What does the Internet allow people to do? 

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What does the Internet allow people to do?

How does this global system work?

What do you need to access the Internet?

How many people in the world use the Internet?

Is Web and Internet the same?

Who owns the Internet?

Ex 2. Cross odd word out.

To create, to make, to provide, to produce, to form, to construct

Communication, connection, bond, tie, link, data

To control, to share, to manage, to run, to govern, to rule

To explore, to research, to search, to move, to examine, to investigate

To keep, to store, to preserve, to surf, to guard, to file

main, primary, local, basic, essential, key


Ex 3. Correct six false statements given below.

1. You can access the Internet only from your home computer.

2. There are a number of owners of the Internet, who control it.

3. Internet is the synonym with World Wide Web.

4. Only experienced user can surf the Internet.

5. There aren’t many people in the world who use the Internet.

6. Internet service is rather expensive. Not everyone can afford it

Ex. 4 Complete the sentences with suitable modal verbs can, could, may, must, should, need, have.

1. They are looking for artists who ….. draw and design web pages.

2…… I use your laptop? I ….. to print out this report.

3. To see or hear all this files you ….. have the right plug-in.

4. You ….. do this task better if you had a faster internet connection.

5. Before going live, you ….. check that all the links work.

6. You will ….. to create one more version of the program.


Ex. 5 Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Can he be working now?

2. You might have reminded me about it.

3. He must be writing new program.

4. You should have prepared better.

5. They needn’t have used this method.

6. Could he have failed to notice the mistake?


Ex. 6 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Неужели он знает это?

2. Вам не нужно ремонтировать компьютер, его уже отремонтировали.

3. Эту статью должны будут опубликовать в следующем выпуске журнала.

4. На этот вопрос нельзя ответить сразу, его следует тщательно изучить.

5. Возможно, он ушел в лабораторию.

6. Ему пришлось перезагрузить компьютер.


Texts for reading and rendering

Text 1


YouTube is an online service that allows you to upload from your computer of video and make it available to the public. This is a simple and easy way to capture interesting moments and talk about them all - friends, acquaintances and colleagues.

It is a collection of short clips of video. The range of videos is as big as your mind can expand, where any topic of video is most likely on YouTube.com. YouTube.com serves as a learning device, so where if you would like to learn something, you more than likely can find video to teach you.

Besides, learning with videos is a big deal to many people out there in today's world. On TV especially there are many info commercials that want you to buy their videos on how to make money, how to run computers, and how to sell real estate. These videos also cost money and the price is not cheap. With YouTube you don't have to pay any kind of money to look at videos, just the topic you would like to learn.

People want to learn unique stuff and YouTube has what they are looking for.

YouTube brings a whole other ballgame to the picture when you talk about learning. It is revolutionizing the world of what you can accomplish on the internet. If consists of learning a new sport such as golf, or learning that new back flip to make a friend be impressed, or that business that you never knew you had before going to YouTube. All these things are just different ways to learn the thing every human wants to learn without the help of someone else.

YouTube is available in 54 language versions available through user interface.

YouTube is a great video portal. It is also a large internet company. You can talk a lot about the history, facts, principles and possibilities of YouTube, but the best thing for you to do is to visit www.youtube.com and remember that “the proof of the pudding is in the eating”.


Text 2

What is a mobile device

A mobile device is a general term for any type of handheld computer. These devices are designed to be extremely portable, and they can often fit in your hand. Some mobile devices—like tablets, e-readers, and smartphones —are powerful enough to do many of the same things you can do with a desktop or laptop computer.

Like laptops, tablet computers are designed to be portable. However, they provide a different computing experience. The most obvious difference is that tablet computers don't have keyboards or touchpads. Instead, the entire screen is touch-sensitive, allowing you to type on a virtual keyboard and use your finger as a mouse pointer.

Tablet computers can't necessarily do everything traditional computers can do. For many people, a traditional computer like a desktop or laptop is still needed in order to use some programs. However, the convenience of a tablet computer means it may be ideal as a second computer.

E-book readers —also called e-readers —are similar to tablet computers, except they are mainly designed for reading e-books (digital, downloadable books). Most e-readers use an e-ink display, which is easier to read than a traditional computer display. You can even read in bright sunlight, just like if you were reading a regular book. You don't need an e-reader to read e-books. They can also be read on tablets, smartphones, laptops, and desktops.

A smartphone is a more powerful version of a traditional cell phone. In addition to the same basic features—phone calls, voicemail, text messaging—smartphones can connect to the Internet over Wi-Fi or a cellular network (which requires purchasing a monthly data plan). This means you can use a smartphone for the same things you would normally do on a computer, such as checking your email, browsing the Web, or shopping online.

Most smartphones use a touch-sensitive screen,meaning there isn't a physical keyboard on the device. Instead, you'll type on a virtual keyboard and use your fingers to interact with the display. Other standard features include a high-quality digital camera and the ability to play digital music and video files. For many people, a smartphone can actually replace electronics like an old laptop or digital music player.

Text 3


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