Инфинитив в составе сложного дополнения 

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Инфинитив в составе сложного дополнения

Unit 3

Инфинитив (The Infinitive)

Variant 1

1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian using a dictionary:


1. The case of manslaughter to be solved is very complicated.


2. The investigator was the last to arrive at the murder scene.


3. To defend Mr. Coral in court the attorney should have specialized in such criminal cases.


4. What to answer the prosecutor’s questions must be thoroughly thought over.


5. Use is to be made of the eye-witness’s evidence which came yesterday morning.



6. To determine which of the offences committed is summary is not difficult.


7. To convince the jury that the defendant is not guilty won’t be easy at all. 



2. Paraphrase the sentences using the correct form of the Infinitive instead of the subordinate clause:


1. I was proud that I had been offered the job of a clerk.


2. The defendant is happy that he has been acquitted of sexual harassment.


3. Mr. Wolf was sorry that he had given false accusations against his partner.


4. I’m glad that I’ll be testifying in court in favor of my chief.


5. My lawyer was pleased that I hadn’t consented to be interrogated without his presence.


6. The detective was disappointed that he was investigating in the wrong direction.


7. The jurors were convinced that they would make a unanimous decision.



3. Use the correct form of the Infinitive in brackets:


1. The accused person hoped (to acquit) ________________ in court.

2. Why did the prosecutor make the witness (to testify) _______________ at the proceeding.

3. Let the criminal (to ask) _________________ additional questions by the prosecutor.

4. The case of treason was too complicated (to solve) __________________ within such a short period of time.

5. The next criminal record (to file) __________________________ in the safe box.

6. He was sorry (to make)_______________________ false accusations before.

7. You are so tired. I think you’d better (have) _______________ your secretary (to do) _________________ this work.


4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using a dictionary:


1. Самое главное, что нужно выяснить, это где преступник прячет орудие убийства.


2. Будет сложно доказать вину господина Брауна без неопровержимых доказательств.


3. Обвиняемый надеялся, что с него снимут все обвинения в зале суда.


4. На конференции предстояло обсудить ряд проблем, касающихся подростковой преступности в России.


5. Для того чтобы арестовать господина Смит, нам необходимо доказать, что он является соучастником данного преступления.


6. Самая важная улика, которую предстоит осмотреть, – это пистолет, который принадлежит подозреваемому.


7. Что заставило этого законопослушного пожилого мужчину совершить убийство своей жены? 


Unit 3

Инфинитив (The Infinitive)

Variant 2


1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian using a dictionary:


1. To solve this complicated case of abuse you are to study all the details thoroughly.


2. What to answer the prosecutor must be thought over.


3. They are to consider the decisions to be sent by the Court of First Instance.


4. There are no prison inmates to be executed next week.



5. It is not difficult to determine which of the committed crimes is indictable.


6. To get unemployment compensation benefits is very important for the unemployed.


7. The customers had nothing to complain of.



2. Paraphrase the sentences using the correct form of the Infinitive instead of the subordinate clause:


1. She was glad that she had been offered a job of a prosecutor’s assistant.


2. I’m really proud that I’ve happened to work in such an outstanding law firm as yours!


3. The prosecutor was pleased that the judge had decided in favor of the state.


4. The chairman of the conference was disappointed that he hadn’t been invited to discuss the problems of law.


5. The judge was sorry that he would have to pass such a severe sentence.


6. The judge was convinced that he should postpone the hearing for the following week.


7. I was happy that I had witnessed in the Supreme Court.


3. Use the correct form of the Infinitive in brackets:


1. The manager expected (to promote) ______________________ by the CEO.

2.  Let the clerk of the court (to show) _______________________ the physical exhibits.

3. The idea of a new clue was too interesting (to reject) ___________________ immediately.

4.  Judge Nicolson hated (to bother) ____________________ while deciding important legal issues.

5. I thought I would rather (to give) _____________________ evidence at tomorrow’s trial.

6. Unfortunately the accused hadn’t had his secretary (to make) ____________________ all the arrangements and it made the jury (to think) ____________________ he was guilty.

7. The next corpse (to examine) ____________________ was the body of an old lady killed in a traffic accident.


4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using a dictionary:

1. Детектив приказал арестовать служащего компании, подозреваемого в растрате.


2. Вам нужно посоветоваться с адвокатом о том, какие показания дать в суде.


3. Что заставило следователя подозревать своего коллегу в подлоге?


4. Он сказал, что, пожалуй, откажется давать показания в суде.


5. Она поручит своему помощнику подготовить документы для завтрашнего заседания в суде.


6. Будет очень трудно объяснить вашим клиентам, почему Вы отказываетесь представлять их дело в суде.


7. Проблема заключалась в том, что следователю не удалось собрать неопровержимые доказательства вины секретаря вашей компании.



Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 5

Unit 7

Герундий (The Gerund)

Variant 1

1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian using a dictionary:

1. In measuring the distance at the murder scene they made a serious mistake.


2. The policemen were able to enter the suspect’s apartment by getting a search warrant.


3. Without being caught red-handed the thief can deny his guilt.


4. In Britain it’s not possible to hire a barrister without seeing a solicitor.


5. The judge’s having set a bail gave the offender the chance not to stay in jail until the court is in session.


6. The parents didn’t approve of their son’ skipping school.


7. Qualifying as a barrister requires taking the examinations of the Bar Council.


2. Choose the correct form of the Gerund in brackets:


1. I don’t like people’s (interrupting, being interrupted, having been interrupted) me.


2. The relatives insisted on the detective’s (having solved, solving, being solved) the case as soon as possible.


3. On (reading, having read, being read) the criminal record very attentively the fact finder gave his piece of mind what direction to go.


4. Without the instrument of crime (having found, being found, finding) it’ll be difficult to prove the suspect’s innocence.


5. We succeeded in (having completed, having been completed, completing) the investigation.



3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using a dictionary. Use the Gerund:

1. Адвокат защиты был против того, чтобы судья исключал этого присяжного из состава жюри.


2. Следователь настаивал на том, чтобы подозреваемого приводили на допрос в наручниках.


3. Обнаружить следы крови потерпевшей на орудии преступления, найденном в доме подозреваемого, означает доказать его причастность к ее убийству.


4. Опросив очевидцев дорожно-транспортного происшествия, сотрудники ГИБДД передали по рации на ближайший пост приметы водителя, скрывшегося с места происшествия.


5. Следователи выяснили, что подозреваемый говорит неправду посредством применения детектора лжи.


6. При проведении следственного эксперимента преступник попытался сбежать, но вскоре был задержан сотрудниками полиции.


7. Стороны пришли к соглашению, пообещав выполнить все обязательства по контракту.


Unit 7

Герундий (The Gerund)

Variant 2


1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian using a dictionary:


1. On coming home Mr. Johnson found his safe open and empty.


2. The accused person’s having gone there proved his guilt.


3. The defense lawyer knew of the witness’s having been questioned additionally.


4. The chief inspector insisted on my interrogating the suspect.


5. The prosecutor objected to challenging this juror as from his point of view he could encourage the others to find the defendant guilty.


6. We can’t prevent this woman from giving false evidence, we can only insist on the supplementary investigation to find the witness a liar.



2. Choose the correct form of the Gerund or the Infinitive in brackets:

1. It’s no use (having told, telling, being told) him the truth.


2. Defamatory information must (communicating, having communicated, be communicated) to the third person.


3. For false evidence (to be proven, to prove, to be proving) additional investigation must be conducted. 


4. A sentence is considered in force at the moment of (having stated, stating, being stated) in court.


5. The chief of the police department reported that they had succeeded in (having been completed, completing, be completed) the investigation.


3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using a dictionary. Use the Gerund:

1. Адвокаты защиты настаивают на отводе этого присяжного, так как не считают его беспристрастным.


2. То, что судья на предварительном слушании резко высказался в адрес ответчика, еще ничего не значит.


3. Не имея достаточных доказательств, мы не сможем доказать его вину в суде.


4. Мы были уверены, что этот свидетель дал показания в пользу обвинения.


5. Будьте осторожны, судья не одобряет подобные стратегии защиты в суде.


6. Получить ордер на обыск по этому делу достаточно сложно.


7. Я боюсь, что во время перекрестного допроса подзащитный не выдержит
и даст волю эмоциям (to give way to emotions).



Unit 3

Инфинитив (The Infinitive)

Variant 1

1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian using a dictionary:


1. The case of manslaughter to be solved is very complicated.


2. The investigator was the last to arrive at the murder scene.


3. To defend Mr. Coral in court the attorney should have specialized in such criminal cases.


4. What to answer the prosecutor’s questions must be thoroughly thought over.


5. Use is to be made of the eye-witness’s evidence which came yesterday morning.



6. To determine which of the offences committed is summary is not difficult.


7. To convince the jury that the defendant is not guilty won’t be easy at all. 



2. Paraphrase the sentences using the correct form of the Infinitive instead of the subordinate clause:


1. I was proud that I had been offered the job of a clerk.


2. The defendant is happy that he has been acquitted of sexual harassment.


3. Mr. Wolf was sorry that he had given false accusations against his partner.


4. I’m glad that I’ll be testifying in court in favor of my chief.


5. My lawyer was pleased that I hadn’t consented to be interrogated without his presence.


6. The detective was disappointed that he was investigating in the wrong direction.


7. The jurors were convinced that they would make a unanimous decision.



3. Use the correct form of the Infinitive in brackets:


1. The accused person hoped (to acquit) ________________ in court.

2. Why did the prosecutor make the witness (to testify) _______________ at the proceeding.

3. Let the criminal (to ask) _________________ additional questions by the prosecutor.

4. The case of treason was too complicated (to solve) __________________ within such a short period of time.

5. The next criminal record (to file) __________________________ in the safe box.

6. He was sorry (to make)_______________________ false accusations before.

7. You are so tired. I think you’d better (have) _______________ your secretary (to do) _________________ this work.


4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using a dictionary:


1. Самое главное, что нужно выяснить, это где преступник прячет орудие убийства.


2. Будет сложно доказать вину господина Брауна без неопровержимых доказательств.


3. Обвиняемый надеялся, что с него снимут все обвинения в зале суда.


4. На конференции предстояло обсудить ряд проблем, касающихся подростковой преступности в России.


5. Для того чтобы арестовать господина Смит, нам необходимо доказать, что он является соучастником данного преступления.


6. Самая важная улика, которую предстоит осмотреть, – это пистолет, который принадлежит подозреваемому.


7. Что заставило этого законопослушного пожилого мужчину совершить убийство своей жены? 


Unit 3

Инфинитив (The Infinitive)

Variant 2


1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian using a dictionary:


1. To solve this complicated case of abuse you are to study all the details thoroughly.


2. What to answer the prosecutor must be thought over.


3. They are to consider the decisions to be sent by the Court of First Instance.


4. There are no prison inmates to be executed next week.



5. It is not difficult to determine which of the committed crimes is indictable.


6. To get unemployment compensation benefits is very important for the unemployed.


7. The customers had nothing to complain of.



2. Paraphrase the sentences using the correct form of the Infinitive instead of the subordinate clause:


1. She was glad that she had been offered a job of a prosecutor’s assistant.


2. I’m really proud that I’ve happened to work in such an outstanding law firm as yours!


3. The prosecutor was pleased that the judge had decided in favor of the state.


4. The chairman of the conference was disappointed that he hadn’t been invited to discuss the problems of law.


5. The judge was sorry that he would have to pass such a severe sentence.


6. The judge was convinced that he should postpone the hearing for the following week.


7. I was happy that I had witnessed in the Supreme Court.


3. Use the correct form of the Infinitive in brackets:


1. The manager expected (to promote) ______________________ by the CEO.

2.  Let the clerk of the court (to show) _______________________ the physical exhibits.

3. The idea of a new clue was too interesting (to reject) ___________________ immediately.

4.  Judge Nicolson hated (to bother) ____________________ while deciding important legal issues.

5. I thought I would rather (to give) _____________________ evidence at tomorrow’s trial.

6. Unfortunately the accused hadn’t had his secretary (to make) ____________________ all the arrangements and it made the jury (to think) ____________________ he was guilty.

7. The next corpse (to examine) ____________________ was the body of an old lady killed in a traffic accident.


4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using a dictionary:

1. Детектив приказал арестовать служащего компании, подозреваемого в растрате.


2. Вам нужно посоветоваться с адвокатом о том, какие показания дать в суде.


3. Что заставило следователя подозревать своего коллегу в подлоге?


4. Он сказал, что, пожалуй, откажется давать показания в суде.


5. Она поручит своему помощнику подготовить документы для завтрашнего заседания в суде.


6. Будет очень трудно объяснить вашим клиентам, почему Вы отказываетесь представлять их дело в суде.


7. Проблема заключалась в том, что следователю не удалось собрать неопровержимые доказательства вины секретаря вашей компании.



Unit 4

Инфинитив в составе сложного дополнения

(Complex Object)

Variant 1

1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian using a dictionary:

1. Let us assume Mr. Corn to be found guilty by the jury.


2. We heard the neighbors call the police when they found a dead body in the garden.


3. I didn’t expect her to be charged with felony.


4. The attorney knew his client to have been cross-examined.


5. The judge supposes his sentence to satisfy both sides.


6. The two witnesses saw the murderer hiding the instrument of crime.


7. I don’t want you to enter the apartment without a search warrant.



2. Replace the Object Clause with the Complex Object:


1. We know that they will conduct the crime scene observation again.


2. The jurors suppose that the suspects are not guilty.


3. Bob’s parents don’t assume that he has committed those violent crimes.


4. The students expected that Professor Smith would be lecturing from 9 till 12 a.m.


5. I heard that she had been deprived of her parental rights by court.


6. My client assumes that the broker is responsible for his losses.


7. Our partners expect that we have fulfilled all the obligations under the contract.


3. Join these pairs of sentences deciding whether to use a bare infinitive or “–ing”:

1. The criminal obliterated his fingerprints at the crime scene. The witnesses saw him. The witness saw _______________________________________________________________

2. The criminal was hiding the instrument of crime. The witness for the prosecution caught sight of her. The witness for the prosecution noticed _______________________________________________________________

3. The robbers were climbing the wall trying to break into the house of the Blacks. The Blacks’ neighbor heard them. The Blacks’ neighbor heard ________________________________________________________________

4. Something was burning inside the restaurant. The waitress could smell it. The waitress could smell _________________________________________________

5. The criminal was crying in the interrogation room. I heard him. I heard ________________________________________________________________

6. The driver left the car accident scene. The eye-witnesses saw him. The eye-witnesses saw ______________________________________________________

7. The policemen arrested her on board the plane. The passengers watched them. The passengers watched _________________________________________________


4. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using a dictionary:


1. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы представили все неопровержимые доказательства данного преступления.


2. Двое свидетелей видели, как убийца покинул место совершения преступления.


3. Преступник не верил, что присяжные признают его невиновным.


4. Прохожие видели, как полицейские пытались надеть наручники на грабителей банка.


5. Следователь не рассчитывал, что дело будет раскрыто по горячим следам.


6. Охранники не заметили, как грабители проникли в музей и похитили картину.


7. Госпожа Смит не хотела, чтобы в ее планы кто-либо вмешивался.



Unit 4


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