Переведите следующие предложения с опорой на текст. 

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Переведите следующие предложения с опорой на текст.


1. При взлете самолет устанавливается в заданном положении на ВПП, рычаг управления двигателем подается вперед, начинают свою работу двигатели.

2. Passengers feel the firm acceleration as they are pushed back into the cushions of their seats.

3. Нос самолета поднимается вверх под большим углом, а объекты земли внизу уменьшаются.

4. The ground rushes backward in a blur until liftoff occurs because the speed of the aircraft is considerable.

5. Работа реактивных двигателей самолета требует чисто физического объяснения.

6. On takeoff, there is no change in potential energy, so the work of the engines increases the aircraft's kinetic energy.

7. Согласно второму закону движения Ньютона прикладываемая к объекту сила равна его массе, умноженной на ускорение.

8. Takeoff distance is equal to the square of the velocity divided by twice the acceleration.

9. Взлетная дистанция обратно пропорциональна взлетному ускорению.

10. The greater the acceleration, the shorter the takeoff distance.

11. Чем больше масса ЛА, тем быстрее он должен двигаться, чтоб набрать высоту.

12. To minimize the takeoff speed and distance required, wing flaps and slats are used.

13. Чем выше температура и больше высота аэродрома над уровнем моря, тем больше мощность двигателей при взлете.

14. According to Federal Aviation Regulations the aircraft must be able to climb to an altitude of 35 feet by the end of the runway or clearway even if one engine is not working.

Переведите текст 14.5. без словаря.



The Tornado are to replace Jaguars and provide NATO’s day / night all-weather reconnaissance capability.

The RAF* Tornado electrical-optical reconnaissance system uses an infrared linescanner for horizon-to-horizon coverage, together with two sideways-looking thermal imagers. All three electro-optical sensors can be monitored by the Tornado navigator using one of the aircraft’s two video-cassette recorders. Tactical information can then be relayed to a ground station by radar.



   RAF (Royal Air Force) - Британские BBC




The Northrop Grumman B-2 is more than satisfying the operational and maintenance demands placed on it by the US Air Force during the first months of flying.

The first B-2 was accepted by the Air Force’s Air Combat Command on Dec.17,1993, and the 509th Bomb Wing launched its first training sortie* five days later on Dec.22.

Whiteman AFB will be the home of all 20 B-2’s to be assigned to the 509th Bomb Wing. If an additional 20 B-2’s are funded, they also most likely would be based here and assigned to the same wing. The base’s support infrastructure has been sized to handle 40 aircraft.

The B-2 is a big step forward in the modernization of the US Air Force’s bomber force. The new technology embodied in the B-2 is reflected in the two-person crew, half that of the B-1 and later models of the B-52. The stealth characteristics of the B-52, combined with its range and payload capabilities, add yet another dimension to operational combat missile flexibility.

From a pilot’s view point, Northrop has given the Air Force an aircraft that is not only reliable, but easy and enjoyable to fly.


* Notes:

    sortie - самолетовылет


The Return of the Dirigibles




to exploit                                                        

to make geological survey                            

to map                                                             -наносить на карту, чертить карту

To man                                                            

metal hull                                                       

superstrong material                                    

cargo vehicle                                                  

cruising speed                                                     


- дирижабль                 

- разрабатывать                                                             

- производить землемерную съемку

- наносить на карту, чертить карту

- укомплектовать личным составом

- металлический корпус

- сверхпрочный материал

- грузовое транспортное средство

- эксплуатационная скорость



1. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты словосочетаний.

     вернуться в прошлое; неожиданно появиться вновь; проектировать этот вид транспорта; 60 миль в час; дешевле в работе, чем вертолет; идеально подходить для исследований; оставаться в небе втечение недели; производить землемерную съемку; чертить карту; доставлять тяжелые грузы в отдаленные регионы; производить геологическую разведку; доставлять туристов в непроходимые места; укомплектовывать большим личным составом; изменять технологию производства дирижаблей; не нуждаться во взлетно-посадочной полосе; быть абсолютно безопасным в полете из-за использования гелия вместо водорода; строить дирижабль с металлическим корпусом; строить из сверхпрочного материала; перевозить сотни пассажиров. 




                           THE RETURN OF THE DIRIGIBLES


     When it comes to technology, people are not inclined to return to the past. Yet, some expectations do exist. Such is the attitude at present towards dirigibles. Having abandoned the skies more than 40 years ago, they have suddenly begun to reappear. Designers have once again sat down to design this kind of transportation. Their use can still be limited, but there is no doubt, that dirigibles are coming back.

      Why is dirigible attractive? What do you do with it? As its cruising speed is about 60 miles per hour it is too slow to be used as a passenger carrier. But it is cheaper to operate than a helicopter, comfortable and capable of flying for several days. The craft’s large size and staying power (dirigibles have reminded in skies for as long as a week) make it ideally suited for exploration.

   Their use in countries that have large territories and are rich in forests and are planning to explore and exploit new regions is most promising. They may be used to make geological survey and to make maps, to look for off-shore oil and minerals, to take tourists to roadless, but beautiful places, to deliver heavy loads to remote regions and bring the products back. They have a potential use as a flying platform. In general, their possibilities are endless. They do not need expensive runways required by cargo planes.

   Besides, the technological possibilities of manufacturing these crafts have changed. In 1920 and 1930’s the dirigibles were manned by a big crew. Today being equipped with electronic control they can be operated by three pilots.

  The modern dirigibles have one more important advantage aver older models – that of complete safety in flight, for, instead of hydrogen, they are filled with helium which does not burn. The craft is 200 feet long and is made of superstrong material.

In future it may be possible to build a dirigible with a metal hull that could carry hundreds of passengers and transport cargo around the world. In fact, it is probably as a cargo vehicle that the dirigible will have the best chance to find its use.


1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What are the exceptions of returning to the past?

2. Why is dirigible attractive?

3. What is it ideally suited for?

4. How have the technological possibilities of manufacturing these crafts changed?

5. What is the important advantage of the modern dirigibles?

6. Why will the dirigible have the best chance to find its use?



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