Переведите диалоги и составьте собственные: 

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Переведите диалоги и составьте собственные:

1.Holiday in the Caucasus

A: Hello, Victor. How are you?

B: I'm fine, thank you.

A: Glad to hear it. And how is your wife?

B: I hope she is all right. You know, she is on holiday now.

A: Is she? Where is she now?

B: In Sochi.

A: Oh, it's a very nice place, isn't it?

B: Yes, it is. I like it, too.

A: By the way, what's the weather like there now?

B: I think, it's fine. The weather is usually very good in Sochi in September and there are not so many people. It's not so hot as in summer and it's dry and sunny.

A: You are right. Last September I was in the South too. It was warm and very pleasant there.

B: Excuse me, Bob, it's time to work again. Best regards to your wife. Good-bye.

A: Good-bye.


2. A: Isn't the weather awful? It's raining cats and dogs. It's very wet. It was fine this morning, so I didn't bring my umbrella.

B: Don't worry. You can have mine.

A: Thank you very much. It's very kind of you.


3. Business meeting

A: Good morning, Mr. Lane. How are you?

B: Good morning, Mr. Orlov. I'm fine, thank you. It's a lovely day, isn't it? Are summers here always as good as this one?

A: Oh, no. Last summer, for example, was cool and rainy. But we are lucky this summer. 

B: I see. By the way, it's my first visit here. And what are winters like in Moscow?

A: Frosty and snowy as a rule. If I'm not mistaken, winters in your country are not so cold as ours, are they?

B: No, they are not. Winter is rather a pleasant season in my country. The usual temperature is about 5° above zero.

A: Well, let's get down to business and discuss your enquiry.

B: We like your equipment and want to sign a contract with you.

A: I'm glad you want to cooperate with us.

B: But there are some problems, Mr. Orlov. Some terms and condi­tions are not acceptable to us.

A: O.K. Let's meet next week in my office. Here is my card with our new address, telex and fax numbers.

B: Agreed. Thank you.


4. The English weather

Hans: Where do you come from?

Jim: I come from England.

Hans: What's the climate like in your country?

Jim: It's mild, but it's not always pleasant. The weather's often cold in the North and windy in the East. It's often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the South.

Hans: Which seasons do you like best?

Jim: I like spring and summer. The days are long and the nights are short.

The sun rises early and sets late. I don't like autumn and winter. The days are short and the nights are long.


Переведите диалоги на английский язык и воспроизведите их:

1. Георгий: Приятный денек, не правда ли?

Сергей: Гм, Довольно тепло, но я уверен, что может начаться дождь скоро. Как ты уже догадался я всегда ношу с собой мой зонтик.

Георгий: Да, в это время года погода очень переменчива.

Сергей: Уже становится холодно. Я думаю, что будет холодно и пасмурно весь день.

Георгий: Гм, очень холодно. У меня мерзнут ноги. Я плохо выношу холод.

Сергей: Сегодня может пойти снег. По прогнозу погоды местами ожидается снег.

Георгий: Я не слышал. Но я думаю, что ночью будет ветрено.

Сергей: Где же автобус? Я замерз.


2.Какой климат в вашей стране?

Джон: Вы откуда родом?

Дмитрий: Я из Греции.

Джон: Какой климат в вашей стране?

Дмитрий: Очень хороший.

Джон: Какая у вас погода весной?

Дмитрий: В марте очень ветрено. В апреле и мае всегда тепло, но иногда дождливо.

Джон: Какая погода летом?

Дмитрий: В июне, июле и августе очень жарко. Каждый день светит солнце.

Джон: А осенью у вас как, тепло или холодно?

Дмитрий: Всегда тепло в сентябре и октябре. В ноябре очень часто холодно и иногда идет дождь.

Джон: Зимой очень холодно в вашей стране?

Дмитрий: В декабре, январе и феврале немного холодно. Иногда идет снег.


6. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What's your favourite season? Why? 2. A lot of people like summer. Why? 3. Are you usually on holiday in summer or in autumn? 4. What games are popular in your family? 5. What was the weather like yesterday? 6. What is the weather like today? 7. What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow? 8. Do you like the climate in Russia (the place you live in) or not? Why?



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