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Устно переведите следующий текст. Дайте письменный перевод абзацев 1,3, 5.

Устно переведите следующий текст. Дайте письменный перевод абзацев 1,3, 5.


A person and families are considered homeless if they live outdoors without shelter, temporarily housed in hostels, night shelters, institutions such as psychiatric hospitals, and those temporarily

accommodated by relatives and friends.

Persons living in poverty are most at risk of becoming homeless, and demographic groups who are likely to experience homelessness. Homelessness usually increases during periods of economic recession and rising unemployment, when people can no longer afford housing, and government cut down public housing expenses.

Inadequate shelter or housing creates conditions that promote disease. Without decent protection, many of the poor are exposed to severe and dangerous weather as well as to bacteria and viruses carried by other people and animals. They also more likely to become infected with diseases carried by insects and rodents. In arid regions, drought leaves the poor without clean water for drinking or bathing. In temperate climates, including in the major cities of developed countries many of the homeless poor are harmed by or die of exposure to extreme winter cold.

Inadequate shelter almost always accompanies inadequate sanitation and unhygienic practices. Because the poor in developing nations commonly have no running water or sewage facilities, human excrement and garbage accumulate, quickly becoming a breeding ground for disease.

In developed countries tramps, hobos, dossers, down-and-outs, as they are called, can be found sleeping in derelict houses or on park benches. If they are a nuisance to passers-by, police usually tell them to move on.

How and why do people become down-and-outs in welfare countries? There is no easy answer to this problem. Some have consciously rejected society; others feel that society has rejected them. Still others prefer the life of a tramp. It may be difficult, but they are free - no boss telling them what to do, no family to restrict them.

Homelessness can be caused by war, fire, flood, or similar emergency, violence in the home, divorce, unemployment, or a shortage of low-cost housing. Homeless people tend to be single, middle-aged, unemployed, and lacking in qualifications. Many have a history of violence in the home, and many suffer from psychological disorders, alcoholism, and drug abuse. Homelessness creates a sense of failure and results in isolation, loss of self-esteem, and loos of control over the most basic decisions and acts of everyday life such as when and what to eat, and where and when to wash. The number of homeless has been growing in recent years, especially among the young.

Many young people come to big cities in search of a more exciting life. Because cheap accommodation is scare, they can find themselves on the streets, living the life of a tramp. This unhappy experience can make them reject society and its values. As they wander the streets dirty? Without jobs, people who are working react angrily, calling them lazy good-for-nothings.

When a woman leaves an abusive relationship, she often has nowhere to go. This is particularly true of women with few resources. Lack of affordable housing and long waiting lists for assisted housing mean that many women and their children are forced to choose between abuse at home or the streets.

Whether a person is young or old, a homeless state is the result of a chain of unfortunate events, but often it is the result of an addiction to alcohol or drugs.


1.2. Опираясь на текст, переведите на английский язык следующие слова и выражения:

Давать пристанище, спад, засушливый, сточные воды, бродяга, обитатель ночлежного дома, Покинутый владельцем, благосостояние, отвергать, безработица, ограничивать, злоупотреблять, скудный, неистребимая привычка.

1.3 Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

  1. What people can be considered homeless?
  2. What groups of people are most at risk of becoming homeless?
  3. What can be a cause of homelessness?

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A person and families are considered homeless if they live outdoors without shelter, temporarily housed in hostels, night shelters, institutions such as psychiatric hospitals, and those temporarily

accommodated by relatives and friends.

Persons living in poverty are most at risk of becoming homeless, and demographic groups who are likely to experience homelessness. Homelessness usually increases during periods of economic recession and rising unemployment, when people can no longer afford housing, and government cut down public housing expenses.

Inadequate shelter or housing creates conditions that promote disease. Without decent protection, many of the poor are exposed to severe and dangerous weather as well as to bacteria and viruses carried by other people and animals. They also more likely to become infected with diseases carried by insects and rodents. In arid regions, drought leaves the poor without clean water for drinking or bathing. In temperate climates, including in the major cities of developed countries many of the homeless poor are harmed by or die of exposure to extreme winter cold.

Inadequate shelter almost always accompanies inadequate sanitation and unhygienic practices. Because the poor in developing nations commonly have no running water or sewage facilities, human excrement and garbage accumulate, quickly becoming a breeding ground for disease.

In developed countries tramps, hobos, dossers, down-and-outs, as they are called, can be found sleeping in derelict houses or on park benches. If they are a nuisance to passers-by, police usually tell them to move on.

How and why do people become down-and-outs in welfare countries? There is no easy answer to this problem. Some have consciously rejected society; others feel that society has rejected them. Still others prefer the life of a tramp. It may be difficult, but they are free - no boss telling them what to do, no family to restrict them.

Homelessness can be caused by war, fire, flood, or similar emergency, violence in the home, divorce, unemployment, or a shortage of low-cost housing. Homeless people tend to be single, middle-aged, unemployed, and lacking in qualifications. Many have a history of violence in the home, and many suffer from psychological disorders, alcoholism, and drug abuse. Homelessness creates a sense of failure and results in isolation, loss of self-esteem, and loos of control over the most basic decisions and acts of everyday life such as when and what to eat, and where and when to wash. The number of homeless has been growing in recent years, especially among the young.

Many young people come to big cities in search of a more exciting life. Because cheap accommodation is scare, they can find themselves on the streets, living the life of a tramp. This unhappy experience can make them reject society and its values. As they wander the streets dirty? Without jobs, people who are working react angrily, calling them lazy good-for-nothings.

When a woman leaves an abusive relationship, she often has nowhere to go. This is particularly true of women with few resources. Lack of affordable housing and long waiting lists for assisted housing mean that many women and their children are forced to choose between abuse at home or the streets.

Whether a person is young or old, a homeless state is the result of a chain of unfortunate events, but often it is the result of an addiction to alcohol or drugs.


1.2. Опираясь на текст, переведите на английский язык следующие слова и выражения:

Давать пристанище, спад, засушливый, сточные воды, бродяга, обитатель ночлежного дома, Покинутый владельцем, благосостояние, отвергать, безработица, ограничивать, злоупотреблять, скудный, неистребимая привычка.

1.3 Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту:


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