VII . Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени 

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VII . Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени




  Dear Nicole,

Thank you for your letter. Has it really been two months since I (write)__1____? I am sorry, but I (be) __2_____very busy lately.

 I (get ready)____3____ for my exams now. Every day I (work) ___4____ hard until midnight. I (just finish) _____5________ making a report and (write) ______6_______ a letter to you.

   I (study, not, only)_____7_____. I (go)____8__ to the cinema and (see) ____9___ a very interesting film yesterday. It (call) ____10_____“Flying High’. (You, see)______11_____ it?

  I (hope)______12______ to visit France again next year. I (have)___13___a wonderful time there last year. It would be great to see you again. I (try)____14_____ hard to save money.

  How are you? I hope your parents (be)___15____ all right. Please (write)____16___ to me soon.                                                           




VIII.Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Здоровье и счастье важнее денег.                  

2. Я не люблю чай с сахаром.   

3. Я только что прочитал очень интересную книгу. Я могу дать ее вам, если хотите.

4. Он собирается сдавать экзамен? Он даже не открывает ученик.

5. Когда я вернулся домой, мои родители уже спали.

6. Вы хотите есть?- Да, я еще не обедал.

7. Я никогда не был в большом городе.

8. Что ты собираешься делать сегодня вечером? – Я еще не решил.

9. У тебя есть родственники в Петербурге? – Да, там живет моя двоюродная сестра.

10. На каком языке она говорит? Я ничего не понимаю.






I. 1 a 2 an 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 a 7 an 8 a 9 an 10 an


II. 1 an 2 the 3 – 4 the 5 – 6 the 7 a 8 a 9 a 10 the, the.


III. 1 the the 2 the 3 an the – 4 – – 5– 6– a 7 the the the 8 the the a 9 a the 10 the the


IV. 1– – –  2 a – the the 3 – – 4 – – 5 – – 6 – the – 7 an an the the 8 – – 9 – 10 –   


V. 1 a a the the 2 a a The the 3 A the 4 a a a the 5 a The the 6 an an The 7 a the 8 a the 9 a The the 10 the –


VI. 1 b b 2 b 3 a b 4 a b b 5 b 6 b 7 a a a b b a b 8 b b 9 b 10 a a 


VII. 1 meat2 the meat 3 love 4 the food 5 milk 6 the milk 7 the water 8 love, money 9 cities 10 friends


VIII.  1 – a 2 a 3 a – 4 an the a a 5 the the 6 an an 7 – – 8 – 9 – 10 –

IX. 1 a 2 – 3 the 4 – 5 the 6 a 7 the 8 the 9 the 10 a 11 the 12 a 13 the 14 the 15 a 16 the



1. She got a letter from her English pen-friend.

2. My friend Alice works in a hotel in the centre of the town.

3. The Smiths have bought a house. The house is really wonderful; there is a lovely garden behind it.

4. What does he do? – He is a taxi-driver.

5. My mother often listens to the radio and my father often watches television.

6. It is time to go to bed now.

7. My brother is very ill. He is in hospital now.

8. He often listens to music and he likes jazz best of all.

9. We are spending the weekend in the country.

10. Manchester is a big city in the north of England.




I.     1 at 2 to 3 at 4 to 5 from … to 6 to 7 at 8 from 9 at…from…to 10 from … at

II.     1 in 2 into 3 in 4 out of 5 into 6 out of 7 into 8 out of 9 in   10 in

III.    1 at 2 on 3 at 4 on 5 at 6 in 7 in 8 in 9 on 10 at 11 in 12 on

IV.    1 at 2 to 3 at in 5 by 6 in 7 at 8 at 9 in 10 at 11 in 12 in

V.  1 on 2 in next to 4 in front of 5 near 6 in 7 in 8 at 9 by by by 10 to on

VI.  1 in 2 at  3 at   4 in 5 at 6 from in to at 7 from to  at 8 at 9 from to in 10 at on

VII. 1 from to 2 at 3 on 4 at 5 at on 6 in 7 on 8 in in       9 from to 10 at 11 at 12 at 13 on 14 on 15 of


VIII. 1 c 2 b 3 b 4 c 5 c 6 b 7 c 8 c 9 b 10 c



1. Last wee we went to the Hermitage.

2. In summer the sun rises early in the morning.

3. The Bank is closed on Christmas Day.

4. Next year we’ll go to the Far East.

5. Next week I’ll go to the theatre.

6. Dickens was born in 1812.

7. We’ll go to the country on the 5th of June.

8. I’m busy at the moment. I’ll call you back in a couple of minutes.

9. My son likes to get up at sunrise.

10. He began writing his composition at seven o’clock and finished only at midnight.



1. My friend lives in the north.

2. I like to read in bed.

3. We spent our holiday in the south.

4. My birthday is on the 5th of March.

5. We didn’t want to stay in town on such a hot day, so we went to the country.

6. In summer my mother doesn’t go to work and my little sister doesn’t go to school. They live in the country.

7. I usually go to bed at ten o’clock because I have to get up early and go to work.

8. On Sunday I usually get up at nine o’clock. But last Sunday I slept very long and got up only at noon.

9. He bought a book of English poems and gave it to his sister.

10. There is a monument to Pushkin in the Square of Arts.

11. London is the capital of Great Britain.

12. The roof of the house must be painted.

13. Now it is clear to me that you don’t want to give me your answer.

14. I sent a letter to my friend.

15. He gave her (handed to her) a big bunch of flowers.



I. 1. him/her; 2. it; 3. him; 4. them; 5. it; 6. him; 7. us.

II. 1. my husband/his; 2. their flat/theirs; 3. my umbrella/mine; 4. our books/ours; 5. his or her things/his or hers.

III. 1. his; 2. hers; 3. theirs; 4. mine; 5. Ours.
IV. 1. my, yours; 2. his, hers; 3. your; 4. his, yours; 5. his, mine; 6. my.

 V. 1. our; 2. yours, your; 3. yours, mine; 4. Their, ours; 5. her, yours;  6. our, mine; 7. yours, mine; 8. your, mine.

VI. 1. -; 2. yourself; 3. -; 4. -; 5. yourself/yourselves; 6. -; 7. himself; 8.
myself; 9. yourself; 10. myself; 11. himself; 12. yourself/yourselves; 13. themselves; 14. ourselves; 15. herself; 16. herself.

VII.  1. this; 2. that; 3. those, that; 4. these; 5. This; 6. These; 7. It; 8. That.

VIII. 1. much 2. little, little 3. much, a few 4. much, few 5. little 6. much 7. much, little 8. a few 9. many 10. few 11. much 12. much 13. little, much 14. little 15. many/a few



III. 1. the stairs lead; 2. his advice was; 3. The data were/the information was; 4. the
same data/information; 5. This money is not mine. 6. had little; 7. His knowledge; 8. Your knowledge isn't enough; 9. a job/work; 10. What news; 11. The news is known....


IV. 1. There are five fish, one fish; 2. The news is; 3. Whose money is this? 4. a lot of swine and sheep; 5. Your money is; Take it. 6. Our winter vacation is over. 7. this information/these data; 8. Your advice. 9. the attention of all the passers-by.... 10.... is famous for its wines.


The Case

II. 2. two days' journey; 3. -; 4. -; 5. my daughter Helen's birthday; 6.-;

7. seven years' work; 8. the Earth's surface; 9. the Commander-in-Chief's orders.

III. 2. my friend's bag; 3, the actress's career; 4. Mr Brown's signature; 5. the students' mistakes; 6. women's club; 7. a girls' school; 8. the guest room; 9. James's umbrella; 10. at Mike's.



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