IV. Reflection ( Рефлексия ) 

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IV. Reflection ( Рефлексия )

Speaking, Listening & Writing

15. Group work.

Group 1. Prepare a presentation about one of the orders and present it to the class.

Group 2. Listen to the presentations and comment on them using “Hats of Thinking”

(See appendix 8.)

Grammar Focus

16. Read the following sentences and underline - ing forms. Translate the sentences:

1. A structure of two upright stones supporting a lintel is called a trilithon.

2. A primitive man didn’t have any tent living and sleeping in the open air.

3. He invented many tools making life easier.

4. The Greeks built sanctuaries surrounding them on all four sides by a columned portico.

5. The orders were initially developed by the Greeks.

6. The Doric order is the simplest of the orders, characterized by short, faceted, heavy columns with plain, round capitals and no base.

7. Above the capital there is a square abacus connecting the capital to the entablature.

8. A triglyph is a unit consisting of three vertical bands which are separated by grooves.

9. It is distinguished by slender, fluted pillars with a large base and two opposed volutes in the echinus of the capital.


17. Pair work. Discuss the following statements with your partner. Express your own opinion. (See appendix 1):

1. The public buildings of the ancient Greeks and Romans were almost all designed using the five orders of architecture.

2. The Doric order having short, heavy columns with plain capitals is the simplest of the orders.

3. The Corinthian order is a richly decorated, elegant style having a lot of decorative features.

4. Slender, fluted pillars distinguishing the Ionic order have a large base and two opposed volutes.

5. The Tuscan order consisting of simple architectural elements has a very plain design.

Module 4


Unit 9


I. Warming up (Разминка)

 1. Group work. Reflect on the following quote about an architectural style, interpret it and share your ideas with the group. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions:

  “The principle of the Gothic architecture is infinity made imaginable.” Samuel Coleridge.

II. Evocation (Вызов)

Speaking & Listening

2. Group work. Discuss the following questions and report your ideas to the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view.

1. What is your idea of an architectural style?

2. What elements does a style include?

3. What are the features of any style?

4. What is the reason for the emergence of new styles?


II. Realization (Осмысление)


3. Read the text and correct your answers to the questions from exercise 2. The following lexis can be useful:

1. What is an architectural style?

2. What elements does a style include?

3. What is the reason for the emergence of new styles?


An Architectural style

An architectural style is a specific method of construction, characterized by the features that make it notable. A style may include such elements as form, method of construction, materials, and regional character. Most architecture can be classified as a chronology of styles which changes over time. These may reflect changing fashions, changing beliefs and religions, or the emergence of new ideas and new technology which make new styles possible.

Styles therefore emerge from the history of a society and are documented in the subject of architectural history. At any time several styles may be fashionable, and when a style changes, architects learn and adapt to new ideas. The new style is sometimes only a rebellion against an existing style, such as “post-modernism” (means “after modernism”) which has in recent years found its own language and split into a number of styles with other names.


notable значительный, примечательный
beliefs убеждения
subject сюжет из архитектурной истории
to adapt to приспосабливаться к
rebellion противодействие
to split into раскалываться на

4. Form groups according to the text numbers. Read and structure the text and discuss it with your group members to prepare a proper summary and a comprehension question for the members of your home group

Text 1

Romanesque Architecture

Useful terms and phrases

5. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

to coin создавать
basilica-style plan базиликальный стиль, романский стиль
arcade аркада, сводчатая галерея
barrel vault свод двоякой кривизны
groin vault крещатый свод
nave неф
pier пилястра, простенок между окнами
forceful outward thrust мощный распор
arched vault аркообразный свод
longitudinal продольный
side aisle боковой неф в соборе; проход между рядами в соборе
apse апсида; полукруглая часть здания
radiating chapel радиальная  часовня
ambulatory крытая аркада
transept трансепт, поперечный неф собора
transverse aisle поперечный проход
tower пилон
engaged column пилястр, полуколонна
diaphragm arch разделительная арка
 bay бокс
compartment помещение
compartmentalization пространственное разделение
to arch перекрывать сводом, придавать форму арки
 thrust горизонтальное или боковое давление
vaulted stone куполообразный камень


Romanesque Architecture


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