgae;

- the symbiotic algae found in many corals;

-  b rown algae contain the largest and most complex algae plants.

Exercise 88. Make up collocations using words from both columns.


marine bioluminescence
 motile  species
strong plants
ruffled spores
brown animals
bottom-dwelling consumption.
human algae


Exercise 89. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. М орские водоросли (м орские водоросли и фитопланктон) представляют собой рыхлую группу некоторых простейших организмов, которые содержат хлорофилл (подобно растениям), но включают в себя представителей как империй прокариот (царства бактерий – например, цианобактерий), так и эукариот (царства Хромистов, Плантатов и простейших...).
2. Б ольшинство морских водорослей классифицируются как красные водоросли. Есть также бурые и зеленые водоросли
3. Д инофлагелляты-это форма крупного фитопланктона, насчитывающая около 2000 видов.
4. Динофлагелляты имеют сильные биолюминесценции.
5. К расные водоросли растут как одноклеточные растения или растения, которые растут как нити, ветвистые растения, широкие плоские пластины.
6. Н екоторые формы бурых водорослей адапт ируются, чтобы выжить на побережье, где они могут быть раздавлены прибоем или погружены в воду, а затем открыты приливом.
7. Большие бурые водоросли используются в качестве укрытия для некоторых донных животных.

Exercise 90. Test yourself by answering these questions and summarize given information.

What types of marine algae do you know?

What is Phytoplankton?

What does phytoplankton provide in marine ecosystems?

What are diatoms made of?

Where can symbiotic algae be found?

What is the difference between brown and green algae?

Where are brown algae commonly found?

Under what conditions have brown algae developed?


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