III. Form nouns, using the suffixes: -er, -or. Give Russian equivalents to them. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


III. Form nouns, using the suffixes: -er, -or. Give Russian equivalents to them.

to invent, to observe, to create, to transform, to transmit, to write, to read, to teach, to work

IV. Read the nouns, paying attention to the suffixes and give Russian equivalents to them.

scientist, specialist, academician, electrician, mathematician, technician, theoretician

V. Read and translate into Russian.

application, addition, observation, demonstration, invention, creation, transformation, transmission

VI. Put questions to the words underlined.

1. Lomonosov organized the first chemical laboratory in our country.

2. Russian scientists make many important discoveries in various fields of science.

3. Lodygin is an inventor of an electrical lamp.

4. I was in the library last week.


VII. Translate into English.

1. Эта статья описывает эксперимент по электричеству.

2. Мы наблюдаем много различных явлений природы.

3. Россия играла важную роль в развитии электротехники.

4. Изучение давления — очень важно.

5. Электротехника — важная отрасль науки.

6. Российские ученые делают много важных открытий.

VIII. Translate into Russian.

1. It was in Russia where the electric arc was first discovered.

2. It was Yablochkov who created the principle of a transformer,

3. It was Popov who transmitted signals by means of electromagnetic waves.

4. It is this student who wants to make the experiments.

5. It is this law that he could not understand.

6. It is in the North where Lomonosov spent his childhood.


IX. Retell the text.


Lesson 2.


The nature of electricity.

When the question is asked, “what is electricity?” the answer is often given that “no one knows”. This all too frequent answer is far from being correct. Science knows a great deal about electricity.

 Many years ago the ancient Greeks knew that when a piece of amber is rubbed with wool or fur it achieves the power of attracting light objects? Later on the phenomenon was studied, and the word electric, after the Greek word "electron", meaning amber was used. Many scientists investigated electric phenomena, and during the nineteenth century many discoveries about the nature of electricity, and of magnetism, which is closely relat­ed to electricity, were made. It was found that if a sealing-wax rod is rubbed with a woolen cloth, and a rod of glass is rubbed with a silken cloth, an electric spark will pass be­tween the sealing-wax rod and the glass rod when they are brought near one another. Moreover, it was found that a force of attraction operates between them. An electrified sealing-wax is repelled, however, by a wax rod, and also an electrified glass rod is repelled, by a similar glass rod.


Words and word combinations:

 frequent - часто повторяемый, обычный

 a great deal - много

amber – янтарь, окаменевшая смола;

to rub – тереть;

a woolen cloth – кусочек шерсти;

a silken cloth – кусочек шелка;

a force of attraction – сила притяжения

it achieves the power — она (палочка) приобретает


after the Greek word — от греческого слова                                                            

sealing-wax rod — палочка из сургуча

a rod of glass — стеклянная палочка

more over – более того;

resinous - смолистый;

repel – отталкивать, отображать




I. Find in the text the following words and word combinations:


      Часто повторяемый (обычный), древние греки, знает много о, приобретает способность притягивать, электрическое явление, сила притяжения, исследовали, легкие предметы, натереть кусочком шерсти.

II. Choose the correct word:

1.ученый – a)tutor, b)investigator, c)inventor, d)scientist;

2.шерсть – a) cotton, b) silk, c) wool, d) nylon;

3.притяжение – a)determination, b)attraction, c)application,               d)complication,                                                  

4.отталкивать – a) attract, b) pass, c) repel, d)split;

5.использовать – a) relate, b) find, c) use, d) rub;

6.между – a) opposite, b) between, c) below, d) behind;

7.достигать – a) apply, b) account, c) achieve, d)develop.

    8. значение- a) phenomenon, b) being, c)meaning,                                                                                                


III. Answer the questions.

1. Does science know a great deal about electricity?

2. What did the ancient Greeks know many years ago?

3. Who investigated electric phenomena?

4. What will pass between the sealing-wax rod and the glass rod when they are brought near one another?


     IV. Give 3 forms of the following verbs:

to answer, to know, to achieve, to give, to investigate,

to make, to relate, to find, to repel, to rub, to operate, to use, to bring.  



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