Advertising and advertisement 

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Advertising and advertisement


In the eyes of the business world and of many economists, advertising performs an indispensable function. It helps consumers to choose among competing products. Also, by spurring demand for products, it extends the possibilities of mass production and thus leads to the economies of scale and to lower consumer costs. Advertising plays a very important part in modern merchandising. The manufactures tell the public about their new products and the stores tell the public about what they have at what prices.

Advertisements can be seen in newspapers, magazines, and on television every day of week. Many more advertisements are sent to customers' homes.

Advertising companies are called agencies. Each agency sells a lot of different products. Here is how it happens. The first stage is marketing research. Marketing researchers get information in three ways: on the phone, in group discussions, from questionnaires. The agency then writes, films, records and photographs a campaign. This is a series of advertisements on TV, radio, in the newspapers and magazines.

This great business of merchandising employs millions of white-collar workers, from clerks in the stores to top executives in the big department stores and the advertising agencies. For most clerks the salaries are low, but they are among the highest for top executives.

In the business world advertising is sometimes depicted as "the engine of prosperity". From another perspective, however, advertising goes against important social values. It promotes self-indulgence and thus counters moral and religious teachings that urge selflessness. It creates false "needs" and encourages waste.

This inevitable tension between business values and other social values often spills over onto the political stage, with the institutions of government struggling to resolve a point at issue.



1. How are advertising companies called?

2. What function does advertising serve in the eyes of many economists?

3. What is the reverse side of advertising?

4. Who does the great business of merchandising employ for advertising?

5. What do the manufacturers and stores tell the public with the help of advertising?



Вопросы к экзамену по дисциплине

«Английский язык делового общения»

Для учащихся заочной формы обучения I курса

По специальности 2-25 01 10 «Коммерческая деятельность»

Билет по дисциплине «Английский язык делового общения» состоит из трех вопросов:

1. Чтение, перевод и пересказ текста по специальности.

2. Устное сообщение по теме.

3. Устный перевод деловой лексики.

Перечень тем для устного сообщения:

1. Моя работа.

2. Мой рабочий день.

3. Деловые встречи.

4. Великобритания.

5. Республика Беларусь.


Список профессиональной лексики:

· commercial activity

· commodity expert

· commodity research

· organization of trade

· business documentation

· shop-assistant

· professional skills

· financial responsible person

· material values

· well-paid job

· working day

· to have much work to do

· to be busy

· to stay in the office

· office hours

· to get ready for work

· to read the mail

· to write business letters

· business events

· to speak to the customers on the phone

· business visit

· development of trade relations

· the talks

· to discuss all problems face to face

· to come to an agreement

· signing the contract

· to discuss different claims

· the fulfillment of the contract

· to be punctual

· to contact through telephone calls

· to be situated

· to consist

· the capital of the country

· the whole year round

· industrial country

· producer

· exporter

· cultural traditions

· the Queen

· the head of the state

· to be situated

· to border

· the capital

· the largest lake

· industrial country

· industry

· to produce

· agriculture

· science and culture

· sovereign independent state





К экзамену по дисциплине «Английский язык делового общения» допускаются учащиеся, выполнившие учебную программу и получившие зачет по домашней контрольной работе.

Для успешной сдачи экзамена необходимо:

1. усвоить лексический и грамматический материал за весь курс обучения;

2. правильно читать, понимать и переводить без словаря учебные тексты и отвечать на вопросы по заданиям выполненной и зачтенной домашней контрольной работы;

3. прочитать, перевести со словарем и пересказать незнакомый текст по специальности по изученной тематике (объем до 1000-1500 печатных знаков) в течение 30 минут;

4. делать устные сообщения и вести деловую беседу по изученным устным темам.



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