Lecture №13 . The importance and organization of pedagogical practice 

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Lecture №13 . The importance and organization of pedagogical practice



1. Importance of pedagogical practice

2. Goals and objectives of pedagogical practice

3. Organization of pedagogical practice


The main form that combines theoretical knowledge and practical experience of future teachers - pedagogical practice. Russian writer A.N. Afanasyev: "The difference between theory and practical work is in practice. What is the theory? Experience of past generations. What is Practice? Practice that we have accumulated. The theory and practice should be taken into account. The theory that has not been reinforced by theory is never ineffective, no matter what the subject is. "

Teaching of pedagogical activity of future teachers is possible if only theoretical training and practical experience are interconnected. It is not possible to formulate the skills of professional components in the classroom.

During the pedagogical practice, the student-trainee determines the degree to which he or she has chosen the profession correctly and the degree of compatibility with his or her personality's future profession. Only in long-term practice, the contradictions between previously-acquired knowledge of the students and the necessary knowledge base are identified and there is a continuing education factor. The student's professional activity is achieved on the basis of content, in practice. At this stage students' skills and abilities develop and their confidence in themselves grows. They work on a creative level to prove their knowledge. Student-trainee in his or her activity analyzes the difficulties that arise during the work.

Students' practice is aimed at strengthening the knowledge gained in theoretical training in higher education institutions and mastering best practices.

The future specialist needs to develop a proficient, capable, unique pedagogical trait of his / her profession, which will be able to withstand the education and professional competition within the university. The teacher's special needs are: a tendency to pedagogical specialties, a commitment to working with children, a major prerequisite for inclination, and the ability to choose a teacher profession, and love for children properties.

Unless children are motivated by love and enthusiasm to work with them, it is impossible to become a true teacher, and it can not improve their pedagogical skills. Its basic initiative begins at the time of the future teacher training. In this regard, pedagogical practice has a special place as current student is the future teacher only when it is connected with school life by its predisposition, skill, convenience and theoretical knowledge gained. Only then will there be a teacher-specific pedagogical skill and work opportunity.

During the pedagogical practice, future teachers feel the need for a student, learn communication psychology, develop individual work experience with each student, strengthen their relationships with parents, create pupils' self-control skills, respect for work, respect for the elder people, etc. skills of influence on formation of behavior. This initiative will continue in practice as a teacher.

There are several reasons for the exclusion of pedagogical practice in the formation of future professionals: firstly, the results of theoretical training in the university are used in pedagogical practice, and its successes and disadvantages are noticeable. Secondly, in pedagogical practice students communicate with pupils by identifying their individual abilities and skills and striving to correct some of their shortcomings. Thirdly, in the practice of pedagogical practice, the value of the student's self-importance increases. "I know", "learn", "teach", "educate" and "communicate". By focusing on the education of the students, the student is self-educating, learns how to overcome difficulties, find the solution to the problems encountered, develop pedagogical thinking.

Practitioner’s tasks:

ü Improve the theoretical knowledge acquired by the students in the Institute. To be able to use this knowledge in the educational work with students.

ü Ability to use different learning methods and approaches. To teach them how to effectively combine them to achieve high effectiveness of the lesson.

ü Formation of students' control and analysis of educational work.

ü Studying the ways to intensify the thinking of students and teaching them how to use them.

ü Teach students to conduct educational and teaching work based on the psychology of children and adolescents.

ü Training to form elements of scientific and pedagogical research.

During the pedagogical practice of students, special attention is paid to the comprehensive education of pupils, the unity of educational and upbringing work, as well as the provision of students with aesthetic, ecological and physical education, to humanism, morality, labor.

The "Educational work program" of pedagogical practice of students on the basis of the experience of the teachers of the department is made according to the state standard. This program is approved by the educational and methodological council of the faculty. The program outlines the purpose, content, hours and types of documents, lesson plans, protocols and analytical models of pedagogical practice. The program is discussed at the department meeting.

The main task of pedagogical practice is the general theoretical, special, psychological and pedagogical methodical preparation of students.

Pedagogical practice is gradually implemented.

Prior to the beginning of pedagogical practice, a lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology conducts a conference, which introduces the students to the content and tasks of the schoolwork.

The main stage of pedagogical practice is the work of students in the approved school. According to the objectives and content of the pedagogical practice, students take part in the first week of classroom work and extracurricular activities of the class teachers, forming their own individual educational plan of practice.

Students take part in conducting, discussing and analyzing extracurricular activities. The number of training sessions to be conducted and educational activities are defined in the practice program and the schedule of the training.

In practice the students conduct psychological and pedagogical characteristics of individual pupils and students of the class under the guidance of teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. At the third stage of pedagogical practice, i.e. in the last week, students prepare reporting forms. At school there is a fundraising pedagogical meeting.

The pedagogical practice ends with the general concluding conference held at the university.

Direct leadership of pedagogical practice of students at school is exercised by group leaders (teachers of pedagogy and psychology together with teachers of individual methodology departments).

In order to implement pedagogical practice according to the program, the students are assigned to the group from departments and the class teachers from the school.

Practitioner task:

- Together with the heads of educational institutions, students divide students into classes (groups), and with subject teachers, they share the subject matter and out-of-class work;

- In practice, together with the teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, they help students to develop their own self-help plans and define the subjects of the individual work of practitioners;

- Provides students with extracurricular work, advises on classroom work and extracurricular work, examines and approves classroom plans and models, participates in classroom and extracurricular activities, analyzes and evaluates individual self-study plans;

- collect and analyze students' documents, make reports on the results of the practice and present the leadership of the faculty;

- Participates in the university guiding and concluding conferences on pedagogical practice, as well as meetings held by heads of educational institutions;

- Participates in practice testing, together with teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology;

Practitioner from school:

- acquaint students with general features of the classroom, basic educational objectives and work plans;

- together with pedagogy teacher and group leaders, helps students develop a plan of educational work, approves the plan, tracks and advises on its implementation;

- supervises the work of pupils and classmates, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the practitioners along with the psychologist teacher;

- participates in self-made educational activities of students, their analysis and pricing;

- involves students in the classroom (group) daily educational work;

- characterize students and evaluate their educational work;

- Participates in the meetings held by heads of educational institutions on pedagogical practice, as well as at the university guiding and final conferences.

The results of pedagogical practice are assessed by teachers and practitioners (pedagogy and psychology teachers) in a differentiated way. Upon completion of the practice, the students defend the report on the pedagogical practice before the commission appointed by the head of the department.

A rating control system was used to evaluate students' overall performance in practice. The final rating score is specified in the program of pedagogical practice and it is predetermined by the teachers of the department, taking into account the whole work of the students.

To evaluate pedagogical practices, leaders use the following methods: oversee the activities of students in the study and extracurricular work; individual lessons analysis; student's subject teacher, class teacher, analysis of the characteristics of the school administration, analysis of methodological, research and other creative work of students, self-assessment of student's readiness as a teacher, analysis of teaching practice documents (self-study plan, calendar plan, extracurricular methodical instructions of educational work, materials of psychological tasks, diaries, work report).

Targeted and thoroughly conducted pedagogical practice promotes students' communication with the modern life of teaching and upbringing, strengthens the future teacher's relationships with children and adolescents, creates a close relationship with the future teacher in children and adolescents, and develops psychological and pedagogical knowledge of a student on the subject.

In pedagogical practice, the students will be able to recognize the future of their work in direct workplace, psychological and professional adaptation. Students gain the ability to feel themselves as teachers during their internship, learn the peculiarities of interaction with pupils.

Pedagogical practice plays a big and important role in the formation of professional skills and skills of future specialists, professional development of future teachers. During the internship, theoretical knowledge of students will be deepened, expanded and strengthened. Students' professional skills and professional-personal abilities develop, pedagogical thinking, creative activity and autonomy develop.



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