Somebody/ someone/ something/ somewhere /anybody/ anyone /anything/ anywhere /nothing / nobody/ nowhere 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Somebody/ someone/ something/ somewhere /anybody/ anyone /anything/ anywhere /nothing / nobody/ nowhere


· This place doesn’t look very promising, but let’s try and find somewhere nice for dinner.

· I couldn’t find anything interesting on the television so I had an early night.

· There’s somebody outside who wants to speak to you. Shall I let him in?

· Nobody present at the meeting was able to offer me any useful advice.

§ Make + infinitive/to+inf

· We can do a lot to help make people feel better.



۩ бЗНЩ ЗУКОПЗг ЯбгЙ Live жгФКЮЗК гдеЗ ЭнгЗ нбн:

Ё live (v) нНнЗ/нЪнФ/нУЯд

· She lives in Cairo.


Ё live (Adj.) гИЗФС/Ъбн ЗбежЗБ гИЗФСЙ

· The match was live on TV.


Ё live to the age of = live to be (v) нЪнФ НКн Уд....

· My grandfather lived to the age of 80.


Ё live on (v) нЪнФ Ъбн ПОб Гж ШЪЗг гЪнд

· Babies live on milk for the first few months of their lives.

· They have to live on a pension гЪЗФ of 500 pounds a month.


Ё live a life of + crime/luxury СЭЗенЙ/hardship (v) нНнЗ НнЗЙ гд джЪ гЪнд

· She lived a life of hardship. НнЗЙ ФЗЮЙ/ХЪИЙ


Ё live up to (v) нЪнФ жЭЮЗр бЬ

· He lived up to his principles. ЪЗФ жЭЮЗр бгИЗПЖе


Ё live within (your) means (v) нЪнФ Ъбн ЮПС ПОбе

· People need to learn how to live within their means.

Ё alive (Adj.) Ъбн ЮнП ЗбНнЗЙ/Нн

· My grandmother died last year, but my grandfather is still alive.

Ё living (n/Adj.) гЪнФЙ/Нн/гЗ нДПн гд Ъгб бЯУИ ЗбгЗб

· What do you do for a living? – I'm a lawyer.

· The high cost of livingЗСКЭЗЪ КЯЗбнЭ ЗбгЪнФЙ  is a problem for many people.

· Biology is the study of living things. ЗбЯЗЖдЗК ЗбНнЙ


Ё lively (Adj.) гхЭЪг ИЗбНнЗЙ/гбнБ ИЗбНнжнЙ жЗбдФЗШ

· He has a nice, lively personality.


Ё lifeless (Adj.) гнК / бЗ НнЗЙ Эне

· There was no breathing or pulse. He was lifeless.


Ё ache (n./v.) Гбг нСКИШ ЪЗПЙ ИМТБ гд ЗбМУг гЛб ВбЗг ЗбХПЗЪ ж ЗбЩеС жЗбГРд жЗбгЪПЙ жЗбГУдЗд/нДбг     

Eara che ВбЗг ЗбГРд /head ache ЗбХПЗЪ /tooth ache Гбг ЗбГУдЗд /back ache ВбЗг ЗбЩеС


Ё pain (n.) Гбг дЗКМ Ъд МСН Гж ЯУжС Гж ЗХЗИЙ Гж КгТЮ жнЯжд ЪЗПЙ гЭЗМнБ

Ё Sharp pain Гбг НЗП

Ё ache for нКбеЭ Ъбн/нКжЮ Збн


· His feet were aching from standing so long.

· I'm achingfor sleep.

· She felt a sharp pain in her leg.


۩ бЗНЩ ЗУКОПЗг ЯбгЙ challenge  ЭнгЗ нбн:

Ёmeet a challenge нжЗМе КНПн               Ёaccept a challenge нЮИб КНПн

Ёrise to a challenge нжЗМе КНПнЗр             Ёface a challenge нжЗМе КНПнЗр

Ёpose (represent) a challenge нхФЯцб КНПнЗр   Ёa huge challenge КНПн еЗЖб

Ёa serious challenge КНПн ОШнС                Ёa real challenge КНПн НЮнЮн

Ёchallenge (v) нКНПн                 


Words and their Synonyms

lifeless гнК/бЗ НнЗЙ Эне dead  
challenging ХЪИ/нФЯб КНПнЗр difficult  
moving гДЛС/гНСЯ ббгФЗЪС touching  
ache Гбг pain  
faint нХЗИ ИЗбЕЫгЗБ pass out  
moving гКНСЯ mobile  
die нгжК pass away  
in vain ЪИЛЗр / ИбЗ МПжн without success  
ease (v) нОЭЭ relieve  
ease (n) УежбЙ/нхУС no difficulty  
power station гНШЙ ббШЗЮЙ power plant  
unconscious ЭЗЮП ЗбжЪн knocked out  
weak ЦЪнЭ feeble  

Words and their antonyms:

possible ггЯд impossible гУКНнб
happy УЪнП unhappy КЪнУ/ЫнС УЪнП
interesting еЗг/ФЗЖЮ uninteresting ггб/ЫнС ФЗЖЮ
correct ХНнН incorrect ЫнС ХНнН
do well нхНУцд ЗбГПЗБ do badly нДПн ИФЯб УнБ
singular гЭСП plural МгЪ
similar гФЗИе different гОКбЭ
successful дЗМН unsuccessful ЫнС дЗМН
conscious жЗЪн unconscious ЭЗЮП ЗбжЪн
easy Уеб difficult ХЪИ
weak ЦЪнЭ strong Южн
safe Вгд unsafe ЫнС Вгд
complete ЯЗгб incomplete ЫнС ЯЗгб
sadness ЗбНТд happiness ЗбУЪЗПЙ
positive ЗнМЗИн negative УбИн
lose нОУС win нЭжТ
loser ОЗУС winner ЭЗЖТ
success ЗбдМЗН failure ЗбЭФб




rhyme with нЯжд бе дЭУ ЗбЮЗЭнЙ good at = clever at гЗеС Эн
cut into нЮШЪ Збн.. write about нЯКИ Ъд
write to нЯКИ Збн ФОХ succeed in ндМН Эн
stop … from нгдЪ...гд talk about нКНПЛ Ъд
in other words жИгЪдн ВОС feel about нФЪС ИОХжХ
read … to someone нЮСГ бФОХ read about something нЮСГ Ъд ФнБ
explain … to someone нФСН бФОХ agree with нКЭЮ гЪ
in a different way ИШСнЮЙ гОКбЭЙ differ from нОКбЭ Ъд
different to/from гОКбЭ Ъд at the end of Эн деЗнЙ..
travel around the country нУЗЭС Эн ЗдНЗБ ЗбИбП go to prison нхУМд
walk up the mountains нгФн Эн ЗбМИЗб have a role in бе ПжС Эн
in vain ИбЗ МПжн be felt with the heart КхНуУ ИЗбЮбИ
in your own words ИГУбжИЯ on the beach Ъбн ЗбФЗШнБ
stay in a hotel нЮнг Эн ЭдПЮ be trained to+inf. нхПСИ бЯн
leave with a smile on his face нЫЗПС жЪбн жМее ЗИКУЗгЙ on the internet Ъбн ЗбЗдКСдК
on the phone Эн ЗбКбнЭжд at a restaurant Эн гШЪг
in the countryside Эн ЗбСнЭ on the shelf Ъбн ЗбСЭ
in the park Эн ЗбгдКТе in the market Эн ЗбУжЮ
come down неИШ a poem by emily ЮХнПЙ гд КГбнЭ Егнбн


Irregular Verbs:

fight/fought/fought нНЗСИ forecast/forecast/forecast нКдИГ ИЬ
find/found/found нМП foresee/foresaw/foreseen нКдИГ ИЬ
flee/fled/fled неСИ foretell/foretold/foretold нКдИГ ИЬ
fly/flew/flown нШнС/нУЗЭС ИЗбШЗЖСЙ forget/forgot/forgotten ндУн
forbid/forbade/forbidden нгдЪ forgive/forgave/forgiven нУЗгН






live нНнЗ   living life ЗбгЪнФЙ ЗбНнЗЙ living = alive Нн/Ъбн ЮнП ЗбНнЗЙ
challenge нКНПн challenge ЗбКНПн challenging гЛнС ббНПн
move нКНСЯ movement ЗбНСЯЙ moving гЛнС ббгФЗЪС/гКНСЯ
ache нДбг ache/aching ЗбГбг achy гДбг
ease нОЭЭ/нУеб ease УежбЙ easy Уеб
faint нХЗИ ИЗЫгЗБЙ A faint ЕЫгЗБЙ (feel) faint нФЪС ИЕЫгЗБ
    unconsciousness ЭЮПЗд ЗбжЪн unconscious жЗЪн
waste нИПП/неПС waste дЭЗнЙ/ЗеПЗС wasteful гИРС
succeed ндМН success ЗбдМЗН successful дЗМН
    pain Гбг painful гДбг
strengthen нЮжн strength ЮжЙ strong Южн
    tradition КЮбнП traditional КЮбнПн

Collocations and Vocab for Translation, Comprehension & Essay Writing


national identity ЗбежнЙ ЗбжШднЙ chronic diseases ГгСЗЦ гТгдЙ
conclusive evidence Пбнб ЮЗШЪ beyond expectations нЭжЮ ЗбКжЮЪЗК
cultural identity ЗбежнЙ ЗбЛЮЗЭнЙ fight diseases нЯЗЭН ЗбГгСЗЦ
a vital role ПжС Ннжн malnutrition УжБ ЗбКЫРнЙ
economic development КдгнЙ ЗЮКХЗПнЙ necessary precautions ЗбЗНКнЗШЗК ЗббЗТгЙ
a national duty жЗМИ жШдн lay the foundation of нЦЪ ЗбГУЗУ бЬ
a major obstacle ЪЮИЙ СЖнУнЙ serious consequences ЪжЗЮИ ОШнСЙ
necessary measures ЗбЗМСЗБЗК ЗббЗТгЙ take responsibility for нКНгб ЗбгУЖжбнЙ Ъд
the dawn of a new era ЭМС ЪХС МПнП a major factor in ЪЗгб СЖнУн Эн
principal purpose ЫСЦ СЖнУн basic component гЯжд ГУЗУн
maximum and minimum temperatures ПСМЗК ЗбНСЗСЙ  ЗбЪЩгн жЗбХЫСн maximum speed ЗбУСЪЙ ЗбЮХжн
minor injury ЗХЗИЙ ШЭнЭЙ exclusive НХСн


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