Lecture 23: Product Promotion and Advertising 

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Lecture 23: Product Promotion and Advertising


Keywords: advertising, e-marketing, trademark, word, logo, definition, service mark, identifier, whole, module, website, print, folder


Advertising is a means of making people need something that they have not heard of before.

Martti Larney

Types of product promotion

According to the classification and terminology adopted in the west (Fig. 18.1), the following terms are shared:

• "advertising" (advertising) - includes advertisements in the media;

• " Sales promotion " (sales promotion) - activities that directly contribute to sales and, as a rule, carried out at the point of sale;

• "public relations " (public relations) - events aimed at gaining a favorable attitude of the public;

• " direct marketing " (direct marketing) - an activity aimed at establishing direct relations between a producer and a consumer.




Fig. 18.1. The structure of the concept of "product promotion"



The word "advertising" comes from the French word " reclame ", and it, in turn, from the Latin r es lamo - I shout out.

According to the modern interpretation, advertising is a paid form of non-personal promotion of goods and services, in which there is a public notification of potential consumers of goods and services about their quality, advantages, advantages, as well as the merits of the company itself. Advertising contains a call to recognize the need for a service or product, to purchase them, or to recognize some product or company as the best (Fig. 18.2).




Fig. 18.2. The advertisement is engine of the trade


The beginnings of various forms of advertising can be found in the most ancient historical documents.

It is known that the ancient Romans painted walls with announcements of gladiatorial battles, and the Phoenicians depicted their goods on the rocks in order to attract a buyer. These examples can be called the precursors of modern outdoor advertising.

The mark that artisans put on their products can be considered the forerunner of the trademark. As the rumor spread fame about the merits of the master, buyers began to look for goods with its brand.

With the advent and spread of book printing, and then printed periodicals, advertising was firmly established on the pages of magazines and newspapers.

Each new technology gives rise to new forms of advertising: in films, computer games, on the Internet, etc.

In order to evaluate the quality of advertising from the point of view of the advertiser, one should answer the questions:

• How does it attract attention?

• Does the person want to see the advertising message to the end?

• How clearly are the benefits of the advertised property?

• Does advertising affect precisely those categories of consumers for which it is intended?

• How successful is the advertising argument and is it correctly presented?

• What is the effect of advertising?

Types of Advertising

There are many types of advertising. For example, advertising is divided into image advertising (branding ad) and sales advertising (direct sales ad). Image advertising serves to introduce the brand into the public mind. In this case, the advertiser does not expect momentary action from a potential client, but hopes that at the right time the embedded information will emerge in his mind. A slightly different purpose is for sales advertising, which implies immediate action: you call the specified phone number or the specified e-mail address, etc. In other words, this is an advertisement designed for an immediate reaction.

Advertising can be embodied in various forms and methods of placement and is itself an object of sale.

Advertising can be classified according to the degree of personalization of the message, the reach of the audience and the cost of transmitting the message per user. The ratio of cost and degree of personalization for various communication channels is shown in Fig. 18.3.




Fig. 18.3. Cost of advertising for 1000 consumers


Advertising is often divided into informative, exhortative and reminiscent.

Informative advertising tells about a novelty or about new possible applications of an existing product and is usually practiced when bringing a product to the market when it is necessary to create its primary image.

Exhortative advertising forms a preference for a particular brand, seeks to switch from a competitor’s brand to its own. Such advertising is especially actively used at the growth stage, when the task is to form selective demand.

Reminder advertising informs consumers that the product may be useful to them in the near future, and tells where it can be purchased. This type of advertising is extremely important at the stage of product maturity, so that the consumer does not forget about the product.

Advertising in the media is designed for a wide population and is suitable for products and services of mass demand.

The choice of media is carried out on the basis of analysis of the compliance of advertising with target groups; popularity among them publications, the breadth of audience coverage; geography of distribution, cost.

Complex advertising campaigns, including advertisements in the press, on radio, on television, on outdoor advertising billboards, are built on the same advertising ideas and creative discoveries, so that the capabilities of each advertising medium complement each other.

The specificity of advertising in the press implies special approaches to its creation and placement.

The title should attract the attention of the consumer, contain the main reasoning and name of the goods. The consumer is inclined to perceive information literally, therefore it is better to do without negative turns, it is advisable to use simple, but positively acting on all words, for example, "free", "new", etc. Intrigue is important in illustrations. The text should present facts, not allegations. Confidence in advertising increases if the photo and text reflect a picture of real life, eyewitness accounts, and reputable experts.

Direct marketing

Direct marketing (direct marketing) is an interactive marketing that uses one or more means of communication in order to obtain a measurable direct response to a purchase offer.


• direct mail marketing;

• catalog marketing;

• television marketing, etc.

Any activities aimed at obtaining a response from the consumer, in the form of a direct order for a product, a request for a product or a request for further information, are direct marketing.

The main objective of direct marketing is to arouse the consumer’s desire to enter into a dialogue and at the same time evaluate the market and identify potential customers.

Direct marketing allows you to create and maintain the image of the advertised product, as well as establish feedback with the client.

Sales promotion

Sales promotion, or so -called Sales promotion (sales promotion) - activities for the implementation of commercial and creative ideas that promote the sale of products or services.

Examples of sales promotions include lotteries, contests, free gifts, sales, coupon discounts, three-for-one discounts, food tastings at supermarkets, etc.

Public relations

Public relations, or more frequently used term of public relations (the public relations), - a professional reputation management company. According to analytical data, over the past 15 years, the share of the value of reputation in the total value of a Western company has grown from 20 to 80%. The good reputation of the company greatly contributes to the growth of sales of goods and services, has a significant impact on attracting attention to the activities of the company and, accordingly, products. There are many different forms of PR. Holding press conferences, open days, club memberships are all forms of PR.

Advertising agencies

To develop a competent advertising campaign, without recruiting its own staff of advertising specialists, an enterprise can contact an advertising agency.

Agencies bring an external view of the problems facing the company and experience working with different clients. Competition in the market of services from advertising agencies makes the latter work as efficiently as possible.

An advertising agency usually takes over the development of a corporate identity, website promotion, etc.


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